Here is your last blog of the quarter. Remember to post early in case of technical difficulties. Bring your books for your booktalk. I can't wait to read your writing.
I think that the old monkey in Narnia the last battle would do great in the movie planet of the apes because if you think about it, it works so well. I mean like he could be the main character with his anger and his non favorite people in the movie and would do excellent in the movie. I think that he would also be the old grumpy monkey that hates everyone and always wants to beat them up and tear them apart. I mean I know he would do better as the strong big monkey but he would be better off as the old grumpy monkey because it describes what he looks like and is always grumpy. The next movie I think he would do great in is space monkeys because it describes what he was back then and he was actually really nice and that fits write in with the little boy because he was all adventures. The one thing I know he would be great for is very energized and excited all the time and sometimes sad and gloomy. I know this is the movie for him because it describes his whole family in the title Space Monkeys. The last movie he would be great at is Dawn of the planet of the Apes I mean its kind of like Planet of the apes but this time its more sad, action, gloomy, and obviously anger. This time the ape dies because he’s getting pretty old now and this might seem harsh he needs to die because of how old he is I mean seriously dude he’s like 100 years old. That is all the movies my character would be in the most.
#14 Zachary Tittle 10/25/16 Language Arts Blog 3 log 5 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe C. S. Lewis Page 100
The wardrobe Inside contains a world like a snow globe Always controlled cold But not very old An odd place to be And a pleasant sight to see The wardrobe that contains a whole new world to see The world that will forever and always be Narnia.
#1 Matthew Burnette Lacrosse Firestorm Matt Christopher Page 126 Blog 3 Quarter 1 Prompt 10 The first award that I would give Michael Donfrio would probably be the bravest. I would give him this award because he stood up to Garry when he was getting bullied by him and when Garry caused the fire and blamed it on Michael. The second award I would give him is for being the wisest because he was just smart during the whole situation because somehow he figured out it was him with the help of Scottie, but he was still really wise. The third award I would give him is the most heroic. I would give him this because he saved Scottie for the rushing water in the river because he had fallen in and really almost died, but because of Michael he was ok. Another award I would give him would be the most likely to succeed because he is an outstanding lacrosse player. He actually led the whole tournament in goals and actually won the award for the most goals which made him very made. I think that the award Gary would get would be the most foolish because he lit the fire to try to get Michael out of the tournament. Michael eventually figured it out because he thought he lit the fire the whole time, but Scottie while he fell in the river saw a kid with a jacket on with a hood. So Scottie yelled for Michael and then Michael came and save him but he was wearing a jacket too, but his didn’t have a hood. So it wasn’t him then they figured out it was Gary.
#6 Gregory Luciano Hatchet by Gary Paulsen Pg 131 Blog 3 Q 1 Prompt 2 Dear Brian, I don't know if this letter will make it to you or how you'll recieve it, but if you do I hope your surviving out there! A few good tips would to protect your food. I suggest elevating it so animals such as skunks, lions, and squirrels don't get to it. Also build a shelter to protect you from not only the viscious storms but against the hungry meat eating animals. Try to keep your fire going and don't let it out.Try to keep warm, you don't want to get sick out there. But at the same time don't overheat yourself. Have a pile of wood stacked up and ready for if a search plane flies over. I've talked to everyone in town and they say they have search planes searching for you this very moment. Just be light on your feet and be prepared, you don't want to miss them. Be careful on what you eat and drink. Not all water is fresh! Also, not all berries are edible, watch out for those that look like blueberries but really aren't, trust me I've made that mistake and you don't want to. If you can, move to the highest peak you can find, it will be the best bet for you to get home. Remember to keep your head up, we will find you. Use your resources completely and properly and you will survive. Don't bother stronger animals than you and they won't bother you. Good Luck! Gregory
#2 Jack Cardeno 10/15/16 Bioshock:Rapture John Shirley Page 266 Blog 3, Prompt 1
To the Family, It has been a great time in Rapture compared to life on the surface. There are a colorful cast of characters that inhabit this place. The owner Andrew Ryan, is a very nice man, who hates many people except his best friend and bartender, Bill McDonagh. Bill is constantly with him and always follows him wherever he is. The scientists who work here are very odd and always are accompanying each other. The two people are Dr. Yi Suchong, and Dr. Brigid Tenebaum. They disagree on many things, but they always agree that science is the most important thing in life. There is one person who always follows them however. His name is Frank Fontaine. He isn't a scientist, he probably didn't graduate college either. He owns a place that gets fish from the surrounding environment of Rapture. The fishery that he owns is probably one of the best things to happen to Rapture. He can, at any time, decide to leave Rapture to go fishing. Suchong, Tenebaum, and Fontaine all have been working on a new type of "enhancement" to the body. These things are called plasmids. They can boost one's potetial by making hair grow faster and strong, it can make you from a couch potato to a triathlete with a single injection of SportBoost. There are also plasmids that alter one's genetic code by putting elements into their body. The two that are out right now, Incinerate! and ElectroBolt, are both widely used in repairing things and other work around Rapture. I hope that you can eventually join me down here in Rapture.
Janessa Fuentes #4 10/26/16 Blog3 #4 In the book A Trip to Heaven and Back Mary in my opinion represents Bravery. I think she represents bravery because she stayed calm when she was in the river drowning she kept her faith. Mary went through very hard things as an adult and as a child in this book it represents bravery because her faith never changed it stayed the same in all of the circumstances. She showed her faith when her life was hard as it could be she stayed strong although it was not all that easy. I would say that Mary is brave because she showed her faith through her daily actions. She showed that Christ loved her with his whole heart and I think Mary is a inspiration to non-believers. Mary showed her love for God with others throughout this book. Its something that is a great quality to have. Mary showed her love to God and others. Before Mary's acsedent she believed in God but never really took time to talk to him she put him on the back burner. After she was changed she saw heaven and believe did was real so now she is pleasing God through all of her actions.
Avery Avichouser Language Arts Drama Raina Telgemeier Blog 3
Dear Callie,
I know you were having a hard time right now. It is hard when you are in middle school, and eighth grade and nervous to go to high school. It is also hard with all of the drama with friends. I think that you should pick your real friends, and you shouldn’t trust boys! I also think you are trying too hard to get Jesse to take you to the dance. Go with someone who wants to take you, and stay out of all the drama. It is probably very stressful being a very important worker in the school play. If you think about it you are very lucky to have Liz as your best friend because she is so nice, sweet, and honest about everything and she cares so much about you. Jesse and Justin are also great friends because they care about you and would never hurt your feelings. I know Bonnie was a brat but you just need to ignore her. She tries to get to you when she tries to steal the person you really like. Also, I know you would really like to sing and be a character in the play instead of just being in the back but that's okay because you are excellent at being in the stage crew. They couldn't do it without you back there. You are a pretty, smart, sweet, cool, and such a nice girl. You always care so much about other people and that’s really nice. I know sometimes it can be pretty tough but just look at the bright side and ignore all of the drama at school. I just want you to know I will always be here for you, and hopefully this letter will help you. From, Avery
#5 Sienna Inman 100: Homecoming Kass Morgan Page 311 Blog 3 Quarter 1 Prompt 3
On January 1, 1998, a woman named Melinda gave birth to a son and named him Bellamy. She was a single mother and no one knew who Bellamy's father was. Bellamy was four years old when his mom got pregnant again. This time she had a daughter, and she named her Octavia. One family having two children on the colony was not allowed and Bellamy grew more scared for Octavia's sake every day. Octavia became Bellamy's favorite person, and he promised that because she was a second child that he would take care of her no matter what. She had to be hidden all the time, so that meant that he went to school while Octavia stayed home with her mom. And he would later go officer training while Octavia still stayed home everyday. She never got to see anything outside of the apartment. She became like a prisoner. Every time an officer would come by the apartment, Octavia would have to hide in an opening under the floor. Bellamy would always have to put on a straight face when they would come through. Until one day, when they found her because her red ribbon had been sticking out from underneath the piece of wood, and the officers took Octavia away. After Octavia was found Bellamy's mother was killed for having a second child. That was the worst day of Bellamy's life. He had become a fully trained officer by then and was not going to let Octavia die in confinement. He brought her more food and water everyday. And brought her objects that he had found around the colony. He was 18 now and that was the age that teenage criminals were to be killed. Octavia at that time was only fourteen years old, and she was considered a criminal. She was being escorted to a dropship filled with all the other teenagers. Bellamy wondered why they were putting them on the dropship instead of killing them. When he later found out that they were being sent to earth, he quickly took matters into his own hands and did anything he could to get on that dropship with Octavia. He grabbed a gun and went on his way. He ran for the dropship and in the act shot the chancellor in the stomach. The guards charged for Bellamy and tried everything they could to catch him. Bellamy fought off men and wrestled his way into the almost closed doors of the dropship. He took a long, deep breath then realized that he had made it inside without any wounds. He was filled with exhaustion and excitement at the same time. Bellamy looked around at the faces of the criminals, and that's when he realized. He shot the chancellor… He was not a criminal.
#8Ethan Powell 10/26/16 Goosebumps Don’t Scream R.L. Stine Pg. 137 Blog3 Prompt3 Jack realized that Emmy trapped Mick inside the phone. He knew that Mick could hurt him even more than he could when he wasn’t trapped. Jack didn’t want to go through the same process that he did with Emmy, so he got an idea. He decided to make it seem like he was going to help Mick, but would fail every time so that Mick might move on to a different person. Mick first wanted Jack to find him a friend because he thought that he would never get out and would want an actual friend. He wanted Jack to steal an IPad from a girl because he thought that there was someone inside. Jack failed, intentionally, and Mick was furious. He told Jack that he was going to burn the skin right off his hand the next time he failed. The next thing Mick wanted Jack to steal was a small digital clock like the one Emmy tried to get him to steal. Mick made Jack break into the house across from his. This time though Jack decided to bring his back pack and a water bottle so that if Mick tried to burn him, he would burn the backpack and the water was to put out the fire. The only problem is that when Jack failed, the water didn’t put out the fire, instead it set off the smoke alarm. Jack bolted out of the empty house before anyone noticed him. When he got home he noticed that Mick wasn’t in his phone any longer. Jack’s brilliant plan worked and he lived the rest of his life without a problem. THE END
Hey welcome back everybody to Daniels Denver, our guests here are William and Willis Bodie. So I understand that you guys founded the town of Bodie, is that right. Bodie- That is correct and it took a lot of hard work. Me- So my first big question for you guys today is how do you deal with all of the hardships of Bodie because I heard that there were quite a few. Bodie- Well it took a lot of work but we just kept our head down and kept fighting for the prosperous town that is Bodie. Me- My second question for you today is what was the biggest regret you had when finding Bodie Bodie- Well for me I would just say it was the weather conditions because that was just something you do not have power over. The thing about Bodie is that is was so fire prone and that definitely created many problems for us. Me- Another question I have for you is how crazy was it during the Gold Rush? Bodie- It was definitely crazy, but I would regard it more as just simply amazing. I mean during that time the great town of Bodie was at its peak. Me- Another question I have is what led to Bodies downfall later on. Bodie- There were actually a lot of factors like the weather and things like that, but I think that after the Gold Rush Bodie kind of lost its spark and I think everybody knew that it would never be the same. Me-OK, that so all the time we have for today and I want to thank you guys for the Q&A.
#13 Emilia Shahverdian 10-26-16 The Motive by John Lescroart Page 428 Blog 3 Quarter 1 Prompt 6
Me: Good afternoon folks today we will be interviewing Chief Glitsky who worked on the tough case of the murder of Paul Hanover and Missy D’amiens. Me: Hello, Chief Glitsky Glitsky: Please, call me Abe. Me: Okay Abe, what was it like to work on the case Glitsky: Well as an officer you have to be prepared for everything. I have to admit a double homicide case was a tough one to crack. Me: We thank you for your contributions to the case Glitsky: No problem. It was just me doing my job. I wasn’t the only one who was hard at work on this case. Me: Was it rough for you to see Catherine’s daughter being questioned Glitsky: Well, I’m used to seeing harsh stuff, but that was pretty brutal that a daughter’s diary and her words could make her mother serve life in prison. Me: If Catherine knew there would be consequences for her actions why do you think she would do it? Glitsky: I don’t really know I guess some get so pushed over the edge that they snap one day. Me: Another question that has been on many of our minds is that do you think Catherine should have been sentenced to life. Glitsky: This is tough because though she did have a motive behind the murders she did take two people’s lives. She has a family to be with and her children deserve to have their mother. Though she has been released from jail I can confidently say that she has changed. Me: So what now? Glitsky: keep doing my job and waiting for cases. Me: Is there anything you want to leave with our viewers a bit of wisdom perhaps? Glitsky: Sure, sometimes we may never know the reason behind things. We cannot understand the full extent of it. There is always a motive behind everything big or small. Just make sure you fully understand what the motive will lead to.
#9 Jake O’Brien Blog #3 Mrs. H Stephen King’s: Cujo Cujo: the name “Cujo” comes from the meaning “unstoppable force.” This name is almost perfect for this dog because, this animal savagely eats its victims as it pleases, and now one seems to be able to do anything about it on account of this dog having an almost human like personality. When Cujo would look into a human’s eyes and it would almost seem like the dog would be laughing in the person’s face, and they wouldn’t be able to anything about it. Now the name Vic or “Victor” has the meaning “conqueror”. Now Stephen King was a genius when he named one of the main characters this. He didn’t do this for no reason. Of course, he would name this character this because at one point in this book, he would be assigned the task of “conquering” this evil, devilish dog. Vic would need to conquer the dog in order to protect and save his family, from being ferociously, terribly, torn to bloody shreds by a murderous devil-dog. I believe that Stephen King did not name these two characters randomly. It is absolute brilliance that he would do this because, he set it up almost like a classic medieval story of a valiant knight having to put on his shining armor and grabbing his mightiest weapons to try and conquer this raging, untamed beast that has forced many poor souls to meet their unexpected end. These two warriors are just beginning to rally for what is in the making of a glorious battle
Leo Sellarole #10 Wicked Greggory Maguire Pages 271 Blog #3 Quarter #1 Prompt #3 From the first day Elphaba spent with the other children her age Nanny walked Elphaba over to Rush Margins every day to leave her in the care of Gawnette. Elphaba enjoyed the company of others and started to learn to put words together to form sentences. Every day Elphaba would play with the other children chasing them during tag. Today the children chose to play plague. A girl named Nathina was it. Elphaba waddled quickly over to the crawl space between the cottage and the tool shed. Not looking she bumped into another boy. Hi little frog, what is your name? Elphaba. Well hello Elphaba I’m b- Shhhhh! You’ll give us away! Gothcha! said Nathina. Ughh, you got us caught! said Elphaba irritated. My name is Boq and it is alright your green skin matches your role as an infected local villager. said the little boy teasingly. Anyways why did you paint your skin green? I don’t paint my skin green! shrieked Elphaba. I was born this way! Oh I’m sorry, I just assum- Well you were wrong, I gotta go! said Elphaba. Well goodbye. said Boq. Nanny had come to take Elphaba home. It was a dark and cold evening and Elphaba started playing in the mud left from the rain, the night before. Elphaba loved playing in the mud, puddles, and in trees. Nanny dreaded Elphaba playing in the mud since it was so hard to scrub of her vibrant green body. Stop playing in the mud Elphaba and hurry along it is almost dinner time! said Nanny. Hhhmmm! said Elphaba then she stood up wiped her face and left a streak of mud across her cheek. She ran over to Nanny and they both hurried home. When they got closer to home the smell of burning wood was in the air. Melana was using the stove to cook dinner and heat some water for some tea. Nanny opened the gate to the yard for Elphaba. Elphaba walked inside and sat down in front of her looking glass. How was your day Elphie? said Frex. Good. said Elphaba distracted by her looking glass. What are you cooking Melana? said Nanny. Smoked Salmon, was that little beast good today? Melana said contemptuously. Gawnette said she was easy to handle today and that Elphie even made a little friend. Nanny replied Really! said Frex intrigued.
Jacob Yost #16 Halo Ghosts of Onix Pg. 200 Eric nylon Prompt 2
Dear Kurt I loved the way you taught all of those Spartans and the way you taught them as hard as you were taught. You probably should have gave the junior Spartans better battle strategies and you should of taught them all about the covenant. Another thing that was a little weird was you letting that one kid just push the other kid out of the plane for he was building up courage. I know that you were trying to toughen him up and everything but you should have stopped it immediately. Another thing that was amazing that you taught the kids was that was survival skills and how to work as a team. These Spartans armor wasn't like the original it was weak but it was not meant for just a fire-team it was meant to be like one big family, so you had to get along. If you didn't like your team mates then you were all going to die this menthol made the Spartans rely on each other's skills and not just their own. You also could have been a little more ruff on the kids so that they wouldn't just die in their first mission. People should have helped them when they were being attacked by the aliens. Overall you are doing great and you should probably do more to secure their safety later in their career and show them all of the things that you might not have learned but learned later in your life.
#4 Chris Grothues The Big Field Mike Lupica Pages 295 [end of book] Blog 3 Prompt 11 The character in my book Hutch he would like to go on vacation to the Bahamas. He would be there for at least a week. The spot he would like to be at is Atlantis. He would like to be there because there is water parks and very good dining so you can go eat good stuff. The first day Hutch would go to the water parks all day and go to the beaches. On the second day he would you know work out in the gym so he could get those muscles. At the end of the day he would go and eat dinner and get a shake and some shrimp. I just think he would like shrimp. That would just be the appetizer. What he would really get would be some crab and another pot of shrimp. Yum yum. On the third day he would do the same thing as the first day but after the water park he would chill by the pool and get a free smoothie. He would get strawberry and mango. Two separate smoothies. On the fourth day he would go to the beach and chill there all day long and just play and the water an chillax. He would watch the waves crash one by one. On the fifth day he would go to breakfast and get a big big brunch. On the sixth day he would pack everything up and the next day he would go home.
Masha Mukutmoni #8 Blog #3 Ned Vizzini: It’s Kind Of A Funny Story Prompt 5
Science says that People are made of cells Of bones and blood and brains But I say different People are made of paper They bend at other’s will And change their colors easily They start out different colors But can be changed to Look the same They can be folded And trimmed To be perfect Or at least look it And all the paper people Have something Somewhere Someone That can tear them in half And something Somewhere Someone Who can tape them back together. People are made of paper.
#10 Luke O’Brien 10/27/16 Carrie Prompt 2 Dear Carrie The only advice I could give is to try not to let the kids at school get to you. I know it can be very hard sometimes, but its just something you have to do. Obviously there are those limits, but don’t take on them, especially when you have those insane powers. You can be as emo and go crazy at home. Just don’t do it at school because one, if you use your powers people will know. Second; they will just use that against you. People are straight-up jerks and they won’t care if they hurt your feelings. So all I could think of is to not go crazy at school. Oh, and don’t go to prom expecting everyone to be nice to you. That’s a dumb move on your part because you know these kids are probably do something to you again, so it should not have even been a thought to go to prom. So yeah that’s all the advice I could give you. But from what I read you’re a very independent person and I doubt you will even read this. But if you do read this, please just consider listening to me and rub off those jerks at your school. Obviously I can’t compare my life to your but whenever people are being mean to me I just try to rub them off, and I suggest that you do that to. From a guy who read the book.
#17 CJ Zeller 10/27/16 Narnia The Loin the Witch and the Wardrobe C.S. Lewis Pg 189 Blog 3 Quarter 1 Prompt 15
Lucy: light, graceful light and illumination Edmund: prosperous protector Peter: a rock, stone Susan: graceful lily and caretaker
In the book Narnia the Lewis gave names to certain characters in the book and they all fit the characters perfectly. Lucy means graceful light and illumination and in Narnia it describes her as being very graceful and caring. Being very graceful Lucy is the youngest of the four children and in many ways she is the most important by healing Edmund in the battle and was crowned as one of the queens of Narnia. Edmund means prosperous protector and in some ways he was a protector. In the beginning of the book he is shown as a traitor because he left his sisters and bother to go to the queen, but ends up helping in the battle with his brother Peter and they both defeat the witch and is crowned one of the kings of Narnia. Peter means rock, stone and in Narnia he is just like one. Being like a rock he was the main person who would protect his sisters when they were in trouble. He ended up leading the battle against the witch and was victorious, and was crowned one of the kings of Narnia. Susan means graceful lily and caretaker. In Narnia when she heard Lucy talk about Narnia she was afraid for her thought she was losing her mind. When Susan follows Aslan with Lucy she witnesses Aslan get sacrificed by the queen and was very scared of what happened. Susan and Lucy end up saving Aslan using Lucys magical potion and returned to the batter and saw that Peter won and was later crowned one of the queens of Narnia
Ethan Crenshaw #3 The Bully Book Eric Kahn Gale Pages 421 Blog #3 Quarter #1 Prompt 9 Eric these are the three movies I want you to see. I want you to see Brave because in your journal you are scared of other people picking on you and you don’t do anything about it. You have to stand up for yourself and be brave. In the movie she fought a huge bear and she would be brave from doing that. The next movie I want you to see is Karate Kid. This boy moved to China and meet up with these groups of boys. He ends up getting a black eye from fighting them. Eric gets beet all the time being a grunt. But you always have to fight back when someone is fighting you. You always get stuff thrown at your face all the time and it is terrible because everyone is being mean to you and then you feel sad. At the end of the movie the boy beets up the groups of boys from learning from a master at Khufu. Then after he felt happy from getting a reward. The third movie I want you to see is “I am not ashamed”. This movie is about a Christian girl who teaches and helps people about their life. You have to be nice to people and sit with people at lunch. Sit with someone and talk what they are doing after school. This girl changed billions of lives from teaching people about the Lord. This is why I want you to see it because to be nice and friendly to people you don’t know.
#7 Lauren Quintana Stuart Little E.B White Pages: 131 Blog #3 Quarter #1 Prompt #2 Dear Stuart, I’m really not to happy you ran away. Although you may need to consider a few things, number one you need to think about the way your family has treated you. They loved you like a son and clothed you. They care and are probably going to freak out without you. When you were tangled in the window your family were practically having a panic attack(page 21-25)! Imagine how they feel now. Number two Dr. Paul Carey must really miss winning sail boat races now. He must miss his little captain who drew so many townsfolk toward him (pages 45 and 46). He even declared it to be the happiest day of his life. Lastly you may never make it back to your dwelling(page 75). Stuart your family wouldn’t be as “nuclear “ as it was without you. You might as well stay if you’d rather not shatter your family to pieces. Say if you don’t find you friend what happens? What if you never make it home? Stuart it would it be worth the journey if you don’t find her. If you do go you mustn’t get lost. Make sure stay on a straight path. Your friend will most likely find her way home. She likes your home. She stays because its fine atmosphere and because she is your best friend (page 57). Margalo really likes you. You should not doubt truth. I am hoping you will stay safe on your journey. If you are wise you would take this special advise. Best wishes and hopes for you Stuart!
Joshua Quintana #9 Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson Pages 259 Blog #1 Quarter #1 Prompt #3 At the end of the book when they all reach Bristol, I think that Jim went home to his mother at their Inn. Jim and his Mother would finally reunite with each other at last after a long time of being very far apart, and then Jim would tell his Mother of his amazing, thrilling, and adventurous adventures on the treasure island and on the Hispaniola. Jim and his Mother would be rich from Jim’s portion of the booty that they found on the island. I imagine they move to a more populated or larger area such as London. Jim and his mother then would buy a larger house and live a nice life long together. Jim would go get a good college education to get a job. Along the way Jim would meet a woman, and they would fall in love. Then Jim would raise a family and tell all his children the all stories of back when he was on treasure island, on the ship, when he had to run for his life, and how was he almost killed by Mr. Hands on the Hispaniola (Ship Jim had sailed on to get to treasure island). He would tell them all about the Sea Captain who stayed at the Inn, the Doctor, and Long John Silvers. Jim and his family would be wealthy and happy, and Jim would go on to have a great and long lasting life.
Aiden Avichouser Roberto & Me Dan Gutman Blog 3 Mrs.H
Dear Joe,
I know how you have been given the special ability to travel through time holding a special baseball card. You are going back in time to save Roberto Clemente from getting on the plane that crashes and kills him. It is good that you are using your ability for a good cause. You met a girl named Sunrise.. I can see that you two like each other. You are now considering going to a baseball game with her on a date. I think that it might be a little dangerous to get a girlfriend for a few days and then leave her to go back to the future. If you take Sunrise with you it will be dangerous because you could affect history. You won’t be able to see Sunrise ever again. I don’t think you should get to know her too well and fall for her and allow yourself to be her boyfriend. That is very dangerous. Also, I have another piece of advice for you. You got into the car with people you didn’t even know, even though they were nice and trustworthy it is still dangerous getting in the car with someone you don’t know. You don’t know who is driving the car. I have one more piece of advice. Telling the strangers that you rode with in the car about who won the World Series in 1969 might affect history. It probably won’t, but just be careful. This is the advice I give for traveling back in time. I hope you were able to save Roberto Clemente’s life.
J.B. Sebastiano #12 My Life in Pinstripes Jorge Posada Pages 342 Blog #3 Quarter #1 Prompt 7 True or False 1. Jorge Posada has never won a World Series. (True or False) 2. Jorge’s dad was Cuban. (True or False) 3. Jorge’s dad is a Major League Baseball scout. (True or False) 4. Jorge Posada was a New York Yankee. (True or False) 5. Jorge retired in 2011. (True or False) 6. Jorge lives in Minnesota. (True or False) 7. Jorge was a right-handed batter. (True or False) 8. Jorge was a right-handed thrower. (True or False) 9. Jorge is in the Hall of Fame. (True or False) 10. Jorge is still playing in the MLB. (True or False) Multiple Choice 1. What team did Jorge play for? A. Yankees B. Indians C. Cubs D. Twins 2. What position does Jorge play? A. First Base B. Second Base C. Catcher D. Third Base 3. Where did Jorge live in his childhood? A. Cuba B. Puerto Rico C. Dominican Republic D. USA 4. What social club did he belong to? A. Casa Cuba B. YLCC C. Beach Club D. Mar-a-Lago 5. What team did his dad work for? A. Blue Jays B. Yankees C. Giants D. Indians 6. What social club did his dad coach baseball for? A. Caparra B. Casa Cuba C. Beach Club D. Mar-a-Lago 7. Where does Jorge live now? A. Florida B. New York C. Minnesota D. Toronto
8. What is Jorge’s wife’s name? A. Jorge B. Sonia C. Laura D. Lauren 9. What is Jorge’s son’s name? A. George B. Jorge C. Derek D. Andy 10. Who did Jorge always want to beat in the Casa Cuba Olympics? A. Juan Martinez B. Kike Hernandez C. Luis Sanchez D. Jose Abreu
Short Answer
1. How was Jorge’s relationship with his dad? 2. How many years did Jorge play in the MLB? 3. Who was part of the core four on the Yankees? 4. What year did Jorge retire? 5. Where did Jorge say was the best seat in Yankee Stadium?
1. Why was the core four such a big part of Yankee baseball?
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. B
1. Jorge loved his dad but at the same time thought he was very strict. 2. Jorge played 17 seasons for the New York Yankees. 3. The four players in the core four are Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada, Andy Pettitte, and Mariano Rivera. 4. Jorge retired in 2011. 5. Jorge said that the best seat in the house is behind home plate.
1. The core four was a big part of Yankee baseball due to how long they played for the Yankees. They played together for 8 years. Three of the players played there for their whole career. Together they brought five world championships to New York.
Dear Chloe, For your internship I would like to say that you should pray to the Lord that you will do good. I wanted to say that I'll be praying for you. When you are so confused about everything just call someone and just talk. I will not be a bad influence on you and you will not think about doubting me or yourself. My friends and I are just saying that we are not going to make you feel bad. You are an amazing person and I love you so much. I love your clothes and I have no clothes that are better. You will have to work to your goals for clothing lines. We will have your back. My mom is a great woman and she has come to her fashion line through work. If you need inspiration just call my mom at 714-657-9023. CM will be your design. I hope you have a good time in New York City with Stefan Myers. If i spelt his name wrong then I'm going to say that I will work on his name spelling. It will be a great experience for you. Take it from me a Design Diva winner. Don't be afraid to say what you think about any design. We all need to know what a teen thinks of teen clothing right? I hope you have a great summer with all of the designers. P.S. PR is awesome! I hope you love it there.
Jessica Ramirez #9 My Life as a Stunt Boy Janet Tashjian Pages 80 Blog #3 Quarter #1 Prompt #1
-October 27, 2016
I hate school. I think we should get to choose to go to school or not. I planned on doing a stunt after school and Matt came too. I was in Mrs. Mc Coddles class when I was thinking of all of this. As you can see I don’t pay attention to her in class. So, school is pointless for me. Since school was over Matt and I went and did a stunt. I was so happy because Tony [a person who does parkour] was there when I did my stunt. Right away he offered a position to be a stunt man in his movie. All of a sudden Matt gets super mad at me and doesn’t talk to me at all. Well, besides that I told Tony I still had to wait until my parents approve. I begged and begged and begged for my parents to let me take this role. Of course it took my parents a long time to figure out if it was ok. Finally, they said yes, under two conditions. I had to sign a contract that says that I have to clean the dog’s poop and read one book a month. I signed it and went off to the set. I had one day to do my hair, figure out my clothes, and practice my stunts. I was over whelmed with all the stress, but I soon got over it. I didn’t know why Matt wasn’t responding to my calls or text messages. I assumed he was mad at me because I got the part in the movie. I walked down the hall and saw rows of candy bars. I thought to my self I sure need protein. I did great in the stunt part and had lots of fun. I had an outstanding experience being in a actual movie. This is way better than school that’s for shore.
#11 Preston Parker Tunnels Roderick Gordon Page 297 Blog #3 Quarter #1 Prompt #3 The future Will becomes a business man for a tunnel business he started himself that blew up all over the world. He then started a new after school non bullying program that allowed people like him and Chester to have a place to go after school. When venturing on from this point he had married a girl from the colony that he brought above the underworld and started a family that consisted of two girls and a boy. Cal and uncle Tam were rescued by Will when he came back to take down the Styx. Wills father however was unaccounted for and was presumes dead which did not bug Will at all. He was able to continue a prosperous business man until he contracted lukemia from the mines and was hospitalized for about 6 months. When he was returned home he was stuck in bed for 6 more months and lost a year of his business’s profit. Over time he returned to his business route and made about 6 more after school rig rams all around the world. By 56 years old he was the richest man in the world owning after school programs and mining business’s all around the world. When he was 60 years old he had made a colony above the under world and killed all of the Styx. Every year on December 4, Will and Chester took there family’s to remember that is where they could have spent there first a moments. At age 93 Will had died of old age and left billions to his family and friends.
Today I woke up with exhilaration because we were going to the wall where you get to see beyond anything you could ever imagine. That’s why I dressed myself so fast. Four walked in to our room to inform us we would be leaving right away. We ended up leaving really early because our training time was going to be longer and he did not want us to get tired. We made it to the wall and stared over everything. The weird thing was we saw people. Four told us those people aren’t just any people and then he just stopped talking. I could tell he was hiding something. He finally said it was time to get back to headquarters and train. When we got back, Four took us to a room that looked like a testing room. This was where we would find out which faction we would be in. He called people one by one to go in. When he finally called me in, he told me that I would be facing my worst fears. He placed some wires on me and injected a shot in my neck. This would allow him to be able to see in my mind and what I was thinking. I felt so nervous. As I started into the vision I saw I was in a big field, but nothing seemed wrong at first. Then out of nowhere a lot of birds appeared and I started running from them. Birds were definitely one of my many fears. I just remember telling myself this isn’t real. So I went to a puddle and I dove face down into the puddle and as quickly as I went in, I came out of the vision. Four said I was a natural at this and would have nothing to worry about. I couldn’t help but worry though because only I knew my true identity.
Brandon Salgado #10 The Candymakers Wendy Mass Blog #3 Q#1 Prompt #2
Dear Philip, Your dad is being mean to you. He lied to you about being banned from the factory. I thought that was very messed up because you are his son and you should be more important to him. You didn’t do anything wrong at the factory. I don’t know why he lied to you. Henry was trying to help you and told you what really happened that day in the factory. You really were not banned all these years. I know that you are feeling mad, and surprised too because he lied, but you should just calm down and ignore him and continue the contest. He also kept a secret about wanting to steal the secret ingredient so that he could make the candy factory shut down. Lying isn’t always the solution but I think your dad thinks that. Daisy is a spy as you can tell when you ran into her in the cocoa room. You should not be so serious just because people are annoying you. I’m sorry that you feel bad for Logan because he got his face burned when he was trying to get your toy truck out of the hot chocolate machine. Now that you know that your dad is going to shut the factory down if you don’t win, you have to really try hard to win so that Logan can be happy with his family. I hope you win the contest and that you make the best candy that there has ever been. Sincerely, Brandon
Sierra Voight #15 Where The Truth Lies Jessica Warman Pages 303 Blog #3 Quarter #1 Prompt 15 Three characters from my book are Emily Meckler, Stephanie, and Renee Graham. The meaning of the name Emily is Admiring, because somebody with the name Emily is normally bound to be beautiful. This name matches Emily because she is beautiful. She has curly red hair that is almost to her waist. She is freckled and she has large, green, anime eyes. She is slim and she has a wide waist. If she wanted, she could be a model. The name Stephanie means dominant. In my book, Stephanie is a bossy know-it-all that likes to get her way and will knock anyone that gets in her way down. She can also be dependable and straight to the point. She is extremely beautiful, but most people find her intimidating. The Name Renee means queen. In the book, Renee is beautiful. She could have any guy she wanted, and people say that she is practically perfect. Everybody thinks that she is literally flawless. Renee is pretty much queen of the academy. Anyone who sees her will instantly feel the need to follow her and obey her every word. These three girls would get along differently. For example, Renee and Emily would make perfect best friends. Renee and Stephanie would be better off staying out of each other’s way. Emily and Stephanie would get along and could possibly be friends, though not for long term. Emily is the main character in the book.
#5 Ileanna Holiday Two Summers Aimee Friedman Pg#284 Blog 3 Quarter 1 Prompt #2
Dear Summer,
I know you are going through a rough stage in your life right now. You just can back from Paris to find out that your friend doesn’t really want you back and your mom just started dating. You said you understood why you friend doesn’t want you back but you were still confused about why your mom would just start dating without telling you. Although your friend tried to make it sound like she felt the same way you told her that her family and your family are different. Maybe since she is going through the same thing right now, you could be a bit more open minded about what she is trying to say. I’m not trying to be men or anything but how you said it probably sounded a little meaner then you meant to say it. She is going through the same thing so maybe you could give her some advice to. You also might have just been mad about how she didn’t really want you back. Maybe she was right; you guys are together a whole lot so maybe she just wanted some time apart. I know you said you understood this part but you should also wan to keep an open mind. It’s never a bad thing to just listen instead of talk. I have to do the same thing. I just thin you guys should talk it out. Sincerely, Ileanna (P.S. I heard you were in a class with you crush Hugh, good luck)
Italia Holiday #6 Auggie and Me R.J. Palicio Page 302 Blog #3 Prompt #1 Quarter #1 Dear Diary, A lot has happened this year. I will tell you all about. First of all I am obviously not a popular girl, but I would really like to be. The year it started great. I had the perfect group. It was Lina, Summer, Megan, Rand which I didn’t really know, Ellie which who is my best friend, Maya who is also my best friend, and myself. I was very excited for this year. This year there was a child named Auggie. He had facial deformities, I was one of his welcome buddies. The first day at lunch some of our girls were talking about Auggie and Summer got up and sat with Auggie, we really don’t know why. The next day Ellie sat with the popular group instead of us. It was a little awkward. The only reason she sat with them is because Amos, one of the popular boys had a crush on her. I was upset because that was supposed to be me instead of her. I couldn’t really blame Elli because Savvana choose her, not me. Anyway to get my mind off that, I was really excited for the musical coming up. Mrs. Atanabi said the dance theme was the 60’s. She said if you don’t commit you shouldn’t even try out. A couple girls left because of that. I couldn’t believe what they were doing, because this year our dance was in Carnegie Hall. It was so exciting. Mrs. Atanabi told us that there was only three spots, and of course the popular group, Ellie, Savanna, and Ximena wanted those three spots. I knew Ximena would get a spot because she is amazing at dance. Savanna was ok, I am not sure she would get in. Ellie, dance was never her thing. I am sure I will get in though. Not to brag, but I am really good. I don’t know who will get the final spot. I can’t wait for the winners of the audition to come out. The next day there was a sheet on the board. It was Ximena, myself, and Summer? Summer? Summer never really did dance. Well the way it is, is the way it is. I was excited to get to know Ximena. The next day for rehearsal our teacher was late. While we waited I invited everyone to my house so we can practice. Us three started to hang out a lot, but not during school. We even at a sleepover at Ximena’s house. It was so much fun. I hope I know these girls forever.
Kachina Blair #2 A Smidgen of Sky Dianna Dorisi Winget Pages 195 Blog#3 Quarter#1 Prompt 4 When finished my piece of cake, I went and I danced on the dance floor. I could tell that Ginger was embarrassed when I started to dance. I did not care about her being embarrassed, all I cared about was having a happy attitude. I was so happy that my mom married Ben. I was so excited when Ben told me that we were going to ride on an airplane. I may have been too excited, because I got that awkward feeling that everyone was staring at me. Well after everything was done we went on the airplane. I felt like I was with my daddy, my real daddy. I felt like I was in my own world. After the ride was over we went home and had a movie night. We watched The Little House on a Prairie. I got to know more about Ginger over the months. I got more comfortable calling her my sister, and calling Ben my Dad. Ginger and I got more attached as the months went by. Ginger and Ben both got closer to Mom and I. I liked that mom married Ben, and that Ginger was officially my step-sister. Over the years Ginger was kind of forgetting about her mom, so I called her mom and asked Ben if she could come to visit Ginger. Ben said yes so I asked Gingers mom to come over to finally meet her. When she came over I was so amazed at how she looked, she was so pretty. Ginger was surprised when her mom showed up. Ever since that day Ginger has had a big smile on her face. Well the year have been good, and I am happy. Since then we have lived a happy ever after.
Jacob yost Halo Ghosts of Onix Pg. 300 Eric Nylon Prompt # 14
For one character in my book that I had to make a playlist for I would pick master chief. The very first song I would pick for master chief would be barracuda by heart. The reason I would pick this song is beach use its an up beat song that gets me pumped and master chief is a very intense guy who takes on armies by him self and that's why I think that this song would be good for him. Another song that would be good for him would be Rocky Mountain high by John Denver. I would pick this song because in this book he is in the forest and near the mountains. Another good song that would be good for him would be thriller by Michael Jackson. I would pick this song because he fights aliens and monsters and thriller is all about that stuff. Anther song would be jailhouse rock because he has been in jail before in his life. He is also a wanted man in the aliens eyes. Another song I would put on his playlist would be not going to die by skillet because master chief has died many times but somehow has always came through and survived even through the hardest of times.
Hello, I loved reading about all your summer memories. Now it is time to start blogging about your novels. Remember each entry should be at least 250 to 350 words. Be thoughtful and thorough. Every post is viewed by the class (and me) so check your spelling and grammar. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Here it is! This is the first blog of the quarter. Follow the directions carefully and post your thoughts thoroughly. Remember this is not a summary of the book. This is your opportunity to show your understanding of the text and engage the class in your story. I am looking forward to reading your entries.
I think that the old monkey in Narnia the last battle would do great in the movie planet of the apes because if you think about it, it works so well. I mean like he could be the main character with his anger and his non favorite people in the movie and would do excellent in the movie. I think that he would also be the old grumpy monkey that hates everyone and always wants to beat them up and tear them apart. I mean I know he would do better as the strong big monkey but he would be better off as the old grumpy monkey because it describes what he looks like and is always grumpy. The next movie I think he would do great in is space monkeys because it describes what he was back then and he was actually really nice and that fits write in with the little boy because he was all adventures. The one thing I know he would be great for is very energized and excited all the time and sometimes sad and gloomy. I know this is the movie for him because it describes his whole family in the title Space Monkeys. The last movie he would be great at is Dawn of the planet of the Apes I mean its kind of like Planet of the apes but this time its more sad, action, gloomy, and obviously anger. This time the ape dies because he’s getting pretty old now and this might seem harsh he needs to die because of how old he is I mean seriously dude he’s like 100 years old. That is all the movies my character would be in the most.
ReplyDelete#14 Zachary Tittle
Language Arts
Blog 3 log 5
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
C. S. Lewis
Page 100
The wardrobe
Inside contains a world like a snow globe
Always controlled cold
But not very old
An odd place to be
And a pleasant sight to see
The wardrobe that contains a whole new world to see
The world that will forever and always be Narnia.
#1 Matthew Burnette
ReplyDeleteLacrosse Firestorm
Matt Christopher
Page 126
Blog 3 Quarter 1
Prompt 10
The first award that I would give Michael Donfrio would probably be the bravest. I would give him this award because he stood up to Garry when he was getting bullied by him and when Garry caused the fire and blamed it on Michael. The second award I would give him is for being the wisest because he was just smart during the whole situation because somehow he figured out it was him with the help of Scottie, but he was still really wise. The third award I would give him is the most heroic. I would give him this because he saved Scottie for the rushing water in the river because he had fallen in and really almost died, but because of Michael he was ok. Another award I would give him would be the most likely to succeed because he is an outstanding lacrosse player. He actually led the whole tournament in goals and actually won the award for the most goals which made him very made. I think that the award Gary would get would be the most foolish because he lit the fire to try to get Michael out of the tournament. Michael eventually figured it out because he thought he lit the fire the whole time, but Scottie while he fell in the river saw a kid with a jacket on with a hood. So Scottie yelled for Michael and then Michael came and save him but he was wearing a jacket too, but his didn’t have a hood. So it wasn’t him then they figured out it was Gary.
#6 Gregory Luciano
ReplyDeleteHatchet by Gary Paulsen
Pg 131
Blog 3 Q 1
Prompt 2
Dear Brian,
I don't know if this letter will make it to you or how you'll recieve it, but if you do I hope your surviving out there! A few good tips would to protect your food. I suggest elevating it so animals such as skunks, lions, and squirrels don't get to it. Also build a shelter to protect you from not only the viscious storms but against the hungry meat eating animals. Try to keep your fire going and don't let it out.Try to keep warm, you don't want to get sick out there. But at the same time don't overheat yourself. Have a pile of wood stacked up and ready for if a search plane flies over. I've talked to everyone in town and they say they have search planes searching for you this very moment. Just be light on your feet and be prepared, you don't want to miss them. Be careful on what you eat and drink. Not all water is fresh! Also, not all berries are edible, watch out for those that look like blueberries but really aren't, trust me I've made that mistake and you don't want to. If you can, move to the highest peak you can find, it will be the best bet for you to get home. Remember to keep your head up, we will find you. Use your resources completely and properly and you will survive. Don't bother stronger animals than you and they won't bother you.
Good Luck!
#2 Jack Cardeno
John Shirley
Page 266
Blog 3, Prompt 1
To the Family,
It has been a great time in Rapture compared to life on the surface. There are a colorful cast of characters that inhabit this place. The owner Andrew Ryan, is a very nice man, who hates many people except his best friend and bartender, Bill McDonagh. Bill is constantly with him and always follows him wherever he is. The scientists who work here are very odd and always are accompanying each other. The two people are Dr. Yi Suchong, and Dr. Brigid Tenebaum. They disagree on many things, but they always agree that science is the most important thing in life. There is one person who always follows them however. His name is Frank Fontaine. He isn't a scientist, he probably didn't graduate college either. He owns a place that gets fish from the surrounding environment of Rapture. The fishery that he owns is probably one of the best things to happen to Rapture. He can, at any time, decide to leave Rapture to go fishing. Suchong, Tenebaum, and Fontaine all have been working on a new type of "enhancement" to the body. These things are called plasmids. They can boost one's potetial by making hair grow faster and strong, it can make you from a couch potato to a triathlete with a single injection of SportBoost. There are also plasmids that alter one's genetic code by putting elements into their body. The two that are out right now, Incinerate! and ElectroBolt, are both widely used in repairing things and other work around Rapture. I hope that you can eventually join me down here in Rapture.
Your son,
Jack Cardeno
Janessa Fuentes #4
Blog3 #4
In the book A Trip to Heaven and Back Mary in my opinion represents Bravery. I think she represents bravery because she stayed calm when she was in the river drowning she kept her faith. Mary went through very hard things as an adult and as a child in this book it represents bravery because her faith never changed it stayed the same in all of the circumstances. She showed her faith when her life was hard as it could be she stayed strong although it was not all that easy. I would say that Mary is brave because she showed her faith through her daily actions. She showed that Christ loved her with his whole heart and I think Mary is a inspiration to non-believers. Mary showed her love for God with others throughout this book. Its something that is a great quality to have. Mary showed her love to God and others. Before Mary's acsedent she believed in God but never really took time to talk to him she put him on the back burner. After she was changed she saw heaven and believe did was real so now she is pleasing God through all of her actions.
Avery Avichouser
ReplyDeleteLanguage Arts
Raina Telgemeier
Blog 3
Dear Callie,
I know you were having a hard time right now. It is hard when you are in middle school, and eighth grade and nervous to go to high school. It is also hard with all of the drama with friends. I think that you should pick your real friends, and you shouldn’t trust boys! I also think you are trying too hard to get Jesse to take you to the dance. Go with someone who wants to take you, and stay out of all the drama. It is probably very stressful being a very important worker in the school play. If you think about it you are very lucky to have Liz as your best friend because she is so nice, sweet, and honest about everything and she cares so much about you. Jesse and Justin are also great friends because they care about you and would never hurt your feelings. I know Bonnie was a brat but you just need to ignore her. She tries to get to you when she tries to steal the person you really like. Also, I know you would really like to sing and be a character in the play instead of just being in the back but that's okay because you are excellent at being in the stage crew. They couldn't do it without you back there. You are a pretty, smart, sweet, cool, and such a nice girl. You always care so much about other people and that’s really nice. I know sometimes it can be pretty tough but just look at the bright side and ignore all of the drama at school. I just want you to know I will always be here for you, and hopefully this letter will help you.
From, Avery
#5 Sienna Inman
ReplyDelete100: Homecoming
Kass Morgan
Page 311
Blog 3 Quarter 1
Prompt 3
On January 1, 1998, a woman named Melinda gave birth to a son and named him Bellamy. She was a single mother and no one knew who Bellamy's father was. Bellamy was four years old when his mom got pregnant again. This time she had a daughter, and she named her Octavia. One family having two children on the colony was not allowed and Bellamy grew more scared for Octavia's sake every day. Octavia became Bellamy's favorite person, and he promised that because she was a second child that he would take care of her no matter what. She had to be hidden all the time, so that meant that he went to school while Octavia stayed home with her mom. And he would later go officer training while Octavia still stayed home everyday. She never got to see anything outside of the apartment. She became like a prisoner. Every time an officer would come by the apartment, Octavia would have to hide in an opening under the floor. Bellamy would always have to put on a straight face when they would come through. Until one day, when they found her because her red ribbon had been sticking out from underneath the piece of wood, and the officers took Octavia away. After Octavia was found Bellamy's mother was killed for having a second child. That was the worst day of Bellamy's life. He had become a fully trained officer by then and was not going to let Octavia die in confinement. He brought her more food and water everyday. And brought her objects that he had found around the colony. He was 18 now and that was the age that teenage criminals were to be killed. Octavia at that time was only fourteen years old, and she was considered a criminal. She was being escorted to a dropship filled with all the other teenagers. Bellamy wondered why they were putting them on the dropship instead of killing them. When he later found out that they were being sent to earth, he quickly took matters into his own hands and did anything he could to get on that dropship with Octavia. He grabbed a gun and went on his way. He ran for the dropship and in the act shot the chancellor in the stomach. The guards charged for Bellamy and tried everything they could to catch him. Bellamy fought off men and wrestled his way into the almost closed doors of the dropship. He took a long, deep breath then realized that he had made it inside without any wounds. He was filled with exhaustion and excitement at the same time. Bellamy looked around at the faces of the criminals, and that's when he realized. He shot the chancellor… He was not a criminal.
#8Ethan Powell
Goosebumps Don’t Scream
R.L. Stine
Pg. 137
Blog3 Prompt3
Jack realized that Emmy trapped Mick inside the phone. He knew that Mick could hurt him even more than he could when he wasn’t trapped. Jack didn’t want to go through the same process that he did with Emmy, so he got an idea. He decided to make it seem like he was going to help Mick, but would fail every time so that Mick might move on to a different person. Mick first wanted Jack to find him a friend because he thought that he would never get out and would want an actual friend. He wanted Jack to steal an IPad from a girl because he thought that there was someone inside. Jack failed, intentionally, and Mick was furious. He told Jack that he was going to burn the skin right off his hand the next time he failed. The next thing Mick wanted Jack to steal was a small digital clock like the one Emmy tried to get him to steal. Mick made Jack break into the house across from his. This time though Jack decided to bring his back pack and a water bottle so that if Mick tried to burn him, he would burn the backpack and the water was to put out the fire. The only problem is that when Jack failed, the water didn’t put out the fire, instead it set off the smoke alarm. Jack bolted out of the empty house before anyone noticed him. When he got home he noticed that Mick wasn’t in his phone any longer. Jack’s brilliant plan worked and he lived the rest of his life without a problem. THE END
#10 Luke O’Brien
Prompt 5
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Carrie is a crazy nerd
But can easily kill you.
Carrie is telepathic
Like the New York Knicks
She makes everyone sick
But she doesn’t barley has to think.
#3 Daniel Chapin
ReplyDeleteBodies Gold
Hey welcome back everybody to Daniels Denver, our guests here are William and Willis Bodie. So I understand that you guys founded the town of Bodie, is that right.
Bodie- That is correct and it took a lot of hard work.
Me- So my first big question for you guys today is how do you deal with all of the hardships of Bodie because I heard that there were quite a few.
Bodie- Well it took a lot of work but we just kept our head down and kept fighting for the prosperous town that is Bodie.
Me- My second question for you today is what was the biggest regret you had when finding Bodie
Bodie- Well for me I would just say it was the weather conditions because that was just something you do not have power over. The thing about Bodie is that is was so fire prone and that definitely created many problems for us.
Me- Another question I have for you is how crazy was it during the Gold Rush?
Bodie- It was definitely crazy, but I would regard it more as just simply amazing. I mean during that time the great town of Bodie was at its peak.
Me- Another question I have is what led to Bodies downfall later on.
Bodie- There were actually a lot of factors like the weather and things like that, but I think that after the Gold Rush Bodie kind of lost its spark and I think everybody knew that it would never be the same.
Me-OK, that so all the time we have for today and I want to thank you guys for the Q&A.
#13 Emilia Shahverdian
The Motive by John Lescroart
Page 428
Blog 3 Quarter 1
Prompt 6
Me: Good afternoon folks today we will be interviewing Chief Glitsky who worked on the tough case of the murder of Paul Hanover and Missy D’amiens.
Me: Hello, Chief Glitsky
Glitsky: Please, call me Abe.
Me: Okay Abe, what was it like to work on the case
Glitsky: Well as an officer you have to be prepared for everything. I have to admit a double homicide case was a tough one to crack.
Me: We thank you for your contributions to the case
Glitsky: No problem. It was just me doing my job. I wasn’t the only one who was hard at work on this case.
Me: Was it rough for you to see Catherine’s daughter being questioned
Glitsky: Well, I’m used to seeing harsh stuff, but that was pretty brutal that a daughter’s diary and her words could make her mother serve life in prison.
Me: If Catherine knew there would be consequences for her actions why do you think she would do it?
Glitsky: I don’t really know I guess some get so pushed over the edge that they snap one day.
Me: Another question that has been on many of our minds is that do you think Catherine should have been sentenced to life.
Glitsky: This is tough because though she did have a motive behind the murders she did take two people’s lives. She has a family to be with and her children deserve to have their mother. Though she has been released from jail I can confidently say that she has changed.
Me: So what now?
Glitsky: keep doing my job and waiting for cases.
Me: Is there anything you want to leave with our viewers a bit of wisdom perhaps?
Glitsky: Sure, sometimes we may never know the reason behind things. We cannot understand the full extent of it. There is always a motive behind everything big or small. Just make sure you fully understand what the motive will lead to.
#9 Jake O’Brien
ReplyDeleteBlog #3
Mrs. H
Stephen King’s: Cujo
Cujo: the name “Cujo” comes from the meaning “unstoppable force.” This name is almost perfect for this dog because, this animal savagely eats its victims as it pleases, and now one seems to be able to do anything about it on account of this dog having an almost human like personality. When Cujo would look into a human’s eyes and it would almost seem like the dog would be laughing in the person’s face, and they wouldn’t be able to anything about it. Now the name Vic or “Victor” has the meaning “conqueror”. Now Stephen King was a genius when he named one of the main characters this. He didn’t do this for no reason. Of course, he would name this character this because at one point in this book, he would be assigned the task of “conquering” this evil, devilish dog. Vic would need to conquer the dog in order to protect and save his family, from being ferociously, terribly, torn to bloody shreds by a murderous devil-dog. I believe that Stephen King did not name these two characters randomly. It is absolute brilliance that he would do this because, he set it up almost like a classic medieval story of a valiant knight having to put on his shining armor and grabbing his mightiest weapons to try and conquer this raging, untamed beast that has forced many poor souls to meet their unexpected end. These two warriors are just beginning to rally for what is in the making of a glorious battle
Leo Sellarole #10
Greggory Maguire
Pages 271
Blog #3 Quarter #1
Prompt #3
From the first day Elphaba spent with the other children her age Nanny walked Elphaba over to Rush Margins every day to leave her in the care of Gawnette. Elphaba enjoyed the company of others and started to learn to put words together to form sentences. Every day Elphaba would play with the other children chasing them during tag. Today the children chose to play plague. A girl named Nathina was it. Elphaba waddled quickly over to the crawl space between the cottage and the tool shed. Not looking she bumped into another boy.
Hi little frog, what is your name?
Well hello Elphaba I’m b-
Shhhhh! You’ll give us away!
Gothcha! said Nathina.
Ughh, you got us caught! said Elphaba irritated.
My name is Boq and it is alright your green skin matches your role as an infected local villager. said the little boy teasingly. Anyways why did you paint your skin green?
I don’t paint my skin green! shrieked Elphaba. I was born this way!
Oh I’m sorry, I just assum-
Well you were wrong, I gotta go! said Elphaba.
Well goodbye. said Boq.
Nanny had come to take Elphaba home. It was a dark and cold evening and Elphaba started playing in the mud left from the rain, the night before. Elphaba loved playing in the mud, puddles, and in trees. Nanny dreaded Elphaba playing in the mud since it was so hard to scrub of her vibrant green body.
Stop playing in the mud Elphaba and hurry along it is almost dinner time! said Nanny.
Hhhmmm! said Elphaba then she stood up wiped her face and left a streak of mud across her cheek. She ran over to Nanny and they both hurried home. When they got closer to home the smell of burning wood was in the air. Melana was using the stove to cook dinner and heat some water for some tea. Nanny opened the gate to the yard for Elphaba. Elphaba walked inside and sat down in front of her looking glass.
How was your day Elphie? said Frex.
Good. said Elphaba distracted by her looking glass.
What are you cooking Melana? said Nanny.
Smoked Salmon, was that little beast good today? Melana said contemptuously.
Gawnette said she was easy to handle today and that Elphie even made a little friend. Nanny replied
Really! said Frex intrigued.
Jacob Yost #16
ReplyDeleteHalo Ghosts of Onix
Pg. 200
Eric nylon
Prompt 2
Dear Kurt
I loved the way you taught all of those Spartans and the way you taught them as hard as you were taught. You probably should have gave the junior Spartans better battle strategies and you should of taught them all about the covenant. Another thing that was a little weird was you letting that one kid just push the other kid out of the plane for he was building up courage. I know that you were trying to toughen him up and everything but you should have stopped it immediately. Another thing that was amazing that you taught the kids was that was survival skills and how to work as a team. These Spartans armor wasn't like the original it was weak but it was not meant for just a fire-team it was meant to be like one big family, so you had to get along. If you didn't like your team mates then you were all going to die this menthol made the Spartans rely on each other's skills and not just their own. You also could have been a little more ruff on the kids so that they wouldn't just die in their first mission. People should have helped them when they were being attacked by the aliens. Overall you are doing great and you should probably do more to secure their safety later in their career and show them all of the things that you might not have learned but learned later in your life.
#4 Chris Grothues
ReplyDeleteThe Big Field
Mike Lupica
Pages 295 [end of book]
Blog 3
Prompt 11
The character in my book Hutch he would like to go on vacation to the Bahamas. He would be there for at least a week. The spot he would like to be at is Atlantis. He would like to be there because there is water parks and very good dining so you can go eat good stuff. The first day Hutch would go to the water parks all day and go to the beaches. On the second day he would you know work out in the gym so he could get those muscles. At the end of the day he would go and eat dinner and get a shake and some shrimp. I just think he would like shrimp. That would just be the appetizer. What he would really get would be some crab and another pot of shrimp. Yum yum. On the third day he would do the same thing as the first day but after the water park he would chill by the pool and get a free smoothie. He would get strawberry and mango. Two separate smoothies. On the fourth day he would go to the beach and chill there all day long and just play and the water an chillax. He would watch the waves crash one by one. On the fifth day he would go to breakfast and get a big big brunch. On the sixth day he would pack everything up and the next day he would go home.
ReplyDeleteMasha Mukutmoni #8
Blog #3
Ned Vizzini: It’s Kind Of A Funny Story
Prompt 5
Science says that
People are made of cells
Of bones and blood and brains
But I say different
People are made of paper
They bend at other’s will
And change their colors easily
They start out different colors
But can be changed to
Look the same
They can be folded
And trimmed
To be perfect
Or at least look it
And all the paper people
Have something
That can tear them in half
And something
Who can tape them back together.
People are made of paper.
#10 Luke O’Brien
Prompt 2
Dear Carrie
The only advice I could give is to try not to let the kids at school get to you. I know it can be very hard sometimes, but its just something you have to do. Obviously there are those limits, but don’t take on them, especially when you have those insane powers. You can be as emo and go crazy at home. Just don’t do it at school because one, if you use your powers people will know. Second; they will just use that against you. People are straight-up jerks and they won’t care if they hurt your feelings. So all I could think of is to not go crazy at school. Oh, and don’t go to prom expecting everyone to be nice to you. That’s a dumb move on your part because you know these kids are probably do something to you again, so it should not have even been a thought to go to prom. So yeah that’s all the advice I could give you. But from what I read you’re a very independent person and I doubt you will even read this. But if you do read this, please just consider listening to me and rub off those jerks at your school. Obviously I can’t compare my life to your but whenever people are being mean to me I just try to rub them off, and I suggest that you do that to.
From a guy who read the book.
#17 CJ Zeller
Narnia The Loin the Witch and the Wardrobe
C.S. Lewis
Pg 189
Blog 3 Quarter 1
Prompt 15
Lucy: light, graceful light and illumination
Edmund: prosperous protector
Peter: a rock, stone
Susan: graceful lily and caretaker
In the book Narnia the Lewis gave names to certain characters in the book and they all fit the characters perfectly. Lucy means graceful light and illumination and in Narnia it describes her as being very graceful and caring. Being very graceful Lucy is the youngest of the four children and in many ways she is the most important by healing Edmund in the battle and was crowned as one of the queens of Narnia. Edmund means prosperous protector and in some ways he was a protector. In the beginning of the book he is shown as a traitor because he left his sisters and bother to go to the queen, but ends up helping in the battle with his brother Peter and they both defeat the witch and is crowned one of the kings of Narnia. Peter means rock, stone and in Narnia he is just like one. Being like a rock he was the main person who would protect his sisters when they were in trouble. He ended up leading the battle against the witch and was victorious, and was crowned one of the kings of Narnia. Susan means graceful lily and caretaker. In Narnia when she heard Lucy talk about Narnia she was afraid for her thought she was losing her mind. When Susan follows Aslan with Lucy she witnesses Aslan get sacrificed by the queen and was very scared of what happened. Susan and Lucy end up saving Aslan using Lucys magical potion and returned to the batter and saw that Peter won and was later crowned one of the queens of Narnia
Ethan Crenshaw #3
ReplyDeleteThe Bully Book
Eric Kahn Gale
Pages 421
Blog #3 Quarter #1
Prompt 9
Eric these are the three movies I want you to see. I want you to see Brave because in your journal you are scared of other people picking on you and you don’t do anything about it. You have to stand up for yourself and be brave. In the movie she fought a huge bear and she would be brave from doing that. The next movie I want you to see is Karate Kid. This boy moved to China and meet up with these groups of boys. He ends up getting a black eye from fighting them. Eric gets beet all the time being a grunt. But you always have to fight back when someone is fighting you. You always get stuff thrown at your face all the time and it is terrible because everyone is being mean to you and then you feel sad. At the end of the movie the boy beets up the groups of boys from learning from a master at Khufu. Then after he felt happy from getting a reward. The third movie I want you to see is “I am not ashamed”. This movie is about a Christian girl who teaches and helps people about their life. You have to be nice to people and sit with people at lunch. Sit with someone and talk what they are doing after school. This girl changed billions of lives from teaching people about the Lord. This is why I want you to see it because to be nice and friendly to people you don’t know.
#7 Lauren Quintana
ReplyDeleteStuart Little
E.B White
Pages: 131
Blog #3 Quarter #1
Prompt #2
Dear Stuart,
I’m really not to happy you ran away. Although you may need to consider a few things, number one you need to think about the way your family has treated you. They loved you like a son and clothed you. They care and are probably going to freak out without you. When you were tangled in the window your family were practically having a panic attack(page 21-25)! Imagine how they feel now. Number two Dr. Paul Carey must really miss winning sail boat races now. He must miss his little captain who drew so many townsfolk toward him (pages 45 and 46). He even declared it to be the happiest day of his life. Lastly you may never make it back to your dwelling(page 75). Stuart your family wouldn’t be as “nuclear “ as it was without you. You might as well stay if you’d rather not shatter your family to pieces. Say if you don’t find you friend what happens? What if you never make it home? Stuart it would it be worth the journey if you don’t find her. If you do go you mustn’t get lost. Make sure stay on a straight path. Your friend will most likely find her way home. She likes your home. She stays because its fine atmosphere and because she is your best friend (page 57). Margalo really likes you. You should not doubt truth. I am hoping you will stay safe on your journey. If you are wise you would take this special advise. Best wishes and hopes for you Stuart!
Joshua Quintana #9
ReplyDeleteTreasure Island
Robert Louis Stevenson
Pages 259
Blog #1 Quarter #1
Prompt #3
At the end of the book when they all reach Bristol, I think that Jim went home to his mother at their Inn. Jim and his Mother would finally reunite with each other at last after a long time of being very far apart, and then Jim would tell his Mother of his amazing, thrilling, and adventurous adventures on the treasure island and on the Hispaniola. Jim and his Mother would be rich from Jim’s portion of the booty that they found on the island. I imagine they move to a more populated or larger area such as London. Jim and his mother then would buy a larger house and live a nice life long together. Jim would go get a good college education to get a job. Along the way Jim would meet a woman, and they would fall in love. Then Jim would raise a family and tell all his children the all stories of back when he was on treasure island, on the ship, when he had to run for his life, and how was he almost killed by Mr. Hands on the Hispaniola (Ship Jim had sailed on to get to treasure island). He would tell them all about the Sea Captain who stayed at the Inn, the Doctor, and Long John Silvers. Jim and his family would be wealthy and happy, and Jim would go on to have a great and long lasting life.
Aiden Avichouser
ReplyDeleteRoberto & Me
Dan Gutman
Blog 3
Dear Joe,
I know how you have been given the special ability to travel through time holding a special baseball card. You are going back in time to save Roberto Clemente from getting on the plane that crashes and kills him. It is good that you are using your ability for a good cause. You met a girl named Sunrise.. I can see that you two like each other. You are now considering going to a baseball game with her on a date. I think that it might be a little dangerous to get a girlfriend for a few days and then leave her to go back to the future. If you take Sunrise with you it will be dangerous because you could affect history. You won’t be able to see Sunrise ever again. I don’t think you should get to know her too well and fall for her and allow yourself to be her boyfriend. That is very dangerous. Also, I have another piece of advice for you. You got into the car with people you didn’t even know, even though they were nice and trustworthy it is still dangerous getting in the car with someone you don’t know. You don’t know who is driving the car. I have one more piece of advice. Telling the strangers that you rode with in the car about who won the World Series in 1969 might affect history. It probably won’t, but just be careful. This is the advice I give for traveling back in time. I hope you were able to save Roberto Clemente’s life.
From, Aiden
J.B. Sebastiano #12
ReplyDeleteMy Life in Pinstripes
Jorge Posada
Pages 342
Blog #3 Quarter #1
Prompt 7
True or False
1. Jorge Posada has never won a World Series. (True or False)
2. Jorge’s dad was Cuban. (True or False)
3. Jorge’s dad is a Major League Baseball scout. (True or False)
4. Jorge Posada was a New York Yankee. (True or False)
5. Jorge retired in 2011. (True or False)
6. Jorge lives in Minnesota. (True or False)
7. Jorge was a right-handed batter. (True or False)
8. Jorge was a right-handed thrower. (True or False)
9. Jorge is in the Hall of Fame. (True or False)
10. Jorge is still playing in the MLB. (True or False)
Multiple Choice
1. What team did Jorge play for?
A. Yankees B. Indians
C. Cubs D. Twins
2. What position does Jorge play?
A. First Base B. Second Base
C. Catcher D. Third Base
3. Where did Jorge live in his childhood?
A. Cuba B. Puerto Rico
C. Dominican Republic D. USA
4. What social club did he belong to?
A. Casa Cuba B. YLCC
C. Beach Club D. Mar-a-Lago
5. What team did his dad work for?
A. Blue Jays B. Yankees
C. Giants D. Indians
6. What social club did his dad coach baseball for?
A. Caparra B. Casa Cuba
C. Beach Club D. Mar-a-Lago
7. Where does Jorge live now?
A. Florida B. New York
C. Minnesota D. Toronto
8. What is Jorge’s wife’s name?
A. Jorge B. Sonia
C. Laura D. Lauren
9. What is Jorge’s son’s name?
A. George B. Jorge
C. Derek D. Andy
10. Who did Jorge always want to beat in the Casa Cuba Olympics?
A. Juan Martinez B. Kike Hernandez
C. Luis Sanchez D. Jose Abreu
Short Answer
1. How was Jorge’s relationship with his dad?
2. How many years did Jorge play in the MLB?
3. Who was part of the core four on the Yankees?
4. What year did Jorge retire?
5. Where did Jorge say was the best seat in Yankee Stadium?
1. Why was the core four such a big part of Yankee baseball?
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. False
10. False
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. B
1. Jorge loved his dad but at the same time thought he was very strict.
2. Jorge played 17 seasons for the New York Yankees.
3. The four players in the core four are Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada, Andy Pettitte, and Mariano Rivera.
4. Jorge retired in 2011.
5. Jorge said that the best seat in the house is behind home plate.
1. The core four was a big part of Yankee baseball due to how long they played for the Yankees. They played together for 8 years. Three of the players played there for their whole career. Together they brought five world championships to New York.
Jasmine Jamali
Dear Chloe,
For your internship I would like to say that you should pray to the Lord that you will do good. I wanted to say that I'll be praying for you. When you are so confused about everything just call someone and just talk. I will not be a bad influence on you and you will not think about doubting me or yourself. My friends and I are just saying that we are not going to make you feel bad. You are an amazing person and I love you so much. I love your clothes and I have no clothes that are better. You will have to work to your goals for clothing lines. We will have your back. My mom is a great woman and she has come to her fashion line through work. If you need inspiration just call my mom at 714-657-9023. CM will be your design. I hope you have a good time in New York City with Stefan Myers. If i spelt his name wrong then I'm going to say that I will work on his name spelling. It will be a great experience for you. Take it from me a Design Diva winner. Don't be afraid to say what you think about any design. We all need to know what a teen thinks of teen clothing right? I hope you have a great summer with all of the designers. P.S. PR is awesome! I hope you love it there.
Jasmine J.
Jessica Ramirez #9
ReplyDeleteMy Life as a Stunt Boy
Janet Tashjian
Pages 80
Blog #3 Quarter #1
Prompt #1
-October 27, 2016
I hate school. I think we should get to choose to go to school or not. I planned on doing a stunt after school and Matt came too. I was in Mrs. Mc Coddles class when I was thinking of all of this. As you can see I don’t pay attention to her in class. So, school is pointless for me. Since school was over Matt and I went and did a stunt. I was so happy because Tony [a person who does parkour] was there when I did my stunt. Right away he offered a position to be a stunt man in his movie. All of a sudden Matt gets super mad at me and doesn’t talk to me at all. Well, besides that I told Tony I still had to wait until my parents approve. I begged and begged and begged for my parents to let me take this role. Of course it took my parents a long time to figure out if it was ok. Finally, they said yes, under two conditions. I had to sign a contract that says that I have to clean the dog’s poop and read one book a month. I signed it and went off to the set. I had one day to do my hair, figure out my clothes, and practice my stunts. I was over whelmed with all the stress, but I soon got over it. I didn’t know why Matt wasn’t responding to my calls or text messages. I assumed he was mad at me because I got the part in the movie. I walked down the hall and saw rows of candy bars. I thought to my self I sure need protein. I did great in the stunt part and had lots of fun. I had an outstanding experience being in a actual movie. This is way better than school that’s for shore.
#11 Preston Parker
Roderick Gordon
Page 297
Blog #3 Quarter #1
Prompt #3
The future Will becomes a business man for a tunnel business he started himself that blew up all over the world. He then started a new after school non bullying program that allowed people like him and Chester to have a place to go after school. When venturing on from this point he had married a girl from the colony that he brought above the underworld and started a family that consisted of two girls and a boy. Cal and uncle Tam were rescued by Will when he came back to take down the Styx. Wills father however was unaccounted for and was presumes dead which did not bug Will at all. He was able to continue a prosperous business man until he contracted lukemia from the mines and was hospitalized for about 6 months. When he was returned home he was stuck in bed for 6 more months and lost a year of his business’s profit. Over time he returned to his business route and made about 6 more after school rig rams all around the world. By 56 years old he was the richest man in the world owning after school programs and mining business’s all around the world. When he was 60 years old he had made a colony above the under world and killed all of the Styx. Every year on December 4, Will and Chester took there family’s to remember that is where they could have spent there first a moments. At age 93 Will had died of old age and left billions to his family and friends.
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ReplyDelete#6 Michael Montoya
Veronica Roth
Prompt 1
Blog#3 Quarter 1
Today I woke up with exhilaration because we were going to the wall where you get to see beyond anything you could ever imagine. That’s why I dressed myself so fast. Four walked in to our room to inform us we would be leaving right away. We ended up leaving really early because our training time was going to be longer and he did not want us to get tired. We made it to the wall and stared over everything. The weird thing was we saw people. Four told us those people aren’t just any people and then he just stopped talking. I could tell he was hiding something. He finally said it was time to get back to headquarters and train. When we got back, Four took us to a room that looked like a testing room. This was where we would find out which faction we would be in. He called people one by one to go in. When he finally called me in, he told me that I would be facing my worst fears. He placed some wires on me and injected a shot in my neck. This would allow him to be able to see in my mind and what I was thinking. I felt so nervous. As I started into the vision I saw I was in a big field, but nothing seemed wrong at first. Then out of nowhere a lot of birds appeared and I started running from them. Birds were definitely one of my many fears. I just remember telling myself this isn’t real. So I went to a puddle and I dove face down into the puddle and as quickly as I went in, I came out of the vision. Four said I was a natural at this and would have nothing to worry about. I couldn’t help but worry though because only I knew my true identity.
Brandon Salgado #10
ReplyDeleteThe Candymakers
Wendy Mass
Blog #3 Q#1
Prompt #2
Dear Philip,
Your dad is being mean to you. He lied to you about being banned from the factory. I thought that was very messed up because you are his son and you should be more important to him. You didn’t do anything wrong at the factory. I don’t know why he lied to you. Henry was trying to help you and told you what really happened that day in the factory. You really were not banned all these years. I know that you are feeling mad, and surprised too because he lied, but you should just calm down and ignore him and continue the contest. He also kept a secret about wanting to steal the secret ingredient so that he could make the candy factory shut down. Lying isn’t always the solution but I think your dad thinks that. Daisy is a spy as you can tell when you ran into her in the cocoa room. You should not be so serious just because people are annoying you. I’m sorry that you feel bad for Logan because he got his face burned when he was trying to get your toy truck out of the hot chocolate machine. Now that you know that your dad is going to shut the factory down if you don’t win, you have to really try hard to win so that Logan can be happy with his family. I hope you win the contest and that you make the best candy that there has ever been.
Sierra Voight #15
ReplyDeleteWhere The Truth Lies
Jessica Warman
Pages 303
Blog #3 Quarter #1
Prompt 15
Three characters from my book are Emily Meckler, Stephanie, and Renee Graham. The meaning of the name Emily is Admiring, because somebody with the name Emily is normally bound to be beautiful. This name matches Emily because she is beautiful. She has curly red hair that is almost to her waist. She is freckled and she has large, green, anime eyes. She is slim and she has a wide waist. If she wanted, she could be a model. The name Stephanie means dominant. In my book, Stephanie is a bossy know-it-all that likes to get her way and will knock anyone that gets in her way down. She can also be dependable and straight to the point. She is extremely beautiful, but most people find her intimidating. The Name Renee means queen. In the book, Renee is beautiful. She could have any guy she wanted, and people say that she is practically perfect. Everybody thinks that she is literally flawless. Renee is pretty much queen of the academy. Anyone who sees her will instantly feel the need to follow her and obey her every word. These three girls would get along differently. For example, Renee and Emily would make perfect best friends. Renee and Stephanie would be better off staying out of each other’s way. Emily and Stephanie would get along and could possibly be friends, though not for long term. Emily is the main character in the book.
#5 Ileanna Holiday
ReplyDeleteTwo Summers
Aimee Friedman
Blog 3 Quarter 1
Prompt #2
Dear Summer,
I know you are going through a rough stage in your life right now. You just can back from Paris to find out that your friend doesn’t really want you back and your mom just started dating. You said you understood why you friend doesn’t want you back but you were still confused about why your mom would just start dating without telling you. Although your friend tried to make it sound like she felt the same way you told her that her family and your family are different. Maybe since she is going through the same thing right now, you could be a bit more open minded about what she is trying to say. I’m not trying to be men or anything but how you said it probably sounded a little meaner then you meant to say it. She is going through the same thing so maybe you could give her some advice to. You also might have just been mad about how she didn’t really want you back. Maybe she was right; you guys are together a whole lot so maybe she just wanted some time apart. I know you said you understood this part but you should also wan to keep an open mind. It’s never a bad thing to just listen instead of talk. I have to do the same thing. I just thin you guys should talk it out.
(P.S. I heard you were in a class with you crush Hugh, good luck)
Italia Holiday #6
ReplyDeleteAuggie and Me
R.J. Palicio
Page 302
Blog #3 Prompt #1
Quarter #1
Dear Diary,
A lot has happened this year. I will tell you all about. First of all I am obviously not a popular girl, but I would really like to be. The year it started great. I had the perfect group. It was Lina, Summer, Megan, Rand which I didn’t really know, Ellie which who is my best friend, Maya who is also my best friend, and myself. I was very excited for this year. This year there was a child named Auggie. He had facial deformities, I was one of his welcome buddies. The first day at lunch some of our girls were talking about Auggie and Summer got up and sat with Auggie, we really don’t know why. The next day Ellie sat with the popular group instead of us. It was a little awkward. The only reason she sat with them is because Amos, one of the popular boys had a crush on her. I was upset because that was supposed to be me instead of her. I couldn’t really blame Elli because Savvana choose her, not me. Anyway to get my mind off that, I was really excited for the musical coming up. Mrs. Atanabi said the dance theme was the 60’s. She said if you don’t commit you shouldn’t even try out. A couple girls left because of that. I couldn’t believe what they were doing, because this year our dance was in Carnegie Hall. It was so exciting. Mrs. Atanabi told us that there was only three spots, and of course the popular group, Ellie, Savanna, and Ximena wanted those three spots. I knew Ximena would get a spot because she is amazing at dance. Savanna was ok, I am not sure she would get in. Ellie, dance was never her thing. I am sure I will get in though. Not to brag, but I am really good. I don’t know who will get the final spot. I can’t wait for the winners of the audition to come out. The next day there was a sheet on the board. It was Ximena, myself, and Summer? Summer? Summer never really did dance. Well the way it is, is the way it is. I was excited to get to know Ximena. The next day for rehearsal our teacher was late. While we waited I invited everyone to my house so we can practice. Us three started to hang out a lot, but not during school. We even at a sleepover at Ximena’s house. It was so much fun. I hope I know these girls forever.
Kachina Blair #2
ReplyDeleteA Smidgen of Sky
Dianna Dorisi Winget
Pages 195
Blog#3 Quarter#1
Prompt 4
When finished my piece of cake, I went and I danced on the dance floor. I could tell that Ginger was embarrassed when I started to dance. I did not care about her being embarrassed, all I cared about was having a happy attitude. I was so happy that my mom married Ben. I was so excited when Ben told me that we were going to ride on an airplane. I may have been too excited, because I got that awkward feeling that everyone was staring at me. Well after everything was done we went on the airplane. I felt like I was with my daddy, my real daddy. I felt like I was in my own world. After the ride was over we went home and had a movie night. We watched The Little House on a Prairie. I got to know more about Ginger over the months. I got more comfortable calling her my sister, and calling Ben my Dad. Ginger and I got more attached as the months went by. Ginger and Ben both got closer to Mom and I. I liked that mom married Ben, and that Ginger was officially my step-sister. Over the years Ginger was kind of forgetting about her mom, so I called her mom and asked Ben if she could come to visit Ginger. Ben said yes so I asked Gingers mom to come over to finally meet her. When she came over I was so amazed at how she looked, she was so pretty. Ginger was surprised when her mom showed up. Ever since that day Ginger has had a big smile on her face. Well the year have been good, and I am happy. Since then we have lived a happy ever after.
Jacob yost
ReplyDeleteHalo Ghosts of Onix
Pg. 300
Eric Nylon
Prompt # 14
For one character in my book that I had to make a playlist for I would pick master chief.
The very first song I would pick for master chief would be barracuda by heart. The reason I would pick this song is beach use its an up beat song that gets me pumped and master chief is a very intense guy who takes on armies by him self and that's why I think that this song would be good for him. Another song that would be good for him would be Rocky Mountain high by John Denver. I would pick this song because in this book he is in the forest and near the mountains. Another good song that would be good for him would be thriller by Michael Jackson. I would pick this song because he fights aliens and monsters and thriller is all about that stuff. Anther song would be jailhouse rock because he has been in jail before in his life. He is also a wanted man in the aliens eyes. Another song I would put on his playlist would be not going to die by skillet because master chief has died many times but somehow has always came through and survived even through the hardest of times.