Welcome to the second quarter. Make sure you are recording your pages in your reading log and get your weekly date stamp. I'm looking forward to reading about your literary adventures.
Avery Avichouser Language Arts Sisters Raina Telgemeier Blog 4 Hi, my name is Raina and I live in California and I have two siblings. Amara is my first sibling and Will is my other sibling. Amara drives me very crazy sometimes. Will can too but we are still family. I have two loving parents but they are starting to not get along very well, it is been worrying me. We are about to go on a road trip to Colorado to visit some family members. It will take us a long time in the car to drive there. When I was little I wished for a sister, a sister was all I wanted for a while. As soon as I got one my whole world changed, I wished I never had wished for a sister but I had got one anyways. Will, my little brother is pretty annoying too, but Amara drives me crazy! I have to share a room with my sister but since I am getting older my mom and dad gave me my own room. We left for our trip and we were on our way and it took forever to get there. On our drive a lot of wild things happened, we forgot a lot of our stuff and we also ran into a storm and had to stay in a cabin overnight. Staying in a cabin was kind of fun though. We got to our family reunion and got to see all of our family members. We stayed for a couple of days and then we left. My dad met us there because he didn't go in the car with us, he ended up taking an airplane. When we were on our way home the car broke down so Mom and Will took off with some guy and Amara and I stayed in the car for hours. It was so scary, and hot! While they were gone Mango, Amara’s snake crawled out from under the seat in the car. We had lost him in the car along time ago. Mom and Will got back and we were so happy. At the end of it we were safe, and we drove home together and everything was just fine.
Aiden Avichouser Language Arts Roberto & Me Dan Gutman Blog 2 Joe Stoshack is a kid who has the ability to travel through time using just a baseball card. His baseball coach Flip is one of the only people that knew about his special ability. Flip loves baseball, he owns his own baseball card shop. I would like Joe and Flip to meet Mike Trout. Mike could give Joe tips on hitting just like Roberto Clemente did. Mike Trout is one of the best players in the whole world. He could give Joe advice on how to get to the level he was that by telling him how he got to the major leagues. Mike Trout could also do Flip a favor by coming into his shop and signing a few things to give Flip more business. Another person I would like them to meet is Clayton Kershaw. I think Joe should meet him because he could show Joe a few pitching techniques. If Joe ever wanted to become a pitcher he could be better if he had one of the best pitchers in the major leagues give him advice. It would be good for Flip to meet him because Flip used to play in the MLB. He played for the Dodgers and was also a pitcher. They could compare what pitches they threw and how they got to the majors. They also could ask each other how the Dodger organization had changed since Flip played. I also think that they should meet Jim Abbott. He was missing a hand and still became a major league pitcher. He could tell Joe that even if you aren’t doing very well you shouldn’t stop playing and doing what you love. Jim didn’t give up. Flip and Jim could talk about what it was like to play in the old days. Those are the people that Joe and Flip should meet.
I think one of the themes in my book Narnia the horse and his boy is comedy. Bree the horse is so sasie and always hates Shasta the boy because he thinks Shasta is annoying. Shasta always is smiling and I love that because that shows me to always smile and be happy. Bree never smiles because he hates Shasta going on his back and always taking him everywhere. Another theme I think is in the book is mystery because everytime you always read a chapter you always want to know what happens next so badly. Everytime someone either gets worried or afraid they are always concerned about the other person like if they were captured or will be going to die. When Bree gets captured by Narnia in chapter four. Shasta was the most worried he has ever been. So when Shasta went after Bree there was these two guards in front of him and say that Bree would be dead by Dawn and that had Shasta gloomy and sad. I think Shasta would get him but then get captured but then again this is a mystery book. Another theme I think is in this book is love. Love is in this book because the king of Narnia, his daughter is having a wedding. Her bride in the wedding theme is so romantic with the decorations. And when the bride and girl kiss they start to dance with love music and everything was going fine until Shasta and Bree show up. That was my blog for quarter two.
#2 Jack Cardeno Trump: The Art of the Deal Donald J. Trump, Tony Schwartz Page 62 Blog 4, Quarter 2 Prompt 3
Donald Trump had a very productive and profitable life after this book. Trump himself, along with Tony Schwartz, both wrote the book, and it went on to be a bestseller. Out of all the books Trump has written, many say that this is his most popular. Trump also went on to get remarried again to a new wife, now Melania Trump, and soon she is going known as the First Lady of the White House. The only reason Melania will be known as the first lady is because, Trump announced his candidacy for presidency in 2015, and went on to actually win the election by the majority of electoral votes. He was projected to lose, but won the majority vote in the long run. He won't be known as a very great president, but he will be my favorite president ever. Between 2001-2015, he starred on a show known as The Apprentice. The show consisted of him "firing" many people on the show, as he would choose who would study under him and go in to the field of real estate. Trump, on numerous occasions, used the phrase, "You're fired!" many times throughout the show's history. The show was finished in 2015, as when he ran for president, he made very crude remarks about people of Hispanic or Mexican descent. The show will now be taken over by Arnold Schwartzanegger, and will resume sometime soon. Trump is now preparing himself to become the next President of the United States, and will truly make America great again.
#1 Matthew Burnette Game changer Mike Lupica Pages 127 Blog 1 Quarter 2 Prompt 9
This book so far is about an eleven-year-old that is a very good football player, but wants to play quarterback. The problem is he is fighting against the coach’s son. A movie I would recommend to Ben would be Blindside. I would show him this because it’s about football and it’s a very good story. I also like how this movie is a true story. Another would be Remember the Titans. I would show him this movie because it is sad, but a great story. I would also show him this because I think it would give him more respect for his teammates. I also like the movie radio because it’s a great life lesson. It shows that you shouldn’t bully anyone no matter what disability that have or even at all. Also The Express because that’s just a really good movie about a football player that becomes really good. The Longest Yard (remake) would be a good movie also because it has Adam Sandler and he is always super funny. I also would show him draft day because that movie is really serious, but shows the stress the football team owners and helpers. I think he would like all these movies because he loves football and some of them teach him life lesson and some relate to him sometimes. These movies are very different, but I know he will like them because he’s played every position so he will know what they feel.
#6 Gregory Luciano Hatchet Gary Paulsen Page 149 Blog 4 Q 2 Prompt 1 Dear Diary, I never realized how easy life is with super markets and houses and cars. But without all that, life is almost impossible. It is extremely hard to get a crumb of food out here. It takes days for me to get a bird or fish, with atleast hundreds of attempts. If I do get food, I then have the trouble of keeping it. Every second there is either a skunk or flies going after it. And during the night I have to worry about the large animals like tigers and rhinos. You see, there is no place to safely store it, such as the refridgerator. The best ways to hide my food that I have been doing are either burrying the food or hanging it in trees. Either way doesn't last long though, because skunks can smell the food and dig it up. It is also very hard to go far from camp because I don't have the best memory and I forget where camp is. Its hard to keep a shelter up because the wind knocks it down constantly. Luckily I still have my mothers hatchet to help me. Its come in handy when when I need to kill the fish. It also helps when I need to resharpen my spear and sharpen my arrows. I really miss my mom and my dad. It gets very lonely out here. It is hard to survive out here.
Jessica Ramirez #9 My Life as a Stunt boy Janet Tashjian Pages 170 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt #3
Derek, a kid that got an opportunity to be a stunt boy was very successful doing stunts. He continued his life as a stunt man but unfortunately he broke his spine. He did everything he can to fix his back but the doctors couldn’t do the job. He was so mad that he took it out on his wife. They ended up getting in a horrible divorce. For a year or two he had to be in a wheel chair. After those two years they created a medicine that helped with rebuilding his spin again. So, once he heard about it he was so excited. He went in and it took a while for them to make sure the medicine was safe. He thought that it was a one-time thing and your cured, but it wasn’t. Well, because he thought it was a one-time thing he thought he was fine to do stunts. He made the wrong choice. He went and tried to do a backflip but ended up breaking his spine again. He found out that the medicine would only work if you took it every day and stay off of his back. He called up his ex wife and apologized for what he did to her. She forgave him and they started to date again. He soon proposed to his wife. His back got so much better and he got to live his normal life he always wanted to live. Him and his wife lived a happily ever after life.
#11 Preston Parker The House of Hades Rick Rordian Page 147 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt #9 Some movies I have chosen for Percy Jackson to watch are Riddick, John Carter, and Now You See Me 1 & 2. Percy should watch the movie Riddick because it has many themes that Percy contains. In Riddick a wanted criminal turns into the hero of an entire galaxy by the swing of his sword and the blasting of his gun. When Riddick saves he not only thinks about others but he thinks about the enemy's that he is killing. While Percy shows the characteristics of Riddick he cannot provide justice or server his duty stuck in Hades with Annabeth. I believe Percy should watch John Carter because he shows a loving personality for people. He takes a runt and turns him into a hero. He saves the princess but he also doesn't push himself at her like a wild beast. John Carter remains civilized while coming back to earth from mars keeping his cover and not making mars a known target. Percy should watch Now You See Me 1 & 2 because it masters the art of illusion and teleportation. Percy should watch this movie to strengthen his skills in magic and mind bending other then crude combat. The only way that Percy could change these characteristics is observing the way Hazel and Frank can bend ones mind without bringing them out of trance by moving. In Now You See Me they express loss and coping which are to characteristics Percy needs to get control of if he is going to leave Hades.
Joshua Quintana #9 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain Pages 100 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt #5 Tom Sawyer was just an average kid who wasn’t a frequent listener. Who had a friend name Huckleberry Finn who together they would commit many sins. He tricked his friends into painting the fence and as a result got a nice, relaxing rest. He showed off at his sunday school and Mr. Walters didn’t find that all so cool. Then one day all this changed when he met a girl who he liked in a loving way. His actions then started to spike to nice. He lied for her and took the blame, but he felt treated like a dog which made him ashamed. Tom realised his mistakes but he found out a terrible secret along the way. That very night they sneaked away and went to a graveyard not too far away. There they were very dismayed at the fact that poor Dr. Robinson had a terrible fate. Stabbed in the chest by Injun Joe and only Tom and Huck would ever know. To keep it in preach it out, Tom and Huck were at no doubt, that if they couldn’t hide it away, Injun Joe would be on his very way. To make sure they wouldn’t ever again see the light of day. They feared their lives, and so they sweared to keep this secret although it was much to bear. They pricked their thumbs and wrote it in blood as a way to show their devoted trust.
#14 Zachary Tittle 11/16/16 Blog 4 log 3 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe C.S. Lewis Pg 189
The four children Peter, Edmund, Susan, and Lucy after the great war in Narnia decide to keep living in Narnia instead of returning home. They forget all about the world they came from and make a new life as the 4 kings and queens of Narnia. They live to be around 40 years old and come to a familiar place they cannot clearly recall why so. They start looking around while still in a state of confusion because they don’t know where they are. Lucy the youngest queen finally remembers where they are but doesn’t remember the significance of the area. They start walking into a familiar trail and keep walking straight. Steps later they find themselves touching fur, at first they are confused but soon find themselves stumbling onto a wooden floor outside a wardrobe. They also find themselves just as young as they were when they first entered Narnia. Edmund, Lucy, Peter, and Susan all slowly get to their feet and start looking at each other in awe. They hear the floor creak and the door flings open, it was the professor. He says “Aha! I’ve finally found you.” The children, still looking at each other confused as ever remember that when in Narnia time slows in their world. The time they really spent outside of their world was only a few short lived minutes. In comparison to how much time they spent in Narnia they still think like they have the experience of adult and find a way to get out of the professors way and start to talk among each other in private. Soon they get accustomed to coming back to their world and realize they are children again.
#13 Emilia Shahverdian 11/16/16 Mark of the Thief Jennifer A. Neilson Page 101 Blog #4 Quarter 2 Prompt #14
Eye of the Tiger by Survivor I would chose this song for Nic because it is an inspirational song. When Nic is going through his trials he needs a song that will motivate him.
2. Don’t Stop Believing by Journey I would chose this song for Nic because it shows him not to stop. If he stops believing then he could remain a slave forever.
3. I Need a Hero by Bonnie Tyler I would chose this song for Nic because he was being trusted by people to help save Rome. He was just a slave but he was being used for the powers he possesses.
4. Non-Stop from the play Hamilton I would chose this song for Nic because he could the song that is about Alexander Hamilton as an example. Alexander Hamilton risked his life for his country and Nic could use this to be brave.
5. I Can Go The Distance from Hercules I would chose this song for Nic because it shows despite his situation he can do the impossible. When people doubt him he can learn to stand out and prove them wrong.
6. Zero to Hero from Hercules I would chose this song for Nic because it describes him so well. If you think about it Nic is kind of like Hercules. Nic’s story goes from rags to riches, from being a nobody to a somebody.
I chose most of these songs for Nic because most of them have the common theme of being motivational and uplifting. Nic would enjoy these songs because they are so relatable for him. Even though these songs were written thousands of years after when Nic would have lived he would like them.
#3 Daniel Chapin Pat Tilman Story Quarter 2 Blog #4
There are many spectacular awards that can be given to the couragouse Pat Tilman. One of the awards that comes to most peoples mind is the award of being most sacrificial. Ninty nine percent of people would never ever do anything like him. He turned down a millions of dollar contract with a great team in the cardinals and chose to go and fight for his country because he thaught it was right. Another award is the most moral because he always stood up for what was right. Speaking from a football stand point he could get the award of most scrappy player. Anybody who watched him play in college knows that he hit super hard and was a hard worker day in and day out. One of the most important ones I would give to him is the award of being the most intelligent football player. He always had a backup plan. If he was not going to get drafted he was an A student and had a great education at Arizona State so he would have a chance to pursue a real cereer other than just football. The last award that I would give him would probrobly most passionate. If anybody watched him play they would say he was one of the most fired up players and he was that one guy who fired up everybody. In reality the most important award is the most couragouse because it is hard to come by a guy like that
#3Ethan Crenshaw The Bully Book Eric Kahn Gale Pages 236 Blog 4 Quarter #2 Prompt 4
It was sixth grade when Eric got bullied. In the book Eric gets picked on by other kids and they were Donovan, Jason Crazypants, and Adrian. Since he was in sixth grade they called him the Grunt!! .By almost the last three months he met up with a older kid named Clarence. Clarence was in eighth grade. Eric and Clarence worked together to find out who are the Bully Bookers. Eric got bullied a lot by getting called on names. The kids were so mean they sent Eric to the office for not doing anything. Eric only called someone a name and the other kid punched him. Eric got back and went to Clarence’s house to figure out how to not be the Grunt. Clarence had a lot of paper scattered all over the place. After Eric went to the library to find clues about the book. After school the Bully Booker meet up together to find the next Grunt. So Eric went to the place and but a camera on video and heard them talking about it. The last day of school Eric followed the Bully’s to where it was gonging to be their last meeting for them. Eric followed them through the woods and it appeared to be a house. Eric stopped and so did they. The house had banners and a red cloth. The banners had golden crowns on the wall. When the bullies left he tried to find the book. Eric found a box that said the book. He opened it and he found all of his answers how to not be the Grunt and how to be cool person. Then when he went into seventh grade he was never bullied again.
#8Ethan Powell Zach’s Lie Roland Smith Page 106 Quarter 2 Blog 1 Prompt 6 Hello I’m Ethan Powell and joining me is Zach Granger. Tell us Zach what was it like adjusting to the changes? Well, it was hard considering we lived in constant fear of the men that threated us that night. Interesting and making new friends, what was hard about that? The thing that was hard about new friends is I don’t know what to say. I haven’t had to make friends for a long time since at my old school I shared interests with many in my class. Did you share interests with anyone in your new school? Yes, I eventually found some people I could call friends. How did the change in life style affect your mother? She was stressed for the first week we lived there she was trying to handle the bookstore contract, getting the house ready, and keeping us safe. What about your sister? My sister seemed to be fine with the change, she was handling it well and was calm the entire time which helped my mother. Your dad is he doing ok? I’m not too sure what happened to him I think we might see him soon though. Your life has it been good? Yes, I’m doing fine now that I don’t have to worry about the men who threatened us that night a few years ago. Did you like Uncle Don and Aunt Doris? I liked them both, they also helped my mother not get super stressed. Interesting, that’s all the time that we have for tonight and we hope to see you again, Bye.
Leo Sellarole #10 Wicked Gregory Maguire Pages 233 Blog #4 Quarter # 2 Prompt #10 In my book there are many characters that deserve an award for their great acts of courage to their great sense in style or even being the most wicked person in Oz! Our first Character is Nanny she deserves an award in recognition of her commitment and sticking to her promises. Elphaba wasn’t the easiest child to take care of and yet she was willing to be a loving “parent.” “Come to Nanny, you horrid little thing you.” Nanny leaned to pick the baby up, mess and all.” (Gregory Maguire 25) Our next character to be recognized is Doctor Dillamond for having the courage to stand up for his kind the Animals. It wasn’t going to be easy to prove Animals aren’t just the same as animals in the end he would end up dead but nothing would stop him. “When Doctor Dillamond has his proof (of Animals being genetically different and that their lives matter), he’ll write to the Wizard and begin to lobby for change.” (Gregory Maguire 111) Our next character is to be recognized for his caring, brave, and nurturing attitude, Fiyero. Fiyero falls in love with Elphaba and though he doesn’t care for his wife he is always supplying his wife’s need such as new sweaters to keep his wife warm in the winter and enough money to take care of herself and their children. Another way Fiyero shows these attributes is when he cares for Elphaba so much that he put his life on the line to follow her because of her dangerous career choice to make sure she stays safe. “So he stalked her again. Love makes hunters of us all.” (Gregory Maguire 215) This next lovely Character Galinda is recognized for her individuality, to become something more than another popular girl in school. She chose a very difficult major in sorcery and became known as St. Galinda a very well-known St. and highly regarded. “Galinda was slow coming to terms with actual learning. She had considered her admission into Shiz University as a sort of testimony to her brilliance, and believed that she would adorn the halls of learning with her beauty and occasional clever sayings.” (Gregory Maguire 75) Our final Character is the infamous green Wicked Witch of the West, Elphaba who deserves the award for rising above it all the oppression and expectations and also becoming more than what everyone expected her to be. Elphaba went through rough times and difficult circumstances always striving to help others and get her peace and happiness. Not once did she give up and say it was too hard.
I saw the movie Max and it was a movie about having a dog. His brother was in Afghanistan when he died and Max was his highly trained service dog that helped him fight in Afghanistan. Unfortunately his brother was killed, but luckily the dog survived and the younger brother was able to adopt Max. They became best friends. Tris should see this movie because it can teach about having a true friend, trusting that friend and how strong that love for your friend can be. I also think she should see the movie Captain America Civil War because it teaches you how to fight, good and bad, to know who your enemies are and how to train properly. This is why I think she should see it because it shows how you get stronger by learning moves to defend yourself. Tris should also see the movie The 5th Wave because it teaches about survival and how to fend for yourself and that you should trust no one but yourself. I think she should see these movies because they will prepare Tris to fight for survival, but also to be careful of who you trust. Another good movie would be Maze Runner because it teaches you to use the resources around you and your intelligence. It can also teach you that some people that you don’t know can be seen as family. I also think she should see the Scorch Trials because it teaches you that things can be hopeless, but at the same time you should never back down from a fight. These movies are good examples of Tris’s own struggles and she can relate to each one in a different way.
Lauren Quintana #7 Winnie the Pooh Dutton 161 pages Blog #3 Quarter #2 Prompt #7 1. Pooh’s real name is Edward. __________ 2. When Pooh attempted to get honey he used the green balloon __________ 3. Pooh loves singing __________ 4. Pooh loves honey __________ 5. Multiple times during the story Pooh eats honey he should have saved __________ 6. The squirrel owned the house that Pooh got stuck in __________ 7. Pooh’s honey jar had HONEY written on it __________ 8. Pooh counted 587 heffalumps in bed __________ 9. Eeynore is a gray donkey __________ 10. Eeynore’s tail got found in rabbits house __________ 11. Piglet is as small as… a.Roo b.Pooh c.Kanga d.Christopher Robin 12. Piglets best friend is… a.Kanga b.Roo c.Pooh d.Rabbit 13. Which isn’t mentioned a.Heffalump b.Wizzle c.Truffelent d.Woozle 14. Eeyore is a.old b.young c.very very old d.a teen 15. After hanging on to a balloon Pooh’s arms were stiff for a.2yrs b.months c.over a week d.2days 16. Pooh got his nick name from a.his smell b.stiff arms c.looks d.pride 17. Pooh was pricked by a a.spine shrub b.prickel bush c.roses d.gorse bush 18. What color door did Christopher R. live behind a.red b.green c.blue d.brown 19. Christopher R. shot Pooh with.. a.a gun b.a slingshot c.arrow d.look 20. Pooh and… go hunting for a woozle a.Eeynore b.Owl c.Christopher R. d.piglet 21. Why did Kanga call piglet Pootel? 22. Piglet didn’t catch a heffalump but, what did he catch? 23. Why does Pooh need a balloon? 24. Who is telling the stories? 25. Why does Pooh get stuck in the hole? 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True 6. False 7. False 8. False 9. True 10. False 11. A. 12. C. 13. C. 14. A. 15. C. 16. B. 17. D. 18. B. 19. A. 20. D. 21. He was called Pootel because Kanga played a joke on him. 22. Piglet caught Pooh with a jar stuck on his head. 23. Pooh needs a balloon to float to get honey. 24. Christopher Robenson’s dad is telling the stories. 25. Pooh got stuck because he was fat.
Jasmine Jamali #5 Chloe By Design: Mesuring Up Margret Gurvich Pages 502 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Fashion is a difficult choice to do in college. If you get an internship at a fashion company they will teach you many things. After her internship, Chloe was left out of her group. She was one of the only people that loved fashion and knew the most about it at her school. Her arch nemesis, Nina, loved fashion too. There are many things to fashion like PR. PR is all of the cool stuff like meeting with celebrities and talking about the line. There also are emails that need to be written along with studying other companies prices and show it to the other designers so they can lower or raise prices. In fashion you need to know the types of clothes and fabrics. Fashion is a hard subject. Chloe had to make all the clothes for coming. It was so stressing and that's just for a little high school. Chloe had to make every dress for prom too. She said it was very hard in the book. It is not easy to make clothing for a fashion company. I love fashion and I want to be A fashion designer when I'm older. I think it will be difficult and fun at the same time. I think everyone will buy my clothes and I'll be really expensive and I'll be a zillionaire. Just kidding I doubt that. That's the truth about the fashion world.
17 CJ Zeller Beezus and Ramona Beverly Clearly Page 117 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt 9
The first movie I would recommend to Ramona is finding Nemo. Finding Nemo is an all time classic that I love, it’s about a little fish that goes to his first day of school and of coarse gets “kidnapped” by ocean divers. His dad does all he can to catch up to the boat but the boat speeds away. Nemos dad finds another fish with short term memory loss and decides to help him find Nemo. They both go on a great advent going through bomb infested waters and getting attacked by a great white shark. Eventually they find Nemo and make a plan to free him, and by flushing Nemo down the toilet he gets free and eventually reunites with his dad. the second movie I would recommend is The Sponge Bob movie. It is about Sponge Bob who has to go on this great adventure to retrieve king Neptune’s stolen crown that Plankton framed Mr. Krabs of stealing. During this adventure Sponge Bob goes through many obstacles from going to an abyss and defeating the fisherman that takes the fish and turns them into souvenirs. The third movie I would recommend is Lilo and Stitch. It is about a alien criminal that goes to earth and pretends to be a dog name Stitch. Stitch protects Lilo from everything that harms her. Lilo end up being kidnapped by a very large alien and Stitch ends up shooting himself up to the ship by exploding a truck full of gas. In the end Lilo is saved by Stitch and he is aloud to stay on earth and is no longer wanted.
J.B. Sebastiano #12 The Yankee Years By: Joe Torre and Tom Verducci pages 155 prompt 14 Dear Mr. Steinbrenner, I have some songs you might like to hear. You could play them on the Yankee speakers before and after the game. The first song is “We are the Champions” by Queen. The song talks about how the people are champions, and they will not hang out with the losers. This is a song based on sports and since your team has the most championships in the MLB, it fits. Your league leading 27 championships blows away the rest of the teams, and you are considered a genius. Another song you can use is “My House” by Flo Rida. It is a song with a catchy tune and will be a fan favorite. It also can represent your amazing home record, which usually has more wins than losses. The song will intimidate the opposing team and will remind them that the Yankees often win at home. The song “Celebration” by Cool and the Gang would also give the team an upbeat spirit. It will help them feel good about their wins. Even though you might find it annoying, it still will be popular with the players. If you play any Frank Sinatra songs, I think everyone will love it. He is a popular celebrity in New York due to his Italian heritage and incredible voice. Due to the fact New York has a heavy Italian population, you could maybe draw more of them to the game by doing this. I hope this list can help you find some new catchy songs to play before and after the game on the loud speaker. Sincerely, J.B. Sebastiano
#6 Italia Holiday When Nobody was Watching Wayne Coffey Page 102 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Twenty years after Carli was a big famous celebrity she had to retire. Carli was very successful because she had won the Olympics and the World Cup. Also Carli was accepted into the Hall of Fame. She was the best well known player in the Hall of Fame. After she retired Carli had two children named Mallory and Makenzie. Mallory became a professional soccer player and Makenzie became a professional dancer. Carli also was a soccer coach for her daughter Makenzie. Makenzie had to travel everywhere for dance, this gave Mallory the chance to show other coaches how amazing she was. Carli’s daughter’s team was undefeated. She taught them so well that four of the girls on the team became professional soccer players as well. When Carli stopped coaching her daughters had children as well. Makenzie had four children, two boys and two girls. Mallory had three children, which were one boy and two girls. Carli decided to start coaching again. All the girls played on one soccer team. Mallory was the co-coach. Of course the team won every game. The boys played baseball. Carli didn’t know anything about baseball, so her grandchildren had to teach her everything. She went to all their games and started to understand baseball. Carli was very proud of her children and grandchildren. She always played with her grandchildren because their parents were so busy. Carli had very big house. She went and lived back in her hometown, New Jersey. Her house had room for each of her children and grandchildren. The parents got their own rooms though. The house had ten rooms, seven for the grandchildren, two for the parents, and one for herself. She also had a pool with a slide, grass big enough to play soccer, batting cage, giant kitchen everyone got their own bathroom, movie room, basement, game room and she had maids. This was probably her dream house. Carli Lloyd had a very successful life.
#5Sienna Inman 11/16/16 The 100: Homecoming Kass Morgan Pg. 83 Prompt 10 Blog 4
My first award would be given to Clarke for “Most Helpful.” I would give this award to her because she's been so helpful the whole time the hundred have been on earth. She not only helps the injured people but also helps give advice and direction to people. She always has a plan and thinks before taking action. “Leave the worst injured where they are and lead anyone who can walk back to the clearing.” “She unwrapped the bandaged and surveyed the wound. Am I going to die? The girl whispered hoarsely. Clarke shook her head and smiled. Nope. No way I'm going to let that happen.” My second award would go to Bellamy for “Most Strong and Brave.” I would give him this award because he's been the one keeping the hundred alive for as long as they’ve been. He built cabins for shelter, and caught and killed deer for food. He's been strong in his attitude and physical strength. He doesn't give up on anything, once he sets his mind to it he does it. “This camp was Bellamy's home. He had helped build it with his bare hands, side by side with the rest of the hundred. He'd carried logs from the woods and laid them down to build a foundation. He had single-handedly kept the group alive with the animals he hunted.” My next award would go to Octavia for “Most Patient and Brave.” Octavia not only had to be patient her entire life, but brave too. She was the sister of Bellamy, and two children was forbidden on the colony. She had to stay hidden or her mother would be executed and she would be put in confinement. She hid in an opening under the floor every time a gauge would come to the house. She was patient and brave for her entire life. “She had spent her first five years living in a freaking closet, and the rest of her life proving she deserved to be alive.” My last award would go to Glass for “Most adventurous.” Glass grew up loving adventure and finding new things to do on the colony that were most of the time forbidden. Before she landed on earth she had to make her way onto a dropship. She not only got onto a dropship with her mother and boyfriend, but also open the doors for a hundred more people to make it on the dropship. She spacewalked from one side of the colony to the other. “I spacewalked, Glass said, a tiny hint of pleasure sneaking into her voice. It was the only way to get to Phoenix. Otherwise my boyfriend Luke and I plus a whole lot of other people would have died on Walden.”
Luke O’Brien #10 Carrie Stephen King Pages: finished Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt 3 When I was writing Carrie, Carrie has spent her whole life being bullied and harassed by literally everyone she encounters. She knows that Mother would try to kill her if she used her powers in the public. That is why Carrie is forced to hold her rage and bitterness inside and never use her gift of telepathy against others. At the end of the book, Carrie breaks this rule of using her telepathy, and kills most of the student at Ewen High School. After doing so, her barrage of terror is pointed towards downtown Chamberlin. Here, she destroys a major part of her town. Including restaurants and her own home. She also put aside time to find the two unfortunate souls that planned the scheme of pouring pig’s blood all over her in front of the whole school. She killed both of them in such a brutal way that I don’t want to say it in this blog. Before this happens, she went to her house and killed her own mother. Before her mother died, she managed to stab Carrie in the shoulder with a kitchen knife. Exhausted and in a tremendous amount of pain, Carrie died in the parking lot where she had killed the couple that crossed her.
#4 Chris Grothues Heat Mike lupica Blog 4 Prompt 15 Page 101 I am going to select a few people from the novel so far. Ramon, Ramon means council; mighty protection guards wisely. The Spanish meaning is guards wisely. Another name I am going to look up from the novel is El Grande Gonzalez. That name means great talent for communication and expression and a extrovert who loves people and social events. Another character in the book is Jacob. Jacob means personality areas such as stubbornness or obsession can be seen as an asset and a crutch at the same time. The letter j in Jacob means promote rapid adaption capabilities spontaneous intelligence, and a desire for justice and the never ending search for knowledge. The last character I am going to mention is Chris. Chris was the pitcher on the team. Chris means a truly divine spirit and have great compassion and deep idealism. The first letter c in Christopher means create talent in the world of arts, writing, and communicating with others. These meanings are suitable by Ramón protected people in the book sp far after he knocked somebody down. El Grande Gonzalez he had great talent for baseball. He pitched for the Yankees and the day he pitched the whole stands were packed full, they were sold out. Jacob in the book was very, very stubborn when he talked to people. Chris had a truly divine spirit for others and he showed compassion to all the players on his team and was very good communicating with others. It is a good book so far.
Brandon Salgado #10 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe C. S. Lewis Pages 70 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt #1 Dear Diary, Today Lucy said that there was another world in a wardrobe. I did not believe her one bit. I thought for a second that she was going crazy. But when we were playing hide and seek, I was the first person to be “it”. I was trying to find Lucy first. The first place I looked for Lucy was in the wardrobe. That was the only place I could think Lucy would hide since she is going on about another world in one, small wardrobe. I still think that’s pretty crazy of her to say that. So when I found the wardrobe in the spare room, I went in to try to find her. I shut the door but not all the way, just until it got dark in there. I started wandering and moving all of the jackets to find Lucy. I called her name out a few times. She didn’t answer though. I figured she would not answer. But once I walked toward the back of the wardrobe it didn’t stop. I started to feel crunchy, soft snow on the floor. I thought that was weird because I saw light. I thought to myself, “well this is great.” When I got further in, I saw trees, a hazy sky, and pure white snow on the floor! I felt bad for Lucy because we were making fun of her for saying that there is another world in a wardrobe. She was actually right.
#9 Jake O’Brien November 16, 2016 Bog #4 Language Arts Dear diary, that fear of that killer monster still haunts me. Simply the noises that it made simply drove fear into my heart that I cannot see myself getting over anytime soon. Ever since that raging animal almost got its paws on my son, I have stopped thinking about the little that I was able to do in that moment. Luckily it was enough but, I will never forgive myself for even letting me son be in that situation. As a mother, I should always be able to protect my son, no matter what the consequence to my wellbeing. Even though both Tad and I got out of that car alive, that dog still haunts me. Even basic noises that I hear on a daily basis give me horrifying flashbacks of what Cujo could’ve done. From the humming of a car engine to the noises of the dish washer I cannot simply get that Godforsaken animal put of my mind. I fear that I may not get any sleep tonight because of the terrifying fact that I can’t close my eyes without seeing the drooling mouth and razor sharp teeth of the wretched animal. I pray that hopefully, this haunting will come to an end.
Sierra Voight #15 Bridge to Never land Dave Barry, Ridley Pearson Blog #1 Quarter #2 Prompt 5 Adventure on the top of the list of tours Ideas form in her mind as she sours The raven caws and she knows there is danger The black cloud or her brother She doesn’t know which is stranger A smile forming on her face Never Land such a beautiful place She watches him fly with a flash of green He looks in surprise at the Starstuff gleam Peter Pan what an interesting name Peter Pan not very fond of planes He enjoys freedom, flying with no worry He enjoys freedom, never in a hurry The black birds will cry, evil in their hearts We hide the gold box, she says for starts The Shadow Thief dark and scary Tinker Bell Peters’ loyal friend fairy J.D. the Starcatcher Aiden her kid brother Big Ben in London The clock says 9:07 In the fifth dimension Never Land Captured by the man with a hook not a hand Felt like forever until their feet hit the sand Indians, savages, Lost Boys, pirates, and Tic-Toc Such a bright light it left her in shock Gone for two days there Gone for never here Fugitives in law running for their lives Cops think she’s kidnapped thought this is false Each time they run they hear the birds’ cries A beautiful night with nothing to fear A beautiful day a reunion is near She makes it home safely smile ear to ear Awaiting their punishment Parents’ brains gear Peter to the rescue Their future is clear.
#4 Janessa Fuentes 11/17/16 Prompt 3 Blog 4 A trip to heaven and back Mrs H. A trip to heaven and back is a story about a woman who was on vacation in Chili. Whale she was there she decided to go kiacking. About an hour into her fun experience she came across a waterfall the waterfall was ginormous and she had to go down it Mary was scared and terrified. On her way down the Waterfall she got stuck between two rocks in the middle of the water it was very hard for her to breathe slowly by minute after minute she could barely breathe. She eventually got out of her position and was in shock. She didn’t know what was happening. Mary was so close to dyeing but she lived and on her way back to earth she saw heaven she couldn’t believe her eyes she states that it was “Astonishing I have never seen anything like it”. Mary now is a surgeon in Wyoming and her story lives on and it probably will forever. Mary now shares her story to hundreds of people at churches and meeting centers Mary’s story is one that inspired and is inspiring many to fallow God and listen to his voice. Before Mary had her acsadent she said she believed in God but never really lived it out. Now Mary believes in God fully through everything she asks him for his advice and she is a person who will inspire generations to come.
Jacob yost Halo Ghosts of Onix Pg. 300 Eric Nylon Prompt # 14
For one character in my book that I had to make a playlist for I would pick master chief. The very first song I would pick for master chief would be barracuda by heart. The reason I would pick this song is beach use its an up beat song that gets me pumped and master chief is a very intense guy who takes on armies by him self and that's why I think that this song would be good for him. Another song that would be good for him would be Rocky Mountain high by John Denver. I would pick this song because in this book he is in the forest and near the mountains. Another good song that would be good for him would be thriller by Michael Jackson. I would pick this song because he fights aliens and monsters and thriller is all about that stuff. Anther song would be jailhouse rock because he has been in jail before in his life. He is also a wanted man in the aliens eyes. Another song I would put on his playlist would be not going to die by skillet because master chief has died many times but somehow has always came through and survived even through the hardest of times.
I would recommend some movies to the heroes because that Y would encourage them to do their best in every thing they do. Some movies I would recommend is lone survivor. I would tell them this because the main character has to survive on his own in the wilderness for a long time until he got to a city. Another movie would be American sniper because he would have to snipe the animals in the woods so that he could eat for the night. Another movie would be saving private Ryan because that is when he has to go on rescue missions and try's to save other people from huge threats. Also this would be good because it showed him survival skills he would need for the battle field when he fights the enemy and that would also help him in his travels and that is why I wolf recommend this to him.
Hello, I loved reading about all your summer memories. Now it is time to start blogging about your novels. Remember each entry should be at least 250 to 350 words. Be thoughtful and thorough. Every post is viewed by the class (and me) so check your spelling and grammar. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Here it is! This is the first blog of the quarter. Follow the directions carefully and post your thoughts thoroughly. Remember this is not a summary of the book. This is your opportunity to show your understanding of the text and engage the class in your story. I am looking forward to reading your entries.
Avery Avichouser
ReplyDeleteLanguage Arts
Raina Telgemeier
Blog 4
Hi, my name is Raina and I live in California and I have two siblings. Amara is my first sibling and Will is my other sibling. Amara drives me very crazy sometimes. Will can too but we are still family. I have two loving parents but they are starting to not get along very well, it is been worrying me. We are about to go on a road trip to Colorado to visit some family members. It will take us a long time in the car to drive there. When I was little I wished for a sister, a sister was all I wanted for a while. As soon as I got one my whole world changed, I wished I never had wished for a sister but I had got one anyways. Will, my little brother is pretty annoying too, but Amara drives me crazy! I have to share a room with my sister but since I am getting older my mom and dad gave me my own room. We left for our trip and we were on our way and it took forever to get there. On our drive a lot of wild things happened, we forgot a lot of our stuff and we also ran into a storm and had to stay in a cabin overnight. Staying in a cabin was kind of fun though. We got to our family reunion and got to see all of our family members. We stayed for a couple of days and then we left. My dad met us there because he didn't go in the car with us, he ended up taking an airplane. When we were on our way home the car broke down so Mom and Will took off with some guy and Amara and I stayed in the car for hours. It was so scary, and hot! While they were gone Mango, Amara’s snake crawled out from under the seat in the car. We had lost him in the car along time ago. Mom and Will got back and we were so happy. At the end of it we were safe, and we drove home together and everything was just fine.
Aiden Avichouser
ReplyDeleteLanguage Arts
Roberto & Me
Dan Gutman
Blog 2
Joe Stoshack is a kid who has the ability to travel through time using just a baseball card. His baseball coach Flip is one of the only people that knew about his special ability. Flip loves baseball, he owns his own baseball card shop. I would like Joe and Flip to meet Mike Trout. Mike could give Joe tips on hitting just like Roberto Clemente did. Mike Trout is one of the best players in the whole world. He could give Joe advice on how to get to the level he was that by telling him how he got to the major leagues. Mike Trout could also do Flip a favor by coming into his shop and signing a few things to give Flip more business. Another person I would like them to meet is Clayton Kershaw. I think Joe should meet him because he could show Joe a few pitching techniques. If Joe ever wanted to become a pitcher he could be better if he had one of the best pitchers in the major leagues give him advice. It would be good for Flip to meet him because Flip used to play in the MLB. He played for the Dodgers and was also a pitcher. They could compare what pitches they threw and how they got to the majors. They also could ask each other how the Dodger organization had changed since Flip played. I also think that they should meet Jim Abbott. He was missing a hand and still became a major league pitcher. He could tell Joe that even if you aren’t doing very well you shouldn’t stop playing and doing what you love. Jim didn’t give up. Flip and Jim could talk about what it was like to play in the old days. Those are the people that Joe and Flip should meet.
By Evan
ReplyDeleteI think one of the themes in my book Narnia the horse and his boy is comedy. Bree the horse is so sasie and always hates Shasta the boy because he thinks Shasta is annoying. Shasta always is smiling and I love that because that shows me to always smile and be happy. Bree never smiles because he hates Shasta going on his back and always taking him everywhere. Another theme I think is in the book is mystery because everytime you always read a chapter you always want to know what happens next so badly. Everytime someone either gets worried or afraid they are always concerned about the other person like if they were captured or will be going to die. When Bree gets captured by Narnia in chapter four. Shasta was the most worried he has ever been. So when Shasta went after Bree there was these two guards in front of him and say that Bree would be dead by Dawn and that had Shasta gloomy and sad. I think Shasta would get him but then get captured but then again this is a mystery book. Another theme I think is in this book is love. Love is in this book because the king of Narnia, his daughter is having a wedding. Her bride in the wedding theme is so romantic with the decorations. And when the bride and girl kiss they start to dance with love music and everything was going fine until Shasta and Bree show up. That was my blog for quarter two.
#2 Jack Cardeno
ReplyDeleteTrump: The Art of the Deal
Donald J. Trump, Tony Schwartz
Page 62
Blog 4, Quarter 2
Prompt 3
Donald Trump had a very productive and profitable life after this book. Trump himself, along with Tony Schwartz, both wrote the book, and it went on to be a bestseller. Out of all the books Trump has written, many say that this is his most popular. Trump also went on to get remarried again to a new wife, now Melania Trump, and soon she is going known as the First Lady of the White House. The only reason Melania will be known as the first lady is because, Trump announced his candidacy for presidency in 2015, and went on to actually win the election by the majority of electoral votes. He was projected to lose, but won the majority vote in the long run. He won't be known as a very great president, but he will be my favorite president ever. Between 2001-2015, he starred on a show known as The Apprentice. The show consisted of him "firing" many people on the show, as he would choose who would study under him and go in to the field of real estate. Trump, on numerous occasions, used the phrase, "You're fired!" many times throughout the show's history. The show was finished in 2015, as when he ran for president, he made very crude remarks about people of Hispanic or Mexican descent. The show will now be taken over by Arnold Schwartzanegger, and will resume sometime soon. Trump is now preparing himself to become the next President of the United States, and will truly make America great again.
#1 Matthew Burnette
ReplyDeleteGame changer
Mike Lupica
Pages 127
Blog 1 Quarter 2
Prompt 9
This book so far is about an eleven-year-old that is a very good football player, but wants to play quarterback. The problem is he is fighting against the coach’s son. A movie I would recommend to Ben would be Blindside. I would show him this because it’s about football and it’s a very good story. I also like how this movie is a true story. Another would be Remember the Titans. I would show him this movie because it is sad, but a great story. I would also show him this because I think it would give him more respect for his teammates. I also like the movie radio because it’s a great life lesson. It shows that you shouldn’t bully anyone no matter what disability that have or even at all. Also The Express because that’s just a really good movie about a football player that becomes really good. The Longest Yard (remake) would be a good movie also because it has Adam Sandler and he is always super funny. I also would show him draft day because that movie is really serious, but shows the stress the football team owners and helpers. I think he would like all these movies because he loves football and some of them teach him life lesson and some relate to him sometimes. These movies are very different, but I know he will like them because he’s played every position so he will know what they feel.
#6 Gregory Luciano
Gary Paulsen
Page 149
Blog 4 Q 2
Prompt 1
Dear Diary,
I never realized how easy life is with super markets and houses and cars. But without all that, life is almost impossible. It is extremely hard to get a crumb of food out here. It takes days for me to get a bird or fish, with atleast hundreds of attempts. If I do get food, I then have the trouble of keeping it. Every second there is either a skunk or flies going after it. And during the night I have to worry about the large animals like tigers and rhinos. You see, there is no place to safely store it, such as the refridgerator. The best ways to hide my food that I have been doing are either burrying the food or hanging it in trees. Either way doesn't last long though, because skunks can smell the food and dig it up. It is also very hard to go far from camp because I don't have the best memory and I forget where camp is. Its hard to keep a shelter up because the wind knocks it down constantly. Luckily I still have my mothers hatchet to help me. Its come in handy when when I need to kill the fish. It also helps when I need to resharpen my spear and sharpen my arrows. I really miss my mom and my dad. It gets very lonely out here. It is hard to survive out here.
Jessica Ramirez #9
ReplyDeleteMy Life as a Stunt boy
Janet Tashjian
Pages 170
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt #3
Derek, a kid that got an opportunity to be a stunt boy was very successful doing stunts. He continued his life as a stunt man but unfortunately he broke his spine. He did everything he can to fix his back but the doctors couldn’t do the job. He was so mad that he took it out on his wife. They ended up getting in a horrible divorce. For a year or two he had to be in a wheel chair. After those two years they created a medicine that helped with rebuilding his spin again. So, once he heard about it he was so excited. He went in and it took a while for them to make sure the medicine was safe. He thought that it was a one-time thing and your cured, but it wasn’t. Well, because he thought it was a one-time thing he thought he was fine to do stunts. He made the wrong choice. He went and tried to do a backflip but ended up breaking his spine again. He found out that the medicine would only work if you took it every day and stay off of his back. He called up his ex wife and apologized for what he did to her. She forgave him and they started to date again. He soon proposed to his wife. His back got so much better and he got to live his normal life he always wanted to live. Him and his wife lived a happily ever after life.
#11 Preston Parker
ReplyDeleteThe House of Hades
Rick Rordian
Page 147
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt #9
Some movies I have chosen for Percy Jackson to watch are Riddick, John Carter, and Now You See Me 1 & 2. Percy should watch the movie Riddick because it has many themes that Percy contains. In Riddick a wanted criminal turns into the hero of an entire galaxy by the swing of his sword and the blasting of his gun. When Riddick saves he not only thinks about others but he thinks about the enemy's that he is killing. While Percy shows the characteristics of Riddick he cannot provide justice or server his duty stuck in Hades with Annabeth. I believe Percy should watch John Carter because he shows a loving personality for people. He takes a runt and turns him into a hero. He saves the princess but he also doesn't push himself at her like a wild beast. John Carter remains civilized while coming back to earth from mars keeping his cover and not making mars a known target. Percy should watch Now You See Me 1 & 2 because it masters the art of illusion and teleportation. Percy should watch this movie to strengthen his skills in magic and mind bending other then crude combat. The only way that Percy could change these characteristics is observing the way Hazel and Frank can bend ones mind without bringing them out of trance by moving. In Now You See Me they express loss and coping which are to characteristics Percy needs to get control of if he is going to leave Hades.
Joshua Quintana #9
ReplyDeleteThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain
Pages 100
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt #5
Tom Sawyer was just an average kid who wasn’t a frequent listener.
Who had a friend name Huckleberry Finn who together they would commit many sins.
He tricked his friends into painting the fence and as a result got a nice, relaxing rest.
He showed off at his sunday school and Mr. Walters didn’t find that all so cool.
Then one day all this changed when he met a girl who he liked in a loving way.
His actions then started to spike to nice.
He lied for her and took the blame, but he felt treated like a dog which made him ashamed.
Tom realised his mistakes but he found out a terrible secret along the way.
That very night they sneaked away and went to a graveyard not too far away.
There they were very dismayed at the fact that poor Dr. Robinson had a terrible fate.
Stabbed in the chest by Injun Joe and only Tom and Huck would ever know.
To keep it in preach it out, Tom and Huck were at no doubt, that if they couldn’t hide it away, Injun Joe would be on his very way.
To make sure they wouldn’t ever again see the light of day.
They feared their lives, and so they sweared to keep this secret although it was much to bear.
They pricked their thumbs and wrote it in blood as a way to show their devoted trust.
#14 Zachary Tittle
Blog 4 log 3
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
C.S. Lewis
Pg 189
The four children Peter, Edmund, Susan, and Lucy after the great war in Narnia decide to keep living in Narnia instead of returning home. They forget all about the world they came from and make a new life as the 4 kings and queens of Narnia. They live to be around 40 years old and come to a familiar place they cannot clearly recall why so. They start looking around while still in a state of confusion because they don’t know where they are. Lucy the youngest queen finally remembers where they are but doesn’t remember the significance of the area. They start walking into a familiar trail and keep walking straight. Steps later they find themselves touching fur, at first they are confused but soon find themselves stumbling onto a wooden floor outside a wardrobe. They also find themselves just as young as they were when they first entered Narnia. Edmund, Lucy, Peter, and Susan all slowly get to their feet and start looking at each other in awe. They hear the floor creak and the door flings open, it was the professor. He says “Aha! I’ve finally found you.” The children, still looking at each other confused as ever remember that when in Narnia time slows in their world. The time they really spent outside of their world was only a few short lived minutes. In comparison to how much time they spent in Narnia they still think like they have the experience of adult and find a way to get out of the professors way and start to talk among each other in private. Soon they get accustomed to coming back to their world and realize they are children again.
#13 Emilia Shahverdian
Mark of the Thief
Jennifer A. Neilson
Page 101
Blog #4 Quarter 2
Prompt #14
Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
I would chose this song for Nic because it is an inspirational song. When Nic is going through his trials he needs a song that will motivate him.
2. Don’t Stop Believing by Journey
I would chose this song for Nic because it shows him not to stop. If he stops believing then he could remain a slave forever.
3. I Need a Hero by Bonnie Tyler
I would chose this song for Nic because he was being trusted by people to help save Rome. He was just a slave but he was being used for the powers he possesses.
4. Non-Stop from the play Hamilton
I would chose this song for Nic because he could the song that is about Alexander Hamilton as an example. Alexander Hamilton risked his life for his country and Nic could use this to be brave.
5. I Can Go The Distance from Hercules
I would chose this song for Nic because it shows despite his situation he can do the impossible. When people doubt him he can learn to stand out and prove them wrong.
6. Zero to Hero from Hercules
I would chose this song for Nic because it describes him so well. If you think about it Nic is kind of like Hercules. Nic’s story goes from rags to riches, from being a nobody to a somebody.
I chose most of these songs for Nic because most of them have the common theme of being motivational and uplifting. Nic would enjoy these songs because they are so relatable for him. Even though these songs were written thousands of years after when Nic would have lived he would like them.
#3 Daniel Chapin
ReplyDeletePat Tilman Story
Quarter 2 Blog #4
There are many spectacular awards that can be given to the couragouse Pat Tilman. One of the awards that comes to most peoples mind is the award of being most sacrificial. Ninty nine percent of people would never ever do anything like him. He turned down a millions of dollar contract with a great team in the cardinals and chose to go and fight for his country because he thaught it was right. Another award is the most moral because he always stood up for what was right. Speaking from a football stand point he could get the award of most scrappy player. Anybody who watched him play in college knows that he hit super hard and was a hard worker day in and day out. One of the most important ones I would give to him is the award of being the most intelligent football player. He always had a backup plan. If he was not going to get drafted he was an A student and had a great education at Arizona State so he would have a chance to pursue a real cereer other than just football. The last award that I would give him would probrobly most passionate. If anybody watched him play they would say he was one of the most fired up players and he was that one guy who fired up everybody. In reality the most important award is the most couragouse because it is hard to come by a guy like that
#3Ethan Crenshaw
ReplyDeleteThe Bully Book
Eric Kahn Gale
Pages 236
Blog 4 Quarter #2
Prompt 4
It was sixth grade when Eric got bullied. In the book Eric gets picked on by other kids and they were Donovan, Jason Crazypants, and Adrian. Since he was in sixth grade they called him the Grunt!! .By almost the last three months he met up with a older kid named Clarence. Clarence was in eighth grade. Eric and Clarence worked together to find out who are the Bully Bookers. Eric got bullied a lot by getting called on names. The kids were so mean they sent Eric to the office for not doing anything. Eric only called someone a name and the other kid punched him. Eric got back and went to Clarence’s house to figure out how to not be the Grunt. Clarence had a lot of paper scattered all over the place. After Eric went to the library to find clues about the book. After school the Bully Booker meet up together to find the next Grunt. So Eric went to the place and but a camera on video and heard them talking about it. The last day of school Eric followed the Bully’s to where it was gonging to be their last meeting for them. Eric followed them through the woods and it appeared to be a house. Eric stopped and so did they. The house had banners and a red cloth. The banners had golden crowns on the wall. When the bullies left he tried to find the book. Eric found a box that said the book. He opened it and he found all of his answers how to not be the Grunt and how to be cool person. Then when he went into seventh grade he was never bullied again.
#8Ethan Powell
ReplyDeleteZach’s Lie
Roland Smith
Page 106
Quarter 2 Blog 1
Prompt 6
Hello I’m Ethan Powell and joining me is Zach Granger. Tell us Zach what was it like adjusting to the changes? Well, it was hard considering we lived in constant fear of the men that threated us that night. Interesting and making new friends, what was hard about that? The thing that was hard about new friends is I don’t know what to say. I haven’t had to make friends for a long time since at my old school I shared interests with many in my class. Did you share interests with anyone in your new school? Yes, I eventually found some people I could call friends. How did the change in life style affect your mother? She was stressed for the first week we lived there she was trying to handle the bookstore contract, getting the house ready, and keeping us safe. What about your sister? My sister seemed to be fine with the change, she was handling it well and was calm the entire time which helped my mother. Your dad is he doing ok? I’m not too sure what happened to him I think we might see him soon though. Your life has it been good? Yes, I’m doing fine now that I don’t have to worry about the men who threatened us that night a few years ago. Did you like Uncle Don and Aunt Doris? I liked them both, they also helped my mother not get super stressed. Interesting, that’s all the time that we have for tonight and we hope to see you again, Bye.
Leo Sellarole #10
Gregory Maguire
Pages 233
Blog #4 Quarter # 2
Prompt #10
In my book there are many characters that deserve an award for their great acts of courage to their great sense in style or even being the most wicked person in Oz! Our first Character is Nanny she deserves an award in recognition of her commitment and sticking to her promises. Elphaba wasn’t the easiest child to take care of and yet she was willing to be a loving “parent.” “Come to Nanny, you horrid little thing you.” Nanny leaned to pick the baby up, mess and all.” (Gregory Maguire 25) Our next character to be recognized is Doctor Dillamond for having the courage to stand up for his kind the Animals. It wasn’t going to be easy to prove Animals aren’t just the same as animals in the end he would end up dead but nothing would stop him. “When Doctor Dillamond has his proof (of Animals being genetically different and that their lives matter), he’ll write to the Wizard and begin to lobby for change.” (Gregory Maguire 111) Our next character is to be recognized for his caring, brave, and nurturing attitude, Fiyero. Fiyero falls in love with Elphaba and though he doesn’t care for his wife he is always supplying his wife’s need such as new sweaters to keep his wife warm in the winter and enough money to take care of herself and their children. Another way Fiyero shows these attributes is when he cares for Elphaba so much that he put his life on the line to follow her because of her dangerous career choice to make sure she stays safe. “So he stalked her again. Love makes hunters of us all.” (Gregory Maguire 215) This next lovely Character Galinda is recognized for her individuality, to become something more than another popular girl in school. She chose a very difficult major in sorcery and became known as St. Galinda a very well-known St. and highly regarded. “Galinda was slow coming to terms with actual learning. She had considered her admission into Shiz University as a sort of testimony to her brilliance, and believed that she would adorn the halls of learning with her beauty and occasional clever sayings.” (Gregory Maguire 75) Our final Character is the infamous green Wicked Witch of the West, Elphaba who deserves the award for rising above it all the oppression and expectations and also becoming more than what everyone expected her to be. Elphaba went through rough times and difficult circumstances always striving to help others and get her peace and happiness. Not once did she give up and say it was too hard.
#6 Michael Montoya
Veronica Roth
Prompt 9
Blog#4 Quarter 2
I saw the movie Max and it was a movie about having a dog. His brother was in Afghanistan when he died and Max was his highly trained service dog that helped him fight in Afghanistan. Unfortunately his brother was killed, but luckily the dog survived and the younger brother was able to adopt Max. They became best friends. Tris should see this movie because it can teach about having a true friend, trusting that friend and how strong that love for your friend can be. I also think she should see the movie Captain America Civil War because it teaches you how to fight, good and bad, to know who your enemies are and how to train properly. This is why I think she should see it because it shows how you get stronger by learning moves to defend yourself. Tris should also see the movie The 5th Wave because it teaches about survival and how to fend for yourself and that you should trust no one but yourself. I think she should see these movies because they will prepare Tris to fight for survival, but also to be careful of who you trust. Another good movie would be Maze Runner because it teaches you to use the resources around you and your intelligence. It can also teach you that some people that you don’t know can be seen as family. I also think she should see the Scorch Trials because it teaches you that things can be hopeless, but at the same time you should never back down from a fight. These movies are good examples of Tris’s own struggles and she can relate to each one in a different way.
Lauren Quintana #7
ReplyDeleteWinnie the Pooh
161 pages
Blog #3 Quarter #2
Prompt #7
1. Pooh’s real name is Edward. __________
2. When Pooh attempted to get honey he used the green balloon __________
3. Pooh loves singing __________
4. Pooh loves honey __________
5. Multiple times during the story Pooh eats honey he should have saved __________
6. The squirrel owned the house that Pooh got stuck in __________
7. Pooh’s honey jar had HONEY written on it __________
8. Pooh counted 587 heffalumps in bed __________
9. Eeynore is a gray donkey __________
10. Eeynore’s tail got found in rabbits house __________
11. Piglet is as small as… a.Roo b.Pooh c.Kanga d.Christopher Robin
12. Piglets best friend is… a.Kanga b.Roo c.Pooh d.Rabbit
13. Which isn’t mentioned a.Heffalump b.Wizzle c.Truffelent d.Woozle
14. Eeyore is a.old b.young c.very very old d.a teen
15. After hanging on to a balloon Pooh’s arms were stiff for a.2yrs b.months c.over a week d.2days
16. Pooh got his nick name from a.his smell b.stiff arms c.looks d.pride
17. Pooh was pricked by a a.spine shrub b.prickel bush c.roses d.gorse bush
18. What color door did Christopher R. live behind a.red b.green c.blue d.brown
19. Christopher R. shot Pooh with.. a.a gun b.a slingshot c.arrow d.look
20. Pooh and… go hunting for a woozle a.Eeynore b.Owl c.Christopher R. d.piglet
21. Why did Kanga call piglet Pootel?
22. Piglet didn’t catch a heffalump but, what did he catch?
23. Why does Pooh need a balloon?
24. Who is telling the stories?
25. Why does Pooh get stuck in the hole?
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. False
7. False
8. False
9. True
10. False
11. A.
12. C.
13. C.
14. A.
15. C.
16. B.
17. D.
18. B.
19. A.
20. D.
21. He was called Pootel because Kanga played a joke on him.
22. Piglet caught Pooh with a jar stuck on his head.
23. Pooh needs a balloon to float to get honey.
24. Christopher Robenson’s dad is telling the stories.
25. Pooh got stuck because he was fat.
Jasmine Jamali #5
ReplyDeleteChloe By Design: Mesuring Up
Margret Gurvich
Pages 502
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Fashion is a difficult choice to do in college. If you get an internship at a fashion company they will teach you many things. After her internship, Chloe was left out of her group. She was one of the only people that loved fashion and knew the most about it at her school. Her arch nemesis, Nina, loved fashion too. There are many things to fashion like PR. PR is all of the cool stuff like meeting with celebrities and talking about the line. There also are emails that need to be written along with studying other companies prices and show it to the other designers so they can lower or raise prices. In fashion you need to know the types of clothes and fabrics. Fashion is a hard subject. Chloe had to make all the clothes for coming. It was so stressing and that's just for a little high school. Chloe had to make every dress for prom too. She said it was very hard in the book. It is not easy to make clothing for a fashion company. I love fashion and I want to be A fashion designer when I'm older. I think it will be difficult and fun at the same time. I think everyone will buy my clothes and I'll be really expensive and I'll be a zillionaire. Just kidding I doubt that. That's the truth about the fashion world.
17 CJ Zeller
ReplyDeleteBeezus and Ramona
Beverly Clearly
Page 117
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt 9
The first movie I would recommend to Ramona is finding Nemo. Finding Nemo is an all time classic that I love, it’s about a little fish that goes to his first day of school and of coarse gets “kidnapped” by ocean divers. His dad does all he can to catch up to the boat but the boat speeds away. Nemos dad finds another fish with short term memory loss and decides to help him find Nemo. They both go on a great advent going through bomb infested waters and getting attacked by a great white shark. Eventually they find Nemo and make a plan to free him, and by flushing Nemo down the toilet he gets free and eventually reunites with his dad. the second movie I would recommend is The Sponge Bob movie. It is about Sponge Bob who has to go on this great adventure to retrieve king Neptune’s stolen crown that Plankton framed Mr. Krabs of stealing. During this adventure Sponge Bob goes through many obstacles from going to an abyss and defeating the fisherman that takes the fish and turns them into souvenirs. The third movie I would recommend is Lilo and Stitch. It is about a alien criminal that goes to earth and pretends to be a dog name Stitch. Stitch protects Lilo from everything that harms her. Lilo end up being kidnapped by a very large alien and Stitch ends up shooting himself up to the ship by exploding a truck full of gas. In the end Lilo is saved by Stitch and he is aloud to stay on earth and is no longer wanted.
J.B. Sebastiano #12
ReplyDeleteThe Yankee Years
By: Joe Torre and Tom Verducci
pages 155
prompt 14
Dear Mr. Steinbrenner,
I have some songs you might like to hear. You could play them on the Yankee speakers before and after the game. The first song is “We are the Champions” by Queen. The song talks about how the people are champions, and they will not hang out with the losers. This is a song based on sports and since your team has the most championships in the MLB, it fits. Your league leading 27 championships blows away the rest of the teams, and you are considered a genius. Another song you can use is “My House” by Flo Rida. It is a song with a catchy tune and will be a fan favorite. It also can represent your amazing home record, which usually has more wins than losses. The song will intimidate the opposing team and will remind them that the Yankees often win at home. The song “Celebration” by Cool and the Gang would also give the team an upbeat spirit. It will help them feel good about their wins. Even though you might find it annoying, it still will be popular with the players. If you play any Frank Sinatra songs, I think everyone will love it. He is a popular celebrity in New York due to his Italian heritage and incredible voice. Due to the fact New York has a heavy Italian population, you could maybe draw more of them to the game by doing this. I hope this list can help you find some new catchy songs to play before and after the game on the loud speaker.
J.B. Sebastiano
#6 Italia Holiday
ReplyDeleteWhen Nobody was Watching
Wayne Coffey
Page 102
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Twenty years after Carli was a big famous celebrity she had to retire. Carli was very successful because she had won the Olympics and the World Cup. Also Carli was accepted into the Hall of Fame. She was the best well known player in the Hall of Fame. After she retired Carli had two children named Mallory and Makenzie. Mallory became a professional soccer player and Makenzie became a professional dancer. Carli also was a soccer coach for her daughter Makenzie. Makenzie had to travel everywhere for dance, this gave Mallory the chance to show other coaches how amazing she was. Carli’s daughter’s team was undefeated. She taught them so well that four of the girls on the team became professional soccer players as well. When Carli stopped coaching her daughters had children as well. Makenzie had four children, two boys and two girls. Mallory had three children, which were one boy and two girls. Carli decided to start coaching again. All the girls played on one soccer team. Mallory was the co-coach. Of course the team won every game. The boys played baseball. Carli didn’t know anything about baseball, so her grandchildren had to teach her everything. She went to all their games and started to understand baseball. Carli was very proud of her children and grandchildren. She always played with her grandchildren because their parents were so busy. Carli had very big house. She went and lived back in her hometown, New Jersey. Her house had room for each of her children and grandchildren. The parents got their own rooms though. The house had ten rooms, seven for the grandchildren, two for the parents, and one for herself. She also had a pool with a slide, grass big enough to play soccer, batting cage, giant kitchen everyone got their own bathroom, movie room, basement, game room and she had maids. This was probably her dream house. Carli Lloyd had a very successful life.
#5Sienna Inman
The 100: Homecoming
Kass Morgan
Pg. 83
Prompt 10
Blog 4
My first award would be given to Clarke for “Most Helpful.” I would give this award to her because she's been so helpful the whole time the hundred have been on earth. She not only helps the injured people but also helps give advice and direction to people. She always has a plan and thinks before taking action. “Leave the worst injured where they are and lead anyone who can walk back to the clearing.” “She unwrapped the bandaged and surveyed the wound. Am I going to die? The girl whispered hoarsely. Clarke shook her head and smiled. Nope. No way I'm going to let that happen.” My second award would go to Bellamy for “Most Strong and Brave.” I would give him this award because he's been the one keeping the hundred alive for as long as they’ve been. He built cabins for shelter, and caught and killed deer for food. He's been strong in his attitude and physical strength. He doesn't give up on anything, once he sets his mind to it he does it. “This camp was Bellamy's home. He had helped build it with his bare hands, side by side with the rest of the hundred. He'd carried logs from the woods and laid them down to build a foundation. He had single-handedly kept the group alive with the animals he hunted.” My next award would go to Octavia for “Most Patient and Brave.” Octavia not only had to be patient her entire life, but brave too. She was the sister of Bellamy, and two children was forbidden on the colony. She had to stay hidden or her mother would be executed and she would be put in confinement. She hid in an opening under the floor every time a gauge would come to the house. She was patient and brave for her entire life. “She had spent her first five years living in a freaking closet, and the rest of her life proving she deserved to be alive.” My last award would go to Glass for “Most adventurous.” Glass grew up loving adventure and finding new things to do on the colony that were most of the time forbidden. Before she landed on earth she had to make her way onto a dropship. She not only got onto a dropship with her mother and boyfriend, but also open the doors for a hundred more people to make it on the dropship. She spacewalked from one side of the colony to the other. “I spacewalked, Glass said, a tiny hint of pleasure sneaking into her voice. It was the only way to get to Phoenix. Otherwise my boyfriend Luke and I plus a whole lot of other people would have died on Walden.”
Luke O’Brien #10
Stephen King
Pages: finished
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt 3
When I was writing Carrie, Carrie has spent her whole life being bullied and harassed by literally everyone she encounters. She knows that Mother would try to kill her if she used her powers in the public. That is why Carrie is forced to hold her rage and bitterness inside and never use her gift of telepathy against others. At the end of the book, Carrie breaks this rule of using her telepathy, and kills most of the student at Ewen High School. After doing so, her barrage of terror is pointed towards downtown Chamberlin. Here, she destroys a major part of her town. Including restaurants and her own home. She also put aside time to find the two unfortunate souls that planned the scheme of pouring pig’s blood all over her in front of the whole school. She killed both of them in such a brutal way that I don’t want to say it in this blog. Before this happens, she went to her house and killed her own mother. Before her mother died, she managed to stab Carrie in the shoulder with a kitchen knife. Exhausted and in a tremendous amount of pain, Carrie died in the parking lot where she had killed the couple that crossed her.
#4 Chris Grothues
Mike lupica
Blog 4
Prompt 15
Page 101
I am going to select a few people from the novel so far. Ramon, Ramon means council; mighty protection guards wisely. The Spanish meaning is guards wisely. Another name I am going to look up from the novel is El Grande Gonzalez. That name means great talent for communication and expression and a extrovert who loves people and social events. Another character in the book is Jacob. Jacob means personality areas such as stubbornness or obsession can be seen as an asset and a crutch at the same time. The letter j in Jacob means promote rapid adaption capabilities spontaneous intelligence, and a desire for justice and the never ending search for knowledge. The last character I am going to mention is Chris. Chris was the pitcher on the team. Chris means a truly divine spirit and have great compassion and deep idealism. The first letter c in Christopher means create talent in the world of arts, writing, and communicating with others. These meanings are suitable by Ramón protected people in the book sp far after he knocked somebody down. El Grande Gonzalez he had great talent for baseball. He pitched for the Yankees and the day he pitched the whole stands were packed full, they were sold out. Jacob in the book was very, very stubborn when he talked to people. Chris had a truly divine spirit for others and he showed compassion to all the players on his team and was very good communicating with others. It is a good book so far.
Brandon Salgado #10
ReplyDeleteThe Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
C. S. Lewis
Pages 70
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt #1
Dear Diary, Today Lucy said that there was another world in a wardrobe. I did not believe her one bit. I thought for a second that she was going crazy. But when we were playing hide and seek, I was the first person to be “it”. I was trying to find Lucy first. The first place I looked for Lucy was in the wardrobe. That was the only place I could think Lucy would hide since she is going on about another world in one, small wardrobe. I still think that’s pretty crazy of her to say that. So when I found the wardrobe in the spare room, I went in to try to find her. I shut the door but not all the way, just until it got dark in there. I started wandering and moving all of the jackets to find Lucy. I called her name out a few times. She didn’t answer though. I figured she would not answer. But once I walked toward the back of the wardrobe it didn’t stop. I started to feel crunchy, soft snow on the floor. I thought that was weird because I saw light. I thought to myself, “well this is great.” When I got further in, I saw trees, a hazy sky, and pure white snow on the floor! I felt bad for Lucy because we were making fun of her for saying that there is another world in a wardrobe. She was actually right.
#9 Jake O’Brien
ReplyDeleteNovember 16, 2016
Bog #4
Language Arts
Dear diary, that fear of that killer monster still haunts me. Simply the noises that it made simply drove fear into my heart that I cannot see myself getting over anytime soon. Ever since that raging animal almost got its paws on my son, I have stopped thinking about the little that I was able to do in that moment. Luckily it was enough but, I will never forgive myself for even letting me son be in that situation. As a mother, I should always be able to protect my son, no matter what the consequence to my wellbeing. Even though both Tad and I got out of that car alive, that dog still haunts me. Even basic noises that I hear on a daily basis give me horrifying flashbacks of what Cujo could’ve done. From the humming of a car engine to the noises of the dish washer I cannot simply get that Godforsaken animal put of my mind. I fear that I may not get any sleep tonight because of the terrifying fact that I can’t close my eyes without seeing the drooling mouth and razor sharp teeth of the wretched animal. I pray that hopefully, this haunting will come to an end.
Sierra Voight #15
ReplyDeleteBridge to Never land
Dave Barry, Ridley Pearson
Blog #1 Quarter #2
Prompt 5
Adventure on the top of the list of tours
Ideas form in her mind as she sours
The raven caws and she knows there is danger
The black cloud or her brother
She doesn’t know which is stranger
A smile forming on her face
Never Land such a beautiful place
She watches him fly with a flash of green
He looks in surprise at the Starstuff gleam
Peter Pan what an interesting name
Peter Pan not very fond of planes
He enjoys freedom, flying with no worry
He enjoys freedom, never in a hurry
The black birds will cry, evil in their hearts
We hide the gold box, she says for starts
The Shadow Thief dark and scary
Tinker Bell Peters’ loyal friend fairy
J.D. the Starcatcher
Aiden her kid brother
Big Ben in London
The clock says 9:07
In the fifth dimension Never Land
Captured by the man with a hook not a hand
Felt like forever until their feet hit the sand
Indians, savages, Lost Boys, pirates, and Tic-Toc
Such a bright light it left her in shock
Gone for two days there
Gone for never here
Fugitives in law running for their lives
Cops think she’s kidnapped thought this is false
Each time they run they hear the birds’ cries
A beautiful night with nothing to fear
A beautiful day a reunion is near
She makes it home safely smile ear to ear
Awaiting their punishment
Parents’ brains gear
Peter to the rescue
Their future is clear.
#4 Janessa Fuentes
Prompt 3
Blog 4
A trip to heaven and back
Mrs H.
A trip to heaven and back is a story about a woman who was on vacation in Chili. Whale she was there she decided to go kiacking. About an hour into her fun experience she came across a waterfall the waterfall was ginormous and she had to go down it Mary was scared and terrified. On her way down the Waterfall she got stuck between two rocks in the middle of the water it was very hard for her to breathe slowly by minute after minute she could barely breathe. She eventually got out of her position and was in shock. She didn’t know what was happening. Mary was so close to dyeing but she lived and on her way back to earth she saw heaven she couldn’t believe her eyes she states that it was “Astonishing I have never seen anything like it”. Mary now is a surgeon in Wyoming and her story lives on and it probably will forever. Mary now shares her story to hundreds of people at churches and meeting centers Mary’s story is one that inspired and is inspiring many to fallow God and listen to his voice. Before Mary had her acsadent she said she believed in God but never really lived it out. Now Mary believes in God fully through everything she asks him for his advice and she is a person who will inspire generations to come.
Jacob yost
ReplyDeleteHalo Ghosts of Onix
Pg. 300
Eric Nylon
Prompt # 14
For one character in my book that I had to make a playlist for I would pick master chief.
The very first song I would pick for master chief would be barracuda by heart. The reason I would pick this song is beach use its an up beat song that gets me pumped and master chief is a very intense guy who takes on armies by him self and that's why I think that this song would be good for him. Another song that would be good for him would be Rocky Mountain high by John Denver. I would pick this song because in this book he is in the forest and near the mountains. Another good song that would be good for him would be thriller by Michael Jackson. I would pick this song because he fights aliens and monsters and thriller is all about that stuff. Anther song would be jailhouse rock because he has been in jail before in his life. He is also a wanted man in the aliens eyes. Another song I would put on his playlist would be not going to die by skillet because master chief has died many times but somehow has always came through and survived even through the hardest of times.
ReplyDeleteLog #9
Pg. 60
Tobias s bukell
I would recommend some movies to the heroes because that
Y would encourage them to do their best in every thing they do. Some movies I would recommend is lone survivor. I would tell them this because the main character has to survive on his own in the wilderness for a long time until he got to a city. Another movie would be American sniper because he would have to snipe the animals in the woods so that he could eat for the night. Another movie would be saving private Ryan because that is when he has to go on rescue missions and try's to save other people from huge threats. Also this would be good because it showed him survival skills he would need for the battle field when he fights the enemy and that would also help him in his travels and that is why I wolf recommend this to him.