2nd Quarter - Blog #5

Just keep reading, Just keep reading. I hope you are enjoying your book choices. I look forward to reading your blogs.


  1. Avery Avichouser
    Language Arts
    The Tale of Desperaux
    Kate DiCamillo
    Blog 5
    Despereaux wants to go on vacation. I think he should because he has had a lot going on. Despereaux has decided to go to the jungle. The jungle doesn’t have many people so Desperaux will be able to relax instead of being in jail. He will get a sense of peace there. Despereaux will get to explore and go on many wild adventures. Despereaux is packing his bags to prepare for his amazing adventure. He will get to take an airplane to get there too. Despereaux finally arrives at his hotel, right in the middle of the jungle! The hotel has only three rooms, there are not many people there to bother him. It was late when he arrived so he went to bed to get a good night sleep. He woke up early to a nice bird chirping at his window. He jumped out of bed and got dressed. He went downstairs to get some hot chocolate. Despereaux then went outside and noticed a zip line that had been set up for him to go on. He went so very high that he was in the sky above the jungles gigantic trees. It was the best day ever he said. He went back to the hotel because he was so tired and went to bed. In the morning he got up and was excited to see what the day has in store. He walked downstairs and there was fresh brewed coffee in the lobby. He just realized he was only there for three nights and this was his last day, he had to do something awesome. Despereaux decided on a hike. He packed his backpack with snacks, water and a safety kit. He began on his hike and saw many beautiful animals and different parts of the jungle. He had an amazing day. He went to the hotel and fell asleep. He slept great because of all of the walking he had done. He woke up, packed up and started on the plane back home. Despereaux really enjoyed his trip, it was his best one ever!

  2. #6 Italia Holiday
    When Nobody's Watching
    Carli Lloyd, Wayne Coffey
    Pages 173
    Blog #5 Quarter #2
    Prompt #6
    Italia: Hello Carli.
    Carli: Hello Italia
    Italia: So, Carli, after you retire from soccer what do you want to do?
    Carli: Well, I would like to have a few children and I would like to do soccer camps, coach soccer teams and make my own club.
    Italia: Would you want your children to play soccer as well?
    Carli: Yes, but it is up to them so I will not force them too. I will push and support them in whatever they may do. For example, maybe football, dance, or even hockey I will support them.
    Italia: Wow, I think you will be a amazing mom.
    Carli: Thank you!
    Italia: Your welcome! Do you regret anything that happened in your soccer time?
    Carli: No I don't because I probably wouldn't be here.
    Italia: This is a personal question I am about to ask. How did you feel when you didn't make a team at a tryout? Also, did it affect anything or anyone else?
    Carli: I felt upset and disappointed in myself, but I knew I would have more tryouts and a future ahead of me. Sometimes it would affect others like my friends. I wouldn't hang out with them because I was so depressed.
    Italia: Did it only affect your friends?
    Carli: No, but it mainly affected my friends. It also affected my attitude around everyone. I tried to keep my head up, but I was so sad I couldn't.
    Italia: Ok Carli, last question. What was the best experience in your soccer career?
    Carli: The best experience was either when we won the Olympic's or when we won the World Cup and I got the MVP award. It was amazing.

  3. #1 Matthew Burnette
    Game Changers
    pg. 137
    blog 1
    quarter 2

    Some books I would give my character to read is football books because he loves football and this is a football book. He is currently just got to start at QB for the first time. First I would just give him a handful of some biography books because he seems to like players not a team. He especially likes QB because he wants to be one, but didn’t make the cut. I would also have him read the blindside because that is just an inspirational book that is very heartwarming. I would also have him read this book called footballs greatest because he likes the game winning passes the spectacular plays and stuff like that. That book has all those things and more facts because I have it at my house. I would also have him read some of the biographies on the coaches because he seems like he would be a good coach someday. I think he would be a good coach because he is not bias and knows the sport well. I would also buy him a subscription to sports illustrated because he can catch up on the current day football and all the other sports. All these books I think would be a great fit for him. I hope he makes a good relationship with the coach because he seems to be angry at him lately, but not anymore because he got to play QB. These books will be a game changer for him.

  4. #2 Jack Cardeno
    Trump: The Art of the Deal
    Donald J. Trump, Tony Schwartz
    Page 115
    Blog 5, Quarter 2
    Prompt 11

    Donald Trump would go on a vacation to many places. He would most likely want to go on vacation at the Mar-a-Lago. He would go here for a number of reasons. One reason that he would like to go there is because he owns the place. One of Trump's favorite hobbies is golfing. The Mar-a-Lago has a 9 hole golf course, and since Trump is an avid golfer, he would most likely play some golf while there. The Mar-a-Lago also has 118 rooms and is very spacious, with an extra 20 acres of land for Trump to do anything he wants to on the yard. He would do a multitude of things there too. At six o' clock he would wake up and play a round of golf. He would enjoy this because he really doesn't have anything to do, with the exception of attending to his presidential duties. At 9, he would probably start managing his casinos and apartments, while talking to his children about them managing his grand enterprise. His wife, Melania Trump, would also be working in the company alongside her children. At 12, he would most likely have lunch, prepared by his chefs at the estate that he hired himself. At 2, he would probably start packing, as he now lives in the White House, and needs to be there to attend to his duties.

  5. J.B. Sebastiano #12
    The Yankee Years
    Tom Verducci
    Pages 187
    Blog #5 Quarter #2
    Prompt 3
    In my story The Yankee Years, Joe Torre tells us about his life as a New York Yankee. He said it was a dream come true. Before he managed the Yankees, Joe had many other jobs in baseball. Joe’s first MLB experience was as a player. He was an MVP player that played for the Braves, Cardinals, and Mets. He was widely considered to be one of the best catchers if not the best catcher in baseball at the time. Joe’s first managerial experience was with the Mets when he was offered a job to be a player and a coach. Joe accepted the job and did it well for six years. After he retired, the Mets did not renew his contract. The Atlanta Braves then hired Joe, where he managed for three years. Following his time in Atlanta, Joe was hired by the Cardinals and managed there for six years. At the end of his first fifteen seasons managing, Joe only had a .426 winning percentage which could not compete with most other managers. Joe was surprised when the Yankees asked Joe to come and manage the Bronx Bombers. He happily accepted the job and went on to become one of the best managers in the league. He won four World Series with the Yankees and was named AL Manager of the Year twice in both 1996 and 1998. After his stint with the Yankees was over, he managed the Dodgers for three years until he retired with a .538 winning percentage and four World Series titles. In 2014, he was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame as a manager. As a reward for his incredible achievements, the MLB asked him to become the Executive Vice President of Major League Baseball. Joe accepted and has worked for them ever since.

  6. Jessica Ramirez #9
    My Life as a Stuntboy
    Janet Tashjian
    Pages #210
    Blog #5 Quarter #2
    Prompt #11

    Derek Fallon loves to do stunts. He was even doing stunts in a movie. I think Derek Fallon would like to go to the jungle. The jungle is a humid, nice place to do stunts, and there is a lot of animals. I think Derek Fallon would like to go to the jungle because there is a lot of stunts Derek can do in the jungle and practice for his up coming stunts. Not only he can do stunts but, he can have fun while doing them. He can be like Tarzan. On Monday, Derek went to go ziplining. I think he would have fun because Derek likes to be in the air. On Tuesday, he went to swim in the lake. I think he would have fun doing that just to give his body a break of stunts. On Wednesday, he went on the monkey swings. I think Derek Fallon would enjoy this because he is a brave boy like Tarzan. On Thursday, I think he would have fun climbing trees to practice for his stunts because he has to climb a huge wall soon. On Friday, he became friends with the animals and hunted with them. I think he would like this so he can learn to be a man. Then on Saturday, he would pack his bags and go to the normal life he lived but, he would get home the next day because it was a 26 hour drive.

  7. #8 Ethan Powell
    Zach’s Lie
    Roland Smith
    Blog #2 Quarter 2
    Prompt 11
    The place I think Zach, or should I say Mack, would like to go to is one of his old homes in Elko. He had to be relocated because of the drug dealers that were after him. Even though he was there for a month he still made lots of friends. On this vacation he would visit the spot where his mother was going to open a bookstore and see if it bacame a bookstore or if it became something else. Another thing he would want to do is visit the school he went to visit Sam the custodian that became his best friend. Zach would find his friend Daryll and catch up with what has happened in Elko while he was gone. The thing Zach would want to do most of would be to visit his close friend Catalin who he walked to school with, who took him to the mountains, and who was the reason Peter told the drug dealers where Zach was. Catalin was the first real friend Zach had and he had to leave her because of the drug dealers. Overall I think that Zach would have a great time catching up with old friends and seeing what has changed in their lives since he had moved away. Zach would have a great time with his friends, and he would have a great time in Elko. He wouldn’t want to leave his friends again.

  8. Aiden Avichouser
    Honus & Me
    Dan Gutman
    Blog 5
    A theme in the book Honus and Me is having confidence in yourself. Joe thinks that he is a really bad baseball player. Joe has a special power, and it is when Joe has a baseball card he can wish something and can travel through time. He was cleaning out an old lady's garage and found the rarest baseball card in the world. The card is worth about half of a million dollars. His mom told him to give the card back to the old lady. She didn't even know that she had it. Joe wished that he could meet Honus Wagner. Joe woke up in the middle of the night and saw somebody sitting at his desk. He didn't know who it was at first, but then he realized that it was Honus Wagner. Joe realized that since he wished he could see Honus Wagner he traveled through time to Joe’s time. The next day Joe had a baseball game. Joe did really bad and made the last out of the game. After the game he saw Honus sitting on the curb. Honus gave Joe a few tips and then they went and played some more baseball. Honus hit Joe hard ground balls and pitched to him. Honus told Joe that he saw much potential in him. Joe did not believe him because he thought that he was no good. Joe did not have confidence in himself. Honus told Joe that if he told himself he was great, he would be great. Honus Wagner didn't try to hit home runs because he played during the dead ball era. The ball had no cork in it. Honus told Joe how to hit and field and that would make Joe a better baseball player. Having confidence in baseball is very important.

  9. #6 Gregory Luciano
    American Sniper
    Chris Kyle
    Page 70
    Blog #1 Q2
    Dear Diary,
    I didn't realize how much boot camp would kick my butt. Its the hardest thing I've ever had to go through. It was painfull, however I liked it! I was used to ranching and riding bulls so I was a pretty tough guy before the military. I'm glad I was able to try out for SEALs though because I was oringinally kicked out for having pins in my hand from a bull accident. If I couldn't try out, Not only would I not become a SEAL, but my cowboy carreer was already done. Boot camp was pretty easy, basically compared to ranch work. However, that wasn't a good thing because I joined the army to be challenged. dly, during boot camp I got fat. After that though I saw some SEALs on the beach and inspired me to start working out. I started running miles every day and each day increasing the distance. Also we started training on swimming and thats were I learned to swim better. Sadly, being from Texas, were far from water, so I didn't get much swimming practice. Every day we'd train, and when not training I would work out with other SEAL candidates doing PT or Physical Training. Basically making you stronger yet still flexable. Most of the time we'd do pushups, squats, crunches, etc for about two hours. Ontop of that we do "exhaustion swims" where you swim till you sink. So to become a SEAL, we had to pass Indoc,BUDS, and Hell Week. Indoc was meant to prepare us for BUDS, which lasted about a month. That was pretty easy, but when BUDS came up (Basic Underwater Demolition/Scuba Training) I realized I needed to work out more. I havn't completed Hell Week yet, but so far its kicking my butt.

  10. #14 Zachary Tittle
    Mrs. H
    Blog 5 log 2
    Prince Caspian
    C.S. Lewis
    Page 41

    Dear Susan, I come from your world, our world. My name is Zachary and I wanted to try to help you. So I saw that you and your family had just come back to Narnia right after I have returned. I have seen that you are stuck only eating apples and trying to find a nice place to sleep other than on the ground. So I have devised a plan for you to help yourself and your family. Since you are in a castle try to look for a storage room or large hall to look around in or try to find some sheets to sleep on or with. If you and your family can not find any items to help I would suggest trying to find a new place.
    Day 2: Dear Susan, I See you have found your bow and a room to sleep in with your family. I also see that you are still eating apples. If that is the only food source good job on your survival skills. Although staying away from you and your family has let me see the world outside of the castle. I have seen a boat with 2 men and a dwarf. To me it looks as if they are going to execute him for they have him at the neck with a sword.
    3 hours later: Oh my! You had almost killed the man. If he was not wearing the helmet surely you would have slain him. I see that you have befriended the dwarf and that you have been talking to him for some time now. I will let him tell the story and let you listen. Fair well Susan –from Zachary

  11. #3 Ethan Crenshaw
    The Son of Neptune
    Rick Riordan
    Pages 100
    Blog #5 Quarter #2
    Prompt 6

    Ethan: Hello
    Percy Jackson: Hello
    Ethan: Are you a demigod or a god Percy?
    Percy Jackson: Yes I am a demigod.
    Ethan: Are you a brave teenager?
    Percy Jackson: Yes I am.
    Ethan: Do you consider yourself as a hero?
    Percy Jackson: No I am not a hero.
    Ethan: Do you have a father and is he living?
    Percy Jackson: Yes I have a father named Poseidon.
    Ethan: Did you ever see your father?
    Percy Jackson: No because gods cannot see their father’s.
    Ethan: Did you fight bad people and who were they?
    Percy Jackson: I fought gorgons and snake haired ladies.
    Ethan: Did you ever kill the gorgons?
    Percy Jackson: No because they would not stop dying.
    Ethan: Did you have a protector guarding you?
    Percy Jackson: No, because if someone would hurt me I would go to the water to heal myself.
    Ethan: Were you ever a criminal?
    Percy Jackson: No.
    Ethan: Did you have a place to stay?
    Percy Jackson: Yes, it was camp Half Blood.
    Ethan: Did you enjoy being a demigod?
    Percy Jackson: Yeah I guess.
    Ethan: What did your father have as a power?
    Percy Jackson: My father controlled the sea.
    Ethan: Did your father talk to you?
    Percy Jackson: Yes but only in my head he tells me what to do.
    Ethan: Does he guide you?
    Percy Jackson: Yes.
    Ethan: Did you ever see your mom?
    Percy Jackson: Yes.

  12. #5Sienna Inman
    Pg. 145
    The 100
    Kass Morgan
    Blog 5
    Prompt 7

    True or False
    1. Clarke is the camp Doctor? True or False
    2. Bellamy was the first one to learn how to hunt? True or False
    3. Wells was captured by the earth borns? True or False
    4. Clarke is Bellamy’s sister? True or False
    5. Asher was the first one to die? True or False
    6. Bellamy is an only child? True or False
    7. Wells is the chancellors son? True or False
    8. The earth borns are peaceful people? True or False
    9. Clarke’s parents are still alive? True or False
    10. Wells and Clarke are still dating? True or False
    Multiple choice
    1. What is Clarke's last name?
    2. What is Bellamy’s last name?
    3. What is Wells last name?
    4. Who is Bellamy's sister?
    5. Who is Wells father?
    A. A guard
    B. The chancellor
    C. A doctor
    D. A teacher
    6. How many children is a couple allowed to have?
    A. 3
    B. 2
    C. 1
    D. None

    7. What kind of people were sent down to earth?
    A. Criminals
    B. Teachers
    C. Doctors
    D. Anyone on the colony who volunteered
    8. How many people were sent down to earth?
    A. 40
    B. 80
    C. 50
    D. 100
    9. What was the first animal the people saw on earth?
    A. A two headed elephant
    B. A two headed deer
    C. A two headed snake
    D. A two headed fox
    10. Who is Bellamy to Clarke?
    A. Boyfriend
    B. Best friend
    C. Brother
    D. Cousin
    Short Answer
    1. Why was Bellamy's mother killed?
    2. Why were Clarke's parents executed?
    3. What did Wells tell his father that made Clarke hate him?
    4. Why is Bellamy in confinement?
    5. What is Luke going to be asked to do to Bellamy?
    How are Bellamy and Wells related?

    Answer Key:
    1. True
    2. True
    3. False
    4. False
    5. True
    6. False
    7. True
    8. False
    9. False
    10. False
    1. B
    2. C
    3. A
    4. D
    5. B
    6. C
    7. A
    8. D
    9. B
    10. A
    1. For having a second child
    2. For practicing medicine illegally
    3. What her parents were doing doing illegally
    4. For shooting the chancellor
    5. To execute him
    Bellamy's mother and Wells father had an affair which led to Bellamy's mother getting pregnant with Bellamy. Wells father later got married to Wells mother and had him. This makes Wells and Bellamy half brothers.

  13. #11 Preston Parker
    The House of Hades
    Rick Rordian
    Page 165
    Blog #5 Quarter #2
    Prompt 11
    If I had to pick a vacation for Percy Jackson and Hazel to go to it would have to be The bottom of the ocean in Neptunes Palace. Percy would choose this vacation because he hasn't been there since he was put in the mortal world. Hazel would go with him because that it had girlfriend. On the first day of vacation they would visit Neptunes shrine so Percy could consult with his father after these many years. Then they would go to the coffee shop and add some of that sweet nectar ending there day back at the hotel watching the sunset. On day to Percy and Hazel would go ride sea horses through the ocean until the had to come back for the complimentary lunch and then they would meet each other at the fiesta class that night in the hotel courtyard. On day three Percy and Hazel would venture to the furthest darkest part of the ocean and help the guards fight off an evil titan named Titinius who's mind they would wipe and make him custodian of the Shrine of Neptune. After battling the titan Percy and Hazel would go back to the hotel get a spa afternoon with the best mermaid misuses and the only ones by that fact in the world. On day four Percy and Hazel would get back on the Argo II returning to the camp to fight all the monsters once again.

  14. Leo Sellarole #10
    Gregory Maguire
    Page 287
    Blog #5 Quarter #2
    Prompt #8
    Elphaba is a determined, hardworking, stubborn, and intelligent girl who would never dream of giving up. Some of these characteristics she possesses can be found in some of her heroes who she looks up to. Helen Keller was one of her heroes, a woman with many obstacles who would stop at nothing to overcome them and become something greater that anyone could imagine. Elphaba may have not been blind or deaf but she was green and very different and this was one major obstacle that would be tough to overcome. Martin Luther King Jr. was another one of her heroes. Standing up and leading a Civil Right Movement to put an end to discrimination was one big feat for Matin Luther King Jr. This would be something Elphaba would have to fight for her belief, her belief in freedom for all including Animals. Another being Professor Einstein, a man who would learn as much as he can and use it to help the world. Along with Einstein Leonardo da Vinci was a hero of Elphaba’s for being an innovating helpful contributor to the world such as contributing the idea of crossbows. Anne Frank was a major impact on Elphaba too, proof that any life is better than not having a life at all. Teaching Elphaba there is always a bright side and a cause to survive and fight for. There is always an inspiration behind every aspiring being. We can always learn something new to apply to our lives and come out a better person than we were before.


  15. Masha Mukutmoni #8

    Artichoke’s Heart

    Suzanne Supplee

    Blog #5 Quarter #2

    Prompt 15

    Selected Characters: Aunt Mary, Rosemary, Bertha, Misty, Kay-Kay.
    Mary: A Hebrew baby name, a wished-for-child, rebellion, bitter. This name suits Aunt Mary, because when she comes over to Rosemary’s house, she’s always trying to prove something, and no matter how she tries, she always seems to get what she wants. For example, she begged Rosemary to go to a weight loss seminary, and Rosemary eventually went.

    Rosemary: A Latin baby name, the dew-of-the-sea. It’s a compound of Rose and Mary, also having the meaning bitter. This name suits Rosemary, because Rosemary is a sweet and caring daughter, but sometimes, when the time gets really tough, she seems to always throw a fit. For example, when Mother asked Rosemary to get on the treadmill she bought for her just once, she snapped at Mother- “That thing does not look like it should be mine. GET IT OUT OF MY ROOM!” The fact that she was bitter, well, that wasn’t fully true, unless you made fun of her.

    Bertha: A Germanic name, meaning “Bright one.” This seems to fit Ms. Bertha because every Tuesday, when she comes into the salon to get her hair or nails fixed, she always is very chatty. Once she’s settled into the salon high chair, she start chirping about the community updates. She almost never seems to back down. Yet, rainy days do make her just a tad grumpy.

    Misty: An English baby name, just meaning “Misty.” This doesn’t really fit Misty, because, when I think of something being misty, I see something like dew drops on the morning grass. But, in the book, Misty is a jerk. She and her “pals” always laugh and point at Rosemary, she always says things like- “Hey, Arti! The dessert buffet is the other way!” This is always aimed of Rosemary’s weight.

    Kay-Kay: An English baby name, meaning, “Gaius” which is an alternative spelling of Cai. It also means “Snow Queen”. This seems to fit Kay-Kay’s profile, because she’s a queen-like teenager. She rises at 5:30 in the morning, to run three miles around the neighborhood. Another characteristic that seems to fit Kay Kay’s name is the fact that she seems to have her own “season.” When it’s more of a colder day, she acts like a Snow Blossom, the flower that blooms during the winter, all lively and pretty.

  16. Joshua Quintana #9
    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    Mark Twain
    Pages 213
    Blog #5 Quarter #2
    Prompt #11
    Tom Sawyer on his vacation would go to Hawaii. Tom would want to go there because it would be very adventurous for him and Huck Finn. I think that he would enjoy Hawaii because of the vast, broad, and cool beaches. You would first say goodbye to his aunt and then he would get on a steamboat. The boat would then take him off to Hawaii. He would go to a hotel and get a hotel room. He would first wake up and go down the elevator to the bottom floor. He would head to the hotel's main eatery and grab breakfast. He would eat eggs with a light salting on them. He would think of his aunt, and he now wouldn't have to paint the fence. Tom would finish the eggs and go out on a tour. He would go on a tour around the whole island. He would then eat lunch and go to the beach to explore with Huck Finn. He would avoid going deep into the caves because he got lost before when he was with Becky. He would go around searching for treasure and go swimming in the beach. Knowing that justice had been brought upon Injun Joe, Tom would be very grateful for the time relaxing at the beach away from the chaos he had just gone through. He would end the day watching the sunset and enjoying the view.

  17. #10 Luke O’Brien
    Mrs. H
    Prompt 4
    A major theme in this story is love. It’s not like a typical love story though. The main character in this story is Winston. He and this girl Julia love each other. They met because they both hated that Big Brother and the Thought Police were in control of everything. They have both heard this rumor that there was a rebellion called “The Brotherhood”. This wasn’t a secret society though. It was more like an idea. Well this is what The Brotherhood wanted everyone to think. Including the people that were in favor of the Brotherhood. Winston and Julia were determined to find The Brotherhood and tell them that they wanted to help. Eventually they came across a man named O’Brien, whom Winston worked with. They were never friends, never spoke a word to each other. Yet there was this odd connection that told Winston that this man was an ally that could be trusted. O’Brien is very smart and was the one that told Winston and Julia that there was a Brotherhood. He didn’t tell them much about them. Winston and Julia were expected to do anything in order to keep the Brotherhood a secret. They would have to be willing to murder a child if The Brotherhood ordered them to. They were willing to do anything but to be separated from each other. Julia is the kind of girl that seems to not care about anything or anyone. Yet is was Julia was actually the one who told O’Brien that she wouldn’t leave Winston. When she told O’Brien he didn’t seem to show any resilience. So Winston and Julia assumed that they could be involved in this insurgency and still be with each other.

  18. #4 Christopher Grothues
    The Big Field
    Mike Lupica
    Blog 5
    Prompt 6
    Pages 210
    Mrs. Cora: You thief
    Ramon: What do you mean thief.
    Mrs. Cora: Well why did you trip me and take my money.
    Ramon: Well by now.
    Mrs. Cora: Cops get him he is running away with all of my money when I fell.
    Police: stop running with all of that women’s money.
    Ramon: I don’t need to listen to you.
    Police: We finally got you, so take that. You are now going to jail.
    Mrs. Cora: This always happens in New York City right by yankee stadium. Ramon was not the smartest in the south Bronx.
    Police: Ramon you can get out of jail after a year.
    El Grande Gonzalez: I am the best pitcher in the whole major leagues. Every time I start for the Yankees the crowd fills up where there is no open seats.
    Crowd: Lets go Grande let go.
    El grande: What in the heck is going on I am getting cheered on that is awesome. I don’t think any other pitchers can get that much attention when they pitch. I throw the hardest in the MLB.
    Michal: I wonder is baseball even safe because the baseball field is my safeplace.
    Friends: What do you mean baseball has always been safe place. What about your mom?
    Michal: I don’t know why but I just think that it is not safe, because you get hit by the pitch a lot.
    Friend: getting hit by the pitch is fun, you get to take one for the team and you get a free base.

  19. Brandon Salgado #10
    The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
    C.S. Lewis
    Pages 189
    Blog #5 Quarter #2
    Prompt #4

    One of the themes in the book is bravery. The characters in the book went into Narnia and did many things that helped saved Narnia from the witch. The witch was mean and angry, and she had magic powers. She kept the weather of Narnia winter forever. That is mean to do to all the animals that lived in Narnia. The reason they were brave is because they fought the witch. The witch had little helpers to fight with her, so Lucy, Peter, Edmond, and Susan used their weapons to fight them. I think that made them braver and they did a good job. They had already met Aslan, but the witch captured him. She captured him during the night and put a muzzle on him. Lucy and Susan saw the witch’s men hurting Aslan and tying him up. The girls were so sad to see this, which made them want to attack the witch even more. Another example of bravery was when Peter fought a big wolf with flaming eyes and sharp jagged teeth. He must have been scared, but confident enough to fight it. He stabbed it with his sword and it fell over and died. That was a relief to be able to kill the wolf. Bravery is good because you can have confidence in doing difficult tasks that you might not want to do. Lucy, Peter, Edmond, and Susan were confident and brave to fight the witch, which helped Narnia to end the winter and change the season.

  20. #3 Daniel Chapin
    Pat Tillman Story

    There are a lot of songs that I think Pat Tillman would like. He would be more into hard rock or maybe some punk rock. The reason I say that is because when he played he was so incredibly fired up. One of the songs that I think he would like is thunderstruck by AC-DC because that is one of those songs where you feel pumped up and like you can do anything. It also increases your performance, in this case on the football field or even the battle field. Another song I would recommend to him would be Hills Bells by Metallica. I would recommend this song because it helps you focus on the task at hand. Another song I would recommend to Pat would be I’m shipping out to Boston by the dropkick Murphys. This song is just straight up intense and that reminds me of how Pat used to play football. Another song that I would recommend would be a song called green fields of France by dropkick Murphys. I would recommend this to Pat because it is a very passionate song which reflects on how pat lived his life. It also was a sad song that honored men of war which pat was. The last song in the playlist that I would give Pat to listen to is Warriors Code by dropkick Murphys again. In this song it talks about having a heart of a lion which is what pat had. It also talks about taking a lot of punishment from life and keep moving forward. If I could describe pat in one song it would be Warriors Code.

  21. #2 Kachina Blair
    Page 150
    Blog 5, Quarter 2
    Prompt 11
    I think that the main character should deserve an award for being the boldest and trying person. I think that the character deserves this because he has a stuttering problem, when he speaks he has a bad problem with the letters G and N. Even when he had a hard time with the words he would try and try and practice. For example, when he helped his friend, Rat, with his paper delivery. While he was doing this, he was practicing his P words, while practicing them there was an old lady who had thought he called her a bad word. Since he didn’t speak well he went home and wrote a letter to that same lady. The next time he was going to say a word he would try a lot harder and say it louder. This is one example on why I think that the main character should get the trophy for being the best at trying very hard. Another reason the main character should get this trophy is because he kept on trying after he said the word wrong. He would go to his mom for help with a word. Most the time he would wright the words that he was trying to say. For example, he would try to say the word goodnight but he just couldn’t. He would practice his G letters and try to say goodnight. The trophy that he would get is the trophy for best at trying.

  22. Joe McElroy #7
    A series of unfortunate events
    By lemony snicker
    Page #40
    Blog #5 Quarter #2
    Prompt 15

    In the book A series of unfortunate events the main characters names are Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, and Sunny Baudelaire. First off violet's name means a plant that blush purple or white flowers. This could relate to her because she is like a flower blooming because her life is just beginning and also it is tied in because also here favorite color is violet which I think is ironic. Then klaus is a very smart twelve year old and in the dictionary there was a Czech politician that had the same first name as him which is kinda funny because who would have known that a smart child in a book would share a name with a politician which politicians are usually intelligent. And the third child's name is sunny which is kinda cool because she is a little baby that that is happy and her name is sunny which means cheerful and happy which during hard times is hard to come across. And as I have bean going through this book so far is that klaus is brought interest in thing of unknown and violet is very smart and is amazed with new inventions that come into her mind every day and she is wanting figure out different ways to make life easier and sunny is a liter child that is always happy even through the unfortunate events mostly because she does not really know bad from worse but through the series she will grow up and I can not wait to see what happens to the characters throughout the book.

  23. #6 Michael Montoya
    Veronica Roth
    Prompt 3
    Blog#5 Quarter 2

    Beatrice went through a lot during her times but when it was all finally over, she went back to the faction world and made all the factions as a whole. There would no longer be separate factions. They would all be one. She made the factions a family instead of them hating and segregating each other. She taught the people how to fight and shoot and most of all how to survive together. She also taught them how to hide from the enemy. She prepared them for emergencies and how to handle being attacked. Beatrice had three kids, 1 boy and 2 girls, and she named them Mya, Jack, and Grace. When they were about eight years old she started training them to learn self-defense techniques. She also taught them how to hunt and catch there food. When the kids turned 13 she taught them how to fist fight, shoot, and throw knives, just as she had learned at a young age. Luckily for them they would never have to choose what faction they wanted to be in. By the time her youngest was 16, Beatrice died of a heart attack. They had a memorial for her because she was such an exemplary leader. Her children would not allow her death to be in vain. Her spirit would live on through the kids. They continued to practice what their mother taught them. To be around those who help you and care for you. One thing Beatrice believed in was to always help out family.

  24. Ileanna Holiday#5
    Almost Home
    Blog 5
    Prompt 4
    Page 157

    Amor, agape, amoré, liefde, hola, ohana, they all have the same meaning, love. Love is one of the main themes in the book Almost Home. A young little girl has always wanted a dog but her parents could never afford one. One day on her way back from school, she finds a puppy all alone. So she brings her home. Her parents were not very sure about her at first but soon after that they had considered keeping her. Love- this means that you have very affectionate love for someone or something. The pore little girl had nothing and now she has something. Imagine a world were no one had anything and then finally they get something that makes them happy. That is the world this little elementary girl had to live in. She decided to name her new puppy Hope because she gave her hope. Most parents would not let their children keep a puppy that they don't know anything about but her's did. Only fools turn their back from love and their are a whole lot of fools but her parents were not. She does not know that her parents think that it is okay if she keeps that new puppy. Life is to short to waist it on little things. But to this poor little girl this little thing was a huge thing that would make a big impact on her life. The little girl had nothing before but now she feels like she has everything.

  25. #9 Jake O’Brien
    Blog #4
    Stephen King: Cujo
    Dear Mr. Trenton,
    Sir, I can understand how you feel towards your wife right now, with the affair and everything that has been going down between your marriage. Mr. Trenton, there is still a higher responsibility to your family. You should’ve been there for your family when they’re lives were on the line, because of the killer dog owned by the Camber family. Mr. Trenton, I’m sure that your situation is a very tricky one but your responsibility as a husband and more importantly a father is more important. My personal advice to you sure is to try and save you marriage for your son, at least until amends are made by your wife. I understand though that what your wife did was not okay at all, especially because she didn’t do what you should, and think about your family first. She had no right to ever think it was okay to cheat on you, even if you were gone for long periods of time. Another piece of advice I would like to give to you, sir, is to be considerate of your son, Tad. He is still young, do you really want one of his first memories of his mother lying ones. You need to be considerate of the fact that your son still has his entire life ahead of him and that he will need his mother along the way. So for your son, try and protect them, and make sure that they are safe. You don’t need to forgive your wife, but please make things not seem as bad to your son.
    From, Jake O'Brien

  26. #13 Emilia Shahverdian
    Mark of the Thief
    Jennifer A. Nielson
    Total number of pages read:534
    Blog #5 Quarter 2
    Prompt #2

    Dear Nic,
    I am writing to you give you some advice. I understand that you are in quite a predicament. I want to help you in your situation. Nic it is vital that you follow my instructions. First of all, trust no one around you. You are not safe. The powers from the bulla are not to be messed with. Use the powers to help yourself. There is something higher going on beyond your understanding and you will end up caught in it. Since you possess this power many people will try to use you for their advantage. If you are not careful with who you trust, you could end up getting killed. The emperor will pay anyone to have you captured. Man is selfish and greedy they would turn on you in an instant if it meant they would be rewarded. Even your own sister could turn you in if they bargained giving her her freedom. I hate to say it Nic but you are on your own. I know this is hard for you facing death at every corner. Use my advice and I’ll help you through it. Life hasn’t been easy for you but focus and concentrate on your powers. I know you only have the magic in you right now but if you learn to be able to express your powers you can use them to defend yourself. As you know though great power comes with great responsibility. My last notes to you are to stay safe and rely on no one. You will never know who I am, and do not ever question my ability to know your future.
    Sincerely, The Wind

  27. #4 Janessa Fuentes
    Mean Girls
    Blog #5 Prompt #2
    1- When you see your enemy in the hallway do you shove them? False
    2- When someone gives them a compliment gives them one in return? True
    3- If someone is mean to you is it okay to cry when they are not around? True
    4- If someone is mean to you should you be mean to them? False
    5- If you are in the popular crowd should you ignore everyone else? False
    6- If a mean girl makes fun of your cloths should you just not care? True
    7- Does God punish mean girls? False
    8- If someone is new to the school should your make them feel welcome. True
    9- Is God ever mad at a mean girl? False
    10- Are you supposed to be mean to a mean girl? False

    1-How should you deal with a mean girl? I think you should take it to an adult pray about it and just love the girl that’s being mean it will be hard at first but it’s the right thing to do.
    2- What should you do when there is someone is new? I think your should go over and become their friend come on what’s the worst that could happen.
    3- How does god handle mean girls? I think God loves them he’s not mad at them he in think we just need to know that there could be something really hard in their life right now.
    4- If someone gives me a compliment what should I say? I think you should say something nice or a good quality about them.
    5-How should I handle a mean girl? I think you should just avoid them as much as possible.
    1- If someone gives me a compliment
    a- Give one back*
    b- Ignore them
    c- Never talk to them again
    d- Walk away
    2- How should I handle someone new
    a- Become their friend
    b- Talk to them
    c- Be a bully
    d- Both a and b
    3- How should you greet a mean girl
    4- a-say hello *
    b-ignore them
    C-talk to them
    5- Should I hate a mean girl?
    a- no just pray for them*
    b- Yes
    c- Maybe
    6- How should I pray for a mean girl?
    a- Just say they probably have something hard going on at home.*
    b- Don’t
    c- Just do it
    7- Should I love a mean girl?
    a- No
    b- Sure *
    c- Absolutely
    8- Should I say hello to the mean girl
    a- No
    b- it’s up to you*
    c- Sure
    9- How should I love a mean girl?
    a- Pray for her*
    b- Love on her
    c- Be kind to her.
    10- How should I be kind to a mean girl?
    a- Just love and pray for her *
    b- Ignore her
    c- Say hello
    In the book mean girls it shows how you should handle a mean girl. In this book it shows why God invented mean girls to make us stronger. It shows how God would handle mean girls and how you should handle mean girls. God invented mean girls to make us stronger in our day to day lives and try to love mean girls to the best of our ability’s. When mean girls come our way we could just pray for them and love on them as much as you can and God will help us do that.

  28. Dear Evan

    Hi, I will be showing you that the character Bree in my book Narnia the horse and is boy is the superhero Batman. Bree is very dark and violent when it comes to meeting people. Bree and his friend Shasta meet on a dock and are heading to Narnia. Shasta tried to cheer Bree up but it never works and Bree just gets even more dark and angry. And also Bree is very athletic and smart like Batman. In the story, Narnia the horse and his boy Shasta crashes a wedding just like how Batman crashes Jokers bank robbery in Batman returns. Now I know that Bree would want the super power to fly because then he could be even more sneaky. Now Bree can be very strict about Shasta touching him everywhere when Shasta rides on his back. The only thing that Bree probably likes is stealing everything, everywhere he goes. I bet that Bree would love Batman because it’s like a remake of Batman but more mad and dark all the time. I also think that Bree is actually generous in the book because if you look at the book it says that Bree shared some of his food, water, and money with Shasta and I also think that Batman does that in Batman vs Superman. Speaking of Superman I think that Bree is also very powerful and strong. Bree Is kind of like Batman and Superman combined but way more like Batman. This is what I think that the character Bree is like in Narnia the horse and his boy a Superhero.

  29. Jacob yost
    Halo evolutions
    Eric raab
    Pg 100
    Log 6
    Quarter 2
    Now Soren what happened back on your planet why did we find you covered in dirt running out of the jungle looking like a freak. Well I was born into a family of illegal drug farmers and my mother got a deathly sickness. My dad was going to save her and take her to the doctor but he didn't he let her die. He did this because he was afraid if the doctor found out that they were drug farmers he would be arrested. He let her die in our closet. It took me a while to actually build up the courage to look and when I did I found a rotten body that had bugs on it. I then formulated a plan to kill my dad out of hatred and revenge. I thought that if it acted like I tripped into him and stabbed him it would kill him instantly and put him next to my mom in the closet. I did it I fell and stabbed him but he wasn't dead so I ran out of the house and didn't look back. I lived in the jungle out side of our house to wait and kill him as soon as he came outside. Then I was watching him work and he fell down on his face he had the sickness also.i had to do something before it was too late. He was crawling to the car to drive to the hospital when I stopped him and shut the door and watched him die then I buried him and my mom next to each other in the drug field. Then I ran to the town to start a clean slate and that's where you found me.

  30. Sierra Voight
    Tuck Everlasting
    Natalie Babbitt
    Pages 139
    Blog #5
    Me: If you could drink some of the water from the spring right now, would you?
    Winnie Foster: I’m not sure.
    Me: Don’t you want to live forever with Jessie and get married to him?
    Winnie Foster: (Blushes) I want to marry him, of course, but I would want to say goodbye to ma and pa first.
    Me: Are the Tucks your friends Winnie?
    Winnie Foster: Definitely.
    Me: Why didn’t you leave with them?
    Winnie Foster: I had to give them time to escape.
    Me: Do you like Jessie enough to marry him?
    Winnie Foster: Only when I’m seventeen.
    Me: Are you going to drink from the spring when you are seventeen like Jessie asked you to?
    Winnie Foster: I don’t know yet because that is still very far away but when that time comes I think I will make the right choice.
    Me: Have you thought about letting all of the people you love drink from the spring?
    Winnie Foster: The Tucks told me that I can’t let anybody know about the spring, so I will never let anybody drink from the spring.
    Me: Didn’t you give the water to the toad?
    Winnie Foster: Yes, but only because he can’t tell anyone. I think that the toad is special, and so it should be allowed to live forever.
    Me: If you had a pet, would you give it the water from the spring?
    Winnie Foster: Yes I would. I would give my pet the water so it could always be alive and un-injured.

  31. Jaclyn Yost #14
    Little House on the Prairie on the banks of Plum Creek
    Laura Ingalls Wilder
    Pages 102
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt 10

    Tonight we are giving rewards to the Ingalls family for their Contribution to this country. Let's start off with Laura. Laura we have a special gift for you. You are getting a new snow dress, snow boots, and candy. Next up we have Mary. Mary boy do we have a special gift for you. We have candy, and a new cup just for you because we know how much you've been wanting one because you always complain that you don't want to share cups with anyone because you are getting older and you said you want to feel more mature. Now Carrie since you're the littlest one we made you a doll out of rice and yarn. Now Ma we want you to have something that means very much to you so we decided to give you a bunch of pots and pans so your cooking will be even better than it was before and it was really good before. Now Pa since you're the man of the house you will be receiving a new gun and new horses so that way your next hunting trip you can bring home a bunch of animals so that can last your family the whole winter. Now last but not least we have Laura's best friend Jack the dog .Now since Jack loves Laura and Laura loves Jack we decided to get Jack a leash and some chew toys so Laura and Jack can play together and take walks together. Now that's all the gifts we have for you today I hope you like and enjoy using them have a good day and we will see yall later.


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