Blog #8 - Third Quarter

I have enjoyed reading your blogs. I have also appreciated the time we spend on booktalks. Your literary choices are vast and interesting. You have read the classics, newer biographies, mysteries, and a multitude of other genres. I look forward to continuing our discussions and learning about the characters from your books.


  1. #4 Chris Grothues
    Game changers
    Mike lupica
    Blog 8
    Log 2
    Dear Ben Mcbain,
    I think you are the best player out there. I know you are only eleven, but you are going to be the next Steph Curry. Your ball handling is very good. I do the same thing you do. I play baseball, basketball, and football. Football, basketball and baseball are very hard sports and very tough. When I tried to do all three sports I never had time to do anything else and I was always tired. I am going to give you some advice. For a point guard like Steph Curry you have to shoot three’s and make them. When I tried to shoot three’s I made three out of every ten. I think you will make it to the National Basketball Association, or for short the NBA. You also need to be able to dribble well. If you can handle the ball well, then you will have an open shot because the defender won’t be able to stay in front of you. Another piece of advice is to ignore Chase Braggs. He is such a showoff. He thinks he is the best basketball player, like LeBron James does. The best basketball player is Michael Jordan, no one is going to be better than him. I am going to give you a couple more pieces of advice. Keep doing well in school so you can keep playing all of your sports. Without good grades you won’t be able to play in school. Also, be a good teammate pass the ball like Stephen Curry. When you pass, the other guys will pass it to you for an easy shot. My last piece of advice would be to just have fun out there when you are playing all of your activities. If you don’t have fun, you will never be a great player. Hope that helps,

  2. Aiden Avichouser
    Willy & Me
    Dan Gutman
    Pages 103
    Blog 8/Quarter 3
    Prompt 8
    Joe Stoshack is a child who has the ability to travel through the Ike while holding a baseball card. Joe has met many people that are very famous. He has also been to many cool baseball fields. When he went to see Willy Mays he was at the Polo Grounds, which is a legendary baseball field. I think that somebody Joe would think of as a hero is Mike Trout. Mike Trout plays professional baseball in present day. Mike Trout is one of the greatest baseball players in the whole world. He could tell Joe how he got to where he is now. He could tell Joe what teams he played for before he was where he is now and how he was coached. He could also tell what high school and college he went too. Mike Trout would be a huge inspiration to Joe and could also give Joe more confidence. That is why Joe would look at Mike Trout as a hero. Another person Joe would think of as a hero is Derek Jeter. Unlike Mike Trout, Derek Jeter is retired and has a bunch of knowledge and experience about the game of baseball. Derek Jeter could also share with Joe his story and how he got to be a professional baseball player and build up confidence in Joe. Derek Jeter could also share some of his past experiences with Joe. He went for a ball and dove into the crowd to catch it. He also has run from shortstop to be a cut off and flip the ball to the catcher and get the runner out that was coming home. Jeter has had so many experiences in his career that he could share with Joe that could help make Joe a better baseball player. Derek Jeter would also be a huge inspiration to Joe. Both of these men have accomplished so many things in there baseball career. I think that Joe would think of both of these men as heroes.

  3. #8 Ethan Powell
    The Order of the Unicorn
    Suzanne Selfors
    Pages: 181
    Blog #8 prompt #10
    Quarter #3
    The Award for the bravest goes to… Pearl Petal. Pearl wins this award for going into the Dark Forest and saving the unicorn foal. She also wins this award for stopping Maximus Steele and his plot to capture the unicorn foal. Pearl has won this award for being brave around the flesh eaters as well. Pearl how do you feel about winning this award? “I feel great, I haven’t won anything before because I’m always getting into trouble.” Pearl is there anyone that you would like to thank? “Yes, I would like to thank my mom and my dad. I would also like to thank Dr. Woo for pushing me to be brave, without her I wouldn’t have gotten this award. Now time for Dr. Woo you won the award for most inspiring. You have won this award for inspiring Pearl to go into the pitch-black forest to save the unicorn foal. You also win this award for giving information that saved Pearl’s life from the flesh eaters. “Thank you I am glad to be receiving this award tonight.” Now who would you like to thank? “I would like to thank Pearl for her words when she received her award. I might seem to always be serious but those words you said made me feel like someone appreciates me.” Finally, Ben Silverstein, you win the award for a creativity. You gave Pearl your withered hat so that she can use it as a guide to get through the Dark forest and save the unicorn foal. What would you like to say? “I just want to say that I didn’t want Pearl or the unicorn to be stuck in the forest forever.”

  4. #14 Zachary Tittle
    Blog 8 log 6
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
    Page 61

    Me: Hello and welcome to the late night wizard and witch show with me, your host, Zachary!!!! Tonight we have a very special guest for the show. He is the boy who lived, the one and only Harry Potter!!!!
    Harry Potter: Thank you for letting me come on with you tonight’s show.
    Me: No problem Harry thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come here. So tell me Harry, what is the hardest part about your life as the famous Harry Potter the boy who lived?
    Harry Potter: Well Zach, the hardest part is having all the attention from everyone that knows of me which is everyone in the wizarding world.
    Me: So to be clear you don’t like the attention? If not then why have you come to this show?
    Harry Potter: To tell everyone my struggles and how I don’t want them to give me so much attention
    Me: Ok, would you like to tell me one of those problems in your life? Maybe one at home?
    Harry Potter: Yes I would love to tell you how despicable the Dursleys are and how unforgivingly disturbing and mean they are to me. They have taking all my supplies from school that involves magic making me unable to do any homework or study magic at all. I must sneak the homework in my room late at night and stay up all night doing it. Even then I still must study in fear that Mr. Dursley may walk in on me studying and kick me out of the house.
    Me: Well that sounds tragic.
    Harry Potter: it was very tragic.
    Me: Ok well that is all the time we have thank you for tuning in and watching the show and thank you Harry Potter for coming tonight!

  5. #3Ethan Crenshaw
    Goosebumps Night of the Living Dummy
    R.L. Stine
    Pages 132
    Blog #8 Quarter #3
    Prompt 15
    Kris and Lindy are girls who are twins. They happen to find a trash can outside and found a dummy which was slappy. The name Kris means a Follower of Christ and very happy go lucky, spontaneous nature. The name Kris has many definition and some are not suitable for this character like creative and outgoing. This character is jealous over Lindy because every kid liked that dummy. Kris in the story was bossy and not creative. Kris means looking for an opportunity to show your abilities, especially before audience. This meaning would not be suitable because she is a little girl and does not show abilities in the book. Lindy in this book likes toys and dolls. Lindy has a executive ability, you are a leader. You always looking for a chance to do your own thing, to be your own person, and to have things done your own way. Lindy also means a gorgeous woman and a super sweet person. Lindy is a creative person who likes to find new things. Kris wanted to compete against Lindy whose dummy is better. So Lindy buys a real dummy which was Mr. Wood. Kris is a nice person that wants to be kind and friendly. Lindy likes the dummy but Kris tells her not to keep it but Lindy is leader and wants to do what she wants to do. Lindy and Kris are blond and both of their names have beautiful and gorgeous. The twins look the same but have different personalities.

  6. #2 Jack Cardeno
    Killing The Rising Sun
    Bill O' Reilly and Martin Dugard
    Page 173
    Blog 8 Quarter 3
    Prompt 8

    Douglas MacArthur would think of many people as a superhero. He would want Captain America to be his hero. Captain America has super strength, increased reflexes, and enhanced speed. MacArthur would think of him as a hero for many reasons. Though he doesn't have superpowers, he is like the everyday man, but with enhanced physical and mental capabilities. Captain America is also very patriotic in his attire, sporting a suit with a white stars, along with the colors red and blue. This would invigorate America in wanting to support the government in a time of need like this. He would be the poster boy for America as a role model for all soldiers to follow. MacArthur would want to have his enhanced capabilities and his patriotism as his powers. MacArthur would also want Superman to be his hero. Superman is a person that all of America looked up to at the time. Superman's powers include flight, freeze breath, laser vision, super strength, and super speed. Douglas MacArthur would look up to Superman because he would also be a good role model that many people, including himself would look up to. Superman is also a somewhat patriotic hero using the colors red and blue for his suit. The powers that MacArthur would want are his flying ability and freeze breath. With these abilities, he would be taking out his enemies with no problem and would easily be able to transport himself from one place to another using his flying abilities. These are some heroes that Douglas MacArthur would look up to.

  7. Leo Sellarole #10
    Maze Runner the Scorch Trials
    James Dashner
    Pages 838
    Blog #7 Quarter #3
    Prompt #8
    The main character Thomas and some of the other Maze Runners have escaped the maze, but this doesn’t mean all problems have been eliminated, for there are many more to come. This is why I definitely believe that Thomas would want some assistance from some pretty out of this world superheroes. First off would be the Flash, with his superhuman speed much could get accomplished within a matter of minutes. Even though the runners have made it out of the maze no one promised there wouldn’t be any more running and I believe that the Flash would be a great addition to the team. Wonder Woman would be a definite must with her invisible aircraft the runners could travel quickly through the Scorch without being noticed by the enemy aircrafts searching for them. With Wonder Woman’s lasso of truth they could imprison and get the answers they need out of people, not to mention Wonder Woman’s amazing reflexes used to deflect projectiles. Not much needs to be said about superman besides that he is awesome, with his superhuman strength, stamina, speed, and flight who wouldn’t want this addition to the team. Batman would also be another wonderful superhero to have around when stuck in a stick situation or a jam where you need one of the many useful tools Batman has to offer. For example need to get high up and fast use the grappling hook. Some other small heroes to be mentioned would be Lara Croft, Nathan Drake, and Indiana Jones all of which have had similar experiences to those of the Maze Runners. For Thomas I feel he has a lot of these characteristics of these heroes which is what make this dream team work. Although I enjoyed writing this I couldn’t help but feel this is ironic because Thomas himself is somewhat considered a hero too. Thomas wants to be more courageous, honorable, trust worthy and brave. This is what I believe would be the best possible heroes suited for the job.

  8. #6 Italia Holiday
    Jerry Spinell
    Page 125
    Blog #8 Quarter #3
    Prompt #15
    Leo is a very interesting name. It is bold and confident. Leo means lion in Latin. It is not a great fit for Leo, but it is ok. Leo is soft but brave and kind but not strong. A lion is strong, brave, and courageous. Leo is brave but he is more on the soft side than on the strong side. Leo also means brave people. This translation fits him better than lion. Leo is a great, kind, and brave person but the translation for his name is not for him. Stargirl has a great translation for her name. Her name means a girl who is weird, but in a good sense. It also means someone who is cheerful and who brings happiness to other people. Stargirl is definitely weird but sweet. Sometimes Stargirl makes other feel awkward, but sometimes makes others feel happy. Stargirl is also energetic person that brings happiness to everyone. Stargirl also means that she is a surprise to everyone even herself. It means that she does quite understand herself or other people don't understand her at first. Later on people start to know her. Hillary is someone that everyone knew her. Hillary's name means cheerful, but that does not quite fit Hillary's personality. Hillary is rude and always jealous of someone. Hillary got very jealous of Stargirl because she was so popular, so Hillary was going to drop Stargirl's rat down a flight of stairs but for some reason she did not. Hillary can easily be jealous and rude.

  9. #1 Matthew Burnette
    Gary Paulsen
    Page 55
    Blog 8 quarter 3
    Prompt 9
    There are many movies that can relate to the book Hatchet. My first movie I’m choosing that I recommend Brian to see would be 127 hours. This movie is about a man who gets trapped in a cavern for 5 days and has to find his way out. This man who was trapped for five days has terrific courage. This would be a good movie for Brian because first of all it’s all of about survival. This movie would give him the endurance and courage to believe that he will be rescued. Another one I would choose is a TV series, but it relates to this story so much is Lost. This show relates because he crashed on a plane and they crashed on a plane too. There are some differences to like theirs many more people in lost so they won’t be as lonely as Brian would be. I also haven’t finished the book but in lost there is other people on the island which is enemies but the only thing Brian fights I think is animals. Another great pick would be Lord of the Flies. I am currently reading the book in class right now and I think this can relate in many ways. It’s a mix between Hatchet and lost because it’s a bunch of kids. It’s different because they split up and battle and fight each other. These movies can relate to hatchet in many ways and I think Brian would love to see.

  10. Kachina Blair #2
    The Baby-Sitters Club 2&4
    Ann M. Martin
    Page 141&page 161
    Prompt #10
    Blog #8 Quarter #3
    I think that the award that the main character should have is bravery and self-control. The main character of my book is Stacey. She would be awarded this award because she has diabetes and had to tell all her friends and she had to stop eating a lot of sweets and junk food. On page 6 of The Baby-Sitters Club, she has fainted and woken up in the hospital where the doctor says that she has diabetes. Then later that day she goes home and eats very health foods. She also needs to make new friends because she has moved to a different state so she could get the perfect treatment for her diabetes. On page 120 Stacey says, that she did not like to change schools because she had diabetes. She even tried to convince her mom and dad that the doctors she had there where great. Her parents did not care though. I think she should deserve the bravery medal because she stood up and talked to her parents about her doctors and how she did not want to leave. She also deserves the self- control medal because she stayed far away from all the sweets and junk foods. Later in the book Stacey goes to her friend’s house and they get into an argument and Stacey admits all her feelings about her friend. That would take a lot of bravery. She also buys only healthy things even though her friend gets to buy al the junk food she wants. That takes a lot of self- control. They are the reasons why I think she should get the awards for bravery and self- control.

  11. #13 Emilia Shahverdian
    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
    Ransom Riggs
    Page #143
    Blog #2 Quarter 3
    Prompt 5

    Jacob oh Jacob this trip will be the adventure of your life
    You will witness great strife
    No one has understood you at home
    After your journey your problems will leave like sea foam
    Be fearless as you wander
    Do not let this opportunity squander
    When you are feeling fear,
    Make your mind clear
    If you are stuck
    Don’t say you are out of luck
    Look at it from a different perspective
    It will surely be effective

    Jacob oh Jacob don’t be afraid of fear
    Essential times are near
    You give into fear when you doubt
    It may make you want to shout
    Draining every bit of confidence your body has left
    Fear tricks you of your potential
    A life ruled by fear is life without hope
    This crucial journey will help you cope
    Avenge Grandpa Portman’s death
    Remember what he said in his last breath

    Jacob oh Jacob the monsters are near
    Jacob oh Jacob do not be struck with fear
    Your special sight can save them all
    Soon you can be standing tall
    The mystery the conflict so much to choose
    Make sure to remember you don't want to lose
    You may think you're super bland
    But you hold great power in your hand
    Kill them before they kill you
    You know in your heart what’s true
    Use the stories of Grandpa Portman to guide you on your way
    Follow your instinct opposed to what others will say
    Because as you know things aren't always what they seem
    And Jacob oh Jacob this isn't just one bad dream

  12. #6 Gregory Luciano
    American Sniper
    Page 230
    Prompt #4
    American Sniper is a story full of many themes. The book includes themes about love, and the trouble of his long-distance relationship because of war, Brother Hood, because as a SEAL Kyle loved everyone one of his brothers, and Death because of all his brothers he lost in war. Many people may love eachother, but those who can stick it through hard times together have true love. For Chris Kyle and his Wife Taya, they have to fight through life together. Many times Taya would need Chris to help out with their new born children, however Chris Kyle was addicted to fighting for his country. Many times Taya would ask him to not reennlist into the military once his time was up but no matter what, he went back in. Many times Taya knew Chris's mind was set on everything other than family, however they stuck it through. Taya once said"I felt he had done his duty to the country,even more than anyone could ask. And I felt that we needed him"(Page 213).She knew she couldn't tell him what to do because she knew he'd always resent her. However she said, "If you do reenlist, then i will know exactly where we stand. It will change things" (Page 213). Being a SEAL was more important to Kyle than being a husband or father. Sometimes we need a brother or someone we can rely on. Chris Kyle's group and team always had faith in him as he guided his squad through battle and gun fire. Lastly, Death happens every second whether we like it or not. Chris Kyle was killing and seeing killing every day almost on his missions.

  13. Daniel Chapin #3
    Jeff Pearlman
    Pg. 231
    Blog#8 quarter#3
    Walter Payton is one of the best runningbacks,
    He has no skills that he lacks,
    He is considered one of the greatest ever,
    This book makes him seem very clever,
    He was a top runningback in college,
    He played with a great knowledge.

  14. #5 Sienna Inman
    Carve the Mark
    Veronica Roth
    Pages. 73
    Blog #8
    Quarter #3
    Prompt 8

    Akos, how did you feel after you r Dad was killed by the Shotet guard?
    I felt like me and my siblings were all alone with no one to guide us through the struggles we would face heading to the Shotet planet.

    Eijeh, how did you feel when you found out your younger brother Akos could speak the Shotet language?
    I was confused because no Thuevite can speak the Shotet language unless he was from Shotet descent.

    Cyra, what was it like seeing your older brother Ryzek bring in the Thuevites Akos and Eijeh?
    It made me feel like the Noavek household I grew up in had turned into an evil one.

    Eijeh, how did you feel when Ryzek told you your fate was to become an Oracle?
    I felt shocked, it was the most insane prediction Of my fate I had ever heard.

    Cyra, how did you feel after seeing Akos get cut on the throat by your brother Ryzek?
    I couldn't sleep right for the longest time. The image just kept playing over and over again in my mind.

    Cyra, how did you feel after you found out no human being could touch you without feeling pain in their body?
    In the moment I was a loss for words. I had never felt so lost and afraid in my life.

    Ryzek, what was going through your mind when you saw your sister Crya in your Mothers old dress?
    I thought she looked just like our Mother. The brilliant blue was always the best color on our Mother. And seeing Crya in it brought every memory of my Mother before she passes.

  15. Ileanna Holiday #5
    Ally Condie
    Blog 8 Quarter #3
    Prompt 12

    In the book Matched is so intriguing for readers. I would want to introduce the two main characters to some people though. First I would want them so meet Fiona and Jonas from The Giver. The society in Matched and The Giver are very similar. In both societies other people choose other citizens future. It is like they match or give you someone or something that you don't want. I would also want them to meet Misty Copland. She is a famous African American ballet dancer. Her teachers said that she wouldn't become a professional because she was African American. Misty sure proved them wrong. She is now one of the most well known ballet dancer there is. I would want them to meet her because she could teach them that they may be told that they can do what others said they couldn't. I might even want them to meet the spice girls.when Ginger Spice left the group they didn't stop there tour. The rest of the Spice Girls didn't give up. Yes, Scary Spice may have been mad but she found the good in it. They made the most out of what they had. Lastly but most important, I would want them to meet God. In the book it didn't seem like they really knew God and his ways. They would always go to someone else and ask for help and they wouldn't get what they needed. I feel like there was a lot of false gods in this book. If it went a different way it would have been better. But if the characters knew God it would have been different.

  16. #11 Preston Parker
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
    J.K. Rowling
    Blog #8 Quarter #3
    Prompt 12
    In Hairy Potter I would like Harry to meet Dwayne Johnson so Harry could believe that even when your weak you can be strong. Harry should meet Dwayne because he could give Harry the strength to believe in himself. Another person Harry should meet would be Steve Jobs. Harry should meet Steve because Steve with wasn’t strong but he was strong intellectually and he was able to make a whole company out of just on idea apples. Harry could be like Steve Jobs if he used his intellect to fool people like Malfoy. Another Character I choose would be Hermione Granger because she is very smart and knows how to make people tick. She should meet Serena Williams because she is one of the best women’s tennis layer in the world. Hermione could learn from Serena because she has good hand eye coordination which could help Hermione with her wand skills. Serena would also boost Hermione’s confidence. Hermione should also meet Rhonda Rowsy from the UFC. She should meet Rhonda to realize that she can’t let power to her head while she is train to be a great witch. Hermione could also learn from Rhonda that being the best doesn’t mean to push all of your friends away because you’re a better fighter or witch or wizard than they are. Those are the prole I believe that Harry and Hermione should meet if they came to the real world.

  17. #4 Janessa Fuentes/
    Blog 8 Prompt 2
    So not okay- 134-289
    Dear Tori, I know this is a hard time nobody likening you and just feeling like an outsider. The best advice I could give is try to stay away from them you don’t need those people. Try to be around people who encourage you and like you for who you are. This is a very difficult time I totally understand that believe me. Stay away from the people who make you feel worthless there is no need to be friends with them. I know if I was in your spot I would do this. Try and find other friends at school who appreciate you and who you are. If the people who are mean to you try to talk to you just ignore them nobody really cares what they think you be you. Stand up for yourself if people make fun of you stand up and tell them who is in charge believe me they will back away if you confront them on it. Try and find a close group of friends who like you for you and will stand up for you if they are being mean to you. If you try all of the advice that I suggested you will find yourself with a close group of friends and the enemy’s will back away. I hope this helped at least a little bit. I hope this will go away it is just a phase. I wish you all of my luck and support.

  18. Sierra Voight #15
    The Dead-Tossed Waves
    Carrie Ryan
    Pages 404
    Blog #8 Quarter #3
    Prompt 3
    It’s been two years since I met Elias and learned about my past, who I am, and what is real. Catcher disappeared a year or so after Cira was bitten and returned. I still miss them both and I cry almost every time I think about them, but Elias has been there to comfort me every time. We’ve been married for a few months now, though I still wonder what would have happened if Catcher was here with me instead. I know I shouldn’t, but I have to be honest with myself. Part of me still loves Catcher. Elias and I went searching for Annah- my missing twin-and found her a few months ago. I still don’t remember anything from that day when I was five, but it is unmistakable how similar she and I are. She was deep in the Forest of Hands and Teeth than we thought, but when we found her I knew instantly who she was. She was inside of a rundown city that was cleared out by the mudo after the return. She has the weirdest name for the mudo that gives me chills every time she says it. Something that sounds like Zombies or whatever, but otherwise we are exactly alike. At times I worry that Elias will think she’s me, and try to kiss her or something but that’s stupid. Right? Anyways, I’ve grown really fond of her in the little time we’ve known each other. As crazy as it is, I found out while listening to her stories that she is immune just like Catcher. She even has the teeth marks on her side to prove it. We’ve been planning to move into mine and my mothers hometown. I’ve saved up enough fencing to wrap around the small city twice. That should hold the mudo off. We will be leaving for the journey in about a week or so. I’ve been thinking of finding catcher after we’ve settled and bringing him back, but I’m not sure.

  19. #10 Luke O’Brien
    I’ am Ozzy
    Ozzy Osbourne
    Pages: 391
    Blog #8 Quarter #3
    Prompt #13
    Obviously, the first book I would choose for Ozzy Osbourne would be The Bible. I would choose the Bible because it would be awesome if he believed in God. I’m not saying he doesn’t believe in God, I just don’t like to assume that he doesn’t. Plus the Bible is just a good book for everyone to read. A good book I would choose for Ozzy is Carrie by Stephen King. I would choose this book for him because he likes weird stuff. Carrie is the very definition of “weird”.in his book Ozzy says that he loves horror movies so obviously Carrie is a good recommendation. His band actually got they’re name from a horror movie. Another book I would choose for Ozzy is 1984. I would choose this book because it’s so usual and the story line is so unethical. Ozzy states in his book that he kind of likes crazy stuff. Another book I would recommend to Ozzy is Anthony Kiedis’ autobiography, Scar Tissue. I would recommend this book because it is very interesting and it is almost a “don’t do drugs” kind of book. I would also choose this book because Ozzy could probably relate to a lot of the stuff that Anthony Kiedis talks about drug-wise. The last book I would recommend to Ozzy Osbourne is The Lone Survivor. I would choose this book because it’s such a good heroic story that totally punches you in the heart. Although it is some-what hard recommending books for Ozzy Osbourne to read because he has dyslexia.

  20. #9 Jake O’Brien
    Mrs. H
    Blog #2
    Prompt 8
    The main character of “Live by Night” is Joe Coughlin a gangster that lives in Boston and makes a living ripping of poker games and robbing powerful men. One person that he may want to meet would be notorious mobster Al Capone. The reason why Joe may want to meet Mr. Capone is because of the one major similarity that they have in common which is their profession as mobsters. He may also appreciate the “accomplishments” that he made as his time as a gangster. Another person that Joe would possibly be interested in meeting would be phenomenal gangster-rap artist Tupac Shakur. The reason why I personally think that the main character of this book would be interested in meeting Tupac is because even though Tupac lived the not-completely respectable lifestyle of a rapper he still wrote different songs about trying to make the right choices and turning his life around like his mother wanted him to do, which is similar to the relationship Joe has with his father, Thomas Coughlin. I would like for Joe to see that even though Tupac was given every instrument that he needed to absolutely ruin his life, he tried his absolute best to stay strong to his roots. The final person that I would love for Joe to me would be Al Pancino’s character in the acclaimed movie, “The Godfather”, Michael Corleone. The reason why I would absolutely love for these two gangsters to meet each other is because of the fact that they both grew into this lifestyle and the fact that they both want to get out and unfortunately, know they can’t. The main reason why it would be good for these two to meet is because they both want to get out of their profession and try anything they can to try to.

  21. True or false

    1.Stephen Curry got back to back MVP awards? True

    2.Joseph Curry was Stephen Curry’s father? False

    3.Stephen Curry’s mom was always on the road all the time. False

    4.The Right Steph talks about his basketball shoes. False

    5.Curry plays basketball at his grandmas house to get better. True

    6.Dell Curry played for the Charlotte Hornets. True

    7.Curry went to Davidson college and didn’t play basketball. False

    8.Curry is an atheist. False

    9.Currys always been on the warriors. True

    10.Currys got a small family. False


    11.Currys wife is Ayesha.

    12.Currys nickname is Baby Face Killer.

    13.Stephen Curry led the league in threes.

    14.Currys has 2 kids.

    15.Curry got famous from his father.

    16.Curry lives in Charlotte.

    17.Stephen curry weighs !90 lbs.

    18.Stephen curry is 75 inches tall.

    19.Stephen is considered as the greatest player of all time.

    20.Stephen curry won 2 FINALS.


    21.Currys wifes name is D. Ayesha.

    A.tosha B.Sonya

    C.alyssa D.Ayesha

    22.Currys first daughters name is A. Riley.

    A.Riley B.Ruth

    C.Charlette D.Emily

    23.Currys dads name is C. Dell.

    A.Bob B.Jerry

    C.Dell D.Tony

    24.Currys splash brothers name is D. Klay Thompson.

    A.Draymond Green B.Kevin Durant

    C.Harrison Barnes D.Klay Thompson

    25.Stephen Curry got B. 8th pick in the draft.

    A.3rd B.8th

    C.15th D17th

    Paragraph Questions: Must Answer With 3 sentences.

    What inspired Stephen Curry to play basketball?

    26. What inspired Curry to play basketball was his dad. When you

    have a dad who’s good at sports and you go to all his games you learn

    how the game is played. His dad was a good man and he wanted to be just like him.

    Was Curry’s mom easy on him?

    27. no his mom was really hard on him. Steph had chores and if he didn’t do them

    He couldn’t do anything for a week his mom would ground him. One time he tested his

    mom and didn’t do his chores to see if he could still play in his game and she didn’t

    let him play in his first Jr. High basketball game.

  22. Leo Sellarole #10
    Dangerous Waters
    Gregory Mone
    Pages 844
    Blog #8 Quarter #3
    Prompt #11
    A young boy, twelve years of age named Patrick Waters is given by fate the chance of a lifetime to work for the greatest ship the world has ever seen, the Titanic. He started working in the engine rooms unfortunately he wasn’t cut out right for the job so instead he managed the lounges and smoking parlors. This might sound easy but, it wasn’t such an easy task for Patrick Waters who worked very hard to get the job done. For a boy his age Patrick definitely deserves a Vacation. The only question is where and I believe I have an idea. Patrick’s idea of a nice vacation is a trip to Hawaii where the water is warm and not icy, where the skies our bright blue not drab and gray, and most especially where nothing can go wrong. Patrick would want a nice quiet room where he could read his copy of Sir Francis Bacon’s Essaies. Of course Patrick would want to bring Emily his closet friend he made on the ship along with her mother and his own brother James. With them Patrick would want to fine dine were he would be served instead of doing the serving and waiting on himself. Patrick also would love to see the many sites around the islands of Hawaii and of course visit the many gorgeous and lush beaches. At any one of these beaches Patrick would plan to build “luxurious and grand” sand castle, body surf, and explore the many tide pools. At the end of each day there would be nothing more he would want to do than just spend quality time out of harm’s way with his friends and family.

  23. Jessica Ramirez #9
    Go For The Goal
    Mia Hamm
    Pages #254
    Blog #8 Quarter #3
    Prompt #7

    Final Examination

    State if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
    1- ________ Mia Hamm played on the U.S National team.
    2-_________When you trap a ball you should crush it like you are crushing an apple.
    3-_________When you shoot, the right technique to shoot the ball is with your shin.
    4-_________When you head the ball you need to concentrate on the ball.
    5-_________When Mia was little she played on an all boys team.
    6-_________Goal keepers are a very attribution to a team.
    7-_________Shannon Mcmillan was not the “Golden Girl.”
    8-_________Soccer is a technical and Physical game.
    9-_________You don’t always have to power the ball in the back of the net. 10-________Soccer is only a girl sport.

    Multiple Choice.
    1-_______is when you hit the ball with your head.
    A- Soccer B- Header C- Pass
    2-_______is a world time champion.
    A- Mia Hamm B- Mia Ham C- Mia Alvarez
    3-_______can sometimes be better than skill.
    A- Leg Strength B- Man C- Hard Work
    4-_______is when you kick the ball into the goal.
    A- Scoring C- Shooting B- Passing
    5-_______was Mia Hamm’s college coach.
    A- Anson Dorrance B- Frederick Krueger C- Anson Lance
    6-_______is a big sport that helps people play soccer.
    A- Baseball B-Football C- Basketball
    7-_______is part of the game.
    A- Lying B- Laughing C- Challenges
    8-_______is when different teams from all over the world come together and play a tournament.
    A- Soccer gathering B- World Cup C- Soccer tournament
    9-_______is how you score goals.
    A- Shooting B- Loving C- Snooping
    10-_______is not all about just having fun it is about facing challenges too.
    A- Basketball B- Baseball C- Soccer

    Answer the short essay questions.
    1- What are the steps in shooting a ball.
    2- What are the steps in passing the ball.
    3- What are some moves that can get past a defender.
    4- What are the two ways of passing to your teammate.
    5- What are some dribbling games.

    Essay Question.

    1- Why is it important to be focused on your own game not your opponents.

    Answer Sheet

    State if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
    1- TRUE
    2- FALSE
    3- FALSE
    4- TRUE
    5- TRUE
    6- TRUE
    7- FALSE
    8- TRUE
    9- TRUE

    Fill in the blank.
    1- HEADER
    2-MIA HAMM
    3- HARD WORK
    4- SCORING
    8- WORLD CUP
    10- SOCCER

    Short Essay.
    1- The steps in shooting a soccer ball are sight the ball, connect the ball with the laces, and follow through the ball.
    2- The steps in Passing a ball are to contact the ball with the inside of the foot.
    3- Two ways of passing the ball to your teammates is with your inside or outside of your foot.
    4-Some moves that can get past the defender are the step over, scissors, clack clack, helicopter, and ect.
    5-Some dribbling games you can play are one on one, open-space dribbling, and shield dribbling.

    Essay Question.

    1- It is important to be focused on your game not your opponents because “The focus on your game and not on how good or bad an opponent may be will help you be mentally prepared for every match.” “Every match must be treated with equal importance, no matter if you are playing the worst team in league or the best in the world. Always be mentally focused.

  24. Jessica Ramirez #9
    Go For The Goal
    Mia Hamm
    Pages #254
    Prompt #7

    Final Examination

    State if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
    1- ________ Mia Hamm played on the U.S National team.
    2-_________When you trap a ball you should crush it like you are crushing an apple.
    3-_________When you shoot, the right technique to shoot the ball is with your shin.
    4-_________When you head the ball you need to concentrate on the ball.
    5-_________When Mia was little she played on an all boys team.
    6-_________Goal keepers are a very attribution to a team.
    7-_________Shannon Mcmillan was not the “Golden Girl.”
    8-_________Soccer is a technical and Physical game.
    9-_________You don’t always have to power the ball in the back of the net. 10-________Soccer is only a girl sport.

    Multiple Choice.
    1-_______is when you hit the ball with your head.
    A- Soccer B- Header C- Pass
    2-_______is a world time champion.
    A- Mia Hamm B- Mia Ham C- Mia Alvarez
    3-_______can sometimes be better than skill.
    A- Leg Strength B- Man C- Hard Work
    4-_______is when you kick the ball into the goal.
    A- Scoring C- Shooting B- Passing
    5-_______was Mia Hamm’s college coach.
    A- Anson Dorrance B- Frederick Krueger C- Anson Lance
    6-_______is a big sport that helps people play soccer.
    A- Baseball B-Football C- Basketball
    7-_______is part of the game.
    A- Lying B- Laughing C- Challenges
    8-_______is when different teams from all over the world come together and play a tournament.
    A- Soccer gathering B- World Cup C- Soccer tournament
    9-_______is how you score goals.
    A- Shooting B- Loving C- Snooping
    10-_______is not all about just having fun it is about facing challenges too.
    A- Basketball B- Baseball C- Soccer

    Answer the short essay questions.
    1- What are the steps in shooting a ball.
    2- What are the steps in passing the ball.
    3- What are some moves that can get past a defender.
    4- What are the two ways of passing to your teammate.
    5- What are some dribbling games.

    Essay Question.

    1- Why is it important to be focused on your own game not your opponents.

    Answer Sheet

    State if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
    1- TRUE
    2- FALSE
    3- FALSE
    4- TRUE
    5- TRUE
    6- TRUE
    7- FALSE
    8- TRUE
    9- TRUE

    Fill in the blank.
    1- HEADER
    2-MIA HAMM
    3- HARD WORK
    4- SCORING
    8- WORLD CUP
    10- SOCCER

    Short Essay.
    1- The steps in shooting a soccer ball are sight the ball, connect the ball with the laces, and follow through the ball.
    2- The steps in Passing a ball are to contact the ball with the inside of the foot.
    3- Two ways of passing the ball to your teammates is with your inside or outside of your foot.
    4-Some moves that can get past the defender are the step over, scissors, clack clack, helicopter, and ect.
    5-Some dribbling games you can play are one on one, open-space dribbling, and shield dribbling.

    Essay Question.

    1- It is important to be focused on your game not your opponents because “The focus on your game and not on how good or bad an opponent may be will help you be mentally prepared for every match.” “Every match must be treated with equal importance, no matter if you are playing the worst team in league or the best in the world. Always be mentally focused.

  25. #1 Miguel Alvarez
    Listen for the Whippoorwill
    Dave & Neta Jackson
    Blog#8 Quarter#4
    For this blog, I have chosen the two most important character in the book, so far. The first character’s is named Isaac. All he has ever dreams about is to be free. Do you know why? It’s because he is a slave and just a defenseless child. Three people I think he would like to meet are Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, and former President Obama. He might like to meet Abraham Lincoln because he stopped slavery and freed all slaves. He might also like to meet Martin Luther King Jr. because he stopped the differences between blacks and whites and had them became equals. Now the last but not least is former President Obama. I think he might like to meet him because he was the first African American President. He was an inspiration to all Africans and Americans alike. The second character’s name is Rosebud. She is also a slave and Isaac’s sister. She was afraid to became free because slave that were caught running away were punish it. I have chosen three people that had tremendous courage. The first person is Rosa Parks. She stud up and filed a law suit against segregation. The second person is called Claudette Colvin. She was the first person to protest segregation’s laws. The last and the best is Moses. Anyone can find him in the Bible. He lead the Israelites out of Egypt and out of slavery. In the book, they have a hard and tiring life. But these people worked hard and achieve their goals.

  26. Brandon Salgado #10
    Voyage of the Dawn Treader
    C.S. Lewis
    Page 54
    Blog 8 quarter 3
    Prompt #12

    I selected two characters from my book to meet people that I selected. I chose Lucy and Prince Caspian. One of the people I would want Lucy to meet is Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz movie. She would like to meet this person because they have something in common. They both go on an unexpected adventure to a different world they didn’t know existed. Even though their journeys were unexpected, they both still liked being there. Another person I would want Lucy to meet is Bilbo from the Hobbit. Lucy would also like to meet Bilbo because he could tell her about the places he visited. They both visited lands that were beautiful sites, but some places had danger. They both survived the danger because they had friends along with them to help. Prince Caspian would like to meet Jack Sparrow because they are both living life on the sea and were leaders of their ships. They were both good fighters and that’s what they had in common. But Jack Sparrow wasn’t always honest and Prince Caspian could be a good influence for him to be better. Another person that Prince Caspian should meet is Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. He would really like him because he is a good fighter, a good king, a good leader, and he is very truthful. He could learn from his skills and train with him.

  27. Avery Avichouser
    Gunner The Hurricane Horse
    Judy Anderson
    Page 60
    Blog 8
    Quarter 3/Prompt 10
    The first award is for being mature. This award is going to Heather because in this book she hated Gunner at first but then she realized to love him and be mature. Heather finally realized how Gunner was feeling. He was feeling lonely because she thought he was just another horse to feed. She thought he was a unwanted ,unruly brat. When she decided to mature he was not as bad as she thought, he was just a silly horse. Gunner and Heather ended up having a little connection. The next award goes to Gunner for being loving. This award belongs to Gunner because he always had a special love for everyone. Even though he had a naughty sense of humor. He had a place in his heart for his whole family. His family loved him too. He was always unbeatable in the show ring. Gunner and Heather were a great pair. They both shared a amazing, beautiful love and kindness towards each other. This last award is for being kind. This award goes to E.W for being a very nice and kind husband to each other. He was the one who got Gunner for Heather. She was very upset at first but then she understood his feelings and loved him. E.W has a very kind heart. He took care of Gunner for Heather even though he was hers to take care of. Being kind is the key to life. E.W is a good example of being kind. He loved one another’s. Being like him in our life is a good choice.

  28. Jasmine Jamali #5
    March 13, 2017
    Tuck Everlasting
    Blog #8 Quarter #3
    You would defiantly love her,
    She is very sweet and kind.
    If you say she is ugly,
    Then you are greatly blind.
    Tuck however speaks the truth,
    And he would be kind to you.
    If you don't like Tuck,
    Then I will boo you!
    The wife of Tuck is sweet,
    She loves and cares for her boys.
    She is very neat,
    When you are around her don't make too much noise!
    Jesse is the handsome boy of the two,
    He is very nice.
    Jesse is 102,
    And eats some rice.
    The other one is a little mean,
    He isn't nice to anyone.
    If you say that he is kind,
    Then you aren't far from blind.
    They all had to get away from the man,
    The man they had to get away from was wearing a yellow suit.
    He found out their secret,
    The secret that the tucks could live forever!
    The little girl had to make a choice,
    To live forever with the tucks.
    It is hard to make a choice like that,
    I would rather have a bat.
    She really liked the boy Jesse,
    She thought he was handsome.
    She liked his hair that was messy.
    The other brother had a wife,
    And he had some children.
    His wife had a knife,
    And she left him because he never aged.
    He was devastated,
    And that's why he is always mad.
    She did not choose to live forever,
    And they were at her grave and they wept.

  29. Jeff Kinney
    Blog 8 Quarter 3
    Prompt 14
    I would choose Greg Heffley to make a playlist for. I’d recommend Daft Punk Face to Face to him because it is about dealing with your problems face to face. It will help Greg to face his problems because he has a hard time facing his problems. Next I would recommend Oceans by Hillsong United. It is saying that God helps us when times are tough and to persevere through tough times to help Greg through his tough life. Next I would recommend I Get Around by the Beach boys to help him chill out. It would be just to say you’re ok and can get around your obstacles. Next I would recommend I am by Crowder. It’s about leaning on Jesus to help us get through problems. This would help Greg find a guide who he really needs. Next song I would recommend to Greg Heffley is California love by 2Pac, Dr.Dre, and Roger. I’d recommend this to him because he would like this song. I would recommend String Lake by Giancarlo Guerrero to Greg because he is usually chill, but he needs to be more relaxed. I think this would also help him to study for tests or any homework that he has. This song Piano Piece in F Major by Wolfgang A Mozart. This too will help for studying and relaxation. The next and last song I would recommend to Greg is Peanuts theme song from Charlie brow because it is relaxing, but helped make the main song for Diary of a wimpy kid the movie. These are songs I would recommend.

  30. #6 Michael Montoya
    Veronica Roth
    Prompt 10
    Blog#8 Quarter 3

    The award for the bravest will be going to Tris because throughout the book she never showed fear. Even when she did become afraid she would always push through it. When it came to a life or death situation, Tris did it because she knew it would help others. She once had to fight Four even though she knew she couldn’t beat him, but that still didn’t stop her from trying. The award of honor would have to go to Tris’s best friend. She was told to help get Tris to the headquarters and she helped her even though she knew she could have been executed for doing it. Four would be rewarded with the medal of the wisest because when they were heading through the tunnels he knew exactly where everything and everyone was. He even knew that Erudite was working with Dauntless so that both sides could take down the Factionless. The reward for smartest would have to go to Matt because he knew where all of the Dauntless meetings were held by hacking their computers and finding out where their heist was taking place. He even knew that they were sending serums to manipulate them. They were given commands that they would have to carry out because of these serums. The most courageous one was Tris’s mom. She went to their faction’s territory just to warn Tris of an attack even though she could have been killed herself. She even had to become a slave. She gave her life for her daughter so that Tris would not get shot. The ultimate sacrifice of a mother.

  31. Movies are for everyone and can help you with many events that happen in your life. Mickey Mantle is one of the main characters in Pinstripe Empire. He is a great baseball player but sometimes has a hard time handling pressure. The first movie recommendation I would give to Mickey Mantle is “The Babe”. In “The Babe”, Babe Ruth is having the time of his life playing for the New York Yankees. He is the superstar of his time and is widely known as the best baseball player. Off the field however, his life was not so smooth. He was an alcoholic and always got into fights. Sometimes his play on the field was poor because he was so drunk. Mickey should watch this movie because Babe Ruth was an alcoholic like Mickey. Babe would always deal with pressure by drinking. The movie would show Mickey how drinking too much alcohol has a negative effect on you and hopefully would help him to stop drinking. The next movie I would recommend is “61”. This movie is about how Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris are trying to break Babe Ruth’s homerun record. In the movie, Mickey is the loved superstar of New York, but Roger is a shy player who is not loved in New York. In the end, Roger ends up breaking the record even though eighty percent of the fans wanted Mickey to break it. Mickey should watch this movie to look back at his life and help him enjoy the memories. Even though he did not get the record, he still had one of the best seasons of his career. Another movie I would recommend is “Mr. 3000”. It talks about how you need to give up pride to gain friendship and fame. Mickey could use this advice to help him become more of a team player and grow good relationships with his teammates.

  32. #8Ethan Powell
    The Fairy Swarm
    Suzanne Selfors
    Pages 138
    Blog # 9 Prompt #15
    The name Pearl, the town’s trouble maker, is a Latin baby name meaning precious. This is a suit able name because Precious is ironic considering that most people in Button Town think that she’s a trouble maker. Her parents think that she is precious and that’s all that matters. Ben, Pearl’s “partner in crime”, has a name has a Hebrew meaning, son of my right hand. Many Jewish families name their youngest Benjamin. I think this is a suitable name for these reasons. Ben and his family are Jewish, he is the youngest in the family at the age of 10. Victoria, the town’s “role model”, has a name meaning, you guessed it, victorious in Latin. The name is suitable because Victoria is a highly-regarded kid in Button Town. Many residents in Button Town think of her as a role model. Dr. Emerald, the town’s newest resident who has a big secret, ‘s name means the Gem stone, emerald. Abe, Ben’s grandpa, has a Hebrew name meaning “Father of a multitude”. This name isn’t really fitting since he had one child of his own, but has his grandson Ben. Mr. Tabby, Emerald’s assistant, has an Aramaic name that only means Gazelle. This name doesn’t really suit him since he turns into a cat and not a gazelle. Vinny, the angry goat man, also has a Latin baby name meaning conquering. It fits Vinny because he is a towering goat man that headbutts people. Finally, we have Violet, Vinny’s sister both Dr. Emerald’s assistants. Her name is old French for violin and it also means the flower in other languages. Violet suits her because she is like a flower, she is gentle with the


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