Quarter 3 - Blog #9

Blogging is good for you!


  1. Aiden Avichouser
    Willie & Me
    Dan Gutman
    Prompt 9/Quarter 3
    Pages 153
    Blog 9
    Joe Stoshack is a boy who can travel through the Ike with just a baseball card. He has go won many adventures. Joe loves the game of baseball. He plays for his little league team in Louisville. His coach Flip is one of the few people that know about his special power. In fact, Flip has been back in time with Joe before, but that is not what I am talking about today. There is many good movies that Joe would probably like to watch. A movie he would like to see is Field of Dream.It is about Shoeless Joe Jackson. Joe has actually been in the past to see Joe Jackson. It is about a guy that builds a baseball field and he can see players on the field that aren't really there. It is Shoeless Joe and the the rest of the Black Sox. Joe would like to see it because he has been back in time to see Shoeless Joe and would probably like too see a movie about him. He tried to prevent Shoeless Joe from gambling and getting kicked out of baseball. I think Joe would love that movie. Joe would also like the movie Rookie of the Year. It is about a child who falls and breaks his arm. He gets a ball hit to him at a Cubs game and threw it back onto the field. It went to the catchers glove on a straight line drive from left field. Falling gave him a special power. He tried out and made the Cubs team. He threw over 100 miles per hour. Joe would like the idea that a kid made the major leagues and threw that fast. They were probably about the same age too. Joe would really enjoy that movie. He would also like the movie Longest Yard. It is about inmates forming a team to beat the guards in football. They practice everyday and end up beating the guards by one point. Joe would like this because it is entertaining and is inspiring how they practiced everyday and won at the end. Those are a few movies that Joe would enjoy watching.

  2. Avery Avichouser
    Gunner Hurricane Horse
    Judy Andrekson
    Page 95
    Prompt 7
    Blog 9/ Quarter 3
    1. In this story Wes owned Gunner=false
    2. Heather was Gunners trainer=false
    3. Mike was Heathers trainer=true
    4. Wes was Heathers son=true
    5. Heather and Mike were married=false
    6. Heather and E.W were married=true
    7. Gunner was a champion horse=true
    8. Gunner was a baby horse=true
    9. Gunner was a dark black horse=false
    10. Gunner was a brown and white horse =true

    1.Was Gunners owner Heather, Mike, or Wes? (Heather)
    2.Was Gunners coat white and black or white and brown?(white and brown)
    3.Did Gunner live in a box stall or a pasture?(box stall)
    4.Did Gunner loose or win?(win)
    5.Did Gunner go through a hurricane, a tsunami, or a flood?(hurricane)
    6.Was Gunner a sad or happy horse?(happy)
    7.Was Gunner unbeatable or a defeated horse?(unbeatable)
    8. Was Gunners trainer Mike, E.W, or Heather?(Mike)
    9.Was Gunner pretty or ugly?(pretty)
    10.Did Gunner have brown, black, or blue eyes?(blue)

    1. What happened to gunner after the hurricane? Gunner was in really bad shape after the hurricane he had to go to the vet and get help.
    2. What did Gunner like to do in his stall? Gunner like to roll on the chickens and kill them.
    3. What was Gunners personality like? Gunners personality was very funny, cute, and friendly.
    4. In the beginning of the story did Heather like Gunner? In the beginning of the story Heather did not like Gunner.
    5. Was Gunner and Heather a good match in the show ring? Gunnar and Heather were a great match in the show ring they beat everyone!

    1. What was Heather and Gunners relationship like? Heather and Gunners relationship wasn’t very good at the start. Heather didn’t love Gunner she thought he was useless. After a while Heather started to love him they made a very strong relationship. Heather showed Gunner and they were unbeatable. Gunner was Heather’s baby. Their relationship was amazing and it was like no other. No one could ever change their relationship or affect it.

  3. #6 Gregory Luciano
    American Sniper
    Chris Kyle
    Page 376
    Blog 9 Quarter 3
    Prompt 7

    American Sniper Final
    1. What is Chris Kyles Last name?
    A. Chris B. Kyle C. Trevor D. Franklin
    2. Who is Chris Kyles wife?
    A. Taya B. Mary C. Josephina D. Jayden
    3. How did Chris Kyle die?
    A. Killed in War B. Beat Up C. Run over D. Shot at a fire range
    4. What branch of military did Chris go into?
    A. Army B. Airforce C. Marine D. Seals
    5. How many times did Chris tour?
    A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
    6. What was Chris's nickname?
    A. Kyle B. Punisher C. Legend D. Chrissy
    7. What was Kyles record?
    A. Longest Shot B. Most kills C. Most saves D. Longest jump
    8. How many kids does Chris Have?
    A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
    9. What was his weapon of choice?
    A. mk-12 B. ak-47 C. ar-15 D. None
    10. What injury did he have going into hell week?
    A. Hip Fracture B. Broken Wrist. C broken leg D. Torn ACL
    True or False
    1. T/F Chris worked on a ranch .
    2. T/F Chris was a marine.
    3. T/F Chris died in war.
    4. T/F Chris Kyle holds the record for longest shot.
    5. T/F Marcus Letrell killed Chris Kyle
    6. T/F Kyles killer was insane.
    7. T/F Chris Kyle was a sniper.
    8. T/F Chris Kyle didn't care about murdering others.
    9. T/F Chris Kyles father served in the military.
    10. T/F Chris Kyle passed Hell Week.
    Short Answer
    1. Did Taya Support Chris's decision to re-enlist?
    2. What made Chris want to join the military?
    3. Was Kyle married?
    4. Was Chris Kyle really Called The Legend?
    5.Did he really kill 250+ people?
    1: B 2:A 3:D 4:D 5:D 6:C 7:A 8:B 9:A 10: C
    1:True 2:False 3:False 4:True 5:False 6: True 7:True 8:True 9:True 10: True
    1. Taya didn't support or disagree with the choices Chris made. She knew he loved the army and serving his country. She didn't try to stop him because he knew he would hate her.
    2. Chris's father was in the military, so he was inspired.
    3. Yes he was married to a women named Taya.
    4. Yes Chris was called the legend. He gained the name when he shot beachballs in the ocean as terrorists floated on them
    5. Yes Chris kyle really killed over two hundred and fifty people.

  4. Kachina Blair #2
    The Silent Boy
    Lois Lowry
    Pages 185
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt #11
    My main character of The Silent Boy is a girl named Katy. I choose Katy because she is writing the story from her point of view. Seven-year old Katy has a love for horses. Her family owns two horses, and she loves to join her father on weekly rides to Schuyler’s Mill. Katy would never miss a ride with her father and their horses. I feel that Katy would love to take a vacation and spend a week on a Texas dude ranch. A dude ranch is a vacation resort that offers activities typical of Western ranches. On Monday, Katie would spend her day in horse grooming lessons. She would learn to saddle and bridle her horse, as well as bond with the horse that she would be riding all week. Tuesday Katie starts her day by feeding the horses and cleaning their stalls. Ranching is hard work. Tuesday is the day of the week that all the ranchers take their horses on a leisurely trail ride in the mountains. Wednesday, after the typical horse care is finished, the veterinarian comes to the ranch. He does a weekly check and makes sure the horses are healthy, their hooves are treated and there are no health concerns. Thursday Katie rides to the arena where she learns how to barrel race and compete in pole bending. Katie is excited to return home where she will use all her newly learned skills to care for her family’s horses. Katie knows that this vacation made her a better horse owner.

  5. #2 Jack Cardeno
    Killing The Rising Sun
    Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard
    Page 253
    Blog 9, Quarter 3
    Prompt 15

    Killing The Rising Sun has many people that were very valued in the story. For America, Douglas MacArthur, Harry Truman, and Franklin D. Roosevelt were all important people during this time. All their names have a meaning, and most of them are meanings that recognize what they did during their time in World War II. Douglas MacArthur was a general during the time and fought for the Americans, and was very methodical in his battle tactics. Douglas means, "Dweller by the Dark Stream." This suits his personality very much because he wasn't afraid to get into the dirt during the war. He always made sure that America would win the war at all times. This name does not fit him because he never wanted to use dirty tactics to win his battles. He always wanted to win via methodical methods. Harry Truman was the President of the United States during this time. He took over after Franklin Roosevelt died in office. Harry means, "Rules the home." He truly ruled the White House and America as his home because he was a good president and took control of everything during the war. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the president who started the war and almost saw the end of the war with Germany. Franklin means, "freeman." Franklin was not free during this time, as he was afflicted with polio, and that put him in a wheelchair. His health was deteriorating rapidly, and died in 1945, right before the war ended with Germany. These are the meanings of these war hero's names.

  6. Jacob Yost
    Promp #9
    The Fifth Wave
    Pg. 105
    Blog # 10
    Mrs H
    Some movies that I would recommend to Cassie would be lone survivor, Tarzan, and the Martian. The reason why I would recommend all of these good movies is because of how these characters survived by themselves or in the wilderness. The Martian is a movie about a guy that got stuck on the planet we call Mars. He basically planted food and had water, and he survived on that planet, that could not have life on it by himself. This compares to the fifth wave because of how she survives on her own and she also has many tragedies so far in the book. He also survives by himself and so did Cassie as she struggled through all of the waves. The movie lone survivor is about a guy who had friends in the military and they all died and he was then all alone by himself and had to survive on his own. Just like in the book how Cassie had so many friends in the world and then most died and then she was left all by herself to survive. Her mom died, so did her dad. She was all alone and by herself.in Tarzan the same thing he had a family that died and then had to learn to adapt to this new life style in the jungle and not with humans. So did Cassie she didn't have humans she had aliens that would kill her on sight.

  7. Ethan Crenshaw
    R.L. Stine
    Pages 132
    Blog 9 Quarter 3
    Prompt 10

    Kris and her twin sister Lindy have gotten in big trouble by their parents about a dummy that is causing horrible things. Kris would receive an award of being the most courageous because when she finds out it was r. Wood the dummy doing bad things. She locked him up in a suit case and buried him. This dummy can attack them but she managed to do lock him up without her parents. The second award she would receive is the bravest because she had to go in front of a crowd and make funny jokes with the dummy Mr. Wood. Her friends were watching and her parents. “Kris stared at the kids and adults filing into the large auditorium, recognizing a lot of face.” Kris was nervous about the dummy speaking but she still wanted to do it. The third award she will receive is being the smartest because Kris told her father and mother not to leave them at the house because the dummy will hurt them. The sisters have been trying to lock Mr. Wood up but they couldn’t no matter how hard they tried. This dummy wants revenge on the twin sisters. Lindy would receive an award of being the nicest. She helped Kris guard Mr. Wood when Kris was gone. If Lindy was not nice Lindy or Kris would have been hurt by Mr. Wood. Mr. Wood is a nightmare and scares children. This dummy does not come awake when parents are near. He comes away when they are gone or not paying attention. The twin sisters earn this award for making the right choices.

  8. #4 Chris Grothues
    Game changers
    Mike Lupica
    Pg 200
    Blog 9
    Log 4
    The theme of the book is toughness. The book showed toughness by many people has to go through tough times by when Chase Braggs had to go through a time where people on the team did not like him. Everyone said he was a ball hog, which he was but the team did not have to hate him. Ben McBain had to go through a tough time by he just joined the team and did not feel comfortable with the team. Even though his parents thought he was the best point guard in the county. Many people go through tough times in life like many people in the book Game Changers. Toughness is a mental and physical thing that all people go through. When people go through tough times you just have to get through it. The book Game Changers is a good book to read about toughness. It is good because people in the book went through the tough times in the book. The book is also very inspiring and a good read. The book is the best book I have ever read out of all of the other Mike Lupica books I ever read. Mike Lupica is a very Famous sports author and wrote many of books. He gives a lot of information. I love reading a book about toughness and getting through the toughness. Toughness is a good thing sometimes. I have had to go through many of tough times. Read the book Game changers it is very good.

  9. Avery Avichouser
    Gunner Hurricane Horse
    Judy Andrekson
    Page 95
    Prompt 7
    Blog 9/ Quarter 3
    1. In this story Wes owned Gunner=false
    2. Heather was Gunners trainer=false
    3. Mike was Heathers trainer=true
    4. Wes was Heathers son=true
    5. Heather and Mike were married=false
    6. Heather and E.W were married=true
    7. Gunner was a champion horse=true
    8. Gunner was a baby horse=true
    9. Gunner was a dark black horse=false
    10. Gunner was a brown and white horse =true

    1.Was Gunners owner Heather, Mike, or Wes? (Heather)
    2.Was Gunners coat white and black or white and brown?(white and brown)
    3.Did Gunner live in a box stall or a pasture?(box stall)
    4.Did Gunner loose or win?(win)
    5.Did Gunner go through a hurricane, a tsunami, or a flood?(hurricane)
    6.Was Gunner a sad or happy horse?(happy)
    7.Was Gunner unbeatable or a defeated horse?(unbeatable)
    8. Was Gunners trainer Mike, E.W, or Heather?(Mike)
    9.Was Gunner pretty or ugly?(pretty)
    10.Did Gunner have brown, black, or blue eyes?(blue)

    1. What happened to gunner after the hurricane? Gunner was in really bad shape after the hurricane he had to go to the vet and get help.
    2. What did Gunner like to do in his stall? Gunner like to roll on the chickens and kill them.
    3. What was Gunners personality like? Gunners personality was very funny, cute, and friendly.
    4. In the beginning of the story did Heather like Gunner? In the beginning of the story Heather did not like Gunner.
    5. Was Gunner and Heather a good match in the show ring? Gunnar and Heather were a great match in the show ring they beat everyone!

    1. What was Heather and Gunners relationship like? Heather and Gunners relationship wasn’t very good at the start. Heather didn’t love Gunner she thought he was useless. After a while Heather started to love him they made a very strong relationship. Heather showed Gunner and they were unbeatable. Gunner was Heather’s baby. Their relationship was amazing and it was like no other. No one could ever change their relationship or affect it.

  10. Janessa Fuentes #4
    So Not Okay
    Blog 9 prompt 14.
    The first song I would recommend would be I’m a survivor- I would pick this song because in so not Okay there is a lot of drama and man vs man. I would also pick this song also because it shows that all of this is temporary it will be over. The second song I would recommend is why you got to be so rude- I would pick this song because in So Not Okay people are just flat out mean. People say what is on their mind they don’t even think of what they are saying. Another song I would use for this story is Fight Song- I would use this song because it shows that you don’t care what people think of you just be you. I would also pick this song because if the girls herd it in this story it world completely change the way they look at things. One more book I would recommend would be You Make Me Brave- I would recommend this song because it shows that you will fail but you get back up and try even harder and God concerned the grave so he could be there for his children. The last song I would recommend would be happy I would recommend happy because no matter what you feel always have a smile on your face and just take each day at a time. I would also recommend this song because don’t let people judge you be yourself and that’s all that matters.

  11. #13 Emilia Shahverdian
    Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
    Ransom Riggs
    Page 313
    Blog 9 Quarter 3
    Prompt 10

    Most Courageous: Jacob
    Jacob deserves the award for most courageous because of his bravery in fighting the hollowgasts. Jacob fights to save the people that his grandfather loved. Though he did not understand things at the beginning he was determined to get answers. Jacob shows courage when danger lurks in every corner. He is ready to fight at all costs to save those he loves. “Then I realized something. Though he was describing the bog boy, it wasn’t the bog boy who had killed him…The old fear bean to pump, coating my insides with heat.”
    Most Loyal: Emma
    Emma deserves the award for the most loyal because of her loyalty to Jacob. She puts her trust in Jacob no matter how crazy his idea. She is helpful when Jacob first arrived at the loop. She gave him the answers to his questions. When they are leaving the home she stays with Jacob because she cares for him that much. “Joining me would be Emma, who flatly refused to let me go alone…’If we all go,’ Emma reasoned, ’the Bird won’t be able to banish Jacob.’” She would be willing to risk almost everything to help him.
    Best Chameleon: Mr. Barron
    Mr. Barron was great at disguising himself as multiple people to achieve his evil plans. He disguised himself to follow Jacob. He believed that Jacob would lead him to the other peculiars. He transformed into Dr. Golan, Jacob’s therapist, and also . This way he could get information out of Jacob and give him the idea to go to the island. “Had I ever given either of them a hard look? How many other roles in my life had this chameleon played?”

  12. #10 Luke O’Brien
    Scar Tissue
    Anthony Kiedis
    Pages: Finished
    Blog#9 Quarter#4
    Prompt 11
    I think Anthony Kiedis would like to go to Hawaii or some place that’s very tropical. I feel like he would like to go somewhere like this because he is always singing about the L.A. life-style in his songs. When I hear L.A. I automatically think Palm trees, sunlight, and relaxation. You can also tell that he likes the beach because a Red Hot Chili Pepper music video was in Venice Beach. He also says so in his book. On his vacation, day one would be a day of relaxing. I say this because when you go on a vacation and you have to wake up super early to get to your plane, it’s very exhausting. So when you get to Hawaii you don’t want to get to your hotel room and get to surf and scuba diving the second you get there. Day two would be the day when Anthony Kiedis would go scuba diving and surfing. He has said he likes to be active and go on runs. So day two would be the perfect day to get a work out in and have fun while you’re doing it. If he went with his girlfriend, Day three would be to just chill and watch a movie with her or something. While you’re on vacation with a loved one, you never want to neglect them. If you piss them off they’re going to be very stubborn from that point on and not want to do anything with you. If Anthony Kiedis were to skip Day Three, Day Four and Day Five would be days of trying to make it up to her by doing literally EVERYTHING she wants to do. Day Three is the most important to day to your vacation because it can determine the rest of your vacation.


  13. Masha Mukutmoni #8

    Lightning Thief

    Rick Riordan

    Blog #9 Quarter 3

    Prompt 3

    If I was author of the book The Lightning Thief, I would make an epilogue about Percy’s further journeys with his mother, and a mysterious cliff-hanger ending to where his stepfather, Gabe went. Percy would start the new school year in a brand new boarding school, now surrounded by friends, not a single classmate teasing him. He continues to struggle with his ADHD and Dyslexia, but somehow manages to pass his tests and quizzes. His mother, Sally is now a full time author, publishing teen and children’s novels, earning a good salary. Gabe somehow ends up in a Adult Correction Facility for threatening Sally for not making his bean dips and salsas at his timing. No one seems to remember Gabe though, when investigators question the old neighbors. Some say that he just walked out of the apartment fuming, and never seemed to return. Others said that they never heard of a person like Gabe Ugliano… Towards the end of Percy’s 7th grade year, his mother gets married to a rich lawyer, named Mark. Mark treats Percy like a father should treat his son, only tracing back a few memories of his visit with his real father, Poseidon. They go to Montauk as a weekly occasion. When Percy goes back to Camp Half-Blood, Mark doesn’t question Percy or Sally. He finds Percy as an interesting, smart, active and a wild child, which is brightly highlighted in his name. The family lives happily ever after, not having any problems that involves bean dips or nachos.

  14. Daniel Chapin #3
    Jeff Pearlman
    Page 323
    Blog 9 Quarter 3
    Walter Payton is a hard worker and is a very compassionate person. I could choose various vacation places for him because he has many great qualities that speak to many great places. For example because he is a family man he could go to Disneyland. But in my opinion I would think of him going to the Seirra Mountains. The reason I chose this place is because there are ton of fun activities that give a chance for him and his son to bond and become closer. At the mountains there is snow so cool activities could be sledding and in the summer hiking. I know this because I went with my family last summer. The other reason I chose this place is because it has a very high altitude so he can get better workouts in to practice. When he would go up there I think that he would take a day on for cardio and lifting then take a day off and bond with his son. HJe would still work hard on vacation because that is his type of attitude. And when he is lifting his son could observe and take notes and sometimes get in on the action. He would really teach his son some great workouts and a fantastic work ethic which is very important for the particular sport of football. His famous quote “Never die easy” really was showed through his practices. That would mean so much to him that his son would live and train like that.

  15. #1 Miguel Alvarez
    Listen for the Whippoorwill
    Dave & Neta Jackson
    Pages 143
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt 14
    For this blog, the character I choose was named Rosebud. Now she is none as Rosalie. She is a slave who wanted freedom. A woman named Harriet Tubman gave her that freedom. She went through a lot to get it. One of the things she had to do was to go through a swamp to avoid getting capture. The first song I choose for this character is called “I’m still standing”. She has fallen and been injured for her freedom. The second song is called “Set it all free”. After she crossed the border into Canada, it was not a dream, she could set it all free. During the book, Rosalie lost her mother, her brother, and her baby brother. Rosalie and her mother Sarah were very close. Then her father ran away from their master. She was all alone, until she found her father at the end of the book. This song go perfectly with this book. This song is called “I will never forget you”. The forth song you might know, it is called “God’s not dead”. In the book, her faith is constantly tested and it was hard to have faith in God, but she still believed in Him. Like it says in the song “God not dead he’s surely alive”. Last song is called “Ride 21 pilot”. Because her way to freedom was hard and painful. It took some time but she made it to freedom. To a slave girl that was her biggest dream. All this song go with the theme of the book. Harriet Tubman gave her freedom and help her find her father.

  16. Sierra Voight #15
    The Forest of Hands and Teeth
    Carrie Ryan
    Pages 308
    Blog #10 Quarter #4
    Prompt 2
    Dear Mary,
    You have a very good mind, and it wouldn’t hurt you to use it for other people. The way you treat Harry is unforgiveable. He has never done anything to hurt you, and just because you love his brother and not him does not give you the right to treat him the way you do. It is understandable that you cannot be with him or pretend that you love him as more than a friend, but don’t take advantage of his love for you. Also, loving Travis while at the same time you are leading on his brother is extremely unfair and selfish. Especially since your best friend loves Harry. You have been through a lot, and you have enough will to refrain from telling the others about Gabriel. This is respectable, though it may be a good idea to tell them just in case you come upon something that is connected to her and your survival. Forgetting may be easier, but it is no way to get rid of a problem. Instead of feeling the need to have more than you already do, you should just settle with what you have. Be happy that you are still living, and not thrown to the unconsecrated as a sacrifice as Gabriel was. There is no sisterhood to tell you how to live your life, so take advantage of it and make a life for yourself.
    Sincerely, Sierra

  17. Leo Sellarole #10
    Maze Runner the Scorch Trials
    James Dashner
    Pages 1,048
    Blog #7 Quarter #3
    Prompt #8
    The main character Thomas and some of the other Gladers have escaped the maze, but this doesn’t mean all problems have been eliminated, for there are many more to come. This is why I definitely believe that Thomas would want some assistance from some pretty out of this world superheroes. First off would be the Flash, with his superhuman speed much could get accomplished within a matter of minutes. Even though the runners have made it out of the maze no one promised there wouldn’t be any more running and I believe that the Flash would be a great addition to the team. Wonder Woman would be a definite must with her invisible aircraft the Gladers could travel quickly through the Scorch without having to travel through the scorched city dodging full gone cranks. With Wonder Woman’s lasso of truth they could tie up their opposition and withdraw the facts and answers they need from their opposition, not to mention Wonder Woman’s amazing reflexes. Not much is needed to be said about superman besides that he is awesome, with his superhuman strength, stamina, speed, and flight who wouldn’t want this addition to the team. Batman would also be another wonderful superhero to have around when stuck in a sticky situation where you need one of the many useful tools Batman has to offer. Combined with the efforts of Wonder Woman Batman has strong intimidation tactics to get the information they need from their enemies. The Scorch’s harsh climate and weather, scorching sun, and unbearable heat that accompanies it was too much for the Gladers and slowed their progress. With the help of Storm and her weather manipulating powers she could change the scorching heat into a nice, beautiful day. This would be a great advantage, making it easier for the Gladers to make progress. Some other small heroes to be mentioned would be Lara Croft, Nathan Drake, and Indiana Jones all of which have had similar experiences to those of the Gladers. For Thomas I feel he has a lot of these characteristics of these heroes which is what make this dream team work. Although I enjoyed writing this I couldn’t help but feel this is ironic because Thomas himself is somewhat considered a hero too. If Thomas wanted any other characteristics the heroes’ poses it would be bravery and courage with no trace of doubt in his mind; this was one thing Thomas really struggled with in this story. These are what I believe would be the best possible heroes suited for the job.

  18. #5 Sienna Inman
    Carve the Mark
    Veronica Roth
    Pages 117
    Blog 9 Quarter 3
    Prompt 8

    Three people I think my character Cyra would think are hero’s are Clarke Kent, who is Superman, Dianna Prince who is Wonder Woman, Tony Stark who is Iron Man, and also Berry Allen who is the Flash. Cyra would look at the Berry Allen as a superhero because he people on her planet have powers like super strength, can't feel pain, and even being able to tell the future. The only power they haven't had yet is super speed. I think Cyra would find this power incredible. Cyra would look at Clarke Kent as a superhero because he lived on a different planet then earth and was born with super powers, in a way like her. Cyra also lives on an unknown planet and eventually receives powers called current gifts. Cyra would look at Dianna Prince as a superhero because she fights hand to hand combat like Crya when she trains with Akos. Wonder Woman is also a female superhero and that goes to show that woman and young woman like Cyra herself can fight hard and win their battles. The last person Cyra would look at as a superhero is Tony Stark because he uses technology to be a superhero. This type of technology would be similar to what the people on her planet use to create their ships and vehicles. All these people would be superheroes in her mind because they all have traits or use objects or technology that are similar to her in her life or on her planet. Therefor she'd look up to theses people.

  19. J.B. Sebastiano #12
    Pinstripe Empire
    Marty Appel
    Pages 400
    Blog#9 Quarter#3
    Prompt 12
    In the story Pinstripe Empire, Joe DiMaggio and Yogi Berra are two big parts of the Yankee dynasty. Joe DiMaggio is one of the greatest players of all time, and I would love him to meet Lou Gehrig. They were both very humble when they accomplished feats no one else could do in baseball. I would like Joe to talk to Lou so that he could gain knowledge of what it was like to play for the original Murderers’ Row. Murderers’ Row was the nickname for the 1918 Yankees that were at the time impossible to beat. Lou hit fourth in that order, and it would be good to learn how to deal with that pressure. Yogi Berra is one of the greatest Yankee catchers of all time, and I would want him to meet Bill Dickey. Bill Dickey was the Yankee catcher in 1918 and batted fifth. I think that it would be beneficial for Yogi to meet Bill because he could teach him how to deal with catching in a big game. Bill won multiple gold gloves throughout his long career and could advise Yogi Berra on how to improve his skills behind the plate. Lastly, I would also like Yogi to meet Elston Howard, who was the first black player on the Yankees. He had to deal with threats and boos every time he took the field. He was one of the men who paved the way to allow colored players to play baseball. Yogi could learn how to better deal with hateful people and fans.

  20. Brandon Salgado #10
    Voyage of the Dawn Treader
    C.S. Lewis
    Page 150
    Blog #8 Quarter #4
    Prompt 6
    Me: Prince Caspian, may I ask you some questions?
    Prince Caspian: Sure, go ahead.
    Me: How does it feel like being on a ship all day and night?
    Prince Caspian: It feels good because when I wake up, the air feels refreshing, but smells sometimes.
    Me: Is it fun to talk to your crew members on the Dawn Treader, or is everyone too busy working on their jobs on the ship?
    Prince Caspian: Sometimes, it is quiet because there is no one on the main deck, besides me steering the Dawn Treader. Other than that, it is really fun talking to my crew members.
    Me: What weapons do you carry on the ship and around with you?
    Prince Caspian: We have swords, knives, cannons, and sometimes spears.
    Me: Have you ever gotten sea sick on the Dawn Treader before?
    Prince Caspian: I got sea sick the first time I set sail from shore, but after that day on, I got used to it just like my crew members.
    Me: What got you into sailing on a ship in the first place?
    Prince Caspian: When I was little, I watched many movies where they set sail on an adventure and those movies inspired me to be like them and be adventurous as they are.
    Me: What was one movie that inspired you the most and one character that inspired you the most?
    Prince Caspian: The movie that inspired me the most was The Pirates of the Carribean and the character that inspired me the most was Captain Jack Sparrow.

  21. Cole LaBrado #6.5
    The Right Steph
    Mike Yorkey
    140 pages
    Blog #2 Quarter #3
    Prompt 11
    I think that Stephen Curry would like to vacation in Oakland. I only think he would go there because of all of his fans that he would want to meet. And he wouldn’t be to far from playing basketball, or at least practicing. He also has a lot of his friends down in Oakland. On Monday he will do an event with Under Armor and sign fans shoes for them. Tuesday he could go to the beach with his family because in Charlette they don’t have any beaches. On Wednesday he would be hanging out with Chris Paul and doin a basketball camp for younger kids. On Thursday he will be meeting with his manager and go to his house because he also lives in California and he can stay with him. He would have a choice of going to these amusement parks on Friday Knotts Berry Farm, Six Flags, Magic Mountain, Disney Land, Sea World, Universal Studios, or Raging Waters. He would also go to California for family reasons. Like his wife loves to go to malls and one of the worlds most famous malls is in Cali. And for his two daughters there is Lego Land or Build A Bear Work shop. But what they all have in common is food. And California is one of the greatest places to eat and a lot of tourists come to California because it’s a nice easy comfortable stay for all of the families.

  22. Ileanna Holiday #5
    Auggie & Me
    RJ Palacio
    Blog 9 Quarter 3
    Prompt 14

    In the book Auggie & Me Julian, Charlotte, and Jack were called to school so they could show a new student around named August Pullman. Julian didn't like Auggie, so he was starting to bully him. If I were to give Julian a playlist of fife songs I would include many Christian songs so he could listen to the lyrics and maybe change his ways. The first I would include is Greater by MercyMe. This song is talking about how you can bring all of your troubles and mistakes to God. If Julian listened to this song he might repent for his wrong doings and change his ways. The second song I would include would be Live It Well by SwitchFoot. This song is great because life really is short and you shouldn't waist it on dumb thing like bullying other students. The third song I would include would be God Is On The Move by 7eventh Time Down. This is a good song because Julian could think about how God might be using Auggie to show his works. The forth song I would include would be Unsteady by X Ambassadors. This might open Julian's eyes to the hard time that Auggies family might be going through. The last song I would include would be All In This Together by the cast of High School Musical. I would choose this song because in life we should all be in this together. Life is to short to waste it on silly things like bullying. Hopefully by listening the these songs Julian will fix his wrong doings.

  23. #6 Michael Montoya
    Veronica Roth
    Prompt 13
    Blog#9 Quarter 3

    Tris should read books like Mockingjay, Scorch Trials, Hunger Games, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and I Survived series. I would highly recommend reading Mockingjay because it teaches you how to fight and how to survive off of little to no resources. It might be dangerous but a good reward could come out of it. It also prepares you to trust no one and especially to never trust your best friend. Not even for a second. She should also read the Scorch Trials because it would help teach her about intelligence, patterns, and even more fighting skills. Another great book Tris should read is The Hunger Games. This particular book demonstrates a great deal of courage and love. We saw how Catniss stepped up for her younger sister so she did not have to go to the hungers games, just like Tris stopped her own faction from killing her brother. Also how Tris’s love for her parents could never be broken. Tris should also read A to Z Mysteries because they teach her how to find clues and to figure out the trade. I Survived are another great series of books because they teach how to survive almost anything. This would be especially useful when they went to war. It also teaches people what they could have done better instead of what they actually did in the book. Tris needs to learn more about fighting because she was kind of afraid in the beginning of Insurgent and she needs to become smarter with some of her decisions. She also needs to not be so selfish and to realize what is going on around her. Instead of thinking of it like a game, she needs to take it more serious.

  24. #9 Jake O’Brien
    Blog #9
    Live by Night
    Dennis Lehane

    Joe Coughlin is not one of the most educated people on the planet, he was actually suspended from school quite often, but this shouldn’t get in the way of reading a good book. One of the books that I recommend for Mr. Coughlin is, “Stephen King’s: IT”. The reason why I choose this book for Joe is because it seems like he might actually a good classic book of horror and bloodshed. Joe is one that often resorts to solve his problems with murder, but he may still like the story of the raging clown. Another book that I recommend for Joe is “John Grisham’s: The Street Lawyer”. Joe might fun this book ironically funny because of the fact that he has been represented by a man that seemed to be the best at getting men like Joe out of “sticky” situations. Just like the main character in the novel “Street Lawyer”. The third book that Joe may find to his liking is, Bruce Lee’s “Artist of Life”. Joe may like classic horror stories, but he may also fid this very intellectual piece very interesting. The reason why is because Joe seems to be the smartest and the most level-headed in the group between him and the two Bartolo brothers. One of the books that Joe may find a little interesting would be another John Grisham book, “Theodore Boone”. This is story very similar to Joe’s in the sense that Theodore Boone is man trying to clear his name just as Joe failed to do. The last book that I recommend for Joe Coughlin is the Bible. I recommend this book because he is a man who is corrupted by the society that he lives in even though he struggles to get out. I know that Joe could harness that strength that he desperately needs in the bible to get out of the criminal underworld

  25. Lauren Quintana #7
    The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
    C.S Lewis
    Blog#9 Quarter 3
    Through the land of Narnia we will go,
    And let it be so,
    That we will defeat the White Witch foe,
    Either day or night,
    We will fight,
    For Mr. Tumnus’ life,
    And fight through the strife,
    Human or not,
    The white witch sought,
    The life of Aslan,
    And that is what she got,
    But the next day,
    Aslan made death go away,
    As he swore,
    He fought the war,
    And victory was won,
    And the war was done,
    And good got help with the war,
    From the people who they met when they walked through the door,
    Mr. Tumnus, beavers, and Aslan,
    Who are true,
    The professor is wise,
    and is honest without prize,
    Lucy set foot in Narnia a magical place,
    And had awe on her face,
    Yet Edmond, Susan, and Peter found her story as a disgrace,
    So Lucy showed them the wardrobe,
    This world was on no globe,
    But when Tumnus is gone,
    We must follow a robin to find the faun,
    The Witch dabbled in fear,
    Of the lion Aslan but his fear not even mere,
    For Aslan was brave,
    and helped Edmond who was a slave,
    as for Susan she was kind,
    And Lucy the family she did find,
    Peter brave and Edmond strong,
    Each fought in the battle for long,
    After Aslan’s sad passing,
    Aslan rose again once more,
    Aslan took the battle and killed the witch for,
    All of Narnia and it’s men galore,
    After Susan and Lucy become royal,
    And get crowns better than coil,
    Edmond and Peter become princes,
    When the wardrobe is again found, they come home without sound,
    They tell the professor of their adventures,
    The professor believed the story more than dentures,
    They are happy at home though,
    So let this story be so.

  26. Joshua Quintana #9
    The Hunger Games
    Suzanne Collins
    Prompt #9 Quarter #3
    Pages 116
    Prompt #10

        I think that a good award for Katniss Everdeen would be an award for her bravery. She deserves this award because her younger sister Prim was called as the female tribute for district twelve. Out of love for her sister, and knowing that she could die, Katniss volunteers as the district twelve tribute instead of her sister Prim, because she was young and didn’t really know how to fight. Katniss had a better chance from always hunting with Gale Hawthorne and learning skills that would give her a better chance. This shows that Katniss really cares about her younger sister Prim. This was a great act of bravery and putting others first, kind of like Peeta did. A good award for Peeta Mellark is selflessness. Peeta saw that Katniss needed food and was kicked out of going through the trash bin. Peeta was the baker’s son and felt bad, so he purposely burnt bread, knowing he would get in trouble for it, and gave it to Katniss. Her family was able to eat because of this and might have died if they had not gotten that burnt loaf of warm bread. A good award for Gale Hawthorne would be an award for being a good friend to Katniss. He should get this award because he helps Katniss hunt and is a great friend to her. He can also be there for Katniss and cheer her up because they both lost their fathers in the same mining accident and therefore have a deep connection with each other.

  27. #14 Zachary Tittle
    Blog 9 log 7
    Language Arts
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
    J.K. Rowling page 162

    1. Harry used magic when he was not supposed to at home with the Dursley family.
    2. Harry got the permission slip signed to for the Hogsmeade fieldtrip.
    3. The Uncle Vernon is still very plump.
    4. Dudley is vey nice to Harry all of the sudden this summer.
    5. The Magic Association is unhappy with Harry but let his actions slide.
    6. Azkaban is for prisoners.
    7. No one had ever escaped until Serious Black.
    8. Dementors guarded Azkaban.
    9. Hagrid has never been to Azkaban.
    10. Serious Black was an extreme follower of Lord Voldemort.

    1. ___ was the headmaster of Hogwarts. A-Dumbledore B-Serious Black C-Harry
    2. ___ was Harry’s aunt. A-Petunia B-Hermione C- Lilly
    3. ___ guard Azkaban. A-Dementors B-Unicorns C- Trolls
    4. People ____ at the name of Voldemort A- cower in fear B-praise C-think nothing of it
    5. The fat lady’s portrait was ___. A-cut B-repaired C- redone.
    6. The fat lady guarded the ___ dorm rooms. A-Gryffindor B-Slytherin C-Ravenclaw
    7. Harry was in the ___ house. A- Gryffindor B- Slytherin C- Ravenclaw
    8. The Magic Association knew that ___ was after Harry. A-Serious Black B- Dementors C- Dumbledore
    9. The Magic Association let Harry off with ___ charges after his misuse of magic. A-no B-all C- some
    10. Harry accidentally called the ____. A- Knight’s Bus B- True Cross Bus C- City bus

    1. Why did Harry not like the summer?
    2. Why did Harry not like the Dursleys?
    3. What is Harry’s position on the quidditch team?
    4. What house is Harry in?
    5. Who are Harry’s best friends?

    1. What come out of the wardrobe for Harry? Why does that come out? What is Harry’s true fear?

    1. True
    2. False
    3. True
    4. False
    5. True
    6. True
    7. True
    8. True
    9. False
    10. True

    1. A
    2. A
    3. A
    4. A
    5. A
    6. A
    7. A
    8. A
    9. A
    10. A

    1. He had to return home to the Dursleys.
    2. They were very mean to him and did not allow him to use or practice wizardry.
    3. Seeker.
    4. Gryffindor.
    5. Hermione and Ron.

    1. A dementor comes out of the wardrobe for Harry. A dementor came out because at the time that was what he thought was his greatest fear. Harry’s greatest fear is later revealed to be fear itself while having a talk with Professor Lupin.

  28. #11 Preston ParkerMarch 30, 2017 at 6:43 AM

    #11 Preston Parker
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
    J.K. Rowling
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt #4
    The theme that I have chosen is good vs evil. In Harry Potter the main person who represents good is Harry Potter while the evil character at the moment in Severus Snape. Snape is Harry’s Dark Arts teacher at HogWarts. Snape takes every chance he can to torment Harry. During a Quidditch Match Snape puts a curse on Harry’s broom almost causing him to fall to his death during the match. Harry during the book is trying to avoid Snape and learn who Nicolas Flamel is. During Harry’s search in the library for who Nicolas is he discovers Snape in the teachers only room with a blood covered leg while he complained about a three-headed dog. Harry knew that Snape had been trying to steal the sorcerers stone which was under that three-headed dog. Harry then tried to avoid Snape as much as he could but Snape knew he saw him getting his leg bandaged up. As the book progresses Snape gets more and more evil taking points from Griffindore and giving points to Slitherin. During another Quidditch Math Snape is the ref and he constantly was trying to call penalty’s on Harry but they later come to win the game because Harry had caught the Golden Snitch. Snape is evil and Harry will have to defend the sorcerers stone from Snape but he first needs to get stronger and wiser. Harry gets possession of an invisibility cloak from Dumbeldore and uses it to spy on Snape during an outing but he was soon discovered but Snape had not known his true identity. So Overall Snape is the evil source while Harry is the good source in this book.

  29. #6 Italia Holiday
    Jerry Spinell
    Pages 205
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt #7
    1. True or False: Stargirl became popular for singing birthday songs to other people.
    2. True or False: Leo did not fall in love with Stargirl.
    3. True or False: Kevin and Leo had a show called hot beat.
    4. True or False: When Stargirl was a cheerleader she would cheer for the other team.
    5. True or False: Leo tried to shun Stargirl because everyone else was shunning her.
    6. True or False: Stargirl would steal other people's packages from their mailbox.
    7. True or False: Stargirl has a rat named Tom.
    8. True or False: Stargirl changed her personality to a new girl called Susan.
    9. True or False: Stargirl hated everyone and did not want friends.
    10. True or False: Leo did not like Stargirl's new personality of Susan.
    Multiple choice:
    11. Who is Leo's best friend?
    A. The rat
    B. Kevin
    C. Stargirl
    12. What school are they in?
    A. Middle School
    B. Elementary school
    C. High school
    13. What type of flower was on Stargirl's bag?
    A. Tulips
    B. Sunflowers
    C. Roses
    14. Who carried around the ukulele?
    A. Stargirl
    B. Susan
    C. Kevin
    15. What does Stargirl like to watch?
    A. Oceans
    B. Sunsets
    C. Sunrises
    16. What activity did Stargirl do?
    A. Cheerleading
    B. Dancing
    C. Gymnastics
    17. Who ate lunch with Stargirl at the beginning of the year?
    A. Kevin
    B. Leo
    C. Dori
    18. Where did Stargirl become popular?
    A. Soccer game
    B. Football game
    C. Baseball game
    19. Who does Stargirl's personality change to?
    A. Susan
    B. Kendall
    C. Valerie
    20. What does the sign say in the courtyard about Leo?
    A. I hate Leo
    B. I like Leo
    C. I love Leo
    Essay question:
    21. How did Leo fall in love with Stargirl?
    1. False
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. True
    6. False
    7. False
    8. True
    9. False
    10. True
    11. B
    12. C
    13. B
    14. A
    15. B
    16. A
    17. C
    18. B
    19. A
    20. C
    21. Leo fell in love with Stargirl when Kevin and Leo did their show. Leo relized how amazing she was. Leo loved everything she did, until she changed personalities. Leo still loved her, but Susan wanted to be like by everyone and Stargirl did not care when anyone thought. Leo still loved Stargirl or whatever personality she became.

  30. Jasmine Jamali #5
    Bailey’s Story, a Dog’s Purpose Novel
    W. Bruce Cameron
    Pages 207
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt 10
    Tonight we are giving out some awards on a book to each of the characters. This book is Bailey’s Story. The first award is for funniest, and this award goes to Bailey. Bailey also won the award for saving the ones he loves. He deserves these awards because Bailey has done things like mess up the garage, eat Mom’s shoes, and eat everything. He also deserves the other award for saving his family. He played rescue me with Ethan and they played it at the farm. One night his family was in danger. Someone had lit their house on fire. Bailey had to save them and he was in the garage so he had to do something about it and quickly. He goes through the dog door to the window of the basement and opens it to a point where he is in there. He runs up stairs low to the ground because of the smoke. He goes to Ethan’s room, wakes him up, and rushes to Mom’s room. Ethan then builds a rope out of sheets and lets his mother, and Bailey leave the house and then jumps. If Bailey was not there then they would have died. The next awards are for bravest, and sweetest. He won these awards because of his brave and kind hearted personality that he developed after he had gotten Bailey. He became the sweetest boy that Bailey could have gotten (see what I did there). Let Bailey rest in peace and always have Ethan in his heart.

  31. Dear Evan,

    I will be talking about Narnia the horse and his boy trophy ceremony. The trophy for Bree the horse is the rude, patient, best horse teacher award and I can prove it by going to page 25 "But in spite of my rudeness Bree was a patient teacher for the best horse riding". The next person I will be talking about for the next award is the brave, smart, and courageous award presented to Shasta and on page 11 and I quote “If I run with you Bree my trap will not work and everyone will see me as a coward and that is not what I am”. The next award is to a girl and this is for her great courage and this award goes to the Queen and the proof is on page 71 and I quote “Oh queen a very good lady, you must now show your great courage said, prince Edmund.” The Next award goes to the wisest and honest person on the field and this goes to prince Edmund because on page 71 it says “Oh here comes the honest and wisest guests of this evening please welcome prince Edmund”. This next one is the Flattery award and this goes to the Queen once again and it says on page 55 “Oh here comes the Queen with her flattery attitude and dress”. This will be the very last word for the ceremony and this is the most important this next on is the friendship award and it will be presented to Shasta and Bree because they worked together and always have each others backs to get to Narnia and reach their goal and it says on page 54 “So Shasta went to Narnia to get Bree”. So that was the awards ceremony and I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog.


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