Last Blog of the Year!

You have made it to the finish line. Congratulations! I am so proud of all of your hard work and effort. Don't forget we need to have a booktalk too. I will see you all on Friday.


  1. #6 Michael Montoya
    Veronica Roth
    Prompt 15
    Blog#12 Quarter 4

    Beatrice Prior, Tris, name means bringer of joy. This name fits her in many different ways. Once when she came to talk to Tobias and he was thinking about his family and where they were while he was there. Tris was able to comfort him during these lonely times. She also brought joy to many kids and she plays with them all the time Beatrice just has a loving heart over all. There was a time where she didn’t and that was when she got mad at Chris. Chris got sad and committed suicide on himself. Overall Tris is just the kind of person you want to be around. When you’re lonely, sad, or mad she will definitely bring joy to your heart. Tobias, Four, name means God is good. I do not see this kind of attitude in him that God is good. He is just not that guy who is open to many people. The only time that I saw that God is good was when Tris came into Tobias’s life. Tobias does not have that love and friendship in his heart for others. Christina’s name means follower of Christ. This name does not fit her because she seems only to care about herself and no one else. She did pray one time before going into battle and thanking the Lord for everything, but besides that she has never shown to the public that she is a follower of God.

  2. #4 chris grothues
    Tim Tebow
    Blog 12
    Log 4
    Pg 103
    One of the themes in the book shaken are to have faith in Jesus Christ. An example in the book is when Tim Tebow got cut from football he had to have faith in god that he will provide. Tim Tebow is one that has a lot of faith in God that he will provide. He has been through a lot of tough times through his career in playing football. He was cut from a lot of NFL teams because he was a Christian. Tebow at some point didn’t have a home to live in at one point because he was cut from a lot of teams. Examples are the Broncos, Patriots, and the Jets. All of those teams were making fun of tebow that he was a Christian, and accusing him. Tebow had to have a lot of faith in God that he will provide for him. God wanted something better for him to do. When tebow says in the book if you were the only one alive Jesus would die for you. I know that’s a little off topic about having faith in God. God wants you to have faith In him and trust in him in whatever he does. It might be bad at first but in the long run it will really help us out. Tim tebow is one that I look up to because he had a lot of faith in Jesus Christ that he will provide. God will always be on our side no matter what.

  3. #8 Ethan Powell
    The Haunted Mask
    R. L. Stine
    Pg. 203
    Blog #12 Prompt #7
    Short Answer
    1. What was Carly’s friend’s name?
    2. What did Chuck and Steve put in Carly’s sandwich to scare her?
    3. Who scared Carly when she got home from school?
    4. Describe the mask that Carly bought from the backroom of the Halloween store.
    5. Describe Carly’s voice when she put on the mask.
    True or False
    1. T/F Sabrina’s costume was cat woman.
    2. T/F Carly accidently scared two boys she thought were Chuck and Steve.
    3. T/F Carly’s mom made a model head of her.
    4. T/F Carly’s brother’s Halloween costume is a spider.
    5. T/F Carly only bought the mask because it was funny looking.
    6. T/F Sabrina and Carly went into a stranger’s house to show them Carly’s mask.
    7. T/F Carly threw the two apples that a man had given her at his house.
    8. T/F Carly split up from Sabrina to find her brother.
    9. T/F Carly gave back the candy she took from some trick-or-treaters.
    10. T/F Sabrina didn’t see Carly the rest of the night.
    Multiple Choice
    1. What was the last piece of Carly’s costume?
    a. A brick
    b. The duck costume
    c. The model head of her
    d. None of the above
    2. What bug was placed in Carly’s sand which?
    a. Spider
    b. A brick
    c. Caterpillar
    d. A worm
    3. Who was the first person to be scared by Carly?
    a. Her mom
    b. Her brother
    c. A brick
    d. Her cat

    4. What color was Carly’s mask?
    a. Blue
    b. Purple
    c. Green
    d. A brick
    5. Did Carly ever scare Chuck and Steve?
    a. No
    b. Yes
    c. Maybe
    d. A brick
    6. Who did Sabrina must share her candy with?
    a. Her brother
    b. Her cat
    c. Herself
    d. A brick
    7. What happened to the seam of the mask?
    a. Form to Carly’s neck
    b. Get torn
    c. Melt
    d. A brick
    8. Where did Carly run away to?
    a. Her house
    b. Sabrina’s room
    c. Costume store
    d. A brick
    9. Was the store owner expecting Carly?
    a. Yes
    b. No
    c. Maybe
    d. A brick
    10. Where was the mask created?
    a. Inside a volcano
    b. In a voodoo hut
    c. In a lab
    d. A brick
    Essay question
    What is the mask’s backstory?

    1. Sabrina
    2. A worm
    3. Her little Brother
    4. A Green, Grotesque ugly mask
    5. Her voice was hoarse and raspy
    6. True
    7. True
    8. True
    9. False
    10. False
    11. True
    12. Ture
    13. False
    14. False
    15. False
    16. C
    17. D
    18. B
    19. C
    20. B
    21. A
    22. A
    23. C
    24. A
    25. C

    The mask was created in a lab by the store owner. They were once beautiful, but once they were taken out of the lab they became ugly. The store owner called them “The Unloved” because no one will ever love them. The store owner kept them alive for unknown reasons. The only way to remove the mask is to transfer it to someone, but that person will have it forever.

  4. #1Miguel Alvarez
    Greg Weisman
    Page 245
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt #7 Write T for true and F for false
    _1. Aram have a choice to be on the Wavestrider.
    _2. Aram father is the captain of the Wavestrider.
    _3. Aram was the youngest on aboard.
    _4. One-God was the first mate.
    _5. The compass was the moistest valuable thing on aboard.
    _6. Aram had a step-father.
    _7. Arm did not have a dog.
    _8. Lady Bloodhorn bold the jerky from Aram’s father.
    _9. The Wavestrider did not go to the bottom of the ocean.
    _10. Aram made new friend only the land of ogres.

    Multiple choice
    1.Who was the captain of the pirates? _
    2.Who was the captain of the Wavestrider? _
    3.The giant squid was at what age? _
    4.What destroyed mackle village? _
    5.Where is the Wavestrider now? _
    6.What is Thalyss? _
    7.What was the captain’s son name? _
    8.The Wavestrider has who many sails? _
    9.Did the compass point north? _
    10.Who was Makasa? _

    A.Second mate
    b.Night elf
    I.he bottom of the sea
    Answer the question.
    1.Why did the captain had to fight the jackle?

    2.Why did Aram join the crew?

    3.Whose crew attacked the Wavestrider?

    4.How did the Wavestrider go down?

    5.Did Aram have a dog?

    Answer the essay question
    Why was Aram angry at his father?

  5. Leo Sellarole #10
    The Search for Delicious
    Natalie Babbitt
    Pages 1,494
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt #12
    Gaylen the twelve year old orphan, adopted by the Prime Minister seeks peace away from bickering man of the bustling kingdom. Gaylen feels he belongs nowhere and cannot find common ground with others and ultimately is lost. I feel that Gaylen just has not come across the right people in which he might have more in common with than he actually realized. First off I believe Gaylen and Leonardo da Vinci would have a lot in common both with a sense of adventure and creativity. I also believe Gaylen would like to meet Galileo and Christopher Columbus. With Columbus’s sense of curiosity and Galileo’s intelligence and knowledge, Gaylen would have much in common with the both of them. Next a little mermaid, the age of twelve, meek and shy, but lovely none the less; this little astonishing creature is Ardis. Ardis I believe would love to meet Queen Elizabeth the II who makes a great example of beauty and kindness. Along the same lines I believe Ardis would also love to meet Jaqueline Kennedy who displayed immense beauty and class with a dignified yet humble authority. Lastly Ardis would have much in common with the lovely Belle the fictional character who actually represents many fine women throughout history. Honestly I feel these two characters have great qualities and could become great friends themselves. Ardis and Gaylen I believe represent a small part in all of us with a childlike spirit.

  6. #10 Luke O’Brien
    Blog #12
    Prompt #12
    Stephen King IT pg: 178
    In Stephen King’s IT, Beverly Rogan is a very independent woman who was physically abused by her husband. She nearly kills him and learns she needs to look out for herself. Bill Denbrough is the main character in the story that has to overcome the fear of going back to his home town where his brother was murdered. Someone Beverly who like to meet is Sally Holiday. Sally is probably the most thoughtful and helpful and supportive person in the world. There are not enough adjective to describe how amazing she is. Beverly would love to meet her because Sally could help her with her marriage and help her be closer to God. Bill would also love to meet her because Sally could help him recover from his little brother’s death. Another person they would both like to meet is Flea. The only reason why I say Flea is because Flea is surprisingly wise. He’s really down to earth even though he is the best bass player of all time. They would like him because he can help them keep themselves in check and solve problems without violence. Beverly would also love to meet the woman from the movie Hidden Figures. She would like to meet these woman because they were unbelievably oppressed just like how she was oppressed by her husband. They weren’t expected to work as well or better as men. These woman proved everyone wrong and showed them that woman can work just as hard as men.

  7. #14 Zachary Tittle
    Language Arts
    Blog 12 log 10
    A Fish Out of Water pg 64(finish)
    Helen Palmer

    A Fish Out of Water is a story with three main characters. A boy that wanted a fish, Mr. Carp a man that worked with fishes and Otto the fish are the characters. Mr. Carp showed great intellect, bravery, and problem solving skills. For these reasons he will be receiving an award of wisdom. While the boy was scramming around looking for solutions to his problems Mr. Carp waited for his call. When he received the call for help he answered swiftly and calmly. He swooped in and mad a quick, beneficial, and functioning fix to the problem. All that had to be done to avoid this problem would be for the boy to have just fed Otto the correct amount of food Otto was to be given. Another award Mr. Carp deserves of receiving is an award of courage. In the face of adversity he was able to keep his cool and fix the problem at hand. When the boy fed his fish too much he was the only one able to help the boy solve his problem and fix the ever growing fish. The boy, while having many mistakes, also showed great problem solving skills. While his fixes to the problem of his fish growing too much due to over feeding were small and only temporary, he showed fast thinking and swift action in all he did. Without hesitation he went on to the next solution never stopping. He was a boy with a plan. For this he is receiving the “boy with a plan” award. Otto the fish will be receiving the award for most hungry fish. He ate a whole box of fish food at one time!

  8. #3 Ethan Crenshaw
    Katherine Applegate
    Pg. 245
    Blog 12 Quarter 4
    Prompt 8

    Jackson’s sister would be a superhero in many reasons. She can be nice to him and lets him to lots of kind things. She likes Jackson as a brother because he doesn’t lie a lot. She thinks he is trust worthy. Robin super power was to be smart. She can help her brother when she is older. She can also help her parents with providing them a nice house and car. Robin can also give money to her brother. Crenshaw would be a superhero in some ways. Crenshaw can be his best friend and help him when trouble comes like bullies. Crenshaw can also help when Jackson is lonely. Crenshaw can play with Jackson because Crenshaw is a real cat that can talk. Crenshaw’s super power would be to fly so he does not have to walk. Crenshaw could travel easier because he is a fat cat. He can also help Jackson by taking him to school or sports. Jackson’s dad would be a superhero by many reasons. He can help Jackson with a roof over his head. His dad can do nice things to Jackson by being nice and kind. He supports Jackson and calls him smart because he knows a lot of things in first grade. He helps Jackson go to school and his own room. His dad can help pay for his collage when he gets older. His dad’s super power is to be fast so he can take Jackson to school or to pick up food in five seconds.

  9. #5 Sienna Inman
    Carve the Mark
    Veronica Roth
    Pg. 334
    Blog 12 Quarter 4
    Prompt 15
    The three characters who's names I looked up were Cyra, Akos, and Vas. My first character Cyra, has a name meaning, “Moon.” This meaning can relate to her in a few ways. The moon can be looked at by a person as mysterious and unknown in some ways. It's surrounded by darkness, but is a light throughout it. Cyra is different from every Shotet man and woman. She is mysterious and yet beautiful on the inside and out. Like the moon Cyra is surrounded by darkness that covers her body which is her current gift. And through the black strips of current she is a light. She may look evil and mysterious, but on the inside she is completely opposite of her outward appearance. My second character Akos, has a name meaning, “White Falcon.” A white falcon is a predictor and is strong and very rough, while on the outside seeming calm and peaceful. Akos can be gentle and look calm and peaceful as well as the falcon. Akos shows no fear forwards his enemies. Although Akos looks gentle he is also strong, smart, and quick. So far he has killed two Shotet soldiers. Akos relates to a white falcon very closely. My last character Vas, has a name meaning, “Vessel or Duct.” This relates to Vas so strongly. Vas is strong, tough, ruthless, shows no mercy or fear, and never gives in or up. He's exactly what his name means. He’ll take down anyone in his path and is always loyal to his duties. Many have tried to take him down, but have failed miserably in the attempt. The result for them is either their life or their freedom.

  10. Lauren Quintana #7
    Survivors: true stories of children in the Holocaust
    Allan Zullo
    Page: 195
    Blog# 11 Quarter# 4
    Prompt# 11
    These are vacations that would suit each character. Hubert Karliner would like the beaches of Miami, Florida. I know he would cherish these beaches because of his childhood. When Hubert was on the St Louis he fell in love with the beautiful beaches and wanted to later live there. Hubert even daydreamed about the lovely beaches. Next Sarah would absolutely love Lake Arrowhead, California. She was in a small basement for two years. She would imagine herself playing in the grass, splashing in a lake full of water, and playing in the snow. Sarah would love Arrowhead because she dreamed of a lake full of water in which she craved, a lake that she could splash around in, and love. I think Lucina, now known as Ruth, would like Seville, Spain. She was forced to sit in a chair for hours hoping nobody would see her. She was disappointed she could not play as the other kids did. Seville is a grand and beautiful place that is fun for tourists and visitors. She can have fun there and enjoy playing as she once long for. I think Jack would like Kennebunkport, Maine. It is a very relaxing spot that Jack would enjoy. As a kid he was assigned to back breaking jobs and had a hard life. After surviving the gruesome death march Jack could relax at a nice beach. He was over worked person and would deserve a relaxing vacation. These are vacations that these people would enjoy.

  11. Avery Avichouser
    Bailey’s Story
    W. Bruce Cameron
    Page 86
    Blog 12/Prompt 12
    I would want Bailey to meet the character Marley from Marley and me the movie.Marley was a dog that went through a lot of sad things. He was in a family that was a lot like Baileys. I would want Bailey to learn a lot of things from Marley. Marley and Bailey had a lot in common. They both are golden retrievers, they are both hyper, they are both very sweet and loving dogs, and they have very similar kind families. Marley ended up dying of old age. That was very hard for his family because the family was so attached to Marley. They owned Marley all of his life so it was extremely difficult for them to loose someone so close to them. Marley was a family member to them. I would want Ethan from Bailey’s story to meet the owner of Marley from Marley and me John. John was the one who bought Marley for his family to have a puppy. He ended up being a very hyper puppy but he was okay once he grew up. The family ended up getting so attached to Marley. John and Ethan are very similar in many different. John and Ethan both are the owners of Bailey and Marley. These two dogs love their families but they are more attached to Ethan and John. It is the same thing with Ethan and John they love these dogs more than anyone in the family. They are both very good owners who are very good to their dogs. I think John could teach Ethan many things.

  12. #2 Jack Cardeno
    Star Wars: Bloodline
    Claudia Gray
    Page 89
    Blog 12, Quarter 4
    Prompt 5

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away,
    A princess struggled with politics every day,
    and her name was Leia and had some bad times,
    But even through it all she somehow still shines,
    With all the new villains and evils to face,
    She can only help but wonder what is going to take her place,
    Throughout the galaxy many die,
    To her, that matters, even if she lies,
    Casterfo her assistant, isn’t very kind,
    but he can get you out of a jiffy, because of his great mind.
    With C-3PO and R2 to help her through life
    she can always speak to others with good intentions, even during strife.
    Her husband Han Solo was off smuggling goods,
    when their son Ben went off to the woods,
    he turned to the dark side in a matter of time,
    it only made sense that the would both cry,
    now they deal with it in their own way,
    and they always think about him every single day.
    She thinks of the times back during the fight,
    and wonders to herself if any of it was right.
    Her father, Darth Vader, causing her pain,
    she still persevered, even though it was in vain.
    Her brother Luke, is lost in the stars,
    and it left her with multiple scars,
    but she till keeps on going no matter the situation,
    because she knows where to have her vacation.
    But now off she goes onto her flight,
    aboard the magnificent ship the Mirrorbright,
    onto the next political problem,
    because everybody knows she’s the one that solves them.

  13. Jessica Ramirez #9
    When Nobody was Watching
    Carli Lloyd and Wayne Coffey
    Page 200
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt 13

    The maine character in my book is Carli Lloyd. I would like Carli Lloyd to read the book Mia Hamm. Carli Lloyd would like this book because first, she played with Mia Hamm and second, because she can relate to the book. Carli Lloyd can relate to this book because they both had to work super hard to make the U.S National team. The next book I recommend for Carli Lloyd is Pele` Why Soccer Matters. I recommend this book to Carli Lloyd because Pele` turned rough times in his career in leading to become the best in the world just like Carli Lloyd did when she got cut many times. Another book I recommend is Neymar The Wizard. I know for a fact Carli Lloyd would love this book because Neymar is all about heart and heart is something Carli Lloyd lacked when she played on the U21’s U.S National team. On top of that Neymar had the love of of playing soccer and had a rough time because his family was suffering in poverty. All Neymar had to do was to believe in himself to make him a great player and that is what made Carli Lloyd a great player. The next book I recommend for Carli Lloyd is To Chase a Dream. Carli Lloyd would definitely love this book because it can relate back to what she went through. Carli Lloyd was constantly told you can’t defend and contently criticized. The same happend to this kid, he was told he would never be a national powerhouse but, through hard work he made it through. The last book I recommend for Carli Lloyd is The Women's Soccer Team’s World Champion. I would want her to read this book to show her the hard work and the rough parts payed off. Carli Lloyd is a great soccer player and she inspires many people today.

  14. J.B. Sebastiano #12
    Giants vs. Dodgers
    Joe Konte
    Page 64
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt 13
    One of the main characters in the book Giants vs. Dodgers is Barry Bonds. He could benefit from reading some books. Books are good resources that help people improve their life. The first book that I would recommend him to read is McGwire and Sosa. This book is about the summer of 1998 when the two best hitters in the league competed against one another to break the Major League Baseball record of sixty-one home runs hit in one season. The players’ names are Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa. They both had to deal with pressure and adversity during this time. The book would help Barry deal with adversity as he is trying to break the all-time home run leader record. It can help him calm down and know how to deal with the pressure. The next book Barry should read is The Summer of ’41. The book talks about when Joe DiMaggio and Ted Williams battled for the MVP award in 1941. DiMaggio achieved the longest hitting streak in baseball at fifty-six games. Williams in that season had a .400 batting average and is the last player to accomplish the feat. In the end, DiMaggio wins the MVP. Barry could gain motivation from DiMaggio’s and William’s example. If he can hit the most homeruns ever, it will be one of the greatest baseball records to ever be broken. 42 is another book Barry should read to gain knowledge on how to deal with racism. The story is about Jackie Robinson and his struggles with racism during the 1940s. Barry should also read The Hall so that he can learn more about baseball history and what it is like to be in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Lastly, Ultimate of Records is another book he should read to see others who have accomplished feats similar to him.

  15. #9 Jake O’Brien
    Herbert Asbury
    The Gangs of New York

    Dear Journal,
    I’m currently on the run, killing those three men. It wasn’t exactly what I would call an “accident”. Believe me, it was completely intentional. I didn’t feel an ounce of regret when I picked up that ax. The only regret that I can think of is the youth in one of those men, still having his entire life ahead of him. If I’m being honest with myself, I didn’t expect that old sea captain to put up that much of a fight. Luckily for me, he didn’t have enough. I am currently hiding out in the sewers next to the canal. Running from the police might be tough, but after all that I have just gone through, I feel like I could take on the world. I can hear the sound of the sirens and the barking of the dogs in the distance, and can’t help but feel the race of my heart and my spine tingle. I’m not going to lie, I’m testing my luck just for the thrill by taking my time to write all of this down, I almost feel like bragging. I think I can hear the barking growing louder and the shouting of the policemen growing closer. I am still weighing my options, deciding whether or not to begin my run or to stay, possibly running right underneath them. If I get caught there is now avoiding the consequences. I need to run, their getting too close.

  16. #1 Matthew Burnette
    A.G Riddle
    Pages 100
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt 8
    The first person I would like Desmond to meet would be superman. Desmond escaped the police, but is now on the run and superman could help him get out of these situations. Superman would be an idol to Desmond because superman escapes a lot of things and that’s what Desmond needs to do right now and get off the radar. The superhero power Desmond would want from superman would be flying so he could escape easy. Another person I would like Desmond to meet would be the flash. The flash is a police officer as Barry Allen, but when he turns to a superhero he works against the police sometimes. Desmond would admire him because he needs to get away from the police too. He would take the flashes speed to run away from the cops and so he could get information for different people. He would also use the speed to get away from the disease so he won’t get infected. Another superhero I would like him to meet would be batman. I would have him meet batman because he is smart and a very lay low kind of guy. Desmond needs to lay low right now because he just killed 3 cops. Desmond should be like an apprentice under batman because he could learn a lot from him. The characteristic that Desmond would want from batman would be his intelligence and his gadgets because he is always ready for anything that is thrown at him. These are the tree superheroes I would pick for Desmond.

  17. Kachina Blair #2
    Kaya’s Escape
    Janet Shaw
    Pages 316
    Blog#12 Quarter#4
    I think that Kaya would like to see Escape to Witch Mountain. In this movie, Anne, and Danny, who were infants at the time, are separated. Kaya and Speaking Rain were also separated and don’t know if they will see each other again. I think that Kaya would want to see this movie because they both go through the same things. Zoe Moon find Danny and Anne. Zoe finds out that there are purple waves formed when Anne and Danny touch hands. When Zoe finds out she tries to keep them safe, but before she could do anything Anne is put on a truck with Bruno. Danny was placed in fostercare where he runs away multiple times. After the Social Worker tries to place Danny into a new home, she can’t and decides to put him in an orphanage. Danny is happy in a way, because he can make so new friends. At the orphanage Danny final reunites with his sister Anne. Kaya was captured by the enemy and she then runs away from her enemies but is not able to get her sister. Kaya then runs to see if her father, Toe-Ta, is close to home or trying to find them. Kaya thinks that her father would most likely be by the buffalo trail. When she is traveling she sees a horse with a human on it and runs towards it a discovers that it is her father. Kaya is rescued, but she is also very worried about her sister. I think that Kaya would also like to watch Lilo and Stitch. In this movie Lilo find an alien creature “ugly dog” and decided to keep it. Lilo names the “ugly dog” Stitch. Lilo loves Stitch and Lilo’s sister tries to take him away. I think that Kaya would like to watch this because she found a horse ad decided to keep it and name the horse Steps High. When Kayas tribe gets attack by their enemies Kaya’s horses is being taken away from her. I think that Kaya would also like to watch Pocahontas. I think this because Pocahontas becomes friends with a boy, by saving his life. Kaya might like this because she saves another boy who was captured as well. Kaya helps him escape from being a slave.

  18. #6 Italia Holiday
    A Long Walk to Water
    Linda Sue Park
    Pages 140/77
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt #4
    In A Long Walk to Water there are many themes. One of the main themes is kindness. Salva did many acts of kindness. The first thing he did was lead many groups of boys to refuge camps and back and forth to Sudan. Instead of being rude to other boys and leaving them behind he would encourage everyone to continue on including himself. Salva also found food and water for everyone. He was kind and smart. When somebody new would join along he was kind and attentive. When Salva met his new family he was kind and generous. Salva's uncle was also kind and sacrificed his life for everyone. He protected the group and saved many lives. Just like Salva he was kind and generous. He died doing what he lived. Another theme in the book was love. Salva's uncle loved him and protected him. Salva loved his family and was dedicated to find his family. He loved them very much and never gave up. One more theme in the book was bravery. Salva was brave to take on the leader of leading many boys to refuge camps and to Sudan. He was also brave when his uncle died and had to take charge. Also when all the moms left him behind he was brave and continued. When he moved to a new family he was brave and strong. Salva and his family were brave, loving, and kind through this whole thing.

  19. Ileanna Holiday #5
    Auggie & Me
    AJ Palacino
    Blog 12 Quarter 4
    Prompt 5
    In Auggie's head he thinks that he is just an ordinary boy
    Who loves to play with space toys
    He is very smart yet strange
    But his personality will never change
    He doesn't want to go to school
    Because he is afraid of being called a fool
    It's not like his parents didn't want him to go to school
    They thought it would be cool
    He is now going to middle school at the age of ten
    But doesn't want to see a lot of men
    His parents thought it would bring him more joy
    And maybe make him feel like a normal boy
    The universe was never kind to him
    Which made his confidence go dim
    This is why he didn't like school
    Not because he felt to cool
    Although he didn't want to, he went at last
    And it truly wasn't a blast
    Everyone stared at him
    Which again made his happiness go dim
    He finally made some friends
    And they would always make new trends
    A popular boy called Julian doesn't like him
    "Ugly freak" he said but Auggie said it didn't bother him
    Unpleasant feelings surround Auggie
    That may seem very groggy
    Auggie may do a lot of babbling
    But he made new friends from it named Pluto and shingaling
    August Pulman had courage and character
    That is what separated him from the Julian Chapter
    He showed kindness to everyone no matter who they were
    Even if something was a complete blurr

  20. Jacob Yost
    The Walled City
    Ryan Graudin
    Pg. 424
    Prompt. 4
    In the walled city there is a couple themes. Some of hear themes are anarchy, death, order, and survival. But the one theme I will be talking about is survival. This books has a lot of survival themes. The whole point of the story is to survive and escape the city. They also fight just to live every day, and that's not just the main characters it's all of the characters in the book. The book also has the part when people have to choose if they want to survive or there friends survive. The other themes is anarchy. This is a theme because the entire city is all anarchy and death. There are many different gangs in this book they always cause a lot of anarchy. The people in this city is always cause if anarchy is they can survive another day. They also survive by killing each other and trying to keep out of other people's business. The best way to no t die and survive is by not getting in people's way or not getting mixed up in gangs or there Gang members business. These are the way people survive in the walled city.

  21. #10 Brandon Salgado
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid Double Down
    Jeff Kinney
    Page 50
    Blog 12 quarter 4
    Prompt 5

    Greg is a kid in middle school
    And he really wants to be cool
    He daydreams a lot
    About his family being robots
    Greg really likes to play his video game
    But his mom thinks they are lame
    Instead she wants him to study and use his brain
    But Greg thinks doing homework is a pain

  22. #13 Emilia Shahverdian
    It Gets Worse
    Shane Dawson
    Page 237
    Blog #12 Quarter 4
    Prompt #7

    True or False: Shane is the only child in his family-False

    True or False: Cary did not go to the dance with Shane in middle school-True

    True or False: Lisa was Shane’s girlfriend for two years-True

    True or False: Shane is a filmmaker and youtuber-True

    True or False:Shane was never on a reality TV show- False

    True or False: Shane and Lisa went to Mexico together-True

    True or False: Shane suffered from bulimia-True

    True or False: Saksa was Indonesian-False

    True or False: Shane Dawson’s parents are divorced-True

    True or False: Shane finished college-False

    Shane was born on __________________.-A
    A.July 19, 1988
    B. June 6,1988
    C.August 27,1988

    Shane’s mother’s name is _________________________.-B

    _____________ helped Shane get props for his films.-C

    One of Shane’s brothers names is ____________-A

    Shane” other brother is named ______________-C

    Saksa was a(n) _____________-B

    What did Shane name his first car?-B
    B.Big Lady Bertha
    C.Trash can

    The first chapter of It Gets Worse is ____________-C
    A.Best Buddies
    B. The Lottery
    C. 2 a.m.

    Who wrote a chapter in Shane’s book?-B
    A. His girlfriend
    B.His mom
    C.His brother

    What social media site did Shane become popular on?-A

    Where was Shane born?
    -Long Beach,California
    Who was his first girlfriend?
    -Lisa Schwartz
    Where did Shane go the first time he left the country?
    Who was Shane’s middle school crush?
    What is Shane’s book a collection of?
    -Essays written by him
    How do you interpret Shane’s underdog story? From being an overweight boy with family issues, to being one of the most famous Youtubers, making an estimated 1.5 million dollars a year.

    -Shane gives us a true example of what you can achieve if you truly believe in it. Shane took the miserable childhood that he had and turned it into a positive. Not only is he a Youtuber, but he is a filmmaker as well. He didn’t let the negatives keep him back from what he wanted to achieve in his life. Even to this day Shane is still criticized, but he keeps looking ahead and hoping that the future will be brighter. He has built up the character to defend himself in these situations because as he says, “It Gets Worse.”

  23. Joshua Quintana #9
    The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
    Suzanne Collins
    Page #375
    Blog #15 Prompt #13
        The main characters in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire have many interesting names, with unique and different meanings. Katniss’s name meaning is arrowhead. This suits Katniss Everdeen because she is very great with a bow and uses it as the primary choice of weapon throught the book. Katniss Everdeen would use a bow while she was hunting with Gale and also when she was hunting during the hunger games. Her name is ironic for these reasons. Peeta’s name came from pita. This name suits Peeta because his parents are bakers. Peeta Mellark gives Katniss Everdeen some burnt bread to help her family not starve to death and got into trouble because of doing it. I think this name fits Petta Mellark because the fact that he helped Katniss Everdeen’s family not to starve shows that Peeta Mellark cares a lot for Katniss. Cinna’s name in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is a reference to Cinna the Poet from Shakespear’s Julius Ceasar who dies by an angry mob of people. Cinna later in a different book dies in a similar way. Cinna is also involved in art as a poet in Julius Ceasar, and Cinna is involved in art as a stylist in hunger games. Rue’s name means pity or regret. I think this name suits her because people would feel bad for her having to be at the hunger games when she is still very young.

  24. Sierra Voight #15
    Star Struck
    Brenda Hiatt
    Pages 316
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt 5
    Named after a star that shines from afar
    Rigel the Martian is a sight to see.
    With beautiful eyes bright as a new car
    Any girl who saw him would be overwhelmed with glee.
    He’s the star quarterback with a smile so homely
    That anyone who met him would find standing to be hard
    because he’s so beautiful they’d go weak in the knees.
    Rigel and Marsha when meeting will see
    That they are perfect and meant to be.
    Living on Earth instead of Mars
    Rigel and Marsha are aligned in the stars.
    He is popular and she is a geek
    Her with her glasses and him with his fans that shriek.
    She is a no one and he has his own guard
    She is a flat river stone, and he is a diamond shard.
    Yet she has her secrets, the one’s that allow Rigel to breath
    Because he is a Martian as well is she.
    She is his Sovereign, impossible as it may seem
    With her minor existence and inability to play the part
    She was still able to win his alien heart.
    Their relationship running at incredible speed,
    They are becoming each other’s only one need.
    Rigel the Martian, named after a star
    And Marsha the Martian originally named Amileia
    Will one day rule over all of the planet Mars.
    Filled with compassion and zero greed
    Being together is all that they will ever always need.

  25. Aiden Avichouser
    Jim & Me
    Dan Gutman
    Page 181
    Blog 12/Prompt 13
    Joe Stoshack is a boy who loves the game of baseball . He has had many adventures because he can travel through time with baseball cards. I have some books that I think he would enjoy. One book is Squeeze Play. It is about a kid who is going to a big tournament and is in a hitting slump. A girl on his team is better than he his though. Also, one of the best players in MLB players ever wrote it, Cal Ripken Jr. wrote it. He played shortstop for the Orioles, and is now in the Hall of Fame. I think that Joe would enjoy this book a lot. Another good book that Joe would probably like is The Big Field. It is about a kid named Hutch. He got his position taken by another good player. Hutch’s dad is giving the other guy fielding tips because his dad played in the major leagues. Hutch’s dad never went to any of his games. Hutch feels betrayed and wants to show his dad that he can beat out the other guy. Joe would like this book because it is about another baseball player and it is very interesting. Another book is Honus and Me. He is in the adventure Joe goes on in this book. Joe went back to back to meet Honus the first time he realized he could travel through time with baseball cards. It was so famous it got turned into a book. Joe would love to read this book to see if the book matched up with the true events that happened. He also would like it because it reading the book would make him remember it and take him back to him. Out of the three Joe would probably like this book most. Those are three books Joe would enjoy reading.

  26. Janessa Fuentes
    Blog 11
    Prompt 13
    One book I would request to Mary would be haven is for real. I would choose this book because it shows how heaven really is and it shows verses proving that Haven is real. I would recommend this book to Mary because she saw heaven at first look and if she read this book before she would have known what to expect. Another book I would request would be The Bible I would recommend this book to Mary because it shows real life events and how we are to handle them. Another book would recommend would be You Will Get through This I would recommend this book because during Mary’s recovery she could have used this book to help her understand that this is all temporary it’s all in God’s hands. Another book I would recommend to Mary would be the last lecture I would recommend this book to Mary because you never know how much time you have left use all the time you have to your advantage. Use all of the time you have and don’t waste a minute. The last book would recommend would be the 365 day devotional I would recommend this book to Mary because it would have helped her I the hospital to look on the positive side and just to be joy full that you are still alive. I would recommend all of these books to Mary because she could remember that God still has plans and hopes for her in the future.

  27. #6 Gregory Luciano
    Lone Survivor by Marcus Lutrell
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt 12
    Marcus Lutrell was a very brave soldier. I think Marcus Luttrell should meet Donald Trump, Chris Evans, Chris Kyle, and Bear Grylls. First of all, who wouldn't want to meet Donald Trump. Donald Trump and Marcus Luttrell both want/wanted the best for our country. They both would fight their hardest to benefit our country instead of themselves. Neither of them strive to use their position to benefit themselves for their selfish desires. Also, Marcus Luttrell should meet Chris Evans. Chris Evans plays Captain American. Captain American and Marcus Lutrell are both complete beast. They were both great at fighting and saving others. Chris Kyle and Marcus Luttrell would of made great war partners. They were both very brave and always wanted the better for everyone else. The both fought couragously for their nation. Both men served multiple years fighting for what they believed was right. Neither of them cared much for their personal selves, they were primarily focussed on making the world a better place for those who they cared about. Bear Grylls and Marcus Luttrell could have been amazing partners together too.Both men had many years of training in the situations they encountered. Bear Grylls was fantastic at surviving in the wilderness with little to no resources. Marcus Luttrell was trained in combat and fighting skills. Bear Grylls could have taught Marcus Luttrell everything he knew about surviving in harsh conditions. Marcus Luttrell could have taught Bear Grylls many important battle and fighting tecniques. Together, they could have made a somewhat triple threat.

  28. #11 Preston Parker
    Armada Ernest Cline
    Prompt #10 Quarter #4
    In Armada the four characters I would choose for an award are Zachary Lightman, Cruz, Diel, and General Lightman. I would choose these four characters because when it counted most they showed how courageous they are. Zachary Lightman was just an ordinary highschool senior and he played video games with his friends Cruz and Diel. But when the U.S.D. Came to get him he stepped up and didn't have any second thoughts about going and fighting for his country and for that I give him the “Lightman Award” an award for the most cunning and courageous fight in the heart of battle. When Cruz signed up to defend the earth he also signed up to defend his family so he station a group of infantry drones around there house to protect his family and the others on the street. For that he is awarded the “Family First” award for always thinking of others before himself. Diel when recruited took action and stationed in Tokyo and New York to defend what drone caches they had left so they could have a fighting chance in this war. For that Diel is awarded with “In the Heart of Battle” he receives this award because he showed how he could be strong in the heart of battle as well as his maturity for a highschool student. To General Lightman (Zachary's Dad) he is presented with the most honorable award but he will not be able to receive it sadly. During the beta of battle General Lightman risked his life to save the planets life by strapping himself in a nuclear chained exploding vest and he made his way to headquarters to stop a plan that would end humanity forever in that losing his life to protect everyone else in the world. For that General Lightman is awarded “Hero of the Century”.

  29. Evan Cowan
    Man if my main character was a superhero in my group it would be the flash. The reason I pick the flash is because when I read my book the main character is kind of like an underdog and doesn't really make action in the book and that is exactly what the flash is in my eyes. The main character the hobbit also like kind of like in the ending of the book he saves the day and in the TV show the flash practically saves the day but always end in a sad way like the ending of the Flash. When ever the hobbit tries to help he always find a way to either free civilians or his friends and everybody gets jealous because they don't expect a little small guy to save everyone. Also like how Gandalf thought the Hobbit was going to kill all third enemies and the same with how Batman had faith in the Flash and added him to the Justice League. Also like how in the book the Hobbit got lost in a cave and couldn't get out and he met a weird goblin with a ring to make him invincible and its the same with how the Flash went in the timezone and saw his father and got losses from his friends. I just think the Hobbit and the Flash's story is the same and also their personalities. Well that was my last blog of the first quarter and I will see you in the next blog.


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