First Blog of the Year!

Welcome to the language arts blog page. You have successfully navigated the internet and found the right place. Now it is time to go to work. Remember to follow the formatting of the blog(Name, Title, Author, Pages read, Blog #, Quarter #, Prompt #). If you miss any of those components you will lose points on your blog. Spelling and grammar are very important so make sure you check your blog in Word before you post it. I am looking forward to reading about your reading adventures.


  1. Avery Avichouser
    A Long Walk to Water
    Linda Sue Park
    Pages 121
    Prompt 4
    Blog 1
    One of the main themes of the book A long walk to water was danger. Salva was a 11 year old boy who was going through the war in Sudan. This was a very dangerous situation to be in. I am 13 years old and he was only 11 and I can’t imagine being in that situation. He thought he lost his family members due to the war. Not many people survived. Salva was at school one day and the war was taking over. So he hid in a bush to protect himself. Since Salva was at school he was not with his family. That would be very scary and dangerous. I would wonder if my family was okay. All of the people in Sudan had to go through this dangerous situation. So to get through it they had to walk to Ethiopia for protection. Salva walked with some strangers to get there. The whole time he was wondering where his parents and siblings were. I would too. These people went through a horrible time of starvation and had no water at all. They basically almost died in this time. Salva made some friends on the way to Ethiopia. These people were going through the same situation as him. He was a very smart and intelligent boy. He had to be very brave to get through this. He helped people as well. On his way to Ethiopia he ran into his uncle! This gave him hope. His uncle helped him through this whole journey. Sadly his uncle got shot by some of the war people. Salva lost all of his hope at this time, but he got through it. It was so dangerous for 11-year-old boy to be in the world like this. Salva was such a kind, loving, and brave boy. He is basically a legend for what he accomplished.

  2. Chris Grothues #3
    The big Field
    Mike Lupica
    Pages 100
    Blog 1; quarter 1
    Prompt 11
    My character Jake would like to go to the Bahamas because that’s where all sports players go for vacation. He would be there for a week, seven days. The first day of his vacation is first he would eat a big amazing breakfast, then he would enjoy the nice clear, blue, ocean, unlike our ocean where it is all dirty. After he goes and enjoys the nice clear, blue, water he will go on all the water slides they have there. In the Bahamas they have the best water slides. After that we would go and have lunch and would have a double- double cheeseburger with extra cheese. After lunch we would go on the slides again. Some of the slides go into the ocean, and you can do a front flip into the ocean. He would do that for a couple hours , then it would be time for dinner. Jake would be having steak, and mashed potatoes. Jake loves steak, steak is my favorite dinner. Mashed potatoes are the best side dish in the world. That and French fries are the best. on the second day he would basically do the same thing, but for dinner instead of steak, we would have big burgers, and all you can eat food. When there is all you can eat i always want to be there. I can gulf down a whole box of pizza. Jake loves steak, he can have steak in the Bahamas all week if he wanted to.

  3. Alyssa Bankey #2
    The Ghosts of Tupelo Landing
    Sheila Turnage
    Pages 93
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt 15

    Moses (Mo) LoBeau, the main character in this book, is an orphan who believes that her birth mother lives just upstream from her in the next town. She is a strong-willed young girl and is not afraid to stand up for herself and be a leader. She loves to take charge of a situation when there is a mystery involved and started her own detective agency, the Desperado Detective Agency, along with her friend Dale. Her name is so appropriate for her character since “Moses” literally means “saved from the water,” a name most related to the prophet who received the Ten Commandments and led the Jewish people out of Egypt. The only reason I can say “Moses” is not a suitable name for her because it is a man’s name.
    Dale Earnhardt Johnson III is best friends with Mo. Together they love to solve mysteries. Dale is very observant of his surroundings and sees things the way they really are. His parents are divorced, and it seems like he “lives in a valley” between his mom and dad. The literal meaning of “Dale” is “one who lives in a valley.” The name Dale can also describe a person who is very detailed and organized, inquisitive, and interested in research. This describes his character very well. Unfortunately, sometimes Dale is not very brave when it comes to ghosts and clowns of which he is deathly afraid, and this interferes with his detective work.
    Miss Lana is a character in the book that acts like Mo’s stepmother. Both Lana and Mo work in a café in the town of Tupelo Landing, where she brings much drama and sparkle. She loves to dress in movie star style and has the wigs to match. The name “Lana” comes from the Greek name “Helen” meaning “shining light.” In German, “Lana” means “precious.” This name suits her well since she is a very loving person to Mo. But don’t be fooled by her soft charm, because she knows how to stand up for herself when others do her wrong.

  4. Alex Bankey #1
    Surrounded by Sharks
    Michael Northrop
    Page 58
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt 1

    Dear Diary,
    I never should have left the beach to go into the ocean that day. I never should have left the room that day without telling my parents where I was going. I just wanted to be alone somewhere to read my book. The hotel room was too crowded with all four of us in there, and there was no air. Everyone was asleep so I just snuck out the door. I stepped on the beach and realized how different this island was than the lakes we visited in Ohio. The sand on the beach was so soft and the water so warm that I forgot all about reading and instead decided to go in the water just up to my waist. I figured, “What would it hurt?” I knew the sign on the ground said, “No sw mm ng,” and I filled in the missing letter “i.” The waves were gently rolling over my feet at first, but as I walked in deeper, I could feel the current pulling me deeper and deeper. Before I knew it, I could barely see the island from where I was standing. As hard as I fought, it kept pulling me deeper. Since I was so tired from fighting the current, I had to just float on my back to stay alive. Finally, the water felt calm, and I tried to swim back. I headed to where I thought land was. I was never so scared in my entire life. The whole time, I kept thinking thoughts of sharks and drowning. As I was swimming, I couldn’t wait to see my family again. I promised myself I would never go swimming alone again. I’m so happy I made it to land so I could write this diary entry and share this horrible but true memory.

  5. Leo Sellarole #10
    Kingdom Keepers: Disney After Dark
    Ridley Pearson
    Pages 325
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt #10
    The characters of this book all have memorable moments and character traits some heroic, some villainous, and others just completely comical. To start presenting awards we will present to Finn first. Finn is presented with “Bravery and Intelligence” for being prepared and ready to brave any situation and his ability to think fast and come up with solutions on the fly. Next we present “Loyal Companion” to Amanda who has been there to help Finn and give him any information he needs that he over looked. Amanda is also presented the award “Poor Timing” as many times she was the brunt of a malicious act in which she was mistaken for committing. Next we present to Jezz “Quick Wit and Cleverness” even though this character was under the influence of the main antagonist’s authority, Jezz never failed to spice up the dialogue with her quips and timely, humorous insults. This trait added to the underlying maliciousness of the character. Next we present “Pretty in Pink” to Charlene the best dressed of the gang and most conceded. Her remarks and ignorance which accompanied her conceitedness gave comic relief throughout the tension filled moments of the story. Next we present the award “Rolling Stones” to Willa, a girl who could roll with the punches and was down to earth. What Willa lacked in style and beauty, she made up with her quick thinking and her ability to get out of tough situations. To Philby and Maybeck we present them the award “Roughing It” these two boys might have not been the most delicate, but had the smarts to play the cards right and accomplish anything even if they were blunt or abrasive when handling the situation. Although Philby always did his research and always had a plan which was a desirable trait for the team. Lastly we present Maleficent with “Ice-Cold” both physically and metaphorically. Maleficent had an impersonal and malicious personality, and when she was near brought upon a chill with her ice related abilities and power.

  6. Nico Marchello #12
    Diary of the wimpy kid-hard luck
    Jeff Kinney
    Pages 217
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt #1

    The theme of the book has to do with two boys who attend middle school and share their life experiences. The main character’s are Greg Hefley and his best friend Rowley. Once school starts Rowley meets a girl named Abigail and they start hanging out together. They become boyfriend and girlfriend and spend more and more time together, causing a rift between Greg and Rowley. It’s obvious that Abigail does not like Rowley and it is causing a wedge between Greg and Rowley. Rowley and Greg use to walk to school together and Rowley would help out Greg. But now that Rowley is walking with Abigail, Greg has to do stuff on his own. Rowley and Abigail joined a year book club and took photos of people in their middle school. Rowley and Abigail won a cutest couple award in their school and Greg got jealous. Greg expected himself to get a girlfriend but he was wrong, he had thought that Rowley would be the lonely one. Abigail is Changing Rowley and Rowley is acting wealthy and foolish to Greg. Greg’s mom says friends come and go, but Greg refuses to accept that. Greg grew up with Rowley and they have a lot of good and bad memories together, Greg does not want to end their friend ship in this manner. At the end of the school year, Rowley finally sees that Abigail is using him as a personal servant; he also notices what he has been putting Greg through. Rowley has no choice but to end the relationship with Abigail, which made Greg very happy. Greg and Rowley started to hang out more often. As I explained, the book is about two friends and there good and bad life experiences but in the end friends always come together.

  7. Jessica Ramirez #9
    The Five People You Meet in Heaven
    Mitch Albom
    Pages 207
    Bog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt # 1

    September 21, 2017

    Dear Diary,
    My name is Edward, but most people call me Eddie. I work on maintaining the rides at the Ruby Pier. It is only fun when the little kids come to the Ruby Pier because all of the teenagers laugh and disrespect me. I get annoyed, but I pretty much get used to it by now. I was at the ride called Freddy’s Free Fall and all of a sudden the ride was not functioning right and the carts went down. There was a girl at the bottom of the Freddy’s Free Fall. I was panicking and was afraid. I tried to push her away, but in a blink of an eye I was in Heaven. I was confused and fidgety. Then a blue man appeared to me and said, there will be five people you will meet in heaven and each person would teach you a lesson and they all have been an important part of your life. I told the blue man, how can you be an important part of my life you are just a stranger. The blue man said, “Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know.” The blue man also taught me that my life on earth was not worthless. Yet, I was so anxious to know if I saved the little girl at the Ruby Pier, but he said it was not his place to tell him that. Then, soon after that another person appeared to me, but this time I knew the person. The person was my captain from when I was in the army. Oh, boy I was furious at him for shooting my leg. At the time, I did not know why he did that to me. So, I listened and he said that he saved my life. I ask how, and he told me. He said, that I when I was about to walk into the bungalow that was caught on fire I was going to die. Then, I understood and was relieved of the hatred I had towards my captain. There were three more people I soon need to meet.

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  9. This is Joanna's Test

  10. #8 Ethan Powell
    Gordon Korman
    Pg. 38
    Prompt 1
    Blog 1
    My time so far on the phoenix has been miserable. We are always working on something, whether that be putting the sails up or pulling them down, washing the deck, or some other torturous task we are always at work. Also J.J. always making Radford mad doesn’t help. Radford, hitting me in the face with that pulley, I know he did it on purpose. I wouldn’t be in this mess if that kid didn’t frame me and put a gun in my locker. It’ll be nice when I’m off this miserable boat. The only enjoyable thing that happened so far was getting to swim in the warm water. Everyone except Radford and J.J. have been nice. I’ve explained why I don’t like Radford, but I don’t like J.J. because he’s a self-absorbed rich kid. His dad is a movie star so J.J. gets away with anything, but out here in international water Radford said one time, he and the captain are gods. Will seems to be my only friend here, I’m sure I’ll make friends with the others. The stories of how the others ended up here have been entertaining. Will and Lyssa are here because they’re always fighting, J.J. is here for leaking a video, driving a car through an art gallery and for bringing champagne to a school dance. Ian only said, “because I watched T.V.” and Charla needed a break from her life. Guam faded away over the horizon a few hours ago, but we will return after the month is over.

  11. Araylia Holiday #9
    Coming Home
    Joan Bauer
    Pages 103
    Blog #1 Quarter#1
    Prompt 4

    Coming Home talks about a girl named Sugar Mea Cole and her mother Reba. Sugar is going into sixth grade. She loves her new teacher Mr.B. Mr.B is teaching Sugar and her class to write about there feelings.Sugar writes two, one about her dad Mr.Leland and one about her grandpa King Cole.She wrote about who you can trust for the first one because she doesn't trust Mr.Leland.She wrote how he doesn't help pay the bills and is never there. She wrote that he would come to the house every once and a while only for a few nights if he couldn't find a hotel. Reba and Mr.Leland got devoured and then remarried. Reba still loves Mr.Leland but he never helps and Sugar won't let her.The second one is about how much she loved King Cole.King Cole had past away a while ago. When he died she was in tears.King Cole also helped pay for the house.When Sugar got home she steps inside and saw the man from the bank sitting down at the table. Reba is giving the look to go to your room. Sugar gave the look back that she was staying.Reba said to the bank man ,"It looks like my daughter will be joining us today." The bank man said,"You haven't been paying your bills.You have to sign this paper." Sugar buts in and says wait let her look at it!Reba says yes,I would like to look at it give me till Friday,and she palatally says,"leave". On Friday police come to there house and starts to bang on the door.They open the door and said ,"you are being kicked out". The police threw there stuff on the curb.They end up being homeless for a little bit. They find a home in Chicago. Before they leave a girl gave her a dog named Shush.There at Chicago, but Reba has no job.

  12. Dear Reading Adventures,

    Evan Cowan

    Hi my name is Evan Cowan and I will be doing three blogs every school quarter for the rest of the school year. The book I'm reading is the Hobbit and I am going to pretend I'm a character in the book. Now I'm going to be Bilbo the dwarf and I think he is a very interesting character throughout the book. Now I experience being in a little house in the ground and have big hairy feet and I'm footless because there is no foot size big enough for my feet. I had no one living with me and I was a loner. One evening I was eating dinner and heard a knock and it was not a typical knock, it was a loud one. So I opened the door and saw this tall and hairy guy named Gandalf. He asked me if he could have dinner with me and I thought that was rude but anyway I said sure. So will I'm cooking dinner and I hear the door open and I went to go look at it, it was five guys coming into m house at the same time. I said to Gandalf, what are all these guys doing in my house and he said there my friends. So obviously I had to cook for them to and then more people came in and I was ready about to lose it and kill myself. So I got done cooking the food and they were eating like pigs and it was like watching a bunch of one-year old people eat food. That isn't even the worst part after they got done eating they started to take all of my food, plates, utensils, and more. At this point I was ready to kick them all out. So I did not kick them out because they actually saw me getting angry and cleaned the dishes and put my stuff back. Gandalf was talking about some plan on how they are going kill an army. Then one of the leaders of the squad said '' we need the dwarf to come with us ’’ and I gasped and past out. So when I woke up I was dizzy and then out of nowhere Gandalf asked me to come with him and I didn't have much of a choice. That was my very first Blog hoped you enjoyed and laughed.

  13. Timmy Burgess #4
    Killer Species
    Michael Spardlin
    Pages 100
    Book Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt 1

    In the beginning of the book Emmet was getting convinced by his friends to go snorkeling but he had promised himself not to go in the ocean again because he was to afraid that Dr. catalyst would release a different hybrid species into the water. He finally agreed to going snorkeling with them, so the next day they went to a little cove connected with the ocean. Emmet and his friends were having a good time pointing out all the interesting creatures and unique colored coral. Then Emmet pointed out a lion fish not knowing what it was so he asked his friend what it was she said it was a lion fish and that it was extremely poisonous and to not get near the spikes on its back. They all noticed that Stuke was about thirty yards away from them so they went back under the water not caring much and pointed out all the multi colored fish. They did not know that Dr. Catalyst was about one hundred yards away. Dr. Catalyst was about to release his new hybrid into the ocean and noticed the children about one hundred yards away. He was mainly going to release them to kill all the lion fish but he also hated those kids in the water and wanted every body to know about it so he released them and in a mater of seconds they got to the reef and the kids. Hundreds of lion fish where gone in about one minute. All the other kids realized what the species was and swam as fast as they could swim. Then the remembered Stuke was about thirty yards away and he did not see the species so all of a sudden he got bit, dragged down and almost drowned but then his friends came and stabbed the monster fish in the eye with the snorkel and Stuke was freed from its mouth.

  14. #5 Italia Holiday
    Harry Potter
    J.K. Rowling
    Pages 107
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt #12

    I think there are many people that would like to meet Harry Potter and Herimone, I also think there are many people that Harry Potter and Herimone would like to meet. I think Harry Potter would love to meet Jesus. Harry could get saved by Jesus and they can also relate a little bit. They can relate because Jesus was separated from is Father and Harry was separated from his parents. They can also relate because Harry was a wizard and Jesus is kind of a wizard, but he is does miracles instead of magic. Another person I think Harry would like to meet is David Beckham. David and Harry are both English and are great athletes. They are both hardworking, smart, and they could get great tips from playing sports. Also, another person Harry should meet is Salva from A Long Walk from Water. Salva and Harry both had to struggle and overcome the fact that they did not have a family. I think it would be great if they met because then they could tell each other how they overcame not having a family. Someone that I think Herimone would love to meet is Jesus because who would not want to meet Jesus. I think she would also like to meet him because in a way they are both wizards. I think she would also like to meet Albert Einstiene because he was one of the smartest people in the world and she was also very smart. The last person I think she should meet is Jacklyn Hill. Jacklyn could teach her how to do her makeup and hair so she does not look like a squirrel.

  15. Lily kuhlman #11
    Diary of a whimpy kid cabin fever
    Jeff Kinney
    Book blog#1Quarter#1
    #100pages read
    Prompt #1

    It's the beginning of Christmas break. I have been very nurvice beacause the time between thanksgiving and Christmas I can't be bad or els I will really pay! I have this little doll called santas helper I used to think he reported back to santa whenever I was bad. I still wanted to be careful with him in the room beacause my older brother Roderick told him that I stole twenty dollars from my moms purse.Our youngest brother saw that we were decorating the tree without him. Normally he doesn't have a problem but he wanted to put his ornament on FIRST. So we had to get the ornaments off the tree so he could be able to put his own ornament on the tree. The next day I saw a campaign sign for the annual anti bullying campaign that said ONLY YOU CAN STOP BULLYING.And the winners of the contest would have a great pizza party.A couple days later I had my friend Rowley over and he was watching me play video games, but my mom came and she said I had to go to the basement. So I did. But good thing Rowley brought some videos but he only had brought his 5th grade play and his birth!!! So I started to just sit and sit and sit until I came up with an idea to play mad libs but he is developing a habit of saying lol instead or laughing. It's so hard to put up with him but I can't believe that I do. It started snowing,And I needed some money so I started going out and ringing people's door bells to see if they would need me to go out and shovel their drive way. I rang everyone's door bells and finally I had found a new home and then they came out and said I could so I did but then it started snowing again so I had to go ask to do his driveway again for 5 more dollars he said no. So I had to go home. When dad got home dad drove up in a sports car. I recently received a my child is student of the week! Dad said I couldn't have the bumper sticker on his car. So I had to go give it to Manny. He turned around to the car and put it down on the door to dads car! So I tried to get the sticker off. It didn't work out beacause I used steal wool and it scratched the paint off of his car.

  16. Lauren Quintana #7
    Love Comes Softly
    Janette Oke
    Pages 237
    Blog #1 Quarter#1
    Prompt 7
    True or False.
    1.In the beginning of the book Marty lost her husband, Clem. _____
    2.Marty first married Clark because she loved him. _____
    3.Missie’s real name is Melissa Anne Davis. _____
    4.Clem died from an accident on the wagon. _____
    5.Marty was afraid to sew on the Sabbath because she feared Clark would be mad. _____
    6.Marty named her baby Claridge Luke. _____
    7.At first Marty could only make pancakes. _____
    8.Marty met Clark at Clem’s funeral. _____
    9.Clark’s previous wife, Ellen, Died from illness. _____
    10.When Marty first met Clark she liked him. _____
    Multiple Choice.
    1.Marty first planted ___ seeds.
    A. potato B. Carrot C. Red Pepper D. apple tree
    2.Clark gave Marty Ellen’s ___.
    A. Gold Comb B. Ivory mirror and jewelry box C. Dresses D. Sewing Machine
    3.Laura was found dead by the ___.
    A. Creek B. Cabin C. Barn D. River
    4. Clark loved Marty’s ___.
    A. Pancakes B. Stew C. Coffee D. Boiled Chicken
    5. Ma helps Marty make ___.
    A. Cloth B. Quits C. Soap D. Gingerbread cookies
    6. Marty knits Clark a ___.
    A. Scarf B. Sweater C. pair of socks D. Hat
    7.Clark usually Shops on ___.
    A. Sundays B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Saturday
    7. Marty failed to make ___.
    A. Biscuits B. Boiled potatoes C. Chicken D. Chopped veggies
    8. Marty and Clark made a___ for Missie on Christmas.
    A. A doll house B. A spinning top C. Skirt D. A doll
    9. Clem died by a ___ accident.
    A. Wagon B. Building C. Farming D. Horse
    10. Marty was embarrassed because Clark ___.
    A. Made her bed B. Made Breakfast C. Dressed Missie D. Did he chores
    Short answer.
    1.What Christmas pastry did Missie like most?
    2.What was Marty’s favorite dress?
    3.On what day did Marty except God into her heart?
    4.Whom did Sally Anne marry?
    5.Marty’s baby starting chocking on what?
    Essay Question.
    1. Why did Marty finally decide to marry Clark and why does Clark want Marty to marry him?
    True or False.
    Multiple choice.
    Short Answer.
    1.The Ginger bread.
    2.Marty’s blue gray dress.
    3.On Easter Sunday.
    4.Sally Anne married Jason.
    5.On a button.
    1.She decided to marry Clark because she had no money or a place to stay. Clark wanted to marry Marty because he needed and wanted a mother for his daughter Missie.

  17. Joseph Dervartanian #5
    Ender's Game
    Orson Scott Card
    Pages 108
    Blog#1 Quarter 1
    Prompt 5
    "We found him, we found him,"
    The space military jump for joy,
    "Ender Wiggin is the one to save us,
    It must be that six year old boy,"
    On a treacherous journey, Ender shall go,
    Facing constant dangers, coming like a bucking bronco
    The fate of the world, here is at hand,
    And for Ender Wiggin, this is no other plan,
    He will be despised, as Ender shall see,
    But courage is a trait, that many cannot conceive,
    He is underestimated, as most do think,
    But there are those who help him, and make others fall,
    As if they were standing on an ice rink,
    Word is the buggers, who now will be coming,
    When they attack, everything would become nothing,
    Ender is training, as he is humanity's new hope,
    And that star wars reference, was pretty dope,
    Ender's training will be unbearable,
    Nothing in history, will be comparable,
    But the one thing that keeps Ender from quitting,
    Is love, to protect his family,
    As this is a new beginning.

  18. #5 Jenna Cardeno
    Inside of a Dog
    What Dogs See,Smell, and Know
    Alexandra Horowitz
    Pages: 100
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt #4

    Inside of a dog shows a dogs point of view on how a dog sees the world. The theme of the book is knowledge. I always thought dogs were colorblind, until I had read that dogs can see color but when they look at colors they seem more dull than the colors we see. Dogs cannot see the color red, but can see blue and greenish yellow. I also learned that when we breathe, we inhale and then breathe out what we just inhaled, but dogs see the world through their noses. When dogs breathe something in they breathe it in through their nose but to actually keep the smell in their noses and they breathe some air out through the sides of their noses. Dogs are not just furry humans, they have their own personalities. Sometimes dogs misbehave on purpose for attention. When their owner pays attention to them, they are more likely to obey them but if the dog feels ignored they will do the opposite of what the owner wants. When you are eating and you make eye contact with the dog it is more likely to beg for food, than if you do not look at the dog while you are eating. This book was interesting and I learned new things that I had never known. This is what the theme of my book was about.

  19. Brandon Salgado #10
    The Horse and His Boy
    C.S. Lewis
    Pages 100
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt #15
    There are many characters in the book I am reading, but I am only going to use a few of them to find the meanings of the characters names. The name Shasta means a teacher and natural beauty. However, these meanings don’t fit Shasta’s character at all. He is a strong, horse rider and is not a teacher. another name in the story so far is Bree. Bree is an Irish name that means Hill. This meaning sort of fits Bree’s name because Bree is a horse, and horses run over many hills and other different terrains. Another name in the story is Aravis. This name is named after a mountain range in France. This meaning does not really fit Aravis’s character traits because she does not really go into the mountain ranges in the book, at least right now. Edmund is another character in this book. His name means many more things than everybody else’s name. The first part of his name which is Ed, means prosperity and riches. This definitely fits his character traits because he is a king in the land of Narnia. The other part of his name which is mund means protector. Again, this definitely fits his name because Edmund is the king of Narnia and is supposed to protect the Narnians. Corin is another characters name in the book The Horse and His Boy. The meaning of this name is spear bearer. This fits his name very well because Corin is a prince that wields a weapon where ever he goes and a spear bearer does the exactly the same thing.

  20. #6 Michael Montoya
    Veronica Roth
    Blog#1 Quarter 1
    Prompt 1

    Here I was again in another situation where I was just mind blown and did not know what to do. We had to go into hiding because there were people out there hunting us, but at least I still have Tobias, Christine and others with me. It was late at night and we were thinking about going to the other side of the wall that holds the outcasts. That is what separated us from them. There were patrols at night and during the day. All of the time they are securing the wall so we knew we had to have precise timing. I informed the rest of the group and they all agreed to it, so we started our journey to the wall. We arrived within two hours and began studying the patrol timing and patterns. By the next day we were ready and picked the time to climb the stairs to the top of the wall. All of a sudden Tory was shot in the leg and we knew we had to make a run for the top if we ever wanted to escape to the other side. We finally got on the other side and down the wall where a strange portal opened up. It would seem as if we had been saved but at the same moment it did not feel right. As we traveled in farther, there were armed men and gunships waiting. I guess they were there to save us which did not make any sense what so ever. Next thing I know I was knocked out cold and that was the last thing I remembered.

  21. Joshua Quintana #9
    Call of the Wild
    Jack London
    Pages 50
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt #8

        There are many very interesting people and animals that Buck would think of as heroes or influences. One of person that I think would be a hero to Buck would be Katniss Everdeen. Katniss had to adapt to her environment before the games in training and had to adapt to survive. Buck also had to adapt to his new environment to survive when he got his new owner Perrault who made him into a sled dog. Buck had to toughen up to the other dogs and to the environment to survive, just like how Katniss Everdeen had to survive in the games. Katniss also had to keep herself from natural obstacles such as the cold. Buck dug himself into snow to stay warm during the night. An animal that Buck would think of as a hero would be White Fang. White Fang had to leave his mother and learn on his own how to survive in the harsh california wilderness by himself and also had to learn to fight off other dogs and wolves to toughen up and protect. Buck had to fight against the other dogs and learn to eat quickly to save his food. White Fang also had to learn to resist the other dogs taking his prey or food and hunt for his own food in the wild. Also Buck had to adapt to the wild while White Fang had to adapt to the wild and then adapt to a calm civilized life and raise a family.

  22. Cole LaBrado #6
    Shoeless Joe and Me
    Dan Gautman
    Pages 80
    Book Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt #1

    Stosh and I went into the hotel room that Joe and Katie were staying at. As we were talking to Joe, there was a very stern knock on the hotel room door. We were all hoping that it was just a normal person and not a Red Sox gambler.It was a Red Sox gambler, he came in and was holding a white envelope with five thousand dollars in it and he threw it on the bed and said do what you want with it. For a split second Stosh and I had forgotten all about the cheating he had done because of all of the money that was sitting in front of me. Stosh and I needed to get the signature for Flip so he could keep his card store in business because his rent was too high also he sponsored Stosh and I's baseball team so he was more important then dirty money. So I told Joe that what him and his team was wrong and that he could not cheat his way into the hall of fame. I also told him that I needed his signature but i didn't really bring that up as much as me and Stosh telling him and his teammates to play the game fair. After this game his signature would be worth so mush money Flip would have no problem staying in business.Once I talked Joe into playing fair Stosh and I got excited because we knew that the Black Sox were gonna win and we were excited to get back and tell Flip what we brought back for him.

  23. Jaclyn Yost #14
    Little House On The Prairie: On The Banks Of Plum Creek
    By Laura Ingalls Wilder
    Pages: 70 of 339
    Blog #1; Quarter 1
    Prompt 1

    Dear Diary,

    Today we are moving from the big woods and moving to Minnesota.We finally got here and we met this man named Mr. Nelson. We traded him things for oxenWe named the oxen Spot and Pete.

    I live underneath the ground in a dugout with Ma, Pa, Carrie, and Mary. When we are good girls, Ma and Pa will take us to wade in the creek. The other day when we were wading in the creek, I went further and further in the water. Suddenly, I started to sink! I felt something grab my foot and I was scared. Pa was in the woods, Ma was playing with Carrie and Mary was playing with Carrie, as well.

    Out of nowhere something grab my foot. Pa comes out of nowhere and saves me. He pulls me out of the water just my head, my feet, and my arms were sticking out of that cold water.

    Then, as we were walking home, a badger popped out of the bushes and scared me. I thought to myself, “Could that be the thing that grabbed my foot?” So I asked Ma if we could look for it. She said, “No, but maybe later if you get all your chores done and if you're a good girl.” So we went home and I tried to finish my chores as fast as I could. After I did my chores Ma said I was being a good girl and she let me go look for that badger. I was really excited to try and figure out if that was what got me by the foot earlier.

  24. Kaitlyn Brown #3
    The Boy on Cinnamon Street
    Phoebe Stone
    Pages 63
    Blog #1 quarter #1
    Prompt #1

    Dear Diary,
    I can't believe I got a love letter from Benny McCartney, well at least I think it was from him. I haven't told my grandparents yet it's really hard to keep a secret from them. Reni is being really supportive about this and Henderson is just a weirdo but I am glad that he is helping us because he is a nerd! He is trieng to find out if there is fingerprints on the paper. I mean seriously why do you need to find some stinken fingerprints! But as long as he is helping I am fine.I wish whoever wrote that letter would just come forward and tell me it was him. Last week I got the letter but today I saw in front of my doorsteps a big heart made with chalk I looked around to see if there was some kids playing around but there wasn't any so I thought to myself and wondered what if that was the person who gave me the note must of done this. How did they find out where I live? Is he stalking me? Henderson said that I was stalking him, but he doesn't know what he is talking about. Earlier today I felt this feeling that I have never felt before Reni said that I have a crush! I thought I just missed doing gymnastics all the flips that we did such as walkovers, handsprings, tucks, and flips. I wish my grandparents will just stop calling me Louise that's not my name anymore it's Thumbelina sorta like a princess name I love it. Yesterday I saw Benny and he just ignored me and that's making me thing what if he didn't write the note. Me and Reni were talking about it at Ben & Jerry's we also saw Henderson there working to get some money he looked so stupid wearing a sign which said on it free cone day! But was even more funny about it he was dancing around like a weirdo. I hope I find out soon who wrote me the letter.

  25. Ileanna Holiday #4
    Girl Online
    Zoe Sugg
    Pages 134
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt 14

    The book Girl Online is about a girl named Penny who loves photography but also loved to write. She is a teenage high school student with a blog who works for the school newspaper. She had been taking pictures for drama club when she found out that her crush was one of the main roles. The play is Shakespeare with a modern twist. Her best friend was playing the role of Juliet, that is why she volunteered. The drama teacher asked her to take a picture of Romeo who was played by her crush. The next thing she new she was standing there looking at the stage, blank faced, about to faint. She stirred up the courage to walk over. He told her to get his good side, and she tried to make a joke but I didn't turn out well. After rehearsal the went to the local caffé. It was Penny, her best friend, her crush and twins who are extras in the play. Penny sat down in the booth and he sat next to her. Penny's friend was not happy because he usually sits next to her, not Penny. He asked Penny to see the photo she took of him during rehearsal. It turned out he loved the picture. Penny's friend striped the camera out of his hands to look for her photo. Penny's heart dropped. Her camera was her prized possession. Her friend was not happy about her photo. She had a pimple on her face that was showing in the picture. No one had seemed to notice before. Everyone started yelling and Penny was starting to have an anxiety attack. She was getting dizzy and couldn't see straight, she was going to faint. She new she had to get out of there. She told everyone she had to leave. Penny's crush was worried. She left the caffé and ran home crying

  26. Jasmine Raya #13
    Riaina Telgemeier
    Pages 239
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt 11

    I think Katrina would like to go to Southern California for her vacation. The spot she would visit is probably her old town where she lived before she moved to her new city Bahia de la Luna. Her home town is what she misses the most especially since the suddenly had to move because of her sister’s poor health.She would definitely go back to visit her old friends ari, maddie and habah. She would visit for the weekend since she is in school and can’t miss so her weekend would be filled with fun activities with her friends. Her itinerary would be …..

    On Day 1

    Get to their hotel and check in (in the morning)
    Go eat breakfast (in the morning)
    Go meet up with her friends (after breakfast)
    Go explore famous tourist places in Southern California (after she meets up with her friends at her house) examples: Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, Hollywood, Universal Studios, Walt Disney Productions, Warner Brothers Productions and more. (during the day)
    Eat dinner either room service or a fancy restaurant (at night)
    Drop her friends off at their house (after dinner)
    Go back to the hotel after a long day (after dropping her friends off)
    Get ready for bed
    Go to sleep

    On Day 2

    Wake up, pack, and get ready to check out
    Get ready for church in the morning and meet up with her friends at youth ministry
    Say a prayer with her friends before heading back home
    Stop by her favorite restaurant before getting on the road
    Look back and wave so long to her home town

    This is how i think Katrinas vacation and itinerary would be.

  27. Sydnee Geater #7
    The Julian Chapter
    Pages 182
    R.J. Palacio
    Blog#1 Quarter #1
    Prompt 1
    Hi my name is Julian and today I am going take a new student on a tour around the school with some of my friends. The principal, Mr. Tushman, was so excited that we would help out. He reminded us that his name was August, but his nickname was Auggie. Mr. Tushman also reminded us that he had a lot of surgeries on his face. My mom didn't completely say that he had a deformed face. When he waked through the door he shook everyone's hands and when he shook mine I wanted to run right through the door and wash my hands. I told my mom the whole story, but she didn't believe me. On picture day I showed my mom the class picture, at first she started smiling and then she was in shock. I told her that I was going to have nightmares (because I have had anxiety since I was a little kid). One day me and Jack, one of my friends, were talking and I figured out that Auggie and Jack were hanging out a lot. They were partners and I told Jack that he could work with someone else (referring to me) and he punched me in the mouth. I went to the nurse’s office, and Mr. Tushman called my parents, and then I ended up going to the hospital. A few days later I wanted to get Jack back so I stated writing mean notes like "I h8 u, freak" and "Yo Darth Hideous. You’re so you’re so ugly you should were a mask every day''. We started to do this to each other until someone found the notes in Auggie's locker and reported them to Mr. Tushman. He asked if me and my family would come to his office and we had a long meeting about the notes. I ended up getting suspended for two weeks. This summer I went to Paris with my Grandmother and she told me this long story about her first kiss was with a crippled boy. She found out that he was super nice and that same day he was killed by the Germans. I wrote an apology letter to Auggie and he was so happy.

  28. Claire Hung #10
    A Dog's Purpose
    W. Bruce Cameron
    Pages 319
    Blog #1 Quarter #4
    Prompt #5
    This story is about a dog who is finding the purpose of life.
    He had multiple lives so that he could learn lessons and important skills.
    As he went through different lives, he learned and experienced different lessons and skills and also purpose.
    He has been different breeds of dogs and rescued many people that were in danger. For example, he had learned how to find and show and also save people. He has learned to be a good pet to a boy whose name was Ethan.
    He also took good care of people and had protected his owners.
    He has been through many conflicts such as he chose to leave his mother and his owner left him and etc.
    He showed kindness and good understanding to others especially to little children.
    He obeyed his owners and played with them often.
    And he had always shown courage and confidence and his heart never changed as he went through his life.
    He had been a good dog throughout his lives and had fulfilled his purpose.

  29. Kylie Gorospe #8
    Little Women
    Louisa May Alcott
    Pages 100
    Blog#1 Quarter#1

    Christmas won’t be Christmas without presents. My sister Meg dreams of being rich and surrounded by luxury, but instead we are poor. Amy, doesn’t think it’s fair some girls get to have beautiful things while others have nothing at all. Beth didn’t really care about the presents and said that we’ve got father, mother, and each other which is all we need. I added to Beth’s statement that we haven’t got father. Our father is off fighting in a war. We each had one dollar to spend. Beth thought she would get something for mother, and as quick as a gunshot we all followed Beth and all thought of gifts for mother. My gift idea for Marmee was a pair of army shoes. Beth would get her some handkerchiefs, while Amy was going to get Marmee a bottle of cologne. Meg was going to get her a nice, new pair of gloves. We could not buy the presents tonight for Marmee, so instead we practiced for our Christmas play. Meg intends to quit after this play, but I said as long as you can where a white gown with your beautiful long hair, and wear gold-paper jewelry you’re the best we’ve got. The Christmas play went smoothly as I intended. Marmee was so very surprised by her gifts. She had a gift for us, a letter from father. The inspiring letter father wrote inspired us to be grateful and act better. A party went on, but I could not dance so I hid behind curtains thinking I was alone. Our neighbor the Laurence boy was also hiding behind the curtain. We got along splendidly, but sadly Meg sprained her ankle. I told her she’d hurt herself in those silly shoes of hers. Laurie was rich and offered to take us home from the party we had no other choice. We rode home in a luxurious carriage. Laurence’s name was Theodore Laurence, but liked to be called Laurie because he did not like his first name. Laurie had been ill and stayed indoors for a week, so I decided to go over because he looked miserable. He got so happy when I walked through the door. We were talking about father, his grandfather, school, and more. He loved books, but no one often read to him. I decided to read to him. His grandfather came home not knowing I was here. We got along well while Laurie was taking his medication. All my sisters and I went to Laurie’s house the next day and had a great time. Laurie’s grandfather was especially fond of Beth because she reminded him of his granddaughter he’d lost years ago. Amy got the delicious limes banned from school because she hid the limes in her desk. So far life without father has been interesting.

  30. Joe McElroy#7
    Peter Benchley
    Pages 56
    Blog #1 quarter #1
    Prompted 9

    The movies I would deck amend to Martin Brody is jaws one because than he can see how much it takes to take down a shark of this magnitude. I would also recommend jaws 2 so he knows that there will be another one so that he doesn't let his guard down I would also recommend the movie The shallows just so he could see how bad these people had it. Although it's has not been easy for him the people in the movie were in prety thin waters. Those are the movies I would recommend to Martin Brody.

  31. Ethan Crenshaw
    Lunch Money
    Andrew Clements
    Pages 49
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt 1

    My name is Greg Kenton and I like sports. At school I am doing well in all of my subjects. But the one thing I am good at is money. I’ve never taken money lessons or even someone tutoring me about it. I was a natural with money. I knew how to save it, keep track of it, how to grow it, and most of all, how to make it. At home I got payed for doing all of my chores and doing my brothers. I got rich slowly and I tried selling toys at school but then I got in trouble by the principle. I ended up getting a lot of money. My dad told me to put my money into a savings account, so I can keep it save. He also told me to wait till college to get my money. I need money at home because I need it for buying lunch. My dad always gives me money for lunch. But now I just keep the money and not buy lunch. A new neighbor just moved and it was a girl. Her name was Maura Shaw and she was mean. She copied my ideas of making money. When I opened up a lemonade stand, she set up a lemonade stand Maura and I tried to get the most customers. Maura and I are into making money but I did not like her guts. Everything I tried to do she would do. She was the biggest copycat in the whole world.

  32. Miguel Alvarez #1
    Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief
    Rick Riordan
    Pages 66
    Blog #1 Quarter #1
    Prompt #1
    Dear Diary,
    It is, Percy Jackson. Today the weirdest thing happened. I got in trouble while we were at the Museum and Mrs. Drodd told me to walk with her. I began to stare at all the cool things in the museum and I lost her. Found her in the Greek and Rome section. Suddenly she turns into some kind of bat, eagle, lizard animal. She attacked me and chased me throw the museum. I founded a bronze sword and the beast come flying at me. I swung the sword and it when right though her. She burst into dust. It suddenly began to rain. Heather has been acting funny for a few months now. The class went back to school and everyone act like there was never a Mrs. Drodd. Either the hole school was playing prank on me or I’m losing my mind. While I was walking down the hall I overheard Grover and Mr. Brummer talking about me. They were talk about something called a summer celestial. When I came home Gabe was playing poker again with his buds. Suddenly Mom came back. It has been a long time since I have seen my Mom. She cheered me up by saying we are going to the beach. We have a cabin near the beach. It has been two summers since a have been to the beach. We came with Gabe’s 1975 Camaro. Before we lift he told me to a screech on the car. Now we are at the beach.

  33. Aiden Avichouser
    A Long Walk to Water
    Linda Sue Park
    Pages 50
    Prompt 1
    Blog 1
    I was sitting at school and heard loud noises one day. The sounds were like fireworks and everyone in my class was freaking out. The war was going going on during this time and it had finally come to us. My teacher ordered for everyone to get get down and duck for cover. He was looking out the window to try and see what was going on. The war had come to us and we were in big trouble. My teacher told our class to go out into the bush. I was just thinking, how am I going to get to my family? There was a big cloud of smoke and I was lost on my own. I broke into a sweat that felt like I had just been drenched with a big bucket of water. On the side of the road people were being put into groups by soldiers. I tried to go with the men, but a soldier had stopped me and put me with the woman and children. I was the only child in the group. We slept in a barn, but when I woke up no one was there. The group had left me because they thought that I would slow them down because I was the only child on the group! I was on my own, but then I found a woman who had a home. She was from my tribe! I am so lucky, I thought to myself. She gave me peanuts and let me stay for a few days. She then said that she was leaving and that I couldn't follow her. A group from my tribe then came by and she asked them if I could tag along with them. After a lot of thinking they finally said yes. I got lucky once again. We stopped by a bee hive and got some honey. Many people got stung, but we were so hungry that it was worth it. I was walking and accidentally stepped on someone. He was a kid about my age who had also lost his family. We talked for a while and became friends. We are now still walking trying to get away from the war.

  34. Evan Cowan #
    The hobbit
    T.J Lewis

    In the hobbit I think that the character Bilbow should be described more and more interesting. I say this because when I read all it talks about is how he years to his next destination and how he was in the scene of the destruction. Another character I think needs to be fixed is Gandalf because it never talks about him and when it talks about him all it says is how he got to where he is today and talks about all his stories. In the story it really spent tell us what's the point of the chapter or anything like that and it sounds like they just threw some random word in there and hope that it will interest fans. And whenever it talks about the story it never gives me enough description about the story and what's the main point of the chapter. I will give the story something though it also brings a lot of intensity and action. In the end of chapter two I wish I could understand it but the characters were being treated poorly and Bilbow actually killed all three trolls with the help of his friends of course but what would've been better is that if only Bilbow killed them because then it would teach a lesson on never underestimate your opponents and never get too cocky. And also I think the book made the character a little too weird and crazy with the way they act,also sloppy and they eat like a pig.


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