Blog #2

Welcome to blog #2. You all did so well posting your blogs the first time around. I am excited to read your second blogs.


  1. Evan Cowan #
    The hobbit
    T.J Lewis

    In the hobbit I think that the character Bilbow should be described more and more interesting. I say this because when I read all it talks about is how he years to his next destination and how he was in the scene of the destruction. Another character I think needs to be fixed is Gandalf because it never talks about him and when it talks about him all it says is how he got to where he is today and talks about all his stories. In the story it really spent tell us what's the point of the chapter or anything like that and it sounds like they just threw some random word in there and hope that it will interest fans. And whenever it talks about the story it never gives me enough description about the story and what's the main point of the chapter. I will give the story something though it also brings a lot of intensity and action. In the end of chapter two I wish I could understand it but the characters were being treated poorly and Bilbow actually killed all three trolls with the help of his friends of course but what would've been better is that if only Bilbow killed them because then it would teach a lesson on never underestimate your opponents and never get too cocky. And also I think the book made the character a little too weird and crazy with the way they act,also sloppy and they eat like a pig.

  2. #8 Ethan Powell
    Gordon Korman
    Pg. 60
    Blog 1
    Prompt 2
    Dear Luke,
    To help you in your survival situation I wrote this letter. You are off to a great start and Ian sounds like he has a lot of survival knowledge, but I have some tips that Ian might not know of. I think that you shouldn’t just be eating fruit since they lack some important nutrients and vitamins, so you should make a fishing rod. It seems like there are vines on the island, so grab a sturdy stick, tie the vine to it, and maybe try making a hook out of something but if you can’t then use the rod as is. Next, time to hunt the wild boar on the island. You can either find and sharpen a thicker stick into a spear, or find a sharp rock and make a sword like weapon with it. Once you’ve killed a boar be sure to use all of it, Will was attacked by on and the tusks are sharp, use those as weapons as well. To fix your leaking roof problem, you can use the skin of the boar you killed and put it over the shelter you have built. You guys need to talk to each other more, it will help you guys keep your sanity. Don’t worry about Will, he is fine and it doing alright, but his amnesia is still there and I think he’s losing his sanity. I can’t think about anymore survival tips other than to listen Ian since he has a good amount of knowledge.
    The Reader,
    Ethan Powell

  3. Ethan Crenshaw
    Lunch Money
    Andrew Clements
    Pages 222
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt 2

    Dear, Greg

    I hope you are doing well in your business and in school. You should try to be nice to Maura even if she is nice to you. You two should be friends and help her out in making money. Try to talk to Maura to not steal your ideas about making comics and toys. Both of you should not keep fighting so you won’t get suspended from school. You should also make more comics and not argue with Maura. The reason why not to argue with girls because they might punch you and then kids will make fun of you for getting hit by a girl. You can also sell your comics at a different place so Maura won’t steal your costumers. If you want to be partners with Maura then you should combine both of your comics together. Then raise the price up and then at the end of the day split the money so both of you can be happy. If both of you get in trouble you should back them up so you won’t lose your friendship. Greg you should not sell your comic books at school because you might get in trouble by the principle or by a teacher. You should also be nice to the math teacher and not tell him anything with blood because he hates blood. Both of you should not tell your friends how to make comics and how to make money. The reason why is because none of the kids will buy yours and it would be a insane if everyone made a comic.

  4. Alyssa Bankey #2
    The Ghosts of Tupelo Landing
    Sheila Turnage
    Pages 186
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt 1

    Dear Diary,
    I’ve never been so scared in my life. Today I went into the inn with Mo, Dale, and Harm. We needed to lure the ghost to us to try to take pictures for our school project. Harm started playing the old piano with Dale, and before we knew it, we heard the footsteps of the ghost walking down the stairs, even hitting the steps that were missing. The air turned icy cold when we saw a mist surrounding us. I couldn’t even move I was so afraid. Mo grabbed the camera and tried to shoot some pictures of what we were seeing. At that moment, I felt like the ghost passed right through us as we watched the mist disappear out the window. Even though we were so frightened, we were curious to find out where the cloud of mist went. As we ran outside, we ended up chasing the ghost into the forest. When we first entered the forest, the mist changed to a glimmer of pink and floated into the cemetery. Dale was very scared to go into the cemetery, but he came with us anyway. He’s such a chicken. Mo, Harm, and I raced to the tombstone where we last saw the glimmer of pink. Mo brushed off the tombstone, and we saw the name “Nellie Blake, Beloved Daughter and Friend, 1927-1938.” Is the ghost this girl? Is she trying to tell us about the inn? Does her death have to do with the inn? Now we were more curious than frightened. Since the ghost disappeared, we all went to our homes and tried to figure out what we just saw. I can’t believe my eyes that I actually saw a real ghost. I can hardly sleep tonight. I want to go back to the inn so badly to try and see the ghost and talk to her and find out more.

  5. Timmy Burgess #4
    Killer Species
    Michael Spardin
    Page 151
    Blog #2, Quarter #1
    Prompt #2

    Dear, Stuke & Emmet,

    I know that you guys are dealing with tough times right now and could really use some advice. I want to address Stuke’s problems. First, things first, try to do stuff you like to take your mind off the pain from the Pterogator bite. Second, stay as active in the hospital as soon you can because it would also take your mind off the pain and help make you heal faster. Try to also stay with your close family and friends and play with them. Next time you go to the ocean to snorkel stay with the group and don’t wonder away from them. Also, try not to go too far out into the ocean and check underneath you. Also, don’t go snorkeling any time soon. To Emmet, I know you have recently lost your dog and you know who has him but the police think you are crazy. Keep looking for him and don’t give up. Get all of your friends to look around for clues as to where Apollo might be. Try to find as many clues as possible that shows that Dr. Calityst might have him. Show all the evidence to the police and they might believe you and start looking for Dr Calityst. Keep comfort to Stuke because as you read he is also going through a tough time with the Pterogator bite. Stuke, I hope you get better fast and do all the stuff you can to take your mind off the bite. Emmet, do your best to find your dog.

  6. Avery Avichouser
    Auggie & Me
    R.J. Palacio
    Page 104
    Prompt #2
    Blog 2

    Dear Julian,

    I know that you were struggling at school with Auggie. I think that you should just try and be friends with him. It’s better to be nice then mean about him. Just try and bring out the best in him. He seems like a really kind person. You should try and get along with him so everything will be okay. At school just because the way he looks it doesn’t mean that he’s bad on the inside.People can look weird but they don't have to be bad people on the inside. If you just try and be friends with him then you can maybe be back to being friends with your old friends. I don't want to be rude about your mother I just don't agree with what she tells you. I think she’s very judgmental about Auggie. I know you don’t want to disrespect her but I think that you shouldn’t listen to what she says. What she is telling you is very wrong and it will not get you anywhere in life. You need to look at people from the inside not the outside. The inside is what counts. Julian I know that you are not a bad person you just need to learn a lot. I really want to help you. You are a nice kid but you are tempted to do what is wrong. You know what is right, Julian. I think you just need to make better decisions on your actions. You don’t know what people are going through in life. Auggie is a nice kid that’s why you need to treat him right. It is not his fault the way he looks Julian! Please make yourself proud and do what is right.

    From, Avery

  7. Alex Bankey #1
    Surrounded By Sharks
    Michael Northrop
    Pages 144
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt 15

    Davey Tsering is the main character in this book. He is 13 ½ years old, and he loves to read. He’s kind of a quiet kid. He’s on vacation with his family on a tiny island off of Florida. He’s managed to drift out and become stranded in the ocean. The name “Davey” is Hebrew in origin and means “dearly loved.” I think Davey is dearly loved because his family just found out he is missing, and they are searching like crazy for him. Davey’s last name “Tsering” means “long life” in Tibetan. I don’t know at this point if his last name fits him because I’m not sure if he is going to survive with the sharks surrounding him in the ocean. Brandon is Davey’s 12-year-old brother. He is a video game kind of kid. He likes to play rough, and is the complete opposite of Davey. Brandon likes to go by the name “Brando,” which is a German name from the word “brand” meaning “sword.” I think the name “Brando” is a good name for him because he’s strong like a sword and does not bend in fear. Drew is a young girl who is also visiting the island with her family, and she is from England. She was the last to see Davey before he disappeared. Even though Drew is an English name that means “manly,” it is a name for both boys and girls. I think this name fits her because she is not afraid to say what she wants to say and her actions are more like her father’s, Big Tony, than her mother’s, Kate. Drew is going to be a big help in finding Davey with what she knows about where he last was seen.

  8. Katelynn Burgess #1.5
    Paper Towns
    John Green
    Pages 125
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt #15

    The meaning of the name Margo is pearl. In my opinion pearl means pretty or bright and intelligent. Margo’s personality in the book is she is not afraid of anything and is very courageous. She does not fear getting in trouble and is a risk taker. An example of this is when she sneaks through Quentin’s window in the middle of the night and takes his car to complete her missions. This closely matches with the definition of what the personality of someone with the name Margo would be. Someone with the name Margo would have a rich imagination and isn’t understood by the world. A few things that don’t match her personality would be private, reserved, and secretive. The next character is Quentin, and his name means the fifth. By definition, a person with his name tends to be creative and is a leader. He is good at solving situations and wants to solve them at any cost, but they tend to get nervous when faced with a problem and worsens the situation. He relates to this definition because he is very smart and creative and he does get nervous when faced with problems and is scared of many things. When he is with Margo in the middle of the night completing the missions he is a stress case and worsens the situation. He does not resemble the definition because he is not goof at solving situations and problems. The last character is Ben, which means Son of the South, by definition the personality of someone named Ben would be Rebellious and he wants to travel and gain experience. He is a non-conventional adventure seeker. And they want to make every minute count. This relates to his character because Ben likes to do things no one thinks he can do so he is rebellious. He also does things a different way than everyone else. He doesn’t relate because he is not an adventure seeker.

  9. Leo Sellarole #10
    Kingdom Keepers: Disney after Dark
    Ridley Pearson
    Pages 402
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt #1
    November 30th,
    It’s been about a month since I last saw the whole gang and Amanda. I can’t believe it’s been that long. At the time I dreaded falling asleep, waking up in the park, and having to race time to save the world, but now I really miss it. A new adventure every night making new friendships with Charlene, Willa, Philby, and Maybeck. It’s been really hard not seeing them for so long considering we depended on each other for so long; nearly half a year. Going to sleep ever night I hope to awake in the park, but I’m disappointed to find out I’m still in bed. It’s strange I’ve not seen Amanda around since that last day in the park when we took down Maleficent. I have so many questions, but I have no answers and Amanda has disappeared. I’m so lost, I craved so badly for my life to resume and go back to normal, but now I realize that my life will probably never be the same and my ban from the park has prohibited me from meeting with Wayne who I feel has the answers I need. Every night I only wish to get answers for my questions and to be with the others once more. So many strange things have happened and I have my suspicions of some things, quite strange happening to me lately. I hear the DHI program has somehow been altered in order to give me and the others DHIs the protection we need, but I still don’t feel safe, I fear that the Overtakers are searching for a way to put an end to us, to eliminate us as a threat to their nefarious plans. This is all I have for now, hopefully something happens soon. I fear I might go crazy, and this is all too much. I’m going to try reaching out to others once more. I’ll update you once I find out more.

  10. Aiden Avichouser
    A Long Walk to Water
    Linda Sue Park
    Page 110
    Prompt #11
    Blog 2
    The character from my book is named Salva. He was in class one day and war came to his country. He was separated from his family and was on his own for a long time. He is now older and was adopted by a family in New York. I think that of Salva could go on vacation he would want to go to Hawaii. He was in Sudan his whole life which was covered in dirt and didn't have much water. It was a really dry place and and was always really hot. And the fact that war was going on didn't help. Hawaii has a lot of water and is a great place for vacation. Even though it is very hot there, if Salva went he could just jump into the water whenever he wants. He could activities that are fun as well. Some of the activities Salva could do would be jet skiing, scuba diving, snorkeling, parasailing. Salva has probably never done anything like that in his life. He could also enjoy staying at a nice resort too. He wouldn't have to worry about anything. When he used to sleep in Sudan he would have to worry about lions getting him. A lion took one of salvias friends while he was sleeping. Salva would have a nice bed and a great place to stay. Salva could also go relax and sit by the pool when he wanted too. Salva would probably want to do all of the activities there. He never really got to do any fun activities in Sudan. He was always walking and trying to figure out what camp he would stay at next. Salva would probably love to have a nice vacation to see all of the things that God has created. I think he would really enjoy going to Hawaii for about a week or two.

  11. Lily kuhlman
    Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
    J.K Rowling
    Pages #100
    #11 prompt
    Blog #2

    My character is named Harry Potter. He is a very good boy he has dark brown hair he also has green eyes. I think that he should have a vacation to universal studios. I think he should go there and see the Harry Potter section. He should have lots of fun there. So he should ride all of the rides. He should also book a hotel room at a nearby resort. After that he should go to the all you can eat buffet. He should get eggs bacon toast and sausage. That's what I would get. Then he could fly to the studio in his flying car like the car he had flown in in the book. He should give advice to the people who are there , like to be more like the book. After all he did he should go to his hotel room and go to bed. In the morning he should sleep in. After sleeping in he should go to the all you can eat buffet. He should have the same thing as the day before. Afterward he should sleep more and more. Until he can't sleep any more. After he slept and he has tons of energy he should have a good day at universal studios. After he does all that he should go back to his aunt and uncles house where Dudley yells at him for more than a piece of bacon. He probably wishes he was at Hogwarts academy for witchcraft and wizardry. Or he wishes he could be at universal studios.

  12. #6 Michael Montoya
    Fifth Wave
    Rick Yancey
    Blog#2 Quarter 1
    Prompt 2

    Kasey, you are a very smart and intelligent young woman, but there is still those times where I think you could have done things another way and I am here to tell you what that is. There was a time you shot a man because of fear. You believed he had a gun and was going to shoot you. I understand your thoughts, take his life or lose yours. The thing is though, those were not his intentions. He was only holding onto God’s cross. Things are not always as they appear and you could have searched his body to make sure there were no guns instead of shooting him point blank. There was also the one time you left your brother alone for fifteen seconds and that’s when he was taken away by the human aliens. You should have taken him off of the bus with you to go get what he needed. Because of this decision he was left vulnerable and was taken by the same aliens that killed your mom and dad. Another time you went to a party without your parents’ permission. This is why you should always get your parents’ consent because when you got home you found your mom had been killed. You could have been there and at least tried to help her. There was another time where you were trusting in someone that wanted to kill you. Luckily you noticed during these times and situations that you were in, that you should not be trusting anyone.

  13. #5 Italia Holiday
    Harry Potter
    J.K. Rowling
    Page 201
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt #11

    I think there are many places in the world that Harry Potter would like to visit. One place I think Harry would love to visit is Oahu, Hawaii. It would be very easy for Harry because he can just fly his broom and not pay for a ticket on an airplane. I think it would be very fun to be Harry on this trip because you can fly over the island and see everything because he has a broomstick. Harry does not need a car so on the first day he can go see whales, waterfalls, and pineapple fields. On the second day Harry can go see Pearl Harbor. Sometimes when you go see the boat that sunk you cannot get off the boat because it is too windy. Harry can go see the boat because he has a broomstick and he can fly over to the boat. On the third day Harry can go to the Kuala Ranch and go zip lining, which I definitely recommend. After the zip lining he will probably be sweaty so Harry should definitely go to Snow Factory which is the best place to get shaved ice. On the fourth day Harry should go surfing because he is athletic. I think it would be very cool if Harry surfed on his broomstick, but that would look a little weird. After Harry works hard on surfing he should go relax at Shark’s Cove. There are no real sharks, but it is shaped like a shark. After Harry’s long day he should go eat at the Arancino. I personally recommend the Bolognese. I also recommend the vanilla gelato. The gelato is amazing! On day five Harry should go home because I think he already at the best vacation ever!

  14. Joseph Dervartanian #5
    Ender's Game
    Orson Scott Card
    Page 202
    Blog 2 Quater 1
    Prompt 15
    The main character in my book is Ender Wiggin. The name Ender means someone who on the outside, looks strong, self-centered, and shows aloofness. But on the inside, he is shy, vulnerable, and unsure of himself. With the smallest of setbacks he will be upset, he can get carried away with his anger. He will need constant support from friends and family. But he rarely reveals the inside of him, as his pride does not let him show any weakness. I say this quite different from who Ender Wiggin really is. Throughout the book, Ender has been alone. Ever since he left the only person he's truly loved, his sister Valentine, Ender has had to face the Hindrances thrown but not only students, but the teachers also. But unlike what "Ender" actually means, Ender has pushed through these problems, always thinking outside of the box , always mentally ready for what he will have to fight, even maybe his own teachers. Ender is convinced that humanity is using him as a tool to fight the buggers, nothing more, nothing less. The military has been isolating Ender, trying to make him the best soldier anyone has ever seen. However, One thing that Ender's personality resembles to what his name means is him not showing weaknesses. Ever since Ender thought that humanity was using him, he is becoming someone who has hate deep in his heart, yet also is developing a small compassion for others, slowing showing that he isn't perfect as some do assume.

  15. Brandon Salgado #10
    The Horse and His Boy
    Pages 143
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt 3
    Many years later in Aravis’s future comes many great things. In Aravis’s future, she becomes the queen of Archenland, which is a big city that is really close to the mountains. She isn’t the only person to rule over the city of Archenland, for Shasta is the king of Archenland with Aravis being the queen. Now they both watch over the city of Archenland, and the people that live there. When Shasta and Aravis was young, they had many adventures, but with those adventures came troubles. One of those troubles in their adventures was when a lion started to chase after them while they were on their horses, so they had to go hide in a tunnel. While they were on their horses riding to the tunnel, Shasta fell off of his horse only a few feet away from the tunnel. So he just got up and ran the rest of the way to the tunnel. There are more great adventures that they went on, but I can’t name them all. Shasta and Aravis had a really fun and exciting adventures in their childhood. Unfortunately, they are too old to go on any more adventures. Instead they are just enjoying their life being a kings and a queen. During the day, they both go around the city telling the people about their adventures. Both Shasta and Aravis love being the king and the queen just because they can watch over the big city and tell stories to the younger kids.

  16. Claire Hung #10
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Rodrick Rules
    Jeff Kinney
    Pages 217
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt 2
    Dear Greg,
    I know you have a lot of problems between you and you brother Rodrick.
    Your brother treats you like a pet, and you guys always fight but that is what makes you diary very funny. I like the part where you mom tells you and your brother to draw what you guys do wrong and the part where you makes your brother laugh so hard that he spits out apple juice from his nose. You make every person that read your diary laugh. And your mom is very funny for turning the camera to her and starting to dance in Rodrick’s performance. And I love when Manny draws a picture and your mom and dad think it is about them, but it is really you and Rodrick. Your brother Rodrick is very lazy, he sleeps too much and doesn’t even help you to wash the dish. And your dad really likes his Civil War set up. The joke about Chirag, and it is also very funny about when your mom wants you to tell the truth every time. Dose you brother hurt you when you were little? I feel bad for you and your dad because you guys have to hear Rodricks band practice, and I feel bad for your mom and your dad that they have to stop you and your brother for fighting every single time. I hope your life gets better and that your brother will be nicer.

  17. Jessica Ramirez #9
    The Boxcar Children
    Gertrude Chandler Warner
    Pages #120
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt #6

    [Me] Please welcome the grandfather of Henry, Jessie, violet, and Benny. [Grandfather] Thank You everyone I am very glad to be here. [Me] I have a few question I wanted to ask you. [Grandfather] Sure, go ahead. [Me] How is it like having your grandkids over? [Grandfather] It is very good actually. We have lots of fun together like when we went on a camping trip. They are great kids and would never regret taking them in to live in my house.[Me] why is the children staying with you? [Grandfather] Um, sadly their mother and father died so, they had to live and take care of themselves. [Me] Oh, that is really sad. [Me] Tell me little about that camping trip of yours. [Grandfather] Well, it was lots of fun. We packed up all the food we needed and all the stuff we needed too. Then, we went off to the campsite and it was getting dark so, we had to quickly finish eating dinner so we could take a walk. On that walk we found riddles. The riddles led to something with coins and a place that had to do with cat. The place was Catfish Lake. We met a guy named Rob Wilson, he was a very nice guy. He helped us find the coins and told us they were actually ancient coins from the colonial days. It was a great adventure to experience. [Me] That was very interesting. Thank you for your time ser and I hope to see and talk to you soon.

  18. #5 Jenna Cardeno
    Mean Girls
    Micol Ostow
    Pages 100
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt #15
    I have chosen three characters from my book: Cady, Janis, and Regina. The name Cady means “a rhythmic flow of sounds”. Janis means ”God has been gracious”. Regina means “Queen”. Cady is a suitable name because she has a very nice way of talking to her friends even when she tries so hard to be nice to people who are not very nice to her. Cady is not a suitable name because in this story people mispronounce her name as Caddy. Janis is a suitable name because Janis is a good friend and even if she can be mean she is always nice to people she likes. Janis is not a suitable name because can be rude to people even though her name means “God has been gracious”. Regina is a suitable name because in this story she is the most popular girl at her school and most of the girls idolize her.Regina is not a suitable name because she can be very rude and she can be very selfish and spoiled and she will exclude other people from her own group of friends.This book is called Mean Girls for a reason and that reason is because most people in this world can be nice or mean and we have to make that decision. These are the names I chose out of my book because i thought that these three people were the most important. This is a great book and I hope you can read it sometime just DON’T BE A MEAN GIRL.

  19. Araylia Holiday #9
    Almost Home
    Joan Bauer
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt #1

    Dear Diary,

    Today has been an okay day. I found out I was moving to Chicago a couple months ago. I was so mad and afraid. Reba said she found a cleaning job and we could stay at her friend's house. When we got there I went to the park and it said "no dogs allowed" so I hid Shush. It was around eight when Reba picked me up. We sat at a bench and she had a sad face. I said, "so how did it go?". She said,"there was nobody there." I screamed,"HELP". A lady came, she called nine one one. We went to the hospital. I didn't see Reba for a couple days. I told the nurse Reba needs to see me! I still never saw her. There was a lady. Her name was Dana Wood. She let me stay at peoples houses. I got to see Reba. She isn't doing good. While Reba is there I am staying with a woman called Lexi and a man named Mac. I am starting to feel welcome in Chicago. Lexi is so kind and generous. She has bought me clothes, made me cookies, and sang for me. When I was walking Shush and I ran into a man. I forgot his name but he asked me to walk his dog, so I did. He me a job. It was to walk his dog, and he offered to pay me. Once I brought his dog back I walked by a Catholic Church. I am not Catholic but it said all are welcome. I went inside and I saw Angels.I felt calm and peace full. I saw a table with candles. I went over, and lit one. It only lit for a second. I thought of Reba when I lit it. I thought that Reba's light would go forever.

    Yours very truly,
    Sugar Mea Cole

  20. Joe McElroy #7
    Peter Benchley
    Pages 60
    Blog #2 quarter #1
    Prompted 1
    Dear diary,
    I have been on the beach lately and there has been a lot of shark attacks lately. I don't know if it is because of all of the commotion in the water lately. It is summer and it is hot out but is that the reason. Being the life guard is not easy because there has been a lot of trouble in the water latley because of the attacks mabey I should do something about it. I will go out and get this creature myself and I will not be stopped. But who will I do it with I will have to find someone. I have also have heard of countless life's being take. One in the break of dawn a women was swimming and went missing. So we think that it was the shark after conclusions of research. Then another time when a dad had his little son on his shoulders a shark grabbed him and pulled him out to sea where he was never seen again. We need to deal with this problem quick we do not need this to keep happening.


  21. Kaitlyn Brown #3
    The Boy on Cinnamon Street
    Phoebe Stone
    Pages 160
    Blog #2 Prompt#11

    Where should your character go on vacation? I think my character should go to Paris for their vacation. I think that she should go there because the book is based on love and Paris is all about love. Benny Mcartney and Louise should both go together and watch the sunset from the top of the Eiffel Tower. I think there first kiss should be there and fireworks would go off from the Eiffel Tower. The first day when they get in Paris they should go to all the local shops around town because the have a friend who is throwing a party at a Plow and Chaff Cafe’. Louise can get a beautiful dress that is a green net silk dress that has been her dream dress for many years. Benny can get a nice black tux that he wears to any special accassion. On the second day they would go to a Disneyland in Paris so they can ride a whole bunch of rides they both love upside down rides so they get along just fine together. They can eat at restaurants meet some Disney characters and take silly pictures with them. Louise can talk to Cinderella and ask her on some love advice to make a happily ever after with Benny. On day three they would go to Bois de Boulogne which has lakes, trails, and historical gardens. They could go on boat ride which they can talk to each other and get to know each other a little more. They can also go on some trails so they can discover the nature outside of school and home. I think this would be a fun and exciting place for Louise and Benny to go on vacation.

  22. Joshua Quintana #9
    Call of the Wild
    Jack London
    Pages 137
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt #5

        Buck was a dog of half Sheepdog and St. Bernard, he had a good life that wasn’t very particularly hard. He lived on Judge Miller’s humble abode in California’s Santa Clara Valley. But then one day a man would take poor Buck away as a sled dog who no longer lived in a house of log. Poor Buck was beaten on the long ride to Klondike, but gets out and sees another canine get eaten. He decides he isn’t about that life and vows to never die to other dogs, but to toughen up in the new land he was apon filled with frogs. One day two mail carriers take Buck away to help serve mail with a team of sled dogs in which Buck had to become the Alpha Male. Buck learns to survive but also to get food and stay alive in the harsh winter land that led to many splinters. In the end Buck learns to survive but there was one obstacle from when he arrived, a dog named Spitz who was the alpha of the back. Although it was Spitz buck wanted to take that spot back. One day Spitz and Buck fought away and wild dogs calm the fight down for the day. After this happened another fight, and Buck one and made things right. Spitz’s death was overall no crime, and the sled dog team made a record time, so for now everything was going fine. But not for long this would last as Buck’s good mail days had just forever passed.

  23. Nico Marchello
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    Jeff Kinny
    blog 2

    Greg is on a loosing steak. His best friend Rowley has ditched him to find new friends in middle school. Rowley's new girlfriend treats Greg like trash and Greg doesn't like it. In an attempt to get his friend back, Greg has a sleep over. The plan to get Rowley back doesn't work, instead, Rowley sits on the bed and talks to his girlfriend (Jasmine) all night long. The next day, Rowley goes to Greg's house and accidently breaks his TV. I think this was an effort to get Rowley to come back to Greg's house and strengthen their friendship. The next day at school, all of the kids are sitting around table and someone dropped a piece of food on the ground. One kid saw the food on the ground and claimed the five second rule. This means all of the guys at the table agree that if you pick up the food within five seconds, you can still eat it. This doesn't always work. There was one kid who picked up a piece of meat (salami) from the floor and ate it. He didn't know how long it was there, but ate it anyway. So I think you know what happens next, he gets sick. In conclusion, if this was me, I would not take part in the five second rule. I don't like to be sick and I know if you eat food from the floor, you will get sick.

  24. Kylie Gorospe#8
    Little Women
    Louisa May Alcott
    Page 200
    Blog#2 Quarter#1

    I think Meg would like to go on vacation in England. Meg would like to go to England because she would want to see all the long, beautiful dresses and all the elegant ladies. She envies the girls who have such fancy things. She felt like a beauty when attending a friend’s party. She was a dressed in a long, blue dress. Her itinerary would be first to admire all the dresses and amazing buildings around her. Then she would try to fit in by acting elegant. I think she’d bring her gloves and white dress to England. Meg learns to appreciate the stuff she has, but still envies the girls around her. Meg would write a letter to her father to tell him she is having a great time in England. Each day she would spend time curling her hair and getting as beautiful as she can for the day ahead of her. Meg’s sister Amy would want to visit a art museum. Amy loves to draw and would start off by thinking of ideas for her artistic pieces. She’d want her one of her art pieces to hopefully end up in an art museum someday and be shown off to the world. Next she would try to draw a famous painting in the museum. Beth would hope to visit a music show. Beth would most likely see a piano show because she practices playing the piano at Laurie’s house. She’d want to play up on a stage and make Mr. Laurence proud. Jo would like to visit a martial art class to learn how to fight. Jo still has a girly side in her, but hopes to someday fight in the war with her father. All sisters would want to go somewhere different because they each are unique in their own way.

  25. Lauren Quintana #7
    Where Courage Calls
    Janette Oke
    Pages 111
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt #1
    Dearest Diary,
    Coming to Cutter Gap seems like I am mistaken at times. Weeks ago mother and Father let me go to Cutter Gap to become a teacher because the children are in need of one. Mother was persistent at trying to get me to stay, yet I simply cannot let the children go without education. Saying goodbye to Mother, Father, and Julie was very rough and stepping onto the train took much effort. Aboard the train everything seemed to move slowly, not regarding the pace of the train. I was caught off guard to see Edward inside of the train to Cutter Gap merely to “assist” me. Does Mother see me as a reckless child to need such a fool hearty assistant? Edward was an annoying child who I do not see as a friend, but only the son of my parent’s friends. I am also very shaken about when Edward asked me to dinner. I do not know to think of this as a pleasant surprise or a mere confusion. When we got to the hotel Edward had handed our bags to a robber disguised as a hotel attendant. A common mistake made by the most simple of people. I am upset because soon after my appointed “assistant” left me alone. In my opinion it is not all that bad since he was a bother anyways. I was driven to the saloon, which doubles as the school, and met strong mothers from Cutter Gap. It was then that they recalled to tell me of an “incident” in which many of the brave fathers of my students were killed. It is a controversial topic in the small town of Cutter Gap. After the talk with these strong women I walked to Molly’s Inn. Molly is a kind and wise woman who is a very great friend. She is a delight in whom you may rely on. I am very happy that she gave me the crates Mother sent me. They were filled with fancy dresses, hats, shoes, soap, hair pins, books, chalk, a long map, and other luxury items. I was embarrassed about these luxury clothing articles and afraid the school children may see me differently. Molly gave advise to keep three dresses, sell the rest, and bye and sew simpler clothes. I did so and am happy. On the ride back from the store where I bought my fabric I met Paolo. He was the son of the driver, who was an Italian refugee whom didn’t know English. Paolo was smart and wanted to learn better English to teach Italian refuge miners, whom were common. I see great possibility in which I hope to grasp.
    Elizabeth Thacher

  26. Miguel Alvarez#1
    Percy Jackson the lightning thief
    Rick Riordan
    Pages 188
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt 5
    The once there was a boy named Percy Jackson and at first his life did not have much action,
    He was a troubled child and He acted a bit wild,
    His class went on a trip and He would rather go on a ship,
    At the trip a teacher turned into a Greek Fury and Percy began to weary,
    He found a sword and He killed the Fury a thought he deserved an award,
    He went to his house and smelly Gabe smelled like a died mouse,
    My mom came with exciting news and I was hoping it would be a crose,
    Me, her, and Grover where going to the beach and with out gabe acting like a leech,
    Finaly I can have some fun and but not in the sun,
    On our way home we saw a large cow and I was wondering who,
    It destoried our car and It throws us very far,
    She said for me to go to a large tree and so I began to flee,
    The beast came toward me and It bent its knee,
    It attacked but it had something that lacked,
    Aim and thats was lame,
    A part of the horn came off its head and I stabbed it with and it went throught him like a piece of lead,
    We run through an arch that said camp half blood and the beast just lade there in the mood,
    I toke a piece of the horn as a price and in my mind, I was thinking If there are any more lies.

  27. Ileanna Holiday #4
    Girl Online
    200 pages
    Blog #2 Prompt #14
    Quarter #1

    In the Book Girl Online Zoe is a British high school student. She deals with a lot of stress and anxiety. If I were to make a playlist of five songs I would first include, Sarah Bareilles. Sarah Bareilles just has a way of words when she sings that makes you feel better about yourself. The lyrics talks about how if you are going through a rough time just isolate yourself for a little bit. It doesn’t have to be that long you just need some time for yourself away from the world. I would also include Demi Lovato because her new song Sorry Not Sorry could give advice to Zoe. Whenever she feels she did something wrong she is always sorry, even if she did nothing. She needs to learn how to stand us for herself and not run away. Another great singer would be Camilla Cabello. Her new song Havana is just a song that makes you feel really happy. If she were to put this song on any time she is feeling sad or down, she would get into a mood that no one can really explain. One great song to put on in the morning when you are getting ready or just having a bad day is How He Loves by David Crowder Band. This is a Christian song about how greatly God loves us. This is a song that tells you that God loves you no matter who you are because you are His child and no one can take that away from you. One last song I would include would be Congratulations be Big and Rich. This song is a great song because it tells you that you are a rockstar. It tells you that you will be very successful one day and you will be the person everyone wants to meet. So if you were to wait out all the bad times, there are a lot more good ones coming.

  28. Jaclyn Yost #14
    Little House on the Prairie on the banks of Plum Creek
    Laura Ingalls Wilder
    Pages 102
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt 10

    Tonight we are giving rewards to the Ingalls family for their Contribution to this country. Let's start off with Laura. Laura we have a special gift for you. You are getting a new snow dress, snow boots, and candy. Next up we have Mary. Mary boy do we have a special gift for you. We have candy, and a new cup just for you because we know how much you've been wanting one because you always complain that you don't want to share cups with anyone because you are getting older and you said you want to feel more mature. Now Carrie since you're the littlest one we made you a doll out of rice and yarn. Now Ma we want you to have something that means very much to you so we decided to give you a bunch of pots and pans so your cooking will be even better than it was before and it was really good before. Now Pa since you're the man of the house you will be receiving a new gun and new horses so that way your next hunting trip you can bring home a bunch of animals so that can last your family the whole winter. Now last but not least we have Laura's best friend Jack the dog .Now since Jack loves Laura and Laura loves Jack we decided to get Jack a leash and some chew toys so Laura and Jack can play together and take walks together. Now that's all the gifts we have for you today I hope you like and enjoy using them have a good day and we will see yall later.

  29. Sydnee Geater #7
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Old School
    Jeff Kinney
    Pages: 217
    Blog 2 Quarter 1
    Prompt 2

    Dear Greg,
    I am writing this letter because I want to give you advice. The first thing I would like to tell you is that using people to get your home work done is not right, especially if they are third graders. You should already know how to put your clothes on and take a shower without a chart to guide you through the steps. You should not always want to play video games all day, get out more, go to a nearby park, whatever you want. You're not going to get girls to like you if you just sit and watch T.V. Do not think your not cool even though other people might. If you are near a woman's butt while she was bending down , do not take a picture of yourself or she will get very mad at you.When life gives you lemons you do not make lime juice, you make lemonade. just ask for help if you are having trouble.Do not use water from your hose when you need a refile of water. Try not to start a war with the kid next door. Who cares if he has a fancy lemonade stand, don't pay him to go away. If you dropped a toothpaste cap down the drain, tell some one, don't try to be a plumber and try to do it yourself. When you think your going to get into trouble don't try and go hiding from your dad at your field trip that you didn't want to go to. Greg , when you need advice I'm here for you.


  30. #3 Chris Grothues


    Tim Tebow

    Pages 103

    Blog #2; quarter 1

    Prompt 4

    One of the themes in the book Shaken is trust. Trust is one of the themes of the book because Tim Tebow had to trust in the Lord when he got cut from the Patriots, and all of his other teams. Trust was a big thing in Tim Tebow’s life. One example from the book is when Tebow had to go in the conference room to talk to the coaches, coach Bolshevik and Coach McDaniel’s. Tim Tebow had to have trust in the Lord on what he will do. Even though Coach Bolshevik and Coach McDaniel’s cut Tebow, Tebow had to have trust in the Lord. Another example from the book is when Tim Tebow had to have trust that he would stay on the Jets. Tebow had to have trust in many things during his career as a NFL (National Football League) football player. He had many hardships because he was a Christian. All the players made fun of him. He had to stand firm and trust in God that he will provide. God did all of this for a reason, because he always has a reason for everything. Tebow didn’t know that all of this by getting cut by these teams was for a purpose. God had a plan for Tebow even though Tim Tebow didn’t know. All of the examples that I mentioned came right out of the book Shaken. Tim Tebow had to have a lot of trust in the Lord in what he is going to do for him.


    Chris Grothues


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