Blog #3

Congratulations! This is the last blog of the quarter. Make sure you check for spelling and grammatical errors. Be ready for a booktalk on Friday.


  1. Avery Avichouser
    Auggie & Me
    R.J. Palacio
    Page 201
    Prompt 8
    Blog 3
    In the book of Auggie and Me I think that Jack is a superhero. Jack is such an amazing person for what he did for Auggie. Jack was friends with the bully Julian. Julian was not a very nice towards Auggie. Jack took Auggies side at school and Julian was upset and angry about it. Jack did not care what Auggie looked like all he cared about was Auggies heart. That was very special. Even though Auggie didn’t look like other kids his age he had such a great personality. He was very kind towards others, he was brave, and he didn’t care to much about what others said about him. That is why Jack liked him I think. Jack was just one of those really cool kids that was nice to people. He stuck up for Auggie when other kids were rude about him or said anything to him that was mean. Another person who I think was a superhero was Auggie. He really showed people bravery. He had never gone to school and when he went people were very rude but he got through it. Auggie is a person that is a role model to other kids his age. He was probably so afraid of going to school. I would if I were him too. Even though he was scared he went. People stared at him but he was such a strong person that he got through it. He was a superhero because he showed people what bravery really is.

  2. Lily kuhlman
    Harry Potter chamber of secrets
    J.K Rowling
    Pages 100
    Prompt 8
    Blog 3

    In my book there is a character that is considered whimpy, his name is Ron Weasley. I think that Ron is going to be a great wisard someday. Until then he would like many superheroes,like aqua man. He would have a fun time meeting with him. Aqua man looks like he has gills and flippers,of course he fights crime. I also think that Ron would enjoy the flash. He would probably like meeting him, if he was real. The flash wears a magnificent suit that has high tech suit. His suit is also bright red. As the flash runs by there is along streak of red behind him. I think Ron would like to have the power to run as fast as lightning. I also think Ron would like to read all the Superman comic books. I also think they should have a Superman at the comic book convention (aka comic on) .Heshould also meet him at Hogwartsacademy for whitchcraft and wiserdry. He should have a great time with all the hero’s and mabey he could be his own hero someday.

  3. Jessica Ramirez #9
    The Greatest Salesman in the World
    Og Mandino
    Pages 111
    Blog #3 Quarter #1
    Prompt #7


    True or False

    _____ Hafid is not wealthy.

    2. _____ Hafid is a master.

    3. _____ Hafid is a wise man.

    4. _____ Hafid didn’t make a promise with Erasmus.

    5. _____ Erasmus is a bookkeeper.

    6. _____ A salesman is not a job that takes effort.

    7. _____ Hafid lives in a palace.

    8. _____ Hafid spent his money on himself

    9. _____ Hafid provided for his family than gave the rest to the poor.

    10. _____ Hafid is a great teacher.

    Multiple Choice

    _____ What is one thing that was in inventory from Egypt?
    A. Granite
    B. Carpets
    C. Oil

    2. _____ What was one thing that was in inventory from asia?
    A. Basalt
    B. Wools
    C Ginger

    3. _____ What was one thing that was in inventory from Arabia?
    A. Fine Linens
    B. Ginger
    C. Corn

    4. _____ What was one thing that was in inventory from Palmyria?
    A. Honey
    B. Drugs
    C. Nuts

    5. _____ What was one thing that was in inventory from Greese?
    A. Statues
    B. Parchment
    C. Alabaster

    6. _____ How many talents did Hafid give to Erasmus?
    A. 5 thousand
    B. 50 thousand
    C. 500 thousand

    7. _____ What was in the chest?
    A. Paper
    B. Fingers
    C. Scrolls

    8. _____ What type of key did hafid remove from his belt?
    A. Small
    B. Short
    C. Big

    9. _____ What religion does Hafid believe in?
    A. Muslim
    B. Christianity
    C. Rabi
    10. _____ Hafid’s inventory was filled with
    A. Junk
    B. People
    C. Goods

    Short Answer

    What is Hafid’s wife’s name?

    2. How much money did Hafid give to Erasmus?

    3. How many scrolls were there?

    4. In Erasmus task what did he have to sell?

    5. What is Hafid’s wife’s father’s name?


    What was Erasmus task, what did he sell, and what did he learn from it?




    50 Thousands

    Erasmus tasks was very hard even though it sounds very simple and easy. His task was to go to Bethlahem and sell a very expensive, new robe called abeyah. The master told him he has to sell the robe for at least 1 silver coin, but if you sell it for more than 1 siver coin give me the 1 siver coin and keep the rest. He learned that being a salesman is hard and it takes alot of effert. Keep trying until you get what you need.

  4. Kylie Gorospe #8
    Little Women
    Lousia May Alcott
    Page 300
    Blog#3 Quarter#1
    Promt #6

    How are you doing this snowy afternoon Jo? I am doing great ,thank you for asking. Jo, how do you feel about your father coming home for Christmas? My sisters and I are very happy he has come home from Washington. I now think Mr. Brooke is quite kind because he took my mother to Washington and took care of our father when marmee had to leave to take care of my sister, Beth. What happened to Beth? Beth had gotten scarlet fever, which Meg and I have had years ago. Beth laid resting for many days. We had Amy stay at Aunt March’s house. She did not want to go, but decided to so she won’t get scarlet fever. Laurie had called our mother and told her Beth was ill even though Hannah said not to. When Laurie told us he did call her, Hannah was actually relieved because it was so much hard work. I heard Theodore Laurence was being mischievous. Can you please tell me about that? Of course I will and you can call Theodore Laurence, Laurie. Laurie and I had an argument a while ago about our secrets and that we wouldn’t tell each other. Laurie got angry that I didn’t tell him my secret and decided to write a note to Meg all sealed up, which I found quite odd because he never sealed mine. The letter was about Mr. Brooke’s passion for Meg. In the note it said that he didn’t want to mention anything to our parents or the rest of our sisters yet. Meg knew Mr. Brooke wouldn’t have written this and blamed it on me. I did not help Laurie with the letter. Marmee invited him over to have a chat about the letter. After Marmee’s talk everything was alright. Absurd things have been happening lately to your family, Jo and how do you feel about that? I am fine with it because there is a sense of adventure in the things that have been happening.

    1. Ethan Crenshaw #2
      Lunch Money
      Andrew Clements
      Pages 222
      Blog 3 Quarter 1
      Prompt 3

      Greg finished his year at elementary school and he was proud of how much money he made. Greg and Maura were best friends and they kept on selling comic books and other things. There whole summer their minds were focused on making the most money. But Greg did not want to do that, he wanted to make money and then buy something. Greg had a lot of money and he was not giving it to anyone. Greg wanted to buy a bike or an electric scooter. The reason why he wanted a bike is because it was easy to get around places he wanted to go. After buying a bike he saved his money until he really needed it. When he was in college he still had his money and he was interested in buying a car. He did not want to use his parents because it was old and dirty. The car he got was a Dodge Charger. He was so happy that he went everywhere with it. He got back and wanted to go on a vacation. He thought of many but the one place that stood out was Hawaii. Greg had collected so much money between elementary school and high school. He packed up his bags and fled from California. When Greg got there, he got a room and then headed down to the beach. Once he set up his towel he saw a girl reading a comic book that he made. He realized that the girl was Maura.

  5. #8 Ethan Powell
    Gordon Korman
    Pg. 138
    Blog #3
    Prompt 15
    The name Luke means light and I think this suit him well. I think it suits the character because we follow the light and Luke was a good leader character in the books. He is trust worthy and handles situations well when under pressure. Another way this name fits the character is how we follow Jesus who is the light of the world, and all the survivors follow Luke. The name Ian means gift from God. Ian’s name is a perfect fit for him, he provided the information that the survivors needed to survive. Ian’s extended knowledge of the wilderness and survival situations saved all of them. His name meaning Gift from God fits him because he is a gift from God when it comes to the situation that they were in. William, or Will, has a name that suits him in a certain way. Will’s name means Determined protector. Will got into fights with his sister, one of which got him and his sister into the hospital. When Will had amnesia, he wanted to find his sister and protect her from the others and during the time that Will had amnesia he was determined to find his sister and protect his sister from the others that at the time he thought were strangers. The character Charla has an interesting meaning to her name. Her name means free man, strong, which suits her well. The free man part must come from the fact that when she was at home she didn’t feel free and felt burdened by all the sports she was forced to play, but when she was on the island she felt free and the strong part comes from how athletic she was. the names of these characters suit them well and in learning about their meanings, it makes me think that their names were chosen for the purpose of their character personalities in the story.

  6. Joshua Quintana #9
    The Walking Dead
    Robert Kirkman
    Pages 128
    Blog #2 Quarter #1
    Prompt #1

    My name is Rick, Rick Grimes, I am a sheriff from Kentucky. I was on duty trying to catch a runaway prisoner when it happened. I was shot by that runaway right clean in the chest. I suddenly awoke from a long coma in an abandoned hospital full of the dead. Not knowing what to do I got out and made my way back home. I went home to find neither my with Lori or my son Carl at my house. I all of the sudden was whacked right in the head by a kid with a shovel. I woke up in his dad’s house. His father’s name was Morgan Jones. He had come to stay in my neighbor’s house as my street was safer than his. I found out from Morgan that my wife and son might be in Georgia and so I decided to head there. We went to the station and got some weapons and cars. After this I said my goodbyes and left for Georgia to find my family. After most of the drive my car ran out of gas and I was on foot. Luckily I found a horse in a nearby barn. I rode her into what I thought was a safe and government protected Georgia, but it was actually overrun by walkers! I fell off my horse and saw her torn into pieces by the ravaging, undead freaks. I was about to meet the same fate, when I felt a hand touch my shoulder.
    Momentarily startled I looked over to realise it wasn’t one of the undead freaks, but another living human being. His name was Glen. He told me to come with him if I wanted to make it out of the city alive.

  7. Timmy Burgess #4
    I Survived The Great Chicago Fire, 1871
    Lauren Tarshis
    Page 40
    Blog #3 Quarter 1
    Prompt # 8

    The character that I chose for the hero is Oscar, the main character. I chose him because when the fire started he did not realize that a spark flew down and he caught on fire, dropped to the ground and started rolling. He is smart because he instantly dropped to the ground and started rolling. Also, after the fire had already started he heard crying and he soon realized it was coming from the little shack behind the street. He looked in there and saw that it was a little girl the same little girl that was part of the thieves that stole all of Oscar and his mom’s and step dad’s bags. Also, next to the little girl was a boy about four or five. There were no parents just the kids stuck in the little shack. Oscar ran in there and helped the boy and little girl out of the shack. That was a big act of bravery. Oscar was also feeling sad because about six months ago Oscar’s dad passed away because he crashed while driving in the middle of a blizzard. His mom had met a painter that was rich and had great paintings and the soon got married and moved out to Chicago but, Oscar did not want to move out of the small city in Kansas and away from the farm fields. He was feeling sad. I think if Oscar was a super hero that he would want the bravery characteristic because he would feel tough and strong.

  8. Aiden Avichouser
    The Hunger Games
    Suzanne Collins
    Page #50
    Blog #3
    Prompt #2

    Dear Catniss,
    In this time of struggle for you I have a few words of advice that might motivate you. I think that you are a very strong person. To take the role of the family leader is not an easy task at all. You need to keep being a great leader to the family. I think that a good thing to consider would be taking your family and leaving District 12. It would be a good idea to bring Gale with you too. He was interested in leaving the district. You two could care for Prim and your mother. You could hike over the mountain and bring a good food supply so you could get to a place far away from District 12. You wouldn’t have to worry about your name being pulled at the Reaping. If you do not decide to leave you will have a slim chance of being drafted. Just in case you do get drafted, you should start working on your bow and arrow skills so you are ready to defend yourself. There is a chance you could get killed if you get drafted, so you need to be ready. Also, a good exercise for you would be to go into the woods , find a tree and do pull ups on it. Pushups, sit ups, and dips are also good exercises you could do to stay in shape just in case you get pulled at the reaping. These are some tips that I think could help you.

  9. Leo Sellarole #10
    Kingdom Keepers: Disney at Dawn
    Ridley Pearson
    Pages 414
    Blog #3 Quarter #1
    Prompt #15
    In this story the characters have strong personalities, which had me wondering is there something more to the names of these characters? I began to look each of the names up and here is what I found. Finn is defined as an outgoing guy who does well in everything he tries. He gets along with others, is kind, and honest, with all these attributes I guess it doesn’t hurt to apparently be popular as well! He is also defined as the best and when translated in Irish means Great One, which is no shock after hearing every other attribute attached to this name. Next we have Amanda who is defined as smart, beautiful, has a wonderful and kind personality, loyal and trustworthy, and lastly outgoing in ways but at the same time shy around people. I can know see why the author chose these two names as they fit the characters he created, but these characters are both like two puzzle pieces, different but fit and work together. This next character is referred to as Jezz and Jess which both defined her as witty, very pretty, fun, and possibly insecure but very smart. I believe this name suited the character quite well as in the book these attributes were displayed. Lastly we will end with Maleficent which is derived from the two words magnificent and malevolent. She is defined as malicious, malignant, dangerous, and powerful. This is undeniably a perfect way to define this retched witch of a woman. Overall taken in to consideration the other characters as well I see Ridley Pearson but effort into coming up with fitting names for his marvelous characters. I also realize the importance of a names as well. Its name that defines a character making it come to life and more understandable.

  10. Katelynn Burgess #1.5
    Paper Towns
    John Green
    Page 149
    Blog #3 quarter 1
    Prompt #3

    Margo is a very interesting character because she is outgoing, not scared of taking chances, and has an interesting lifestyle. She sneaks out in the middle of the night to complete interesting tasks and doesn’t get caught. She is not afraid of getting into trouble. If I were to write a story about Margo after the book I would say that she was found after running away and went to get counseling about what she was going through and why she ran away and that she was living a better life and solved all her problems. I would say she goes of and starts a life of her own. She gets married, buys a home, and starts a family. I would also say that she went of and got a career in solving mysteries and crimes because she loved mysteries so much when she was younger. I would include that the person she gets married to is Quentin because he loved her so much in the story and they were meant to be all along. Margo’s kids are both girls and they like mysteries just like her. They live in New York because Margo likes big cities. For fun as a family they like to watch mystery movies so the kids can be just like their mom and they also like to travel all over the world to beautiful destinations to take pictures and have cool adventures. Their family lives a very happy life of wealth and prosperity. They lived happily ever after.

  11. Miguel Alvarez #1
    Percy Jakson: the lightning thief
    Rick Rioedan
    Pages 290
    Blog #3 Quarter #1
    Prompt #6
    Welcome one and all to “ASK THAT CHARACTER.” Tonight, I have Percy Jackson. Son of Pesidon, slayer of Medusa and the Minotur. And here is Percy Jackson. Welcome Percy Jackson how are you doing tonight. I say I am doing pretty good. Mean it is not every day your face gets shown al of Olympus. Ahh! Yes, I saw that. The trap was meant Ares. But you do look good on T.V. and you will look even better here, now that you are not running for your life. That is true and now I have time to do me hair. Now what I think what everyone wants to know is what realy happen to Zues’a master lightningbolt? I mean if you did not take it then how did? My substision is that Hades god of the Under world stole the master lightningbolt knowing that he would blame me. You know that I never realy liked Hades, he was always being abosive to his wife. He is just a bully that could killer me with not even a problem. Are you scared of him, Percy Jackson? Maybe alittle but I have Grover and Annabeth. They are helping me on my quest to find the master lightningbolt and clear my name. Percy Jakson if you are part of the big three what kind of power are developing? For one I can Control water, two my father, Pesidon, saves me when I need it, and three the water can health me. Well, that all the time we have for today. See you next time on “ASK THAT CHARACTER.”

  12. Alex Bankey #1
    Surrounded By Sharks
    Michael Northrop
    Pages 208
    Blog #3 Quarter #1
    Prompt 9

    The three movies that I would like Davey Tsering to see are Jaws, 47 Meters Down, and Bait. In the movie Jaws, Police Chief Brody sees the remains of a dead girl on the beach. He assumes she has been killed by a shark. Chief Brody wants to close the beach, but the mayor makes him keep it open because the town makes its money in the summertime from tourists, and he doesn’t want the tourists to be scared away. Police Chief Brody and two other men go out on a boat to look for sharks, and they come upon a giant great white shark that surrounds them, attacks them, and they finally kill it. I would like Davey to see this movie because the great white shark was surrounding these men just like the sharks were surrounding Davey. 47 Meters Down is about 2 girls, Lisa and Kate, who get trapped in a cage underwater 47 meters down surrounded by sharks. They try to escape with low oxygen while the people on the boat send down new oxygen tanks. Kate tries to go out of the cage when a shark comes out and hits her on the head and takes her. I would like Davey to see this movie because they are trying to escape from sharks like Davey. Bait is when a tsunami hits a store and floods everything. While they are standing on the shelves trying to stay alive with sharks in the water, the sharks get about 6 or 7 people. I would want Davey to see this movie because they are surrounded by sharks. By watching these three movies, Davey would be able to learn some survival tips.

  13. Alyssa Bankey #2
    The Ghosts of Tupelo Landing
    Sheila Turnage
    Pages 352
    Blog #3 Quarter #1
    Prompt 3

    As the years passed, the Tupelo Inn became more and more popular under the direction of Miss Lacy Thornton, Miss Lana, and Mo. Guests came from all over the county to stay there to try and catch a glimpse of Nellie Blake, the resident ghost. When Mo turned 21, Miss Lacy and Miss Lana threw a big birthday party for her at the inn with all of the guests. Miss Lacy and Miss Lana had a very big surprise for Mo. They had a special woman there who brought Mo the cake with lit candles, and everyone sang happy birthday to her. Mo saw that the woman was crying after she blew the candles out. Mo had to find out what was wrong and why this woman was crying at her party. Mo asked her if there was something wrong. The woman shook her head and said, “No, everything is perfect.” When the woman spoke, Mo got a shiver down her spine. There was something so familiar about her, but she didn’t know what. Her eyes looked familiar. Her hair looked familiar. Her hands looked familiar. Her smile looked familiar. She told Mo she was so happy to see her again. Mo did not understand. Then the woman told her, “I’m your real mom.” Mo couldn’t believe her ears. This was the moment she dreamt about all of her life. It was like all of her diary entries led up to this moment, and now she could finally ask all of the questions she wanted and get answers. After the party, Mo and her mom began a new chapter in their life together. Now her life was complete.

  14. Joseph Dervartanian #5
    Ender's Game
    Orson Scott Card
    Page 324
    Blog#3 Quarter#1

    Exam Name- Date-

    True or False

    1 _____ Ender Wiggin wants to be the boss, wants to be in control and has a small desire for death of his enemies.

    2 _____ Since the beginning of his journey, everyone has been kind towards Ender.

    3 _____ Ender just wants to be like a normal kid.

    4 _____ Ender's sister, Valentine, doesn't care for Ender at all.

    5 _____ Peter, Ender's brother, hates Ender and has tried to even kill him.

    6 _____ In Battle School, Ender has many friends who always hang out with him.

    7 _____ Ender was tricked into killing billions of buggers to end the war.

    8 _____ Ender eventually found out that the buggers had always purposely tried to kill humanity.

    9 _____ Ender was very strong, smart, and can overcome any challenge.

    10 _____ Ender never really wanted to kill the buggers.

    Multiple Choice

    1- Valentine and Peter were planning to do what?
    A-Take over the world with political statements and opinions
    B- Convince the Space military to bring Ender back to Earth
    C- Rid of all black markets on the internet

    2- How did Ender defeat all other teams in Battle School?
    A- He hacked into the system and cheated
    B- He and his army practiced the basics of formations over and over
    C- He found new strategies that would usually sound crazy

    3- How old was Ender when he went into Battle School?
    A- 6
    B- 10
    C- 15

    4- What was Valentine's name on the internet?
    A- Demonsthenes
    B- Paizlee
    C- Luckran

    5- What was Peter's name on the Internet?
    B- Tavishtru
    C- Locke

    6- How did The Space Military choose who goes to Battle School?
    A- Grades
    B- They have a monitor placed on the person
    C- Someone takes a survey

    7- Who did Ender fight and almost kill in the restroom?
    A- Petra
    B- Bonzo
    C- Stilson

    8- What did the military do to make Ender become the best soldier he can be?
    A- Always make the battles unfair so he would have to use his brain and strength
    B- Give him confidence by letting him feel like he fits in
    C- Give him easy battles to boost his self esteem

    9- Who personally trained Ender in command school?
    A- Mazor Rackham
    B- Colonel Graff
    C- Major Anderson

    10- How many wars between buggers and humans were there?
    A- over 100

    Short Answer

    1- Which person won the second Bugger war?

    2- Who slowly became Ender's friend while at the same time deceived him?

    3- How were the buggers able to communicate to Ender?

    4- What was Ender's name after he communicated with the new bugger queen?

    5- What did the buggers recreate for Ender before most of them died?


    How did the military trick Ender into killing the buggers and why?




    Short Answer

    1- Mazor Rackham
    2- Colonel Graff
    3- Through Ender's thoughts
    4- Speaker for the Dead
    5- Fairyland And the End of the World

    The Military tricked Ender by making him do years of what Ender thought were "simulations" with his most trusted friends, but really Ender and his friends were using real ships with real people who were willing to fight under Ender's command without him knowing. They did this because they need someone who will go beyond and take risks and not be too cautious. If Ender knew it was real then he would've been more cautious and probably not have won.

  15. Claire Hung # 10
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Old School
    Jeff Kinney
    Pages 217
    Blog #3 Quarter1
    Prompt #4
    I could say this book’s theme is Discovery, because Greg discovered many things. He learned how to make lemonade, he learn about his grandpa, and he also learned about his dad’s little secret. His dad’s little secret was when Greg was in the field trip, his dad found a comfortable place to take a bath and to go to the bathroom, because at that time his dad camp’s bathroom was uncomfortable and always have to wait, so his dad made up a rumor about this Silas Scratch man to keep his comfortable place. And another theme would be bravery, because Greg really has a lot of faith in his self all the time. He went to his dad’s secret place when it is very creepy outside and to find out the truth. And his mom is very funny too, because she likes to share a lot of thoughts, so she starts different kinds of programs, for example the electric - free program. And Greg’s Dad just wanted the whole family to act normal in front of Greg’s grandpa. Which is really funny too, because his Dad keeps on saying these weird things to Greg about his childhood and turn Greg’s mistakes to major problems. Greg has a really funny and dumb family, but that’s what makes his home really nice. I like how the author shaped Greg’s diaries to super funny books.

  16. Kaitlyn Brown #3
    The Boy on Cinnamon Street
    Phoebe Stone
    Pages #200
    Blog #3 quarter #1
    Prompt #10

    I am going to give out some awards to these characters who truly stand out. I would give the first award to Louis/ Tumbulina for being brave for her birthday she had to go to another school so her mysterious boy wouldn’t see her again so I would give her the “most brave” award. The second award I would give it to Henderson because he is always supporting Louise/Thumbulina for in her times of sadness and most frightened moments so I would give him the “best friend” award. The third award I would give it to Benny Mcartney because even though he wasn’t the person writing letters he still would always try to be nice to thumbalina so I would give him th “nice” award. The last award I would give it to is Reni because she always is there for Thumbulina I would give her the “courageous” award because she was trying so hard to find her best friends mystery boy and it was Henderson all along.

  17. #6 Michael Montoya
    Fifth Wave
    Rick Yancey
    Blog#3 Quarter 1
    Prompt 6

    Good evening everyone. Let’s dive right into it. “Kasey, do you ever think you were scared of dying, losing your brother or even losing your family?” “To be honest, I was scared the entire time. Ever since the first wave hit, all I could think about was if I would lose my family. And even though I did end up losing my mother and father, I was fortunate to still have my brother. My brother and I will remain rock solid till the end of the earth.” “Ok then, what was going through your mind when you had the encounter with the human at the gas station and you believed he was going to kill you?” “Well I was definitely terrified. I was not sure what was going through his head or even my own head for that matter. He dropped his gun and I thought he was reaching for another so I immediately shot him. To me it was a matter of life or death at that moment.” “Also why did you trust in the one guy that almost killed you even though you said I will trust no one?” “I trusted him because not only did he try to kill me but he also saved my life from the aliens. After I was shot in the leg he came to my rescue and helped me. I had no one else during that time and I truly wanted someone that I could feel safe with.” “To end it off why did you leave your brother behind on the bus with the aliens?” “Honestly I did not know that they were the aliens until it was already too late. I realize now that I should never have left him alone on the bus. It was a life lesson and a mistake I will never make again.”

  18. Jasmine Raya #13
    Diary of the Wimpy Kid The Third Wheel Jeff Kinney
    Pages 217
    Blog #3 Quarter #1
    Prompt 1

    Today I officially moved in with my brother and his family. My business was a complete failure. Mostly because I mis-spelled Boston, who does that! “Botson”really. I have to figure this out. I can’t be living off of my brother and his family especially since I’m bad with borrowing money and giving it back. I can’t be living off them forever. I need to be able to get back on my feet again. Onto the next project I guess. what will I do now that the T-shirt concession stand was a failure? But I think a try at something new would be good for me. I need to get back on my feet so I can live on my own and continue with my life. I can’t believe I’m writing all this in a diary but I feel like I need to let out my feelings before I go crazy.Well I guess I could look at this in a positive way I haven’t had a chance to spend time with my nephews, Rodrick, Gray, and Manny. Being around nine will make me feel young again and I’m sure that my brother won’t mind me being around and helping watch over them. I know, with their help I’m sure I can get this T-shirt business off on the right start. This time I will spell things correctly… Ha ha ha. Not a bad idea to get the family involved and maybe start a family business instead. Well it’s a good idea but they do have a busy life. Anyhow, for starters I will just take it one day at a time until I get back on my feet again. It’s a new beginning with my family, and I know that with their support I will be okay.

  19. Jaclyn Yost #14
    Little house on the prarie on the banks of plum creek
    Laura Ingalls Wilder
    Pages 300
    Blog # 3 Quarter 1
    Prompt 11
    Were going to go on vacation to the county fair. Yes, I know the Fairs only one day but Pa decided to extend our trip because we haven't had a vacation in a long time. So Pa decided to go down to the river and go camping for a week as well as the Fair.The first day we are going to the fair to play games, watch pig races and all that fun stuff. The second day Ma,Pa,Mary,Carrie and I are going wading in the creek. We are going to have so much fun I love wading in the creek because you can get in the nice cold water on a very hot day and just relax. On the third day we are going to go hunting as a family and really break out into your wild side. I really want to trap a Bear that would be fun coming home and bragging to that brat Nellie Oleson. On the fourth day were going fishing I really want to set a goal for myself and try and catch more fish than Pa.On the fifth day I'm to go watch a play with Ma and Mary because we want to spend some more girl time together. On the sixth day we are going to this new fancy Restaurant and were going to climb up the hill and swatch the extraordinary sunset. On the last day in the morning we will pack and load the wagon for our ride home but after that we are going to church to worship God after that we will go eat lunch and hit the trail.

  20. #5 Jenna Cardeno
    Mean Girls Micol Ostow
    Pages 200
    Blog #3 Quarter #1
    Prompt #2

    Dear Cady,
    Going to a new school is very hard,but when you find the right friends it’s not as hard. When you met Janis and Damian,you knew they would be your friends from the start. When you met Regina, Gretchen, and Karen they also wanted you to be their friends,until Janis told you how mean Regina was. Why did you Janis make a deal that you would be Regina’s friend to spy on her. As everything wend down you changed being friends with Regina, Gretchen, and Karen. Then you had a crush on Aaron Samuels. Gretchen and Karen said that you couldn’t like him because he is Regina’s ex-boyfriend. To solve that problem you should have just done what you wanted and liked Aaron. Another problem is that when Regina showed you the Burn Book you should have told on her because what she, Karen, and Gretchen wrote was not right. Then when Aaron asked you to a party and you said you would go and Regina would talk to him, Regina got back together with Aaron. You should have not trusted Regina. Then you told Janis and Damian and they said they would help you out. So they did, but how you guys did it was to very nice. Another problem was that when you still pretended to like Regina you still should have not been her friend. You should never pretend to be something you are not just so over people would like you.this is your friend Jenna.

    Love, Jenna

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  22. Ileanna Holiday#4
    Girl Online
    Zoey Sugg
    Pages 315
    Blog#3 Quarter #1
    Prompt 1

    Dear Diary,
    I am writing to you today because I have a lot of things I need to address. Ever since I have been in New York I have found a boy who is my age named Noah. He is so dreamy. At first I thought he was one of those bad boys because he wore leather. It turns out I was completely wrong, he is the nicest boy anyone could ever meet. He is also very artistic. Both his parents are gone in Heaven but he has a little sister and a grandmother who is a very talented chief. My parents and I are having such a good time in New York that we wanted to stay longer for and spend Christmas there. We had no were to stay so I had told Noah that I was leaving and he offered his house to my family and I. Oh ya, and I'd I mention that him and I are dating now. Well anyway, this could either be a bad idea or a great one. I mean Noah is a great guy but I don't think living together for a week is the best option. But on the bright side I get to see his beautiful smile every morning when I wake up. And I get his grandmothers cooking every day. Well thats all I have for now. Well until next time...
    Your truly,

  23. Cole LaBrado #6
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules
    Jeff Kinney
    Pages 230
    Blog #3 Quarter #1
    Prompt #2
    TO: Gregory Heffley
    This is a little guide to help you through all the problems you may have. When you write in your journal that your mom makes you do I suggest that you don’t let Rodrick see you because when he does he will come and take it out of your hand and show everybody and blackmail you about it. Another little helpful hint is to bring a big long coat to swim practice because your stomach will start to hurt and it will get very freezing in there. It is also much better to walk home from swim practice then to wait an hour for Rodrick to show up then throw you in the back of his van and you get tossed around. Also be warned when you get back to Jr High just remember you have the cheese touch so try and get rid of it as soon as possible. Do not get In to a fight with Rodrick in front of your mom or else she is going to make you write an apology to him and make you put a lot of effort and time into it. In Jr High you want to make more friends then just Rowley. Because Rowley is the type of friend to leave you fro fame he will leave you in the dust and pretend you are not a person. That is all that I have for you today but remember to keep an eye on your brother because you may never know what he is going to do next.

  24. Brandon Salgado #10
    The Horse and His Boy
    Pages 224
    Blog #3 Quarter #1
    Prompt 2
    Dear Shasta,
    I am writing this letter to you to give you a little bit of some tips and advice on your marvelous adventures that I read about in your book. Some advice I want to give you on is when Aravis and you were getting chased by that lion. You guys were on your way to the big city called Archenland. Both Aravis and you could have been more cautious during your travels. You could have been more aware of your surroundings while you were all on your way to Archenland. You should have looked around more when you were walking and been more aware of the big, fiesty lion hiding quietly in the big and dark bushes. More advice that I can give you about your marvelous journeys and adventures is when you were talking to that mysterious voice. That weird voice just randomly started talking to you guys out of nowhere. You could have been more patient with the mysterious voice and less scared about it because he was not going to harm you at all. Instead, you should have been more calm because he was the lion that attacked you and scared you. He was not Aslan, but instead he was just a normal lion. Even though he attacked you, he was still friendly towards you, Aravis, and Bree when he was talking to you. I hope you have found this letter of great advice from me to be helpful and useful towards you. Keep out of trouble on your amazing adventures.

    1. Nico Marchello
      Diary of a wimpy kid
      Jeff Kiney
      pages 217
      blog 3 quarter 1
      Prompt 2

      Three movies I would pick for Greg to see will be Baby Driver, Miracles from Heaven and Guardians of the Galaxy. The first movie that I picked for Greg to see is Baby Driver. The main idea of the movie is the main character takes care of his friends and family, not just himself. The main reason I picked this movie is so Greg realized that Rowley is a friend, not a servant. Greg needs to treat people with respect and be nice to his friends. Mainly, Greg should do stuff for others and not think about himself. My second movie is Miracles from Heaven. I would like Greg to see is Miracles from Heaven because the movie is about a little girl who is going through a difficult time in her life. The main character had a bad disease and was had a miracle happen to her and was cured. I would like Greg to see how lucky he is to have friends like Rowley. Also, he can see what others are going through and realize his life isn’t so bad. My final movie is Guardians of the galaxy. The movie is about six characters that protect the galaxy from bad aliens. I would like Greg to see how the six characters cared for each other and how hard they work to protect others. So Greg can be like them and be helpful to his friends. Greg would like this movie because it is action packed and funny.

  25. Lauren Quintana #7
    Anne of Green Gables
    L.M. Montgomery
    Pages 308
    Quarter#1 Prompt# 5
    Matthew and Marilla want to adopt a boy,
    Instead they get a red haired girl full of joy,
    When she saw Marilla full of surprise,
    And that Matthew could barely believe his eyes,
    Anne severely prayed,
    So maybe she could stay,
    And never go away,
    To the orphanage for another day,
    Marilla and Matthew took a liking to Anne,
    So they didn’t trade her out for a man,
    When a guest named Mrs. Rachel’s words got mean,
    Anne’s actions were unseen,
    As she stomped and screamed,
    The noises her feet made beamed,
    As a cross Marilla sent her away,
    Mrs. Rachel left horrified, not about to waste her day,
    Soon Anne meets her ideal friend,
    Dianna and Anne each promise to be friends forever even until the end,
    It was the day before the church picnic,
    Anne wanted to see Marilla’s brooch,
    Marilla thought Anne lost it almost as bad as to mooch,
    Anne talked to Matthew who is a fair guy,
    He knew that her story was not a lie,
    Anne had to stay in her room until she would confess,
    The next day the truth she would press,
    Anne lied to get to the picnic where she wanted to be,
    But Marilla was cross so Anne could not go not even for tea,
    When Marilla found out Anne was telling the truth,
    She thought of it as only part of youth,
    Later at school a boy named Gilbert Blythe didn’t watch what he said,
    So Anne hit him with a slate on the head,
    Another time Anne got Dianna drunk as on purpose it may seem,
    But Anne saved Dianna’s baby sister for herself to redeem,
    Through going to Queens school,
    She left to help Marilla and Matthew not to be a fool,
    When the day was done,
    Anne felt accomplished as for once she had won.

  26. Joe McElroy #7
    Page 70
    Blog #3 quarter #1
    Prompt #2

    Dear Brody,

    I write this letter to you for you to get out of this trouble time I know it might be hard to make the right decision but it might be best if you would have shut down the beach. I know this might not be what you want to hear but it is the right thing to hear. That pore little child wouldn't have died if you would have just shut down the beach and, there is going to be more troubles ahead of you. There is more for me to say. You need to deal with this shark before it is too late. I know people have died but you need to stop it before it gets worse. Also there is one more thing this shark is very deadly so deal with it with care don't just think this is going to be easy there is more to this than just trying to rush it. I lied not one more thing, there is something terrifying about what I am about to say. There might be more sharks in the future. So if you do end up killing this shark (which I have faith that you will) do leave your guard down there could and possibly will be another shark in this ocean. And you you can't handle the truth than you should quit than quit but everyone needs you more than ever so get out there and show them who is boss. Get em' cowboy.

    From, Joe McElroy

  27. #5 Italia Holiday
    Harry Potter
    J. K. Rowling
    Pages 301
    Blog #3 Quarter #1
    Prompt #15
    I think the meaning of Harry's name is actually iconic because his name means "rules the home." I think this is iconic because when Harry was living with his aunt he was always never cared about or nobody listened to him, so Harry actually does not rule the home. Albus Dumbledore's name means "white and bright." I really like the meaning of his name because it reminds me of his white beard which to me is very interesting. Dudley's name means "meadow" which is also very iconic because Dudley is very cruel and brutal to everyone, especially Harry. A meadow is nice and calm, but Dudley is the exact opposite. Petunia's name is just like Dudley's. Petunia's name means "flower", which again is the opposite of her because a flower is kind and soft, but Petunia was very rude to Harry because she never even wanted to keep him. Vernon's name is also different from his character. Vernon means "full of life", but I think Vernon is very dull and ignorant. I personally think that Hagrid's name is a little bit related to him, but not that much. Hagrid's name means "worried" which I think Hagrid is calm, but maybe sometimes worried. Many of these names are not related to the characters, but some are. I think it is interesting that the author choose these names because he could have chosen names that relate to the characters. I really like the names he choose because it suits the characters very well, even though it might not have to do with the character.

  28. # 3 Chris Grothues


    Tim Tebow

    Page 223

    Blog 3

    Prompt 1: Quarter 1
    I put my trust in the Lord even though I got cut from the patriots, Broncos, and the Jets. Like Proverbs 3:5-6 say trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. My thoughts on this are I don’t like getting cut but I have to trust in the Lord that he will do the best for me. Another thought I don’t like is when I went up to Coach Bolshevik and Coach McDaniel’s I really did not want to go because I knew something bad was going to happen. In Jeremiah 29:11 it says “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a future and a hope. The Lord knows all the plans for our life. We may want the plans we want, but the lord knows everything. Getting cut from all three of those teams was really heart breaking, because I am a Christian and I stand my faith for the Lord. My feelings about this are heart breaking, sorrow, loss, etc. Going through that pain was hard to go through, but I went through it. Sometimes in life you just have to get through things like getting cut from the NFL team. You just have to have strength in the lord. This was very crucial to me going through this pain.

  29. Evan Cowan #4

    The Hobbit

    T.J Tiekien

    If the main character in the Hobbit Bilbo was a superhero I think it would be Robin. I chose Robin because he and Bilbo are kind of an underdog and when you look at them they have a underdog look. Bilbo always seems to never get the attention he deserves or people just don't care about him except for Gandalf and that kind of fits into the storyline on how nobody cared or even liked him except for Batman. Also everybody always judges Bilbo and doesn't think he can fight because he is too small and the same with Robin on how nobody likes him because they always point out his mistakes and never the right things he does. Whenever Bilbo or Robin saves someone that someone always gets mad because they were saved by a guy that they think can’t fight because their too small or dumb and it makes me so mad that I want to punch that person but I know that God doesn’t want me to and I should follow his commands but never judge a book by its cover. Unlike most people Bilbo and Robin may get knocked down but then they realize that have to dig down deep and finish what you started and not some people can do that. That was my very last blog for the quarter and I hope you enjoyed my writing skills and I can’t wait next quarter for the next blog Ms. H.

  30. Joanna Cochrane #6

    Number the Stars

    Lois Lowry

    Dear Diary,
    Today was a little scary because when we went on a train we saw some German soldiers on the train. They came up to us and asked us whether we were going on vacation for the New Year. Now it was only October and none of us were Jews, except my friend Ellen who was with us on the train. So we said no and hoped they would go away. But then my sister Kristy said " And guess what!"I was so scared she was going to say " This is our friend Ellen and it's her New Year!" But thankfully she didn't so we were all relived especially when the soldiers left. When we arrived at the last stop we got off and walked the rest of the way to Uncle Henrik house. When we got to Uncle Henrik's house, me and Ellen played a little bit then we went to bed. The next day I had breakfast and strange things were happening. A bunch of people dressed in black came in the house. Then I found all the people crowded around a casket in the living room. So I asked mama what was going on, all she said was "Put on black clothing." So I went upstairs and found Ellen and Kristy dressed in black.
    After I'm dressed I go downstairs to ask mama again. But before I could ask there was a knock at the door. I expected more people in black to be arriving but when mama opened the door it was German Soldiers. I was so frightened. The soldiers looked around the room looking at the people dressed in black. They looked at each and every one of us. The soldier asked what was going on. Mama said that we were having a funeral. Now I didn't recall anyone telling me about a funeral. So I listened closely. One of the soldiers asked mama to open the casket. But mama said"You're right. The doctor said it should be closed, because Aunt Birte died of typhus, and he said that there was a chance the germs would still be there, would still be dangerous. But what does he know-only a country doctor, and an old man at that? Surely typhus germs wouldn't linger in a dead person! And dear Aunt Birte: I have been longing to see her face, to kiss her goodbye. Of course we will open the casket! I am glad you suggested-" Then the soldier SLAPPED MAMA!" You foolish woman," he spat. After he left I ran over to mama. Then I understood what the casket was for. It was to hide the Jews.


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