Welcome to the second quarter! Time is flying by. I hope your reading is going well and you are enjoying your literary adventures. Just a reminder, by the time you post this blog you should have read at least 400 pages.
#8 Ethan Powell Island: Escape Gordon Korman Page 132 Prompt 10 Thanks for coming tonight and watching us award these children for their different capabilities. First up is Luke Haggerty, Luke gets the award for his leadership. Luke’s leadership is what helped the group through their hardships. The next award goes to J.J., he gets the award for saving everyone. J.J. had to escape a guarded facility to call for the police and get a helicopter to rescue his friends. J.J. is the true hero. Ian has been rewarded for his extensive knowledge on basically everything. The reason Ian was sent to the CNC boat trip was his TV obsession. If it hadn’t been for Ian they would have died at the crash, Ian’s knowledge of the world helped them find food that was safe to eat, and he also helped them build a shelter as well as keeping them alive on the raft. The final award goes to the pig that Will found, that pig sacrificed its life for them. the pig did die, but I was for a good cause, and that cause was killing a dog and drawing attention away from the group. The pig is the real hero. That concludes our award show, tune in next time where we give an award to another pig.
Alyssa Bankey #2 The Penderwicks, a Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy Jeanne Birdsall Pages 112 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt 9
The character I’ve chosen is Jane Penderwick, the third daughter of the four Penderwick sisters. The three movies I would recommend for Jane to see are as follows. First, I would suggest the movie Spy Kids because this movie was full of mystery and drama. Spy Kids was all about a brother and sister who found out that their parents were really spies, and they end up getting involved with the spy work themselves. I think Jane would really enjoy this movie because she loves mystery and adventure. Jane wants to be a writer, and her books always include lots of action. The character she created for her book is Sabrina Starr, and Jane is always looking for a way to make Sabrina a heroine. The next movie I would recommend for Jane to see is Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters. This movie is exploding with imagination and excitement. Percy discovers he is the son of Poseidon, and he, along with his brother who just happens to be a cyclops, conquers all kinds of monsters to settle a battle between the gods. Jane would love this movie because of the very creative scenery and imagination used in making the characters so believable. She certainly would get a lot of ideas for her stories from this movie. Lastly, I would choose for Jane to see Journey 2: The Mysterious Island. This story revolves around a teenage boy named Sean whose grandfather is missing, and he believes he knows where his grandfather could be, an island that is not on the map. He travels with his stepfather in search of this island, and they run into much danger along the way. This movie will really get Jane’s attention because of the constant action playing in this movie and that the main character is a teenage boy who was clever enough to figure out the puzzle of where his grandfather was.
Miguel Alvarez #1 Percy Jackson: the sea of monsters Rick Riordan Page 74 Blog#4 Quarter #2 Prompt 4 For this blog I am going to write the theme of the book. I readed the first Percy Jackson book and it was about adventure and mystery. I believe this book will be the same. In the beginning of this book Percy Jackson was attacked by monsters. The monsters attacked him during gym class and hid their true appearance by using mist. Then Percy meets an old friend. Annabeth finds him with his friend Tyson. They all go to Camp Half Blood they find the Camp under attack by metalic bulls. They had to fight the bull out of the camp. That shows that there is some adventure in the book. Now, to the mystery part of the book. While at camp Percy find out that Tyson is infact his brother and that Tyson is a cyclops. In the stories cyclopes many came form Pesidon and a nature spirit. Percy had a dream about Grover. I his dream Grover is in danger on an island where he doesn’t know where he is. Except that it is in the sea of monsters. He is trapped by a nother cyclopes. And that Chiron has been fired by the gods because the pine tree that holds the vile is dying. No one knows why the pine tree is dying but they have a suspicion. In the last book Kronos, the lord of the titains used a half blood to almost start a war between the gods. Percy thinks it is kronos’s fault for the tree. All of this prove that there is some mystery to the book. This is only the beginnig of the book.
Avery Avichouser Auggie & Me R.J. Palacio Page 303 Prompt 11 Blog 4 I think that Charlotte needs a vacation away from all the girl drama. She deserves to get away for a little while. Charlotte is going to Hawaii for three days. She is so excited to go. Charlotte is packing her bags for her trip to Hawaii. She is packing a lot of swimsuits because in Hawaii she will be swimming a lot. Hawaii is such a beautiful place it is so relaxing and I think that is what Charlotte needs. Charlotte got there and was ready for her vacation. For her first day she decided to go on a hike. Hikes in Hawaii are amazing. On this hike Charlotte brought a survival kit, snacks, and water since she was going to be gone for the whole day. Charlotte saw a awesome waterfall on her hike, she swam in it too! I would’ve been a little scared if I was Charlotte because she was all alone but I think it was very enjoyable for her to be alone for a while. When Charlotte got back to hotel she ate dinner and she was so tired that she went to bed. The next morning she woke up and decided it would be awesome to swim with dolphins. So she booked an appointment to go swim with them. When Charlotte got there they put a life vest on her to make sure she was safe. The dolphin Charlotte got to swim with was named Harry. He was so sweet. She had such a great time. The last day of her Journey she decided to relax at the hotel. She bought souvenirs for her family and made friends with a lot of the Hawaiian people. At the end of the day it was time for Charlotte to leave she was extremely sad and wished she could stay longer. When she got home she got to tell all her friends and how awesome her trip was she really enjoyed it.
Alex Bankey #1 Munchem Academy, The Boy Who Knew Too Much Commander S.T. Bolivar III Page 61 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt 6
‘Mattie, how did you get into a reform school?” “I got into a reform school by stealing a train.” “Why did you steal the train?” “I was trying to impress my brother, Carter, so he would stop calling me girls’ names like Madeline or Matilda. My brother likes to bully me.” “Did they arrest you for stealing the train?” “No, I wasn’t arrested because of my age, but the police let me go with my parents with a warning that they never wanted to see me at the police station again.” “So how did you end up in reform school at Munchem Academy?” “My parents put me there with my brother, Carter, to straighten us out.” “Is Munchem Academy a fun place to live?” “Yes, it is if you like to clean floors with bleach and spit every day.” “Do you like living away from your parents?” “Oh, it’s okay. I don’t miss them.” “Who is in charge there?” “Headmaster Rooney. And he’s a very bad man.” “Why is he so bad?” “Well, one of the reasons he’s so bad is because he likes stringing students up by their ankles until their little tiny faces look like swollen purple grapes.” “Wow, he sounds awful. Have you made any friends there yet?” “Not really friends. They’re more like roommates.” “What are their names?” “I live in Room 14A with Bell, Kent, Eliot, and Doyle. They’re all in here for getting into trouble too. They just call me the New Kid.” “Do you know how long you’re going to be there for?” “I’m not sure yet, but I’m trying to be super nice to everyone I meet so maybe I’ll get out sooner.”
Aiden Avichouser The Hunger Games Suzanne Collins Page 65 Prompt 12 Blog 4 Catniss is in a district where you are elected to go and participate in the Hunger Games. She is a very brave woman and there are a few people she would like to meet. One person she would like to meet is Louie Zamperini. Louie fought in World War II and was stranded on our raft for a long time. He was taken into a concentration camp held by the Japanese, he was beaten, starved, and humiliated there.Louie stayed strong and soon returned to his home, where he later found God and did many great things for others. I think that Catniss would be motivated by him and learned to never give up no matter what situation she is in. Another person I think Catniss would like to meet is Jackie Robinson. He was the first African-American baseball player to ever play professionally. Pitchers would throw at his head and yell all sorts of terrible things to him. Jackie went through a lot in his life. He always would just let it go and get through it, she will have to go through a lot throughout the hunger games as well. Jackie would be a great example for Catniss. Another person Catniss would like to me is Beniel Dariush. He is a UFC fighter that goes to the same church as me. I took a few fighting lessons with him and he is a great teacher and a great person. Catniss will be able to look up to him as a good example for what she has to accomplish in the hunger games. Those are a few people that I think Catniss would like to me and would set a good example for her when she is in the hunger games.
Jessica Ramirez #9 Diary of a Wimpy Kid Jeff Kinney Pages 217 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt #2
Dear Greg Heffley, My name is Jessica Ramirez. I know you are not the most popular kid at your school but, I do know that, you are not the most unpopular kid in school. I think you you shouldn’t worry about that stuff. When your older brother is bothering you or annoying you it is best for you just to ignore him because he wants you to get annoyed and if you start ignoring him he will soon start to stop. Another thing I noticed is you like to play video games all the time. Video games are not good for you, they are not good for your brain. When your dad tells you to stop playing your video games and go play outside you should do it because being active and getting fit is good for you. PS: I know you like to hang out with girls and be around them, trust me getting fit will help you to get closer to them. I understand that when your friend gets girls and you don’t it makes you upset. Yet, you should not be jealous of Rowley but, be happy for him. Not talking to him is really immature for a middle school kid to do you should probably go and apologize for what you did and ask if you two can still be friends. I know losing your best friend to a girls or anyone is hard but, you always have to work things out. I hope you get this letter and really soke this into your brain and figure out how you can take whatever I said and apply it.
Kaitlyn Brown #3 Diary of a wimpy kid bad luck Jeff Kinney Pages 119 Blog #4 quarter#2 Prompt #2
Dear Greg Heffley, My name is Kaitlyn Brown.I have noticed that you just lost your best friend Rowley because he has ditched you. I know it’s really hard to find new friends. Sometimes you just have to look at people in your classes on who is sitting next to you. Try talking to Rowley and say you are getting left out with his other friends and he says, “ok” and things turn around than great! But if things don’t work out there is always another way. Another piece of advice is whatever you do don’t go to the FIND A FRIEND STATION!! That place is just fake. I insist that you stay with your other weird friend, Fregley. Maybe he isn’t cool or really weird you can change him into Rowley. If there is kids who are trying to act cool but they are not but they are bieng mean to you you don’t just run away or stand there and wait till you get punched or tackled, you have to take matters in your own hands and work things out or become friends to. I know it can be hard to make new friends but try not to be jealous of Rowley you should be happy for him that he has made new friends cause that is what middle school is about meeting new friends.So I hope you get this letter and don’t just read it you have to live it.
Ethan Crenshaw No Talking Andrew Clement Pages 146 Blog 4 Quarter 2 Prompt 11
Talking is very easy for some people but Dave hates to talk. Dave is in fifth grade and everyone in his class talk all lot especially girls. Dave likes places that are peacefully and quiet. At school he tries not to talk to anyone especially his parents. If Dave went anywhere he wanted in the world he would go to Hawaii. Dave loves peace and quiet and Hawaii was the place for him. The first day Dave can go surfing in the water. When he is done surfing he can eat sushi. The next day Dave can go scuba diving with the dolphins and sharks. After, he can have a delicious strawberry smoothie. The next day Dave can go visit Pearl Harbor and look at all the facts about Hawaii. When he is tired he can go in the beach and have food delivered to him. Dave would enjoy this vacation because it is relaxing, quiet, and has many activity’s to do. The third day he can go send the day at the pool swimming and he can meet new friends. After swimming he can have Hawaiian food like Saimin and for a dessert he can have Shave ice. On the last day before he leaves he can go body surfing. Dave would like bodysurfing the waves because when a big wave comes you can go under and it looks awesome when a big wave is over you. When he got out of the water he packed his bags and headed home but he will never forget how fun and peaceful that vacation was.
Timmy Burgess #4 I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005 Lauren Tarshis Pg. 77 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt 4
In the book I survived hurricane Katrina, 2005 there was a theme of bravery. An eleven-year-old boy named Barry his mom, dad, and little sister Cleo all showed bravery. Their family was hearing about the hurricane on the news for a couple of days but they were not paying much attention to the news reporter. Then they got news that the hurricane was going to be very big so the started packing up and soon they were on the road. There was so much traffic that it took an hour to move even a couple of feet. Cleo said that she was not feeling good and a couple of minutes later she was throwing up and kept throwing up so they drove home. They found out that it was a virus going around. They tried going to the baseball field but it was already filled. So they just gave up and a couple of hours later the hurricane hit and it was bad. They headed up stairs and to the attic but the water was already reaching them so Barry’s dad found a axe and busted through the roof. Then Barry slipped off the roof and fell into the water after getting pulled down the water he hit a tree and grabbed it as hard as he can and saw a house a little bit in front of him. He was thinking to stay there but he heard barking from the house in front of him so he went for it got in the house and found out that it was Abe’s dog. They all showed a lot of bravery during this hard time.
Katelynn Burgess #1.5 Paper Towns John Green Page 254 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt #2
Dear Quentin, You seem to have a problem with solving issues calmly. You tend to stress out do dumb things when you are faced with a problem. For example you flipped out when you and Margot snuck into sea world instead of staying calm. Another example is when you always stressed out when looking for Margot and it made everyone else scared too. Some ways to remain calm when you get worked up over stressful situations are to take deep breathes, walk away to re-gather yourself and re access the situation. To be calm in hard situations I take walks to think, I also listen to soothing music. Another good idea is to talk to your friends about what you are going through and don’t keep it a secret because that will stress you out even more. There are places I like to go to distress, one place is the beach because I love the ocean and it is very soothing. Also at the beach you don’t have to worry about anything and you forget about your issues. I would also recommend hanging out with your friends to have fun so you forget about your worries. Another thing I would recommend is to watch the sunset and listen to music. I hope some of these suggestions will help you solve problems you face more rationally and calmly and apply them to your everyday life. Let me know as soon as possible how it all works out for you.
Leo Sellarole #10 The Perfectionists Sara Shepard Pages 104 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt #2 Dear Julie Redding, I know what you did to Nolan Hotchkiss and you don't need to be worried I will keep quiet, but I don't see your act severely punishable. As I said I won't say anything, but I do believe you need to before someone beats you to the punch. Believe me this will be a blow to you and the rest of the girls. Doubt I know what going on I can name the other girls. Parker Duvall, Caitlin Martwell~Lewis, Ava Jalali, and Mackenzie Wright. You girls got Nolan to pass out and wrote on his face the characteristics you believed suited him. I know why you are afraid to tell the police fearing the repercussions, but I believe someone is out to get you and you could look like a bigger suspect as the murderer if the news was to get out before you had the chance to come clean. I can't tell you who this anonymous person is as I have a few leads in my private investigation. As for who I am you don't need to know, only that I write this to you to help you. This person aims to make you girls look bad whether you did anything or not and they will go to any extent to frame you and make it look like you girls did it. You would be sorely mistaken if you believed this investigation might go cold after awhile too. Nolan Hotchkiss is the Mayor's son and the son of a respected lawyer as I'm sure you know. So don't be foolish you need to tell the police before any of this could be distorted more or get more dangerouse. Please head my warning.
Lily kuhlman Diary of a whimpy kid Jeff Kinney Pages#120 Blog#2 Quarter#2 Prompt#9
Greg is a clumsy and extremely impatient but he would probably want to see the movie Wonder Woman. I think he should watch this beacause he would probably like watching a woman do all the work beacause he is so lazy. When the movie came out I watched it. But the story goes a little like this, in an area that has been covered with a veil a young girl, the only child on the island was watching her aunt practice training her army. While she was watching she did the same moves. When she was older she saw a plain crash into the ocean after she had dove into the ocean and saved the pilot from drowning. Another show Greg should watch is the flash. He should watch this beacause Barry is much faster than him. Greg probably won’t have any idea about getting to be the fastest person alive. A summery of the story is a nerd gets struck by lightning and developed a sudden rush and he realizes that he has supernatural powers. Another movie he should watch is titanic beacause he always says he is not whimpy but he will cry with this movie. In the beginning a woman found a man named Jack who was a great artist she was asking him to draw a picture of her but she was not wearing any clothes. After that she was on the titanic with jack when it started to sink. When it sank they jumped off and fell into the cold fridged water. She and jack were sitting on a door in the middle of the ocean eventually they had both gotten hypothermia. They waited but she noticed a search party was coming but jack had died. The search party didn’t see her so she saw a whistle on an old man that has died and she blew the whistle as hard as she could and she was saved from dying.
Jaclyn Yost Diary of a Wimpy Kid Jeff Kinney Pages 400 in total Blog # 4 Prompt 12
Greg and Rowley I’am going to tell you about five people that I would like you to meet. The first person I want you guys to meet is Laura Ingalls Wilder because all of her books are diaries and your book is a diary so you guys have things in common.The second person I want you guys to meet is Pastor Joshua. Pastor Joshua is a wrestling coach and since you had to do wrestling for school Pastor Joshua can teach you how to wrestle and you can learn how to wrestle to get a good grade for P.E. The third person I want you guys to meat is My best friend Kaitlyn because we are best friends and you guys are best friends and we are both in Middle school and you guys are both in Middle school. The fourth person I want you guys to meet is my brother Jacob because he loves video games and you guys love video games so he could teach you guys how to play the more advanced games.The last person I want you guys to meet is my mom because our moms are very similar on the way they act or parent us. So those are the Five people Wanted you guys to meet.
In Rodrick Rules I think that the theme would be trouble or problems. Greg can not get away from all of his problems. One of his problems that I find funny is money because he is always looking for money and I can relate to that. He also has to deal with his brother always punking on him and trying to steal all of his things. One of his main problems is trying to make new friends and being social with everyone at his school. I kinda like his problems because I can relate with them on a certain level. Also another problem of his is that he is on the water team and his practices are in the morning and just like me Greg is not a morning person. But also Greg is not the most athletic person, sports really aren't his thing. Greg also has some parent issues. Sometimes his mom makes him do things that he doesn't want to do. Like go to Rowleys birthday party at the mall. He did not want to go because he is already embarrassed that he is his friend but he doesn't want to be mean and not be his friend.
Brandon Salgado #10 Floors Patrick Carman Pages 125 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt 6 Me: How long do you think you will be staying at Whippet Hotel? Leo: I really don’t know. Maybe for a couple more weeks. Me: How much do you like staying in Whippet Hotel? Leo: I would rate the hotel as an eight out of ten. Me: Why do you like the Whippet Hotel so much? Leo: I like Whippet Hotel so much because the hotel is really big and super fascinating to explore. Me: What is in the hotel that really stands out to and makes you like Whippet Hotel so much? Leo: The room with the life sized pinball machine really stands out to me and thats one of the many rooms that makes me like the hotel so much. Me: Do you know the person who made this wonderful, and extraordinary hotel? Leo: Yes, I do. The name of the creator of this marvelous hotel is Merganzer D. Whippet. Me: Do you think he did an awesome job making this hotel, or an okay job making it? Leo: He did an outstanding job with this hotel and I think more people should appreciate what he has done with this hotel. Me: Is there any more rooms that are really fun to be in or play in for you? Leo: Yes, there is a really fun room that is basically an indoor Central Park. But instead of the park being normal, human sized, it is a miniature sized, Central Park. Me: If you were to ever meet Merganzer D. Whippet, what would you say to him? Leo: I would probably just tell him that he did an outstanding job on the hotel an tell him that if he were to ever make a hotel after this one, it would probably be as amazing as this one.
Araylia Holiday Auggie and Me R.JPalacoi Pages 52 Blog 4 quarter 2 Prompt #11 I think that Julian would love to go to paradise. I think that he would like to go to paradise because he would be relaxed and he wouldn’t see as many creepy faces. Another reason why I think he would like paradise is that he doesn’t have to get in trouble a lot, because there will not be as many people around . When he makes a joke and somebody takes it personally they won’t get mad at him. He would probably also love that his family is there with him on his vacation . I think that Julian wouldn’t have nightmares anymore of August.He could ride his bike and discover new things on the island. He could also go to the beach and lay in a hamic. He could feel the water on his feet, and he can see the palm trees sway. He could ride his bike back home and show his mom this seashells he collected. He can go in his room and watch Star Wars and play with his lightsaber. His parents would take him to dinner and have the best dessert.They would walk around and look at some stores before they went back to the hotel. They would walk back to the hotel and settle in before they go to bed. I think his favorite thing would be the sunset and the view sitting next to his parents talking about how his day was. That is how I think Julian’s life would be if he had a vacation in paradise.
Jasmine Raya #13 Holes Louis Sachar Pages 233 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt 8 I think my character, Stanley would like to think of Mr. Pendanski as a superhero. I think Stanley would think of Mr. Pendanski as one because he is always looking out for Stanley, being kind to him, and not being as rough as Mr. Sir was being. I also think Stanley would pick Mr. Sir as a hero because Mr. Sir is there to help Stanley not be a thief, (even though he says he didn’t steal anything and that the sneakers just fell out of the air but again he was under the freeway). The last person I think Stanley would like to think of as a hero is his dad because his dad is an inventor who is trying to make an invention for his family because they are poor. The invention is recyclable sneakers. I also think Stanley thinks of his dad as a hero because his motto is “I learn from failure”. The characteristics I think Stanley would want to keep for himself out of his three heroes are from Mr. Pendanski is to be kind to everyone even if you’re in a bad mood, from Mr. Sir is to stay positive all the time and try to help others when people don’t ask you to, and from his dad learn from failure and never give up and stay positive.
I think my character Cady Heron would go on a vacation trip to Mexico. I think a good spot for her to stay is at a very nice hotel and she can go to a place where she can get all sorts of extraordinary item. It will be a nice place with the big bright sun, and it will have lots of places you can go shopping and get great souvenirs. I think Cady Heron would go there so she can get away from all the drama that had happened. I also think she would like to go there is because it is beautiful and you can take amazing pictures. There are many places she can go and visit like the beach,swim with dolphins,take pictures,and go on a tour. I think she would enjoy going to the beach so she can just relax. I thinks would like to swim with dolphins because it is so much fun. I think she would want to take pictures because she can look back at them and remember how beautiful Mexico is.Lastly i think she would like to go on a tour so she can see all sorts of different fun new activities in case she want to go to Mexico again.
8:30am-9:00am Breakfast 9:00am-9:20am Drive to the Beach 9:20am-10:00am Stay at the Beach 10:00am-10:30am Drive over to swim with Dolphins 10:30am-11:30am Swim with Dolphins 11:30am-12:00pm Drive back to Hotel 12:00pm-12:30 Lunch 12:30pm-1:00pm Take pictures 1:00pm-2:30pm Go on a Tour 2:30pm-3:00pm Drive back to Hotel Stay at the hotel and REST
Ileanna Holiday #4 My First Love Callie West Pages 145 Blog #4 quarter #2 Prompt 2 Dear Amy, Boy do I need to talk to you. I heard what happened over the weekend with you and you friend Rick. My advice to you is don't go kissing your childhood friends. The funniest part of the story is that you thought you were kissing Chris Shepard and not Rick. Pour you, you might have just ruined one of the best friendships you have ever had. Next time don't just run out of the car and slam the door on him. Maybe if you decided to talk to him in a meaningful manner then he wouldn't have drove off in such a rage. Say something like, "Rick don't get me wrong but I like you in a different type of way. More of a friends kind of way, not a boyfriend girlfriend kind of way." Saying something like that would have let him down easy rather than just storm out of his car and not say anything. Rick is very sensitive and if you ask me he will probably forgive you. In order for him to forgive you you will have to make it up to him. Her are some examples; you can bring him food or just apologize. If it were up to me, I would go the cheap rout and just apologize. It never hurt anyone to just talk it out. And maybe next time pat a bit more attention when you are in someone's car. That's all I have for you this time. Sincerely, Ileanna
Nico Marchello Diary Of a Wimpy kid pages 217 blog4 prompt4 Greg Hefley got stuck in a situation with his brothers and parents. Gregg’s mom told them they were going on a road trip to Disneyland, but Manny, Greggs little brother, started crying so they decided to go somewhere else. Greg had a bag of cheese puffs in the car and they got stuck in traffic. A pigeon came and Greg threw a cheese puff out the window and the pigeon caught it, but the pigeon wanted more. Greg was about to throw another one and Greggs mom said don’t throw it, so the pigeon got really angry and snatched the bag of cheese puffs right out of his hands through the sun roof. As the sun roof was closing, Greg’s brother Roderick threw gum out but it hit the sun roof and stopped it from closing. So now there was a hole group of seagulls that came in through the open sun roof, scratched everybody and ate there food. Once the food was gone, the seagulls flew away. As they continued to drive, their car broke down, luckily their was a hotel right next to them, so they dropped the car off at a mechanic to get it repaired. As their car was being fixed, they went to a water park next to the hotel. Greg’s mom did not want to go to the water park, but she changed her mind and went any way and had a good time. While at the water park, they put all their stuff in little lockers, they placed their key on a chair where they were sitting. Another family took their chair when they got up and took the key to the locker. The family then stole all of their stuff from the lockers.
Joshua Quintana #9 The Walking Dead Book Two Robert Kirkman Pages 107 Blog #1 Quarter #2 Prompt #11
I think that Rick Grimes would want to visit one of the many beautiful, luxurious, and tropical islands of Hawaii. Considering the deathly, horrible, and devastating apocalypse that is happening around him and all the death Rick and his family have had to see, I think Rick and his family deserve a vacation. They would like the tropical islands Hawaii because since they are on an island Rick’s family wouldn’t really have to worry about too many walkers roaming around everywhere like how there is in Georgia. Because of this factor all of the conveniences of the tropical island would easily be available and accessible to them for free or cheap and they could have a nice relaxing time there. Especially after Hershel’s daughters being murdered by Thomas, Tyrese’s almost death, and Dexter and Andrew’s attempt at forcing them out of the prison, Rick and his family deserve time away. I think that Rick would like ziplining because it would be fun to try and kick zombies while going down. If Tyrese and Glenn came with Rick’s family to one of the many tropical islands of hawaii they would probably like or have fun doing this too. I think Rick’s wife Lori would really like the spa because she liked being able to wash her clothes and take showers when the group arrived at their current home the prison. I think Carl would really like the beach because he usually plays with the other kids and would probably like to do that on the beach on a tropical island in beautiful Hawaii.
Claire Hung #10 Hotel for Dogs Lois Duncan Pages 185 Blog #4 Quarter #2 Prompt #10 In the story, the most- smartest would be Bruce. Because he thinks many ideas and offers a lot, he also shows kindness to Red Rover, he never thinks about giving Red back to Jerry Gordon, because he knows that if Red goes back, Jerry is going to do something bad to Red, and Bruce and his sister could also be most-loving or most – caring to these guests in this dog hotel, especially Andi. Andi has shown most love to these dogs, she also misses her old dog Bebe too. They also are good at thinking where the dogs should stay and what should they do, they find homeless dogs to take care of, they also take these dogs that could not live because of their breed kind. Bruce’s friend Tim and Andi’s friend Debbie are very kind and thoughtful and very smart because they find excellent ideas fast. I like this story is because it lets you think of ideas that are good and safe for the dogs. They would find many materials for the hotel. They want the dogs to have a good life while they find a place for them to live happily. They care about the dogs living comfortably in the hotel.
Kylie Gorospe #8 Little Women Louisa May Alcott Page 356 Blog #4 Quarter#2 Promt#2
Dear Amy, My name is Kylie Gorospe and I know you are going through hard times right now. I know your artistic party with your friends did not go according to plan. My advice is to go smaller next time. Even though your friends might be rich, they might have liked a simple artistic party. Instead of asking your family members to make a grand feast, you could have asked them to make simple biscuits which are still elegant like you wanted the food to be. You are always great at being thankful for what you have, but when your idea of hosting a party came with big ideas you lost that thankfulness. It’s fine to be poor because you can still have a great life. I know it must be hard to go through these big decisions without Meg, since she is now in her own house with John, but you always will have your mother to help. Remember you are not the only one that is poor. Meg is still poor, but she is content with what she has. You do not need to have fancy things or big parties to feel happy, because you have your family with you. It was a very kind thing you did to give your leftovers from your party to a homeless family, even though Hannah’s cooking was not the best. You should not have argued with your mother because she was right that the party would cost a lot of money. Be thankful you had the party.
Lauren Quintana #7 Nancy Drew The Clue of the Dancing Puppet Carolyn Keene Pages 177 Blog#4 Quarter#2 Prompt#2 Dear Nancy Drew, You were very resourceful in solving the mystery of the dancing puppet, but always remember to be in pairs because you never know what those men were capable of. When one threw the chest with the cannon ball inside you should have had a friend with you so maybe your companion would be able to see whoever the culprits were sooner. You did the right thing by not snapping back at Tammi even when she deserved it. With the foot prints you should have photographed then so the man also known as Longman. I saw Bess has more of a minor role in solving this mystery so please include her more because she may have helped solve this swifter. With Emmet it was a wise and a thread ludicrous to not suspect him because at the end he was involved a little more than you thought. Always try to find a feature or two that stands out on a man because that seemed to really help you in this case. If people are saying something and you get skeptical then try to use a different angle on getting them to “talk” as I have not seen you do very much in this case. This tip might very much help you in your next case. Try to keep a secure journal with all the details on the case so it may help you put the “puzzle” together. My last tip to you is always stay with George and Bess as you all seem to make a good team of sleuthing detectives.
#6 Michael Montoya Fifth Wave Rick Yancey 301 Blog#4 Quarter 2 Prompt 3
Years later Cassie is now a very changed women. She is more open and loves spending time with her brother. They have created such a strong bond with one another and love each other dearly. Cassie’s belief is that life is short so make it last as long as possible. She now cherishes every moment she can and has become a more intelligent and wiser person because of her experiences. Cassie remained strong and focused and has completed all of her education. She currently lives in California where she works hard to make kids smile each and every day. Cassie loved soccer while growing up. She used to go outside and practice every day until she sprained her ankle and could no longer play anymore. Although she is unable to professionally play soccer, she still encourages kids to play sports because any sport is a good sport. Cassie is older now and she realizes all of the many challenges life brings. She practices daily with younger children that want to play soccer to help them become their very best. It gives Cassie tremendous joy and strength when she gets to help kids play the sports that they love. She also has a newfound boyfriend named Evan who is always there to help and support her. Cassie is very athletic and competitive which makes her such an inspiring person to be around. Cassie and Evan to this day remain in love with one another and are living happily ever after in their home.
#5 Italia Holiday Make Your Mind up Bethany Mota Page 108 Blog#4 Quarter #2 Prompt #4 Make your mind up has many different themes. Confidence is one of the main themes. For Bethany to block out the hate and rude comments she needed confidence to not listen to them or stop doing what she is doing. Bethany believes that what you wear makes you confident. If you are uncomfortable of what you are wearing you will most likely not be yourself or confident. Another example that will not make you confident is by limiting yourself. This does not mean to not limited yourself with bad things, but to not limited yourself with new experiences. Bethany was at a conference and they were asked if anyone wanted to go outside and walk on hot coals they could to try something new. Bethany decided to go outside and wait in line for forty minutes. When she got to the front she said, "I can not do it, I can not do it!," but then Bethany remained herself she decided to get in line, take off her shoes, and wait for forty minutes. She gained back her confidence and did it. Bethany's confidence helped her try new things. Also, another example to have confidence is to not be embarrassed of what you are wearing. If you need glasses or braces you need to own it and have confidence to wear. Even if you are the only person you know who has to braces it does not matter because you are different and you stand out. Bethany has to wear glasses, but she owns if and looks beautiful. Just because you are different and stand out does not mean anything because normal is boring.
After the end of the book the Hobbit it was a very bad ending to me and this is how I would have ended it if I was the author. I would have had the Hobbit slay the beast and then in the next one they would slay the dragon. I say this because it wouldn't upset fans on how the third one is a repeat of the first one because in the first they don't kill the beast, in the second they do kill the dragon, and then in the third movie they are back with the enemy from the first. I also would have had a lot of people live like in the third one the leader of the book died but instead of dying I would have made him turn bad and betray everyone and it would set up a fourth movie called The Hobbit: The Last Battle. Also I would have had the Hobbit kill the beast instead of the leader of the army because then that would not only prove he is a hero but be able to have the respect and leadership award he deserves. Well that will be the ending of the Hobbit and I hope that there will be another one coming soon so that I could get a better ending.
Hello, I loved reading about all your summer memories. Now it is time to start blogging about your novels. Remember each entry should be at least 250 to 350 words. Be thoughtful and thorough. Every post is viewed by the class (and me) so check your spelling and grammar. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Here it is! This is the first blog of the quarter. Follow the directions carefully and post your thoughts thoroughly. Remember this is not a summary of the book. This is your opportunity to show your understanding of the text and engage the class in your story. I am looking forward to reading your entries.
#8 Ethan Powell
ReplyDeleteIsland: Escape
Gordon Korman
Page 132
Prompt 10
Thanks for coming tonight and watching us award these children for their different capabilities. First up is Luke Haggerty, Luke gets the award for his leadership. Luke’s leadership is what helped the group through their hardships. The next award goes to J.J., he gets the award for saving everyone. J.J. had to escape a guarded facility to call for the police and get a helicopter to rescue his friends. J.J. is the true hero. Ian has been rewarded for his extensive knowledge on basically everything. The reason Ian was sent to the CNC boat trip was his TV obsession. If it hadn’t been for Ian they would have died at the crash, Ian’s knowledge of the world helped them find food that was safe to eat, and he also helped them build a shelter as well as keeping them alive on the raft. The final award goes to the pig that Will found, that pig sacrificed its life for them. the pig did die, but I was for a good cause, and that cause was killing a dog and drawing attention away from the group. The pig is the real hero. That concludes our award show, tune in next time where we give an award to another pig.
Alyssa Bankey #2
ReplyDeleteThe Penderwicks, a Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy
Jeanne Birdsall
Pages 112
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt 9
The character I’ve chosen is Jane Penderwick, the third daughter of the four Penderwick sisters. The three movies I would recommend for Jane to see are as follows. First, I would suggest the movie Spy Kids because this movie was full of mystery and drama. Spy Kids was all about a brother and sister who found out that their parents were really spies, and they end up getting involved with the spy work themselves. I think Jane would really enjoy this movie because she loves mystery and adventure. Jane wants to be a writer, and her books always include lots of action. The character she created for her book is Sabrina Starr, and Jane is always looking for a way to make Sabrina a heroine. The next movie I would recommend for Jane to see is Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters. This movie is exploding with imagination and excitement. Percy discovers he is the son of Poseidon, and he, along with his brother who just happens to be a cyclops, conquers all kinds of monsters to settle a battle between the gods. Jane would love this movie because of the very creative scenery and imagination used in making the characters so believable. She certainly would get a lot of ideas for her stories from this movie. Lastly, I would choose for Jane to see Journey 2: The Mysterious Island. This story revolves around a teenage boy named Sean whose grandfather is missing, and he believes he knows where his grandfather could be, an island that is not on the map. He travels with his stepfather in search of this island, and they run into much danger along the way. This movie will really get Jane’s attention because of the constant action playing in this movie and that the main character is a teenage boy who was clever enough to figure out the puzzle of where his grandfather was.
Miguel Alvarez #1
ReplyDeletePercy Jackson: the sea of monsters
Rick Riordan
Page 74
Blog#4 Quarter #2
Prompt 4
For this blog I am going to write the theme of the book. I readed the first Percy Jackson book and it was about adventure and mystery. I believe this book will be the same. In the beginning of this book Percy Jackson was attacked by monsters. The monsters attacked him during gym class and hid their true appearance by using mist. Then Percy meets an old friend. Annabeth finds him with his friend Tyson. They all go to Camp Half Blood they find the Camp under attack by metalic bulls. They had to fight the bull out of the camp. That shows that there is some adventure in the book. Now, to the mystery part of the book. While at camp Percy find out that Tyson is infact his brother and that Tyson is a cyclops. In the stories cyclopes many came form Pesidon and a nature spirit. Percy had a dream about Grover. I his dream Grover is in danger on an island where he doesn’t know where he is. Except that it is in the sea of monsters. He is trapped by a nother cyclopes. And that Chiron has been fired by the gods because the pine tree that holds the vile is dying. No one knows why the pine tree is dying but they have a suspicion. In the last book Kronos, the lord of the titains used a half blood to almost start a war between the gods. Percy thinks it is kronos’s fault for the tree. All of this prove that there is some mystery to the book. This is only the beginnig of the book.
Avery Avichouser
ReplyDeleteAuggie & Me
R.J. Palacio
Page 303
Prompt 11
Blog 4
I think that Charlotte needs a vacation away from all the girl drama. She deserves to get away for a little while. Charlotte is going to Hawaii for three days. She is so excited to go. Charlotte is packing her bags for her trip to Hawaii. She is packing a lot of swimsuits because in Hawaii she will be swimming a lot. Hawaii is such a beautiful place it is so relaxing and I think that is what Charlotte needs. Charlotte got there and was ready for her vacation. For her first day she decided to go on a hike. Hikes in Hawaii are amazing. On this hike Charlotte brought a survival kit, snacks, and water since she was going to be gone for the whole day. Charlotte saw a awesome waterfall on her hike, she swam in it too! I would’ve been a little scared if I was Charlotte because she was all alone but I think it was very enjoyable for her to be alone for a while. When Charlotte got back to hotel she ate dinner and she was so tired that she went to bed. The next morning she woke up and decided it would be awesome to swim with dolphins. So she booked an appointment to go swim with them. When Charlotte got there they put a life vest on her to make sure she was safe. The dolphin Charlotte got to swim with was named Harry. He was so sweet. She had such a great time. The last day of her Journey she decided to relax at the hotel. She bought souvenirs for her family and made friends with a lot of the Hawaiian people. At the end of the day it was time for Charlotte to leave she was extremely sad and wished she could stay longer. When she got home she got to tell all her friends and how awesome her trip was she really enjoyed it.
Alex Bankey #1
ReplyDeleteMunchem Academy, The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Commander S.T. Bolivar III
Page 61
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt 6
‘Mattie, how did you get into a reform school?”
“I got into a reform school by stealing a train.”
“Why did you steal the train?”
“I was trying to impress my brother, Carter, so he would stop calling me girls’ names like Madeline or Matilda. My brother likes to bully me.”
“Did they arrest you for stealing the train?”
“No, I wasn’t arrested because of my age, but the police let me go with my parents with a warning that they never wanted to see me at the police station again.”
“So how did you end up in reform school at Munchem Academy?”
“My parents put me there with my brother, Carter, to straighten us out.”
“Is Munchem Academy a fun place to live?”
“Yes, it is if you like to clean floors with bleach and spit every day.”
“Do you like living away from your parents?”
“Oh, it’s okay. I don’t miss them.”
“Who is in charge there?”
“Headmaster Rooney. And he’s a very bad man.”
“Why is he so bad?”
“Well, one of the reasons he’s so bad is because he likes stringing students up by their ankles until their little tiny faces look like swollen purple grapes.”
“Wow, he sounds awful. Have you made any friends there yet?”
“Not really friends. They’re more like roommates.”
“What are their names?”
“I live in Room 14A with Bell, Kent, Eliot, and Doyle. They’re all in here for getting into trouble too. They just call me the New Kid.”
“Do you know how long you’re going to be there for?”
“I’m not sure yet, but I’m trying to be super nice to everyone I meet so maybe I’ll get out sooner.”
Aiden Avichouser
ReplyDeleteThe Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins
Page 65
Prompt 12
Blog 4
Catniss is in a district where you are elected to go and participate in the Hunger Games. She is a very brave woman and there are a few people she would like to meet. One person she would like to meet is Louie Zamperini. Louie fought in World War II and was stranded on our raft for a long time. He was taken into a concentration camp held by the Japanese, he was beaten, starved, and humiliated there.Louie stayed strong and soon returned to his home, where he later found God and did many great things for others. I think that Catniss would be motivated by him and learned to never give up no matter what situation she is in. Another person I think Catniss would like to meet is Jackie Robinson. He was the first African-American baseball player to ever play professionally. Pitchers would throw at his head and yell all sorts of terrible things to him. Jackie went through a lot in his life. He always would just let it go and get through it, she will have to go through a lot throughout the hunger games as well. Jackie would be a great example for Catniss. Another person Catniss would like to me is Beniel Dariush. He is a UFC fighter that goes to the same church as me. I took a few fighting lessons with him and he is a great teacher and a great person. Catniss will be able to look up to him as a good example for what she has to accomplish in the hunger games. Those are a few people that I think Catniss would like to me and would set a good example for her when she is in the hunger games.
Jessica Ramirez #9
ReplyDeleteDiary of a Wimpy Kid
Jeff Kinney
Pages 217
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt #2
Dear Greg Heffley,
My name is Jessica Ramirez. I know you are not the most popular kid at your school but, I do know that, you are not the most unpopular kid in school. I think you you shouldn’t worry about that stuff. When your older brother is bothering you or annoying you it is best for you just to ignore him because he wants you to get annoyed and if you start ignoring him he will soon start to stop. Another thing I noticed is you like to play video games all the time. Video games are not good for you, they are not good for your brain. When your dad tells you to stop playing your video games and go play outside you should do it because being active and getting fit is good for you. PS: I know you like to hang out with girls and be around them, trust me getting fit will help you to get closer to them. I understand that when your friend gets girls and you don’t it makes you upset. Yet, you should not be jealous of Rowley but, be happy for him. Not talking to him is really immature for a middle school kid to do you should probably go and apologize for what you did and ask if you two can still be friends. I know losing your best friend to a girls or anyone is hard but, you always have to work things out. I hope you get this letter and really soke this into your brain and figure out how you can take whatever I said and apply it.
Kaitlyn Brown #3
ReplyDeleteDiary of a wimpy kid bad luck
Jeff Kinney
Pages 119
Blog #4 quarter#2
Prompt #2
Dear Greg Heffley,
My name is Kaitlyn Brown.I have noticed that you just lost your best friend Rowley because he has ditched you. I know it’s really hard to find new friends. Sometimes you just have to look at people in your classes on who is sitting next to you. Try talking to Rowley and say you are getting left out with his other friends and he says, “ok” and things turn around than great! But if things don’t work out there is always another way. Another piece of advice is whatever you do don’t go to the FIND A FRIEND STATION!! That place is just fake. I insist that you stay with your other weird friend, Fregley. Maybe he isn’t cool or really weird you can change him into Rowley. If there is kids who are trying to act cool but they are not but they are bieng mean to you you don’t just run away or stand there and wait till you get punched or tackled, you have to take matters in your own hands and work things out or become friends to. I know it can be hard to make new friends but try not to be jealous of Rowley you should be happy for him that he has made new friends cause that is what middle school is about meeting new friends.So I hope you get this letter and don’t just read it you have to live it.
Ethan Crenshaw
ReplyDeleteNo Talking
Andrew Clement
Pages 146
Blog 4 Quarter 2
Prompt 11
Talking is very easy for some people but Dave hates to talk. Dave is in fifth grade and everyone in his class talk all lot especially girls. Dave likes places that are peacefully and quiet. At school he tries not to talk to anyone especially his parents. If Dave went anywhere he wanted in the world he would go to Hawaii. Dave loves peace and quiet and Hawaii was the place for him. The first day Dave can go surfing in the water. When he is done surfing he can eat sushi. The next day Dave can go scuba diving with the dolphins and sharks. After, he can have a delicious strawberry smoothie. The next day Dave can go visit Pearl Harbor and look at all the facts about Hawaii. When he is tired he can go in the beach and have food delivered to him. Dave would enjoy this vacation because it is relaxing, quiet, and has many activity’s to do. The third day he can go send the day at the pool swimming and he can meet new friends. After swimming he can have Hawaiian food like Saimin and for a dessert he can have Shave ice. On the last day before he leaves he can go body surfing. Dave would like bodysurfing the waves because when a big wave comes you can go under and it looks awesome when a big wave is over you. When he got out of the water he packed his bags and headed home but he will never forget how fun and peaceful that vacation was.
Timmy Burgess #4
ReplyDeleteI Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005
Lauren Tarshis
Pg. 77
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt 4
In the book I survived hurricane Katrina, 2005 there was a theme of bravery. An eleven-year-old boy named Barry his mom, dad, and little sister Cleo all showed bravery. Their family was hearing about the hurricane on the news for a couple of days but they were not paying much attention to the news reporter. Then they got news that the hurricane was going to be very big so the started packing up and soon they were on the road. There was so much traffic that it took an hour to move even a couple of feet. Cleo said that she was not feeling good and a couple of minutes later she was throwing up and kept throwing up so they drove home. They found out that it was a virus going around. They tried going to the baseball field but it was already filled. So they just gave up and a couple of hours later the hurricane hit and it was bad. They headed up stairs and to the attic but the water was already reaching them so Barry’s dad found a axe and busted through the roof. Then Barry slipped off the roof and fell into the water after getting pulled down the water he hit a tree and grabbed it as hard as he can and saw a house a little bit in front of him. He was thinking to stay there but he heard barking from the house in front of him so he went for it got in the house and found out that it was Abe’s dog. They all showed a lot of bravery during this hard time.
Katelynn Burgess #1.5
ReplyDeletePaper Towns
John Green
Page 254
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt #2
Dear Quentin,
You seem to have a problem with solving issues calmly. You tend to stress out do dumb things when you are faced with a problem. For example you flipped out when you and Margot snuck into sea world instead of staying calm. Another example is when you always stressed out when looking for Margot and it made everyone else scared too. Some ways to remain calm when you get worked up over stressful situations are to take deep breathes, walk away to re-gather yourself and re access the situation. To be calm in hard situations I take walks to think, I also listen to soothing music. Another good idea is to talk to your friends about what you are going through and don’t keep it a secret because that will stress you out even more. There are places I like to go to distress, one place is the beach because I love the ocean and it is very soothing. Also at the beach you don’t have to worry about anything and you forget about your issues. I would also recommend hanging out with your friends to have fun so you forget about your worries. Another thing I would recommend is to watch the sunset and listen to music. I hope some of these suggestions will help you solve problems you face more rationally and calmly and apply them to your everyday life. Let me know as soon as possible how it all works out for you.
Leo Sellarole #10
ReplyDeleteThe Perfectionists
Sara Shepard
Pages 104
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt #2
Dear Julie Redding,
I know what you did to Nolan Hotchkiss and you don't need to be worried I will keep quiet, but I don't see your act severely punishable. As I said I won't say anything, but I do believe you need to before someone beats you to the punch. Believe me this will be a blow to you and the rest of the girls. Doubt I know what going on I can name the other girls. Parker Duvall, Caitlin Martwell~Lewis, Ava Jalali, and Mackenzie Wright. You girls got Nolan to pass out and wrote on his face the characteristics you believed suited him. I know why you are afraid to tell the police fearing the repercussions, but I believe someone is out to get you and you could look like a bigger suspect as the murderer if the news was to get out before you had the chance to come clean. I can't tell you who this anonymous person is as I have a few leads in my private investigation. As for who I am you don't need to know, only that I write this to you to help you. This person aims to make you girls look bad whether you did anything or not and they will go to any extent to frame you and make it look like you girls did it. You would be sorely mistaken if you believed this investigation might go cold after awhile too. Nolan Hotchkiss is the Mayor's son and the son of a respected lawyer as I'm sure you know. So don't be foolish you need to tell the police before any of this could be distorted more or get more dangerouse. Please head my warning.
- Your Gardian Angel
Lily kuhlman
ReplyDeleteDiary of a whimpy kid
Jeff Kinney
Greg is a clumsy and extremely impatient but he would probably want to see the movie Wonder Woman. I think he should watch this beacause he would probably like watching a woman do all the work beacause he is so lazy. When the movie came out I watched it. But the story goes a little like this, in an area that has been covered with a veil a young girl, the only child on the island was watching her aunt practice training her army. While she was watching she did the same moves. When she was older she saw a plain crash into the ocean after she had dove into the ocean and saved the pilot from drowning. Another show Greg should watch is the flash. He should watch this beacause Barry is much faster than him. Greg probably won’t have any idea about getting to be the fastest person alive. A summery of the story is a nerd gets struck by lightning and developed a sudden rush and he realizes that he has supernatural powers. Another movie he should watch is titanic beacause he always says he is not whimpy but he will cry with this movie. In the beginning a woman found a man named Jack who was a great artist she was asking him to draw a picture of her but she was not wearing any clothes. After that she was on the titanic with jack when it started to sink. When it sank they jumped off and fell into the cold fridged water. She and jack were sitting on a door in the middle of the ocean eventually they had both gotten hypothermia. They waited but she noticed a search party was coming but jack had died. The search party didn’t see her so she saw a whistle on an old man that has died and she blew the whistle as hard as she could and she was saved from dying.
Jaclyn Yost
ReplyDeleteDiary of a Wimpy Kid
Jeff Kinney
Pages 400 in total
Blog # 4
Prompt 12
Greg and Rowley I’am going to tell you about five people that I would like you to meet. The first person I want you guys to meet is Laura Ingalls Wilder because all of her books are diaries and your book is a diary so you guys have things in common.The second person I want you guys to meet is Pastor Joshua. Pastor Joshua is a wrestling coach and since you had to do wrestling for school Pastor Joshua can teach you how to wrestle and you can learn how to wrestle to get a good grade for P.E. The third person I want you guys to meat is My best friend Kaitlyn because we are best friends and you guys are best friends and we are both in Middle school and you guys are both in Middle school. The fourth person I want you guys to meet is my brother Jacob because he loves video games and you guys love video games so he could teach you guys how to play the more advanced games.The last person I want you guys to meet is my mom because our moms are very similar on the way they act or parent us. So those are the Five people Wanted you guys to meet.
Cole LaBrado #6
ReplyDeleteRodrick Rules
Pages 134
Blog #4
Log/prompt #4
In Rodrick Rules I think that the theme would be trouble or problems. Greg can not get away from all of his problems. One of his problems that I find funny is money because he is always looking for money and I can relate to that. He also has to deal with his brother always punking on him and trying to steal all of his things. One of his main problems is trying to make new friends and being social with everyone at his school. I kinda like his problems because I can relate with them on a certain level. Also another problem of his is that he is on the water team and his practices are in the morning and just like me Greg is not a morning person. But also Greg is not the most athletic person, sports really aren't his thing. Greg also has some parent issues. Sometimes his mom makes him do things that he doesn't want to do. Like go to Rowleys birthday party at the mall. He did not want to go because he is already embarrassed that he is his friend but he doesn't want to be mean and not be his friend.
Brandon Salgado #10
Patrick Carman
Pages 125
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt 6
Me: How long do you think you will be staying at Whippet Hotel?
Leo: I really don’t know. Maybe for a couple more weeks.
Me: How much do you like staying in Whippet Hotel?
Leo: I would rate the hotel as an eight out of ten.
Me: Why do you like the Whippet Hotel so much?
Leo: I like Whippet Hotel so much because the hotel is really big and super fascinating to explore.
Me: What is in the hotel that really stands out to and makes you like Whippet Hotel so much?
Leo: The room with the life sized pinball machine really stands out to me and thats one of the many rooms that makes me like the hotel so much.
Me: Do you know the person who made this wonderful, and extraordinary hotel?
Leo: Yes, I do. The name of the creator of this marvelous hotel is Merganzer D. Whippet.
Me: Do you think he did an awesome job making this hotel, or an okay job making it?
Leo: He did an outstanding job with this hotel and I think more people should appreciate what he has done with this hotel.
Me: Is there any more rooms that are really fun to be in or play in for you?
Leo: Yes, there is a really fun room that is basically an indoor Central Park. But instead of the park being normal, human sized, it is a miniature sized, Central Park.
Me: If you were to ever meet Merganzer D. Whippet, what would you say to him?
Leo: I would probably just tell him that he did an outstanding job on the hotel an tell him that if he were to ever make a hotel after this one, it would probably be as amazing as this one.
Araylia Holiday
ReplyDeleteAuggie and Me
Pages 52
Blog 4 quarter 2
Prompt #11
I think that Julian would love to go to paradise. I think that he would like to go to paradise because he would be relaxed and he wouldn’t see as many creepy faces. Another reason why I think he would like paradise is that he doesn’t have to get in trouble a lot, because there will not be as many people around . When he makes a joke and somebody takes it personally they won’t get mad at him. He would probably also love that his family is there with him on his vacation . I think that Julian wouldn’t have nightmares anymore of August.He could ride his bike and discover new things on the island. He could also go to the beach and lay in a hamic. He could feel the water on his feet, and he can see the palm trees sway. He could ride his bike back home and show his mom this seashells he collected. He can go in his room and watch Star Wars and play with his lightsaber. His parents would take him to dinner and have the best dessert.They would walk around and look at some stores before they went back to the hotel. They would walk back to the hotel and settle in before they go to bed. I think his favorite thing would be the sunset and the view sitting next to his parents talking about how his day was. That is how I think Julian’s life would be if he had a vacation in paradise.
Jasmine Raya #13
Louis Sachar
Pages 233
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt 8
I think my character, Stanley would like to think of Mr. Pendanski as a superhero. I think Stanley would think of Mr. Pendanski as one because he is always looking out for Stanley, being kind to him, and not being as rough as Mr. Sir was being. I also think Stanley would pick Mr. Sir as a hero because Mr. Sir is there to help Stanley not be a thief, (even though he says he didn’t steal anything and that the sneakers just fell out of the air but again he was under the freeway). The last person I think Stanley would like to think of as a hero is his dad because his dad is an inventor who is trying to make an invention for his family because they are poor. The invention is recyclable sneakers. I also think Stanley thinks of his dad as a hero because his motto is “I learn from failure”. The characteristics I think Stanley would want to keep for himself out of his three heroes are from Mr. Pendanski is to be kind to everyone even if you’re in a bad mood, from Mr. Sir is to stay positive all the time and try to help others when people don’t ask you to, and from his dad learn from failure and never give up and stay positive.
Jenna Cardeno #5
ReplyDeleteMean Girls
Micol Ostow
Pages 280
Blog#4 Quarter #2
Prompt 11
I think my character Cady Heron would go on a vacation trip to Mexico. I think a good spot for her to stay is at a very nice hotel and she can go to a place where she can get all sorts of extraordinary item. It will be a nice place with the big bright sun, and it will have lots of places you can go shopping and get great souvenirs. I think Cady Heron would go there so she can get away from all the drama that had happened. I also think she would like to go there is because it is beautiful and you can take amazing pictures. There are many places she can go and visit like the beach,swim with dolphins,take pictures,and go on a tour. I think she would enjoy going to the beach so she can just relax. I thinks would like to swim with dolphins because it is so much fun. I think she would want to take pictures because she can look back at them and remember how beautiful Mexico is.Lastly i think she would like to go on a tour so she can see all sorts of different fun new activities in case she want to go to Mexico again.
8:30am-9:00am Breakfast
9:00am-9:20am Drive to the Beach
9:20am-10:00am Stay at the Beach
10:00am-10:30am Drive over to swim with Dolphins
10:30am-11:30am Swim with Dolphins
11:30am-12:00pm Drive back to Hotel
12:00pm-12:30 Lunch
12:30pm-1:00pm Take pictures
1:00pm-2:30pm Go on a Tour
2:30pm-3:00pm Drive back to Hotel
Stay at the hotel and REST
Ileanna Holiday #4
ReplyDeleteMy First Love
Callie West
Pages 145
Blog #4 quarter #2
Prompt 2
Dear Amy,
Boy do I need to talk to you. I heard what happened over the weekend with you and you friend Rick. My advice to you is don't go kissing your childhood friends. The funniest part of the story is that you thought you were kissing Chris Shepard and not Rick. Pour you, you might have just ruined one of the best friendships you have ever had. Next time don't just run out of the car and slam the door on him. Maybe if you decided to talk to him in a meaningful manner then he wouldn't have drove off in such a rage. Say something like, "Rick don't get me wrong but I like you in a different type of way. More of a friends kind of way, not a boyfriend girlfriend kind of way." Saying something like that would have let him down easy rather than just storm out of his car and not say anything. Rick is very sensitive and if you ask me he will probably forgive you. In order for him to forgive you you will have to make it up to him. Her are some examples; you can bring him food or just apologize. If it were up to me, I would go the cheap rout and just apologize. It never hurt anyone to just talk it out. And maybe next time pat a bit more attention when you are in someone's car. That's all I have for you this time.
Nico Marchello
Diary Of a Wimpy kid
pages 217
Greg Hefley got stuck in a situation with his brothers and parents. Gregg’s mom told them they were going on a road trip to Disneyland, but Manny, Greggs little brother, started crying so they decided to go somewhere else. Greg had a bag of cheese puffs in the car and they got stuck in traffic. A pigeon came and Greg threw a cheese puff out the window and the pigeon caught it, but the pigeon wanted more. Greg was about to throw another one and Greggs mom said don’t throw it, so the pigeon got really angry and snatched the bag of cheese puffs right out of his hands through the sun roof. As the sun roof was closing, Greg’s brother Roderick threw gum out but it hit the sun roof and stopped it from closing. So now there was a hole group of seagulls that came in through the open sun roof, scratched everybody and ate there food. Once the food was gone, the seagulls flew away. As they continued to drive, their car broke down, luckily their was a hotel right next to them, so they dropped the car off at a mechanic to get it repaired. As their car was being fixed, they went to a water park next to the hotel. Greg’s mom did not want to go to the water park, but she changed her mind and went any way and had a good time. While at the water park, they put all their stuff in little lockers, they placed their key on a chair where they were sitting. Another family took their chair when they got up and took the key to the locker. The family then stole all of their stuff from the lockers.
Joshua Quintana #9
ReplyDeleteThe Walking Dead Book Two
Robert Kirkman
Pages 107 Blog #1 Quarter #2
Prompt #11
I think that Rick Grimes would want to visit one of the many beautiful, luxurious, and tropical islands of Hawaii. Considering the deathly, horrible, and devastating apocalypse that is happening around him and all the death Rick and his family have had to see, I think Rick and his family deserve a vacation. They would like the tropical islands Hawaii because since they are on an island Rick’s family wouldn’t really have to worry about too many walkers roaming around everywhere like how there is in Georgia. Because of this factor all of the conveniences of the tropical island would easily be available and accessible to them for free or cheap and they could have a nice relaxing time there. Especially after Hershel’s daughters being murdered by Thomas, Tyrese’s almost death, and Dexter and Andrew’s attempt at forcing them out of the prison, Rick and his family deserve time away. I think that Rick would like ziplining because it would be fun to try and kick zombies while going down. If Tyrese and Glenn came with Rick’s family to one of the many tropical islands of hawaii they would probably like or have fun doing this too. I think Rick’s wife Lori would really like the spa because she liked being able to wash her clothes and take showers when the group arrived at their current home the prison. I think Carl would really like the beach because he usually plays with the other kids and would probably like to do that on the beach on a tropical island in beautiful Hawaii.
Claire Hung #10
ReplyDeleteHotel for Dogs
Lois Duncan
Pages 185
Blog #4 Quarter #2
Prompt #10
In the story, the most- smartest would be Bruce. Because he thinks many ideas and offers a lot, he also shows kindness to Red Rover, he never thinks about giving Red back to Jerry Gordon, because he knows that if Red goes back, Jerry is going to do something bad to Red, and Bruce and his sister could also be most-loving or most – caring to these guests in this dog hotel, especially Andi. Andi has shown most love to these dogs, she also misses her old dog Bebe too. They also are good at thinking where the dogs should stay and what should they do, they find homeless dogs to take care of, they also take these dogs that could not live because of their breed kind. Bruce’s friend Tim and Andi’s friend Debbie are very kind and thoughtful and very smart because they find excellent ideas fast. I like this story is because it lets you think of ideas that are good and safe for the dogs. They would find many materials for the hotel. They want the dogs to have a good life while they find a place for them to live happily. They care about the dogs living comfortably in the hotel.
Kylie Gorospe #8
ReplyDeleteLittle Women
Louisa May Alcott
Page 356
Blog #4 Quarter#2
Dear Amy, My name is Kylie Gorospe and I know you are going through hard times right now. I know your artistic party with your friends did not go according to plan. My advice is to go smaller next time. Even though your friends might be rich, they might have liked a simple artistic party. Instead of asking your family members to make a grand feast, you could have asked them to make simple biscuits which are still elegant like you wanted the food to be. You are always great at being thankful for what you have, but when your idea of hosting a party came with big ideas you lost that thankfulness. It’s fine to be poor because you can still have a great life. I know it must be hard to go through these big decisions without Meg, since she is now in her own house with John, but you always will have your mother to help. Remember you are not the only one that is poor. Meg is still poor, but she is content with what she has. You do not need to have fancy things or big parties to feel happy, because you have your family with you. It was a very kind thing you did to give your leftovers from your party to a homeless family, even though Hannah’s cooking was not the best. You should not have argued with your mother because she was right that the party would cost a lot of money. Be thankful you had the party.
Sincerely, Kylie Gorospe
Lauren Quintana #7
ReplyDeleteNancy Drew The Clue of the Dancing Puppet
Carolyn Keene
Pages 177
Blog#4 Quarter#2
Dear Nancy Drew,
You were very resourceful in solving the mystery of the dancing puppet, but always remember to be in pairs because you never know what those men were capable of. When one threw the chest with the cannon ball inside you should have had a friend with you so maybe your companion would be able to see whoever the culprits were sooner. You did the right thing by not snapping back at Tammi even when she deserved it. With the foot prints you should have photographed then so the man also known as Longman. I saw Bess has more of a minor role in solving this mystery so please include her more because she may have helped solve this swifter. With Emmet it was a wise and a thread ludicrous to not suspect him because at the end he was involved a little more than you thought. Always try to find a feature or two that stands out on a man because that seemed to really help you in this case. If people are saying something and you get skeptical then try to use a different angle on getting them to “talk” as I have not seen you do very much in this case. This tip might very much help you in your next case. Try to keep a secure journal with all the details on the case so it may help you put the “puzzle” together. My last tip to you is always stay with George and Bess as you all seem to make a good team of sleuthing detectives.
#6 Michael Montoya
ReplyDeleteFifth Wave
Rick Yancey
Blog#4 Quarter 2
Prompt 3
Years later Cassie is now a very changed women. She is more open and loves spending time with her brother. They have created such a strong bond with one another and love each other dearly. Cassie’s belief is that life is short so make it last as long as possible. She now cherishes every moment she can and has become a more intelligent and wiser person because of her experiences. Cassie remained strong and focused and has completed all of her education. She currently lives in California where she works hard to make kids smile each and every day. Cassie loved soccer while growing up. She used to go outside and practice every day until she sprained her ankle and could no longer play anymore. Although she is unable to professionally play soccer, she still encourages kids to play sports because any sport is a good sport. Cassie is older now and she realizes all of the many challenges life brings. She practices daily with younger children that want to play soccer to help them become their very best. It gives Cassie tremendous joy and strength when she gets to help kids play the sports that they love. She also has a newfound boyfriend named Evan who is always there to help and support her. Cassie is very athletic and competitive which makes her such an inspiring person to be around. Cassie and Evan to this day remain in love with one another and are living happily ever after in their home.
#5 Italia Holiday
ReplyDeleteMake Your Mind up
Bethany Mota
Page 108
Blog#4 Quarter #2
Prompt #4
Make your mind up has many different themes. Confidence is one of the main themes. For Bethany to block out the hate and rude comments she needed confidence to not listen to them or stop doing what she is doing. Bethany believes that what you wear makes you confident. If you are uncomfortable of what you are wearing you will most likely not be yourself or confident. Another example that will not make you confident is by limiting yourself. This does not mean to not limited yourself with bad things, but to not limited yourself with new experiences. Bethany was at a conference and they were asked if anyone wanted to go outside and walk on hot coals they could to try something new. Bethany decided to go outside and wait in line for forty minutes. When she got to the front she said, "I can not do it, I can not do it!," but then Bethany remained herself she decided to get in line, take off her shoes, and wait for forty minutes. She gained back her confidence and did it. Bethany's confidence helped her try new things. Also, another example to have confidence is to not be embarrassed of what you are wearing. If you need glasses or braces you need to own it and have confidence to wear. Even if you are the only person you know who has to braces it does not matter because you are different and you stand out. Bethany has to wear glasses, but she owns if and looks beautiful. Just because you are different and stand out does not mean anything because normal is boring.
#3 Chris Grothues
Mike Lupica
Pages 302
Blog 4
Log 7
1. Tim Tebow is a strong Christian. T/F
2. Tim Tebow trusted in the Lord. T/F
3. Many Teams did like Tim Tebow. T/F
4. We need to trust in the Lord at all times.T/F
5. Tim Tebow tells us to trust in the Lord at all times. T/F
6. Tim Tebow didn’t get cut. T/F
7. The name of Tim Tebows brothers are Chris Tebow and Robby Tebow. T/F
8. The High school Tim Tebow Transferred to was Nease High School T/F
9. Tim Tebow was fifteen when he went on his first missionary trip. T/F
10. Tim Tebow goes to Africa for his missionary trips. T/F
B] multiple choice
1. What were Tim Tebows brother’s names?
A] Robby Tebow C] none of the above
B] Peter Tebow
2. What school year did Tim Tebow win his first High School championship for Nease?
A] Freshmen C] junior
B] Sophomore D] Senior
3. How many colleges did Tim Tebow look into?
A] 2 C] 80
B} 50 D} 100
4. What college did Tim Tebow decide to attend to?
A] Georgia C} Florida state
B} Florida D] none of the above
5. What other sport did Tim Tebow decide to play?
A] baseball C] soccer
B] Football D] none of the above
6. Tim Tebow knew?
A] All things were going to work for the good
B] Things were not going to work for the good
C] He was going to get cut from more teams
7. What year did Tim Tebow win his first Heisman Trophy?
A] 2008
B] 2007
C] 2010
D] 2000
8. How many times was Tim Tebow selected in the Heisman Trophy watch?
A] 1
B] 2
C] 3
D} 4
9. What college team did Tim Tebow never lose to?
A] Florida state
B] Georgia
C] None of the above
10. When did Tim Tebow win his second National championship as a Gator?
A] 2007
B] 2006
C] 2008
D] 2010
C] Short answer
1. In ______ Tim Tebow received a concussion.
2 ________ beat the Florida gators beat in the championship.
3. Tim Tebow was the ________ round in the Draft.
4. In _______ Tim Tebow scored his first touchdown.
5. The date when Tim Tebow had his first touchdown was __________.
D] Essay
Explain what teams Tim Tebow got cut on.
Answer key.
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. T
9. F
10. F
1. A/B
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. B
1. 2009
2. Cincinnati
3. First round, 25th pick
4. October 10, 2010
5. December 19, 2010
D] Essay
The teams Tim Tebow got cut on was the Broncos, Patriots, and the Jets. He had to trust in the Lord with all of this going on.
Evan Cowan
The Hobbit
After the end of the book the Hobbit it was a very bad ending to me and this is how I would have ended it if I was the author. I would have had the Hobbit slay the beast and then in the next one they would slay the dragon. I say this because it wouldn't upset fans on how the third one is a repeat of the first one because in the first they don't kill the beast, in the second they do kill the dragon, and then in the third movie they are back with the enemy from the first. I also would have had a lot of people live like in the third one the leader of the book died but instead of dying I would have made him turn bad and betray everyone and it would set up a fourth movie called The Hobbit: The Last Battle. Also I would have had the Hobbit kill the beast instead of the leader of the army because then that would not only prove he is a hero but be able to have the respect and leadership award he deserves. Well that will be the ending of the Hobbit and I hope that there will be another one coming soon so that I could get a better ending.