I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am thankful for you and your blogs that you will post. I look forward to reading your entries. Have a wonderful evening. Mrs. H
Avery Avichouser The Black Stallion Walter Farley Page 56 Prompt 1 Blog 5 I thought that it was going to be a normal night. I went to sleep but woke up shortly to a disaster. There was a storm and we were on the boat. The boat was sliding from right to left. I was terrified. I was rushed outside my room on the boat. I put a life jacket on and just hoped that my life was going to be okay. As soon as I got outside it was crazy people were yelling and screaming for their lives. People were knocking each other over and all I could think of was the black stallion. I wondered if he was going to get out of the boat as it was sinking. So I had to risk my life to rescue him. It was already crazy so I just let him loose and he jumped right out of the boat into the ocean. There was not many rescue boats so I jumped in the water. It was so stormy that the waves were gigantic. I wouldn’t have survived without the black. He saved my life. I grabbed on him and he swims to shore. What an amazing animal. He swam to an abandoned Island. We were all alone it was a horrible feeling. I was so dehydrated and I’m sure he was too. Even though he was dehydrated he still had the energy to run like the wind. Overtime I learned how to feed myself. I had to survive. The black and I finally developed a relationship and a mutual trust. We were best friends. I even learned how to ride him, he was the best thing that ever happened to me. One day there was a ship that came to the island and they noticed the black and I. We were saved. It was a little sad to leave the island because we started our relationship there. It was amazing to get back home.
Nico marchello Diary of a wimpy kid Jeff Kinny page 200 prompt 1 blog 5
Here are some superheroes I think Greg would like to be. I think Greg would be Iron man because he is funny and likes people. Greg wants his characteristics to be funny, heroic, awesome and good looking. The second character I think Greg would like to be is superman. I think Greg would like to be superman because he is good looking, invincible and strong. Another superhero I think Greg would like to be is Batman because he is strong, powerful and cool. If Greg was a superhero, kids at his school would not make fun of him, they would like him. I think Greg would be Wonder woman because she is not afraid to do things. Greg is not afraid to do things either and he likes to do stuff for his friends. The one characteristic Greg would want out of the entire super hero characteristic is good looks. Greg believes that his friends and girls would like him. Another characteristic would be his strength. Greg would like to be strong so no one can pick on him at school. As you can see Greg wants to be a lot stronger and tougher than most kids, just like a superhero.
Alyssa Bankey #2 The Penderwicks, A Summer Tale Of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, And A Very Interesting Boy Jeanne Birdsall Pages 203 Blog #5 Quarter #2 Prompt 6
“Jane, how did you get interested in writing mystery stories?” “My sisters and I are always getting into some kind of situation that needs to be solved, and I use what happens to us in my stories.” “Where did the character Sabrina Starr come from?” “Sabrina came from a dream I had where I was chasing a bank robber with a friend of mine whose name was Sabrina Starsky.” “Did you make the last name Starr for Starsky?” “Yes, I did because I did not want to use her real name in my book.” “What book are you working on now?” “I am writing a book where Sabrina Starr saves the day by rescuing her friend from a hot air balloon through the window in her house.” “Are you close to finishing this book?” “No, I am still figuring out how Sabrina Starr will get the hot air balloon close enough to the house to save her friend.” “How many books have you written?” “So far, I have finished writing thirteen books, but none of them have been published yet.” “How do you get a book published?” “You get a book published when you can get a publishing company to read your book and approve it. I am hoping my latest book makes it to a publisher.” “Well, let me know when Sabrina Starr’s book is for sale, and I will buy the first copy because I love a good mystery story.” “You will be the first to know if my book gets published, and I will gladly send you a free signed copy. Thank you for your interview.”
#2 Ethan Crenshaw No talking Andrew Clements Pages 146 Blog 5 Quarter 2 Prompt 4
Talking is very hard not to do. We talk a lot during lunch and recess. The reason why we do is to share of what we want to say. Dave and a girl named Lynsey have a contest about not talking to anyone including their parents. The only bad thing about not talking is if a teacher asks them a question they can’t talk. The good thing about not talking is when the contest is over it will make them not want to talk. Talking is important for jobs when we grow up and we need to communicate to call friends or family that are far away. If no one talks in the contest then it will go on forever until they’re old. Communication is important for sports, jobs, and a lot of other stuff. In the fifth grade class most of everyone is not talking in art class and music class. Some people find it creative and some people find it annoying when the fifth grade class does not answer. The fifth grade boys argued about girls having cooties which made a contest who could not talk. Talking can be easy or hard for some people. If the boys and girls don’t talk how are they going to ask a question for math, history, science, and language arts. When talking a lot it can get you in trouble and saying something you regret on saying to a person. But if you don’t talk then you won’t have to worry about getting in trouble.
#8Ethan Powell Holes Louis Sachar Page 106 Blog 5 Prompt 11 In the book, Holes, our main character, Stanley, has been sent to a camp where he is forced to dig a hole every day. He says that he would rather be anywhere else, so I have thought about four locations that our main character, Stanley, would like to go rather than the “prison” he is in now. The first location I have chosen in the beach, maybe Huntington Beach? I’m not sure what beach he would want to go to, but that’s the beach I would want to go to. Hawaii might be a better location for Stanley to go. Stanley might also like going to a baseball stadium and watch his favorite baseball player, Clyde Livingston, play a game of baseball. I Think that even though his favorite baseball player might have put him in the camp he is in, he would still enjoy the baseball game. The third location he would want to go is his school, with his new camp friends. Stanley dreamed about his new camp friends beating up the bully at his school. This would make him very happy. I would even think that Stanley’s new friends would have fun as well. The final location I have thought of, is his own house. Stanley through out the book has been wishing that he could go home, so I think that going home would be the location that he would want to go to the most. These locations would be places that Stanley would be happy going to, especially the last one mentioned. These locations would be nice, but at the end of the day I think getting out of the camp would be just as good for Stanley.
Aiden Avichouser Abner and Me Dan Gutman Page 70 Blog 5 Prompt 9 Joe Stoshack is a boy with the ability to travel back in time holding only a baseball card. He has traveled to the past many times before to meet old baseball players and to try and prevent bad things from happening. Joe has traveled back to meet people such as Jackie Robinson, Mickey Mantle, Babe Ruth, and many other players. A movie that I think Joe would enjoy watching is the movie 42. It is about Jackie Robinson and all of the struggles he had to go through while being in the majors. He was a very brave man. I think Joe would like to see how the movie made the old times look and how it really was back in time. Joe knows exactly what those times were like because he was back in time with Jackie Robinson. He knew about the hardships that Jackie went through, so he could compare that to the movie. Another movie I think Joe would really enjoy is the movie Taken. The movie is about a retired CIA Agents daughter going out of country and being taken by a group of Albanian men. He went through a whole city and finally found her. Joe would like this movie because it shows how brave the main character was. Joe is also very brave by traveling back in time. One more movie Joe would enjoy is The Benchwarmers. It is about a group of three guys who try and stop bullying and go play against kids about thirteen years old. It is a comedy and it would make Joe laugh. It also is a baseball movie and Joe would love that. Those are a few movies Joe Stoshack could sit down and enjoy watching.
Timmy Burgess #4 I survived Hurricane Katrina Lauren Tarshis Page 95 Blog #5, Quarter 2 Prompt #10
There are several awards that the main characters deserve. The main character in this book was Barry, one of the awards that he deserves is “bravery” because through the whole thing he did not give up or just sit there. Barry walked into one of the flooded houses and saved a dog tied up to the bed and could not move. Another award that Barry deserves is “intelligence” because he thought out the whole thing. One last award for Barry is “artistic” because before the hurricane hit their city Berry and his friend were working on a drawing of a super hero and everybody said it looks very good. Now, after the hurricane, Barry and his friend still work on drawings to enter the competition that they did before the hurricane. The next award is to Cruz the dog for “companionship” because he was with Barry the whole time and was very loving. Cruz was Abe’s dog and Abe was a bully but after the hurricane, Abe let Barry keep Cruz and Abe and Berry are now friends. The next award goes to Barry’s dad for “helpfulness” because when their house started flooding he lead their whole family to the attic and busted down the roof so they could get on top. The last award goes to Betty for being a “hero” because she came to Barry on a little boat and picked up Barry and Cruz and dropped them off at the bridge where there was people with food water and shelter and that is where Barry and the rest of his family meet up about a hour after Betty dropped them off there.
Alex Bankey # 1 Munchem Academy, The Boy Who Knew Too Much Commander S. T. Bolivar III Page 120 Blog # 5 Quarter # 2 Prompt 3
Mathias Littleton Larimore, who was called Mattie for short, was born into a very angry family. When he was just a baby, his brother Carter used to tease him and dress him up like a girl. Carter called him girls’ names like Matilda, Melissa, and Madeline. Carter was jealous of Mattie because Mattie got all of the attention from their mom and dad. Mattie’s dad, Mr. Larimore, was away a lot from home on business trips, and Mattie spent most of his time with his mother. Mattie’s mother was a not-so-famous actress, and Mattie had to spend hours watching the movies she was in. Basically, Mattie didn’t have a lot of fun growing up. Mattie was a very good boy and tried to please everyone, but he was not really appreciated by his family. It was just expected that he would be the good son. When Mattie was ten years old, his life started to change. Mattie became both daring and defiant. Mattie started to skip school with his friends and spend his lunch money on candy. The truth is Mattie just wanted to be cool and popular with the kids at school like his brother Carter was. Mattie was tired of everyone thinking he’s the good one, which made him think he had to be good all of the time. It just took this one wrong step of skipping school that day that would lead Mattie down the wrong path towards his life of crime.
Katelynn Burgess #1.5 Paper Towns John Green Page 315 Blog #5, Quarter #2 Prompt #10
Some of the main characters in this book are worthy of some awards. The first award is “courage”, I think that Quentin should get this award because he started off being scared and wimpy but then became very brave as he was looking for Margot and uncovering clues. He went to abandoned places and looked everywhere for her. I also think he is worthy of a “persistence” reward because he keeps going and never gives up on finding Margo, no matter how hard it gets and as a result he finds her because he never gave up. I think Margot is deserving of a reward for “being mysterious” because throughout the book she is very mysterious and makes clues for where she went. She is going to very strange places to hide in this book also. I think that Margot is also deserving of an award for being “unique” because she is very creative and goes her own way throughout the book. She likes to be herself and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about her. I think an award for being “funny” should go to Radar because he makes everyone laugh in this book and makes a joke out of every situation and his friends can always count on him for a good laugh. I think an award for “responsibility” should go to Lacey because she is always making good decisions and is like the mom of the group during their road trip. In conclusion, I think the main characters in this book are very deserving of these awards.
Jaclyn Yost #14 Diary of a Wimpy Kid Jeff Kinney Page 417 Blog #5, Quarter #2 Prompt #6
Hi folks, my name is Jaclyn and I'm your host welcome back to this weeks interview. Today we are going to be interviewing Greg Heffley. Greg, we hear you just started middle school do you like it? " Yes, I kind of like middle school but its kind of hard to fit in but I always have my friend Rowley by my side," You said you wanted to be buff and ripped but you gave up on it when the wrestling unit was over why did you give that up? You could have been ripped.'' To be honest I didn't want to be ripped that was only to move up to the next level so I didn't have to wrestle Fregly''.Why were you having Rowley test your bench press and not didn't you make it? '' I needed someone dumb enough to test it so I wouldn't get hurt and so I thought Rowley was the best one for the job.'' Why is your book named diary of a wimpy kid but you said in the beginning that this was not a Diary it was a journal?'' Well, I thought Diary of a Wimpy Kid had a better ring to it. Its better than Journal of a Wimpy Kid.'' Ok this is the last question why were you hanging out with Fregly and why were you going to have a sleepover with him why didn't you go tell Rowley that you were sorry. '' Well I thought he wouldn't want to talk to me or even listen to what I had to say.Okay folks, that's all we have for you today see you next time ''Bye''.
Leo Sellarole #10 The Perfectionists Sara Shepard Pages 250 Blog #5 Quarter #2 Prompt #5 Nolan Hotckiss you now are dead, When alive you made everyone dread. You kept us guessing, We're you helping or messing. You ruined people's lives, But you could also make them thrive. You ruined us, And no one could make you fuss. You played a game, And you had the fame and name. No one would dare challenge you, For they feared your retaliating coup. Even from the grave you have them trembling, And us assembling. We are prime suspects for a murder, For all we did would make you shudder. We were to expose you and take a stand, But of course the Golden Child of Beacon Heights would find a way to make it grand. In death you've found a way, To continue to make us pay. All eyes on us, Lives full of stress that's just superfluous. All on edge, We've created a pledge. Together will stick, Against conjured tricks. Keep our eyes peeled, On the "battlefield." It's a race against time to find your true killer, Before were thrown in the chiller. The challenge is your enemies, Each who have many identities. Motives and secrets surfacing, New theories circling. At the center of it all is you Nolan, A conniving and manipulative young man. You Nolan are the sole source of this town's accumulation of lies and secrets, An endless sequence. More and more comes to light, Especially of your family's might. You were no saint, With one wave of your mother's hand, There were no complaints. I just have one question for you, Are you aware of what you do?
Jenna Cardeno #5 Nancy Drew The Secret of Shadow Ranch Carolyn Keene Pages 70 Blog #5 Quarter #2 Prompt 1
Dear Diary,
Today is the day I will get to know the mystery of Shadow Ranch and hopefully I will be able to solve it. When George Fayne, Bess Marvin and I went to the sandwich shop today I had had been knitting a sweater for my dad. I set my knitting bag down on the ground right beside my chair between me and some gray haired man in a tan suit who had sat down at the table next to us. Then as we were all talking the man had looked through my knitting bag and I had felt so weirded out because the man had looked through my bag and I wondered why was he looking through it? Did he know who I was and if so why did he do it? As we were all leaving the sandwich shop we saw the same man who had looked through my bag he was putting a note in my car! The note said “Keep away from Shadow Ranch” I thought it was very strange and a little scary. then as we were driving to Shadow Ranch our car was overheating. We had no more water jugs so we couldn't do anything. Then we had seen a truck driving our way and the truck was from Shadow Ranch! Then a cowboy named Dave Gregory had been driving the truck and came out of the truck and helped us. We were all so relieved. Then we had fixed the motor and made our way back to Shadow Ranch. Today was a CRAZY day. Sincerely, Nancy Drew
Jessica Ramirez #9 Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry Mildred D. Taylor Pages 101 Blog #5 Quarter #2 Prompt #4
One of the themes in this book was love and passion towards family and others. Once was papa and his family. Their papa kept looking for a job and found a job as a railroad person. The papa said “ Look out there, Cassie girl. All that belongs to you. You ain’t never had to live on nobody’s place but your own and as long as I live and the family survives, you’ll never have to. That’s important.” This is showing the love the papa has towards the people he cares about. He is hustling for these kids and his family. His whole family works either on the farm or somewhere else to provide for their family. The only thing that can separate this family is the land. There land is a big part of their family and if there land is gone there family gets torn apart. Cassie and her siblings all went to a school for African American kids, called The Great Faith Elementary and Secondary School. At this time it was very racist and cruel. They had a chart stating which type of race treated the books better and of course the chart said that the Black people treated the books very poorly. They still did not yell at the teacher nor did they lecture her in a strong way. This family was very loving, and it just shows how cruel our world is today.
Claire Hung #10 Diary of a Wimpy Kid-The Last Straw Jeff Kinney Pages 216 Blog #5 Quarter #2 Prompt #3 Greg has a very normal family but all of them have problems. For example Greg himself, he is sometimes lazy and tired, tries everything to get the girl he likes, not a really good friend to have, but he is funny, has an enjoyable diary to read, and an very cool kid. Even know Greg’s family is not perfect, but they work together like a team. And they change over time. Like Greg this year start on a list of resolutions which his family didn’t even bother to follow, he got into many fights with his dad, and he missed a lot of chances to get Holly Hills, the girl Greg has a crush on. But he joined the Boy Scout, the soccer team, and almost got into Spag Union Military Academy. Greg himself is a pretty normal kid, but just a lot of problems about like his family, his personality, and his lucks. But he is creative and sometimes thoughtful. He goes to Holly Hill’s parties and tried to make a first move. He is actually a kid that never gives up on girls, but on sports. His family could actually win the funniest family award that he said in his diary.
#6 Michael Montoya Fifth Wave Rick Yancey 438 Blog#5 Quarter 2 Prompt 9
If I had to choose three movies for my character to see they would be San Andres Fault, Scorch Trials, and Moses. Cassie should see San Andres Fault because it would help prepare her for many of the basic things that can happen in the world while she is out there fighting. It could teach her how to do CPR and how to survive earthquakes. Her mom actually died from this and Cassie could have possibly saved her, but she did not know how. The most important one was when there was a tsunami and she had to get up high in a tree to survive. San Andres always emphasized the importance of getting to higher ground during an emergency. Cassie should also see Scorch Trials because this movie is really good at teaching you all the techniques of how to hold a gun, shoot it and even disarm someone. Since she did not know any of this, it took her two long days to learn herself, which was risky because she was barely able to save her brother before he went into war. It gives great insight and knowledge of what she would have been fighting and up against. Most important movie is Moses. Cassie is a Christian so I think this would help her to become a more spiritual person of God. If you watched the movie, she prayed one time before she went to bed and she always wore the cross around her neck. This would be the perfect movie for Cassie to see because it never hurts to learn more about the Lord and to always look to Him for guidance and support.
Jasmine Raya #13 Sisters Raina Telgemeier Pages 100 Blog #5 Quarter #2 Prompt 6
Me: What was your first impression of Amara when you first saw her? Raina: I think my first impression was wondering if she was a girl or not because she had no hair. Me: Did you like sharing a room with Amara or not really? Raina: I think it really didn’t matter to me at this age because I was so young, but I never liked it when Amara was crying throughout the night because I could never sleep! Me: Did you ever feel left out whenever your parents were taking care of Amara? Raina: I think I did when until my parents sat down at talked with me about it and told me they loved me the same as they love Amara. Me: What was the accident? Why do you refuse to sit in the front? Raina: I can’t answer this question. Can we go to the next one please? Me: What was your reaction when Will came along? Raina: my reaction was that I was happy to have another sibling, but I didn’t want to deal with the same thing I dealt with Amara. Me: Did you like being the oldest sibling? Raina: I liked being the older sibling, but I don’t because if Amara and Will got in trouble they would always blame it on me because I’m the oldest. Me: What was your reaction when you saw the dead animals when you first stepped out of the cabin? Raina: I personally thought it was so disgusting. Me: This is my last and final question, if you had one wish what would you wish never happened in your family? Raina: If I had one more wish to change something about my family, I would change nothing. I like my family just the way they are, even if sometimes they can get annoying
Joshua Quintana The Walking Dead Book #2 Robert Kirkman Page 179 Prompt #4 Blog #5
If I were the author of the book I think that after Rick and the group would rebuild and have completely cleared the Meriwether County Correctional Facility of all it’s walkers and would have started a society. They would have plenty of supplies to defend against the walkers and also could burn their bodies as fuel for fires. Another reason this would work is that fact that they could grow food for the group and anyone who joins the prison. This would be possible as Hershel and his children could grow fresh fruit and vegetables to go along with the prison’s canned food storage which would last long as it’s well stocked. They would have gone back to Hershel’s farm and gotten the livestock for meat and milk/eggs. From Hershel’s farm they could also get seeds and things around his farm for the group. Also since Rick has even talked about this they would’ve most likely gotten more trustworthy people to live in the cells with them so more people could be safe. This would lead to a good escape from the apocalypse for many people and save many lives. While there they can wait out the apocalypse because walkers always eventually do starve and then die once and for all if they don’t get food. The undead also are not very great against the cold, winter weather, as shown in the game series that occurs in the same universe. Because of this it would be a happy ending.
Kylie Gorospe #8 Little Women Louisa May Alcott Page 410 Blog #5 Quarter #2 Prompt #4
One of the themes for Little Women is devotion. Devotion is one of the themes because all four girls are devoted to something in their life. Meg is devoted to making John happy. Now that Meg is married she lives with John. She is devoted to them having a normal life even if they are poor. Jo is devoted to writing. Ever since her printed copies of her book came out she has been devoted to writing to make her family more money from her books. Beth’s devotion is toward her animals and music. She loves her animals. She cares for them very much. Beth loves music and is devoted to it because she loves playing music for Mr. Laurence because she reminds him of his granddaughter. Amy’s attention is focused on art. She loves art because she thinks it is beautiful. The girls are not the only ones with devotion. Hannah is focused on serving and helping the March family. The March family is kind to Hannah and that is one of the reasons she serves them. The parents are devoted to their daughters living a good life even if they are not rich. John is devoted to Meg. He works all day to get little bits of money for him and Meg. He loves his wife and will always be devoted to her. All of the characters have a devotion to something or someone. The girls are all devoted to different things , but one of the things they are all devoted to is each other.
Brandon Salgado #10 Floors Patrick Carman Pages 200 Blog #5 Quarter #2 Prompt 10 If there were some awards to give to the main characters, Leo and Remi, these are some of those awards that they would like to earn. An award I would give to Leo is bravery. I would give him this award because he has no fear going into any of the rooms that he finds in Whippet Hotel. For example, in the book, there was a room called the haunted room. Leo didn’t show any fear going into that room even though it was dark and spooky. There was another room called the flying farm room, and again, Leo didn’t show that he was scared one little bit. Leo wasn’t scared of the flying animals coming to attack him. Instead, he was calm, and was so fascinated at the flying animals instead of being fearful of the animals. The other main character I would give an award to is Remi. The award I would like to give him is the best partner or sidekick. He is Leo’s best partner because he helps him from getting spotted from sneaking into the rooms on the many floors of Whippet Hotel. For example, he helped Leo avoid getting spotted by Mrs. Sparks, who is one of the people there at the hotel. He told Leo on the walkie talkie that she was coming down the hall where Leo was exploring. Another reason that Remi is a good partner is because he is a really funny friend and is a really helpful person to Leo.
Joe McElroy #7 Diary of a wimpy kid cabin fever Jeff Kinney Pages 159 Blog#5 quarter #2 Prompt #14
There are five songs that I would recommend to Greg hefly. I would recommend the song "baby it's cold out side" from the movie elf. I would recommend this song because he is trapped in a house in the middle of a snow storm this is referencing to it is cold out side. The second song I would recommend would be would be the song "everywhere I go" by mike lee. Although the song talks about how God is with him everywhere he goes the Coris of the song could be used to resemble the santa scout which resembles the elf on the shelf in real life. In the story the elf goes everywhere and watches him and that is why I think this song could go with the book. The third song I would pick would be " Mi Gente " because the song has an up beat rithem and could get his mind off of the blizzard and more in his own realm. The fourth song I would recommend would be would be "location" by Khalid. This song just reminds me of his additive he is not really the kind of person to be lisoning to pop kinda music but to chill music because he not alway happy it seems like he just has a dormit look on his face so he could just relate with this music. The fifth and last song I would recommend is "all I want for Christmas" because in this book it is chrstmas time so he would be listening to this moment. It is also one of my favorite Christmas songs so I think he would also enjoy it. These are the song I would recommend Greg hefly.
Ileanna Holiday #4 My First Love Callie West Pages 178 Blog 5 quarter 2 Prompt 9 In the book My First Love Amy is a very smart high school girl who just happens to have some major drama happening. The first movie I would recommend would be clueless. This movie represents her life perfectly. In this movie the main character has a crush on her best friends boyfriend. She has to put on some pretend act to make it seem like she has no feelings for him. Amy has a crush on her best friends boyfriend just like in the movie. And she is drowning herself in school so that she doesn't have to think about any of it. The second movie that I would recommend would be any high school musical movie. Every single one of those movies can get you through anything in life. The movie consists of singing, dancing, and relationships. High school musical two would relate to her problem more than any other one though. In this movie Troy Bolten and Gabriella Montes and dating. But Sharpay Evans is getting between them. She leaves there summer job and Troy is devastated. In the book Amy is devastated that she can't date her crush so she blocks herself off from all her friends. The Last movie I would recommend would be Benchwarmers. Not that it has to do with any of her problems, but if she ever needs a good laugh than she could watch that.
Lauren Q #7 Vienna Prelude Brodie and Brock Threonine Pages 420 Quarter#2 Prompt 6 “Hello today were going to interview Elisa L.” Hello how are you guys doing? I am glad to be here. “So Elisa how was your first opinion of Rudy changed by his murder?” “Well at first I thought that Rudy was an irresponsible drunken gambler. He was always skipping out on us when we had our band practices. Every one thought that Rudy was lazy, yet talented at his so called ‘arts’. My opinion drastically changed by his death . When Rudy died I was really sad and mad. He used to always borrow ridiculous loans for his gambling, only to find out he was buying some passports for small Jewish kids. I was stunned! He loaned me his violin because of the money he owed me. It was a beautiful priceless treasure. Inside were four passports an diamonds to pay for more passports or lives. He was very responsible and his death..” “How do you feel about Otto?” “The name in itself makes me shudder. He abandoned his family. When a mob of German loving mad men attacked me he only saved me because he thought I was Aryan not Jewish as I am.” “Ok. How do you feel about john Murphy the reporter.?” “It’s very complicated. We only Married because I need an American passport. I used to love him, but when Thomas wrote to me things got shaky and I am confused and scared. I am angry because it seems as he hates me one and loves me the next!” “Last question! Do you believe these is still a hope for you. Do you believe god has a plan?” “Yes, I must say so. My mother has given up, yet I believe He has a plan fo me and all of this even though it does not really ever seem that way.” “Thanks and good night!”
Miguel Alvarez #1 Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters Rick Riordon Page 150 Blog #5 quarter #2 Prompt #2 Dear Percy Jackson, You are going on a quest to save Grover, and you are going to fight a cyclops in the sea of monsters. Do you have a plan? A have a great plan for you. Right know you are riding a Hippocampi which is a water horse to the sea of monsters. You can use the Hercules Busts Heads to make you go faster and maybe avoid any monsters along the way. Annabeth is not like Tyson's presence, give her time to adjust to him. You are probably going to need his strength. The sea of monsters is filled with monsters if he can smell monsters like a satyr, he should be in the front of the hippocampi. You should be in the middle, so at the first site of danger call out to your father to protect you and your friends. Last but not least Annabeth with her intense warrior skills she can sense if there is something following or chasing them. She will be in the rear. When you get to the island, mask your scent, so the cyclopes can’t smell you. The cyclopes is hiding.With Tyson nose and Annabeth tracking skills it should not be that herd to find a cyclopes. The quest you are on is not going to be an easy one, you have to complete the quest, or you will be expelled, and the camp will die. And the half bloods will no longing exist. No, preasure and good luck. From, Miguel
Lily kuhlman #11 Diary of a whimpy kid Pages#150 Prompt#12
One of the characters in my book was Greg Heffly one person I think he should meet is Albert Einstein. I think he should meet him because Greg is pretty much slightly less average. He isn’t very smart but Albert Einstein is very smart so he should meet him so he can be a great role model to Greg .he should meet Martin Luther King Jr. Martin is a great man and he should still be alive today except James Earl Rey assassinated him. Greg needs to meet someone important in his life. Greg should also meat Amelia earheart beacause she was the woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. He is a big fan of planes and aircraft so he would probably like to meet her if she were alive today. Another person in my book is Roderick Heffly. Roderick is a very slack jaw kind of kids. One person that he should meet with is president Trump. He should meet him so that he can take some sense into him and tell him he needs to care more in life and not treat life like it will all get taken care of. He should also visit Jesus Christ in the biblical times. He should meet him so Jesus can tell him about his father, God. Next he should meet Milton Hershey so he can tell him how to make his own chocolate and he would have an endless supply of chocolate.
Muttley Ellen Miles pages 80 Blog #5 Quarter #2 Prompt 10
I would like to give an award to Lizzie for thoughtful. I am giving her this award because she was thinking of a boy named Jimmy. Jimmy wanted a dog really bad, so bad that he was crying inside his cubby during reading time. He lived with his mom and she did not care for a dog, but his dad does not mind at all. Since he can not have a dog he is really upset. Lizzie volunteers at a store called Caring Paws and they need a little more help. Lizzie decided that he could come and volunteer. I also would like took give an award to Jimmy because he is the Dog Whisperer. His grand father named him that because his dog is very stubborn and Jimmy could practically tell her what to do and she will do it. When Jimmy came to help, Lizzie gave him a tour. When they entered the cat room the big tomcat wrapped around his legs and purring very loudly. the kittens were climbing on his shoulders and started to lick his ears while the mothers were watching their kittens to make sure they were safe. The final award I would like too give too is Muttley for bravery. He deserves this reward because he woke Lizzie and her family up when he smelt something burning and was herding everyone out of the house. Muttley eventually got adopted by Jimmy's dad and is now known for his bravery.
Araylia Holiday#9 Auggie and Me Three Wonder Stories R.J Palacio Page 96 Blog #5 2quarter Prompt #6
Interviewer "Hi Julian"
Julian "Hi"
Interviewer "So let's get to it"
Interviewer "Why are you mean to August?"
Julian "My Grandmere told me that I was scared of Auggie"
Julian "I get nightmares of my face looking like his or everyone else is looking like him"
Julian "I just get freaked out when I see someone like Auggie"
Interviewer " is it true that you got expelled for bullying August?" Julian" Yes"
Interviewer "What did you do to get yourself expelled?"
Julian"I was calling him names, I made up a game that if you touch him and you don't wash your hands in two seconds you lose, and I wrote notes and put it in his locker"
Interviewer "What did you do during the time you were expelled?"
Julian" I played video games and did school work"
Interviewer "Once you got back did you tell anyone you were expelled?"
Julian "No,we made an excuses and said I had strep throat"
Interviewer "Are you going back to Breached Prep.?"
Julian "No, my mom was so mad she doesn't want to bring me back next year"
Interviewer" what did you do over the summer?"
Julian" I went to my Grandmere's house"
Interviewer "what did you do at your Grandmere's house?"
Julian " I watched movies and she told me a great story"
Interviewer" thank you very much Julian but that's all we have for the day"
There are many people who could be superheroes in the book underdogs. The people I will chose as a superhero are Will and his friend Tim. I would chose these two people because they show great examples of a superhero. They show great examples of a superhero because they always help people when they need to be helped out. Will could be a super hero because he puts in all of his work in practice and in the games. He never slacks off. That is a way you could be a superhero. Tim is a superhero because he proves himself he is a great player. Football is Will and Tim’s passion. They play it and practice it everyday. They want to get to the championships. They can also be superheroes by at school they always stop the bullying that’s going on their in their High School. They can also be a good superhero is they show effort on and off the field. Playing football is hard to be a motivating person. People are always yelling at you and always bringing you down. Tim and Will are the captains in every sport they play and they always show they can be a super hero. All the coaches appreciate what Tim and Will do. I am kind of the same way I am always motivating the people around me and on my team. I like motivating the people that are around me and in my team in whatever sport I’m playing. Bringing people down is not a good thing. Try to be like Tim and Will.
#5 Italia Holiday Make your Mind up Bethany Mota Page 203 Blog #5 Quarter #2 Prompt 3 Before Bethany Mota had started her YouTube channel she was not as energetic as she is now. Bethany had one older sister and they were both went to normal school, but then was homeschooled for a little while. By the time junior high rolled around Bethany and her sister decided to go to normal school. Bethany was scared, but excited. Bethany ended up being very shy and bullied in school. In the sixth grade Bethany was walking down the hallway at her school and a random eighth grader wanted to start a fight. Bethany said no and moved on, but the eighth grader did not. For the rest of Bethany's junior high she was cyber bullied and bullied at school. Bethany could barely survived junior high. She was always pushed around and told what to do. In the middle of her seventh grade year Bethany's grandpa had died. She decided to return to homeschooling until high school. In the eighth grade Bethany started her YouTube channel and went viral. Over the years Bethany made two perfumes, her own clothing design, and wrote a book. Bethany got married at age twenty five and had a child at age twenty seven. Bethany ended up becoming a mother of six children and continued YouTube for most of her life. Four of her children created YouTube channel and were very successful like their mom. Bethany Mota is like a flower. At first she was shy and scared, but bloomed into a big success.
Kylie Gorospe 38 Little Women Louisa May Alcott Pages 600 Blog #6 Quarter #2 Prompt #10 All of the characters deserve an award. I would give Meg the award of “Most Devoted” because before she was married to John she was very devoted to her family. Even after she married John she was still devoted to her sisters and parents, but she also devotes her time to her own family. She spent most of her time on her children, Demi and Daisy, but she realizes that she wasn’t spending as much time with John so she puts the twins to bed earlier so she can focus on everyone. Jo deserves the “Most Caring Award”. Jo cared about Teddy, her family, Mr. Bhaer, and all her friends. She especially cared for Beth because she knew that she was having hard times. She cared for Teddy as a brother. Mr. Bhaer was a great friend to her and taught her lessons and felt she should give something in return. Jo cleaned his room and gave him a vase. Jo cared deeply for her family because they supported her throughout her journey. I think Beth deserves the “Kindness Award”. Beth was very kind to everyone. Beth stayed with her mom and dad even though she was sick. Beth was kind to the Teddy and Mr. Laurence. She watched over Demi and Daisy while Meg and John had to work. I would give Amy the “Creativity Award” because she was a very talented artist. She wanted to go adventure to get inspired for art. She went to London and painted beautiful pictures there. All the girls earned their awards.
Hello, I loved reading about all your summer memories. Now it is time to start blogging about your novels. Remember each entry should be at least 250 to 350 words. Be thoughtful and thorough. Every post is viewed by the class (and me) so check your spelling and grammar. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Here it is! This is the first blog of the quarter. Follow the directions carefully and post your thoughts thoroughly. Remember this is not a summary of the book. This is your opportunity to show your understanding of the text and engage the class in your story. I am looking forward to reading your entries.
Avery Avichouser
ReplyDeleteThe Black Stallion
Walter Farley
Page 56
Prompt 1
Blog 5
I thought that it was going to be a normal night. I went to sleep but woke up shortly to a disaster. There was a storm and we were on the boat. The boat was sliding from right to left. I was terrified. I was rushed outside my room on the boat. I put a life jacket on and just hoped that my life was going to be okay. As soon as I got outside it was crazy people were yelling and screaming for their lives. People were knocking each other over and all I could think of was the black stallion. I wondered if he was going to get out of the boat as it was sinking. So I had to risk my life to rescue him. It was already crazy so I just let him loose and he jumped right out of the boat into the ocean. There was not many rescue boats so I jumped in the water. It was so stormy that the waves were gigantic. I wouldn’t have survived without the black. He saved my life. I grabbed on him and he swims to shore. What an amazing animal. He swam to an abandoned Island. We were all alone it was a horrible feeling. I was so dehydrated and I’m sure he was too. Even though he was dehydrated he still had the energy to run like the wind. Overtime I learned how to feed myself. I had to survive. The black and I finally developed a relationship and a mutual trust. We were best friends. I even learned how to ride him, he was the best thing that ever happened to me. One day there was a ship that came to the island and they noticed the black and I. We were saved. It was a little sad to leave the island because we started our relationship there. It was amazing to get back home.
Nico marchello
DeleteDiary of a wimpy kid
Jeff Kinny
page 200
prompt 1
blog 5
Here are some superheroes I think Greg would like to be. I think Greg would be Iron man because he is funny and likes people. Greg wants his characteristics to be funny, heroic, awesome and good looking. The second character I think Greg would like to be is superman. I think Greg would like to be superman because he is good looking, invincible and strong. Another superhero I think Greg would like to be is Batman because he is strong, powerful and cool. If Greg was a superhero, kids at his school would not make fun of him, they would like him. I think Greg would be Wonder woman because she is not afraid to do things. Greg is not afraid to do things either and he likes to do stuff for his friends. The one characteristic Greg would want out of the entire super hero characteristic is good looks. Greg believes that his friends and girls would like him. Another characteristic would be his strength. Greg would like to be strong so no one can pick on him at school. As you can see Greg wants to be a lot stronger and tougher than most kids, just like a superhero.
Alyssa Bankey #2
ReplyDeleteThe Penderwicks, A Summer Tale Of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, And A Very Interesting Boy
Jeanne Birdsall
Pages 203
Blog #5 Quarter #2
Prompt 6
“Jane, how did you get interested in writing mystery stories?”
“My sisters and I are always getting into some kind of situation that needs to be solved, and I use what happens to us in my stories.”
“Where did the character Sabrina Starr come from?”
“Sabrina came from a dream I had where I was chasing a bank robber with a friend of mine whose name was Sabrina Starsky.”
“Did you make the last name Starr for Starsky?”
“Yes, I did because I did not want to use her real name in my book.”
“What book are you working on now?”
“I am writing a book where Sabrina Starr saves the day by rescuing her friend from a hot air balloon through the window in her house.”
“Are you close to finishing this book?”
“No, I am still figuring out how Sabrina Starr will get the hot air balloon close enough to the house to save her friend.”
“How many books have you written?”
“So far, I have finished writing thirteen books, but none of them have been published yet.”
“How do you get a book published?”
“You get a book published when you can get a publishing company to read your book and approve it. I am hoping my latest book makes it to a publisher.”
“Well, let me know when Sabrina Starr’s book is for sale, and I will buy the first copy because I love a good mystery story.”
“You will be the first to know if my book gets published, and I will gladly send you a free signed copy. Thank you for your interview.”
#2 Ethan Crenshaw
ReplyDeleteNo talking
Andrew Clements
Pages 146
Blog 5 Quarter 2
Prompt 4
Talking is very hard not to do. We talk a lot during lunch and recess. The reason why we do is to share of what we want to say. Dave and a girl named Lynsey have a contest about not talking to anyone including their parents. The only bad thing about not talking is if a teacher asks them a question they can’t talk. The good thing about not talking is when the contest is over it will make them not want to talk. Talking is important for jobs when we grow up and we need to communicate to call friends or family that are far away. If no one talks in the contest then it will go on forever until they’re old. Communication is important for sports, jobs, and a lot of other stuff. In the fifth grade class most of everyone is not talking in art class and music class. Some people find it creative and some people find it annoying when the fifth grade class does not answer. The fifth grade boys argued about girls having cooties which made a contest who could not talk. Talking can be easy or hard for some people. If the boys and girls don’t talk how are they going to ask a question for math, history, science, and language arts. When talking a lot it can get you in trouble and saying something you regret on saying to a person. But if you don’t talk then you won’t have to worry about getting in trouble.
#8Ethan Powell
Louis Sachar
Page 106
Blog 5
Prompt 11
In the book, Holes, our main character, Stanley, has been sent to a camp where he is forced to dig a hole every day. He says that he would rather be anywhere else, so I have thought about four locations that our main character, Stanley, would like to go rather than the “prison” he is in now. The first location I have chosen in the beach, maybe Huntington Beach? I’m not sure what beach he would want to go to, but that’s the beach I would want to go to. Hawaii might be a better location for Stanley to go. Stanley might also like going to a baseball stadium and watch his favorite baseball player, Clyde Livingston, play a game of baseball. I Think that even though his favorite baseball player might have put him in the camp he is in, he would still enjoy the baseball game. The third location he would want to go is his school, with his new camp friends. Stanley dreamed about his new camp friends beating up the bully at his school. This would make him very happy. I would even think that Stanley’s new friends would have fun as well. The final location I have thought of, is his own house. Stanley through out the book has been wishing that he could go home, so I think that going home would be the location that he would want to go to the most. These locations would be places that Stanley would be happy going to, especially the last one mentioned. These locations would be nice, but at the end of the day I think getting out of the camp would be just as good for Stanley.
Aiden Avichouser
ReplyDeleteAbner and Me
Dan Gutman
Page 70
Blog 5
Prompt 9
Joe Stoshack is a boy with the ability to travel back in time holding only a baseball card. He has traveled to the past many times before to meet old baseball players and to try and prevent bad things from happening. Joe has traveled back to meet people such as Jackie Robinson, Mickey Mantle, Babe Ruth, and many other players. A movie that I think Joe would enjoy watching is the movie 42. It is about Jackie Robinson and all of the struggles he had to go through while being in the majors. He was a very brave man. I think Joe would like to see how the movie made the old times look and how it really was back in time. Joe knows exactly what those times were like because he was back in time with Jackie Robinson. He knew about the hardships that Jackie went through, so he could compare that to the movie. Another movie I think Joe would really enjoy is the movie Taken. The movie is about a retired CIA Agents daughter going out of country and being taken by a group of Albanian men. He went through a whole city and finally found her. Joe would like this movie because it shows how brave the main character was. Joe is also very brave by traveling back in time. One more movie Joe would enjoy is The Benchwarmers. It is about a group of three guys who try and stop bullying and go play against kids about thirteen years old. It is a comedy and it would make Joe laugh. It also is a baseball movie and Joe would love that. Those are a few movies Joe Stoshack could sit down and enjoy watching.
Timmy Burgess #4
ReplyDeleteI survived Hurricane Katrina
Lauren Tarshis
Page 95
Blog #5, Quarter 2
Prompt #10
There are several awards that the main characters deserve. The main character in this book was Barry, one of the awards that he deserves is “bravery” because through the whole thing he did not give up or just sit there. Barry walked into one of the flooded houses and saved a dog tied up to the bed and could not move. Another award that Barry deserves is “intelligence” because he thought out the whole thing. One last award for Barry is “artistic” because before the hurricane hit their city Berry and his friend were working on a drawing of a super hero and everybody said it looks very good. Now, after the hurricane, Barry and his friend still work on drawings to enter the competition that they did before the hurricane. The next award is to Cruz the dog for “companionship” because he was with Barry the whole time and was very loving. Cruz was Abe’s dog and Abe was a bully but after the hurricane, Abe let Barry keep Cruz and Abe and Berry are now friends. The next award goes to Barry’s dad for “helpfulness” because when their house started flooding he lead their whole family to the attic and busted down the roof so they could get on top. The last award goes to Betty for being a “hero” because she came to Barry on a little boat and picked up Barry and Cruz and dropped them off at the bridge where there was people with food water and shelter and that is where Barry and the rest of his family meet up about a hour after Betty dropped them off there.
Alex Bankey # 1
ReplyDeleteMunchem Academy, The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Commander S. T. Bolivar III
Page 120
Blog # 5 Quarter # 2
Prompt 3
Mathias Littleton Larimore, who was called Mattie for short, was born into a very angry family. When he was just a baby, his brother Carter used to tease him and dress him up like a girl. Carter called him girls’ names like Matilda, Melissa, and Madeline. Carter was jealous of Mattie because Mattie got all of the attention from their mom and dad. Mattie’s dad, Mr. Larimore, was away a lot from home on business trips, and Mattie spent most of his time with his mother. Mattie’s mother was a not-so-famous actress, and Mattie had to spend hours watching the movies she was in. Basically, Mattie didn’t have a lot of fun growing up. Mattie was a very good boy and tried to please everyone, but he was not really appreciated by his family. It was just expected that he would be the good son. When Mattie was ten years old, his life started to change. Mattie became both daring and defiant. Mattie started to skip school with his friends and spend his lunch money on candy. The truth is Mattie just wanted to be cool and popular with the kids at school like his brother Carter was. Mattie was tired of everyone thinking he’s the good one, which made him think he had to be good all of the time. It just took this one wrong step of skipping school that day that would lead Mattie down the wrong path towards his life of crime.
Katelynn Burgess #1.5
ReplyDeletePaper Towns
John Green
Page 315
Blog #5, Quarter #2
Prompt #10
Some of the main characters in this book are worthy of some awards. The first award is “courage”, I think that Quentin should get this award because he started off being scared and wimpy but then became very brave as he was looking for Margot and uncovering clues. He went to abandoned places and looked everywhere for her. I also think he is worthy of a “persistence” reward because he keeps going and never gives up on finding Margo, no matter how hard it gets and as a result he finds her because he never gave up. I think Margot is deserving of a reward for “being mysterious” because throughout the book she is very mysterious and makes clues for where she went. She is going to very strange places to hide in this book also. I think that Margot is also deserving of an award for being “unique” because she is very creative and goes her own way throughout the book. She likes to be herself and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about her. I think an award for being “funny” should go to Radar because he makes everyone laugh in this book and makes a joke out of every situation and his friends can always count on him for a good laugh. I think an award for “responsibility” should go to Lacey because she is always making good decisions and is like the mom of the group during their road trip. In conclusion, I think the main characters in this book are very deserving of these awards.
Jaclyn Yost #14
ReplyDeleteDiary of a Wimpy Kid
Jeff Kinney
Page 417
Blog #5, Quarter #2
Prompt #6
Hi folks, my name is Jaclyn and I'm your host welcome back to this weeks interview. Today we are going to be interviewing Greg Heffley. Greg, we hear you just started middle school do you like it? " Yes, I kind of like middle school but its kind of hard to fit in but I always have my friend Rowley by my side," You said you wanted to be buff and ripped but you gave up on it when the wrestling unit was over why did you give that up? You could have been ripped.'' To be honest I didn't want to be ripped that was only to move up to the next level so I didn't have to wrestle Fregly''.Why were you having Rowley test your bench press and not didn't you make it? '' I needed someone dumb enough to test it so I wouldn't get hurt and so I thought Rowley was the best one for the job.'' Why is your book named diary of a wimpy kid but you said in the beginning that this was not a Diary it was a journal?'' Well, I thought Diary of a Wimpy Kid had a better ring to it. Its better than Journal of a Wimpy Kid.'' Ok this is the last question why were you hanging out with Fregly and why were you going to have a sleepover with him why didn't you go tell Rowley that you were sorry. '' Well I thought he wouldn't want to talk to me or even listen to what I had to say.Okay folks, that's all we have for you today see you next time ''Bye''.
Leo Sellarole #10
ReplyDeleteThe Perfectionists
Sara Shepard
Pages 250
Blog #5 Quarter #2
Prompt #5
Nolan Hotckiss you now are dead,
When alive you made everyone dread.
You kept us guessing,
We're you helping or messing.
You ruined people's lives,
But you could also make them thrive.
You ruined us,
And no one could make you fuss.
You played a game,
And you had the fame and name.
No one would dare challenge you,
For they feared your retaliating coup.
Even from the grave you have them trembling,
And us assembling.
We are prime suspects for a murder,
For all we did would make you shudder.
We were to expose you and take a stand,
But of course the Golden Child of Beacon Heights would find a way to make it grand.
In death you've found a way,
To continue to make us pay.
All eyes on us,
Lives full of stress that's just superfluous.
All on edge,
We've created a pledge.
Together will stick,
Against conjured tricks.
Keep our eyes peeled,
On the "battlefield."
It's a race against time to find your true killer,
Before were thrown in the chiller.
The challenge is your enemies,
Each who have many identities.
Motives and secrets surfacing,
New theories circling.
At the center of it all is you Nolan,
A conniving and manipulative young man.
You Nolan are the sole source of this town's accumulation of lies and secrets,
An endless sequence.
More and more comes to light,
Especially of your family's might.
You were no saint,
With one wave of your mother's hand, There were no complaints.
I just have one question for you,
Are you aware of what you do?
Jenna Cardeno #5
ReplyDeleteNancy Drew The Secret of Shadow Ranch
Carolyn Keene
Pages 70
Blog #5 Quarter #2
Prompt 1
Dear Diary,
Today is the day I will get to know the mystery of Shadow Ranch and hopefully I will be able to solve it. When George Fayne, Bess Marvin and I went to the sandwich shop today I had had been knitting a sweater for my dad. I set my knitting bag down on the ground right beside my chair between me and some gray haired man in a tan suit who had sat down at the table next to us. Then as we were all talking the man had looked through my knitting bag and I had felt so weirded out because the man had looked through my bag and I wondered why was he looking through it? Did he know who I was and if so why did he do it? As we were all leaving the sandwich shop we saw the same man who had looked through my bag he was putting a note in my car! The note said “Keep away from Shadow Ranch” I thought it was very strange and a little scary. then as we were driving to Shadow Ranch our car was overheating. We had no more water jugs so we couldn't do anything. Then we had seen a truck driving our way and the truck was from Shadow Ranch! Then a cowboy named Dave Gregory had been driving the truck and came out of the truck and helped us. We were all so relieved. Then we had fixed the motor and made our way back to Shadow Ranch. Today was a CRAZY day.
Nancy Drew
Jessica Ramirez #9
ReplyDeleteRoll of Thunder, Hear my Cry
Mildred D. Taylor
Pages 101
Blog #5 Quarter #2
Prompt #4
One of the themes in this book was love and passion towards family and others. Once was papa and his family. Their papa kept looking for a job and found a job as a railroad person. The papa said “ Look out there, Cassie girl. All that belongs to you. You ain’t never had to live on nobody’s place but your own and as long as I live and the family survives, you’ll never have to. That’s important.” This is showing the love the papa has towards the people he cares about. He is hustling for these kids and his family. His whole family works either on the farm or somewhere else to provide for their family. The only thing that can separate this family is the land. There land is a big part of their family and if there land is gone there family gets torn apart. Cassie and her siblings all went to a school for African American kids, called The Great Faith Elementary and Secondary School. At this time it was very racist and cruel. They had a chart stating which type of race treated the books better and of course the chart said that the Black people treated the books very poorly. They still did not yell at the teacher nor did they lecture her in a strong way. This family was very loving, and it just shows how cruel our world is today.
Claire Hung #10
ReplyDeleteDiary of a Wimpy Kid-The Last Straw
Jeff Kinney
Pages 216
Blog #5 Quarter #2
Prompt #3
Greg has a very normal family but all of them have problems. For example Greg himself, he is sometimes lazy and tired, tries everything to get the girl he likes, not a really good friend to have, but he is funny, has an enjoyable diary to read, and an very cool kid. Even know Greg’s family is not perfect, but they work together like a team. And they change over time. Like Greg this year start on a list of resolutions which his family didn’t even bother to follow, he got into many fights with his dad, and he missed a lot of chances to get Holly Hills, the girl Greg has a crush on. But he joined the Boy Scout, the soccer team, and almost got into Spag Union Military Academy. Greg himself is a pretty normal kid, but just a lot of problems about like his family, his personality, and his lucks. But he is creative and sometimes thoughtful. He goes to Holly Hill’s parties and tried to make a first move. He is actually a kid that never gives up on girls, but on sports. His family could actually win the funniest family award that he said in his diary.
#6 Michael Montoya
ReplyDeleteFifth Wave
Rick Yancey
Blog#5 Quarter 2
Prompt 9
If I had to choose three movies for my character to see they would be San Andres Fault, Scorch Trials, and Moses. Cassie should see San Andres Fault because it would help prepare her for many of the basic things that can happen in the world while she is out there fighting. It could teach her how to do CPR and how to survive earthquakes. Her mom actually died from this and Cassie could have possibly saved her, but she did not know how. The most important one was when there was a tsunami and she had to get up high in a tree to survive. San Andres always emphasized the importance of getting to higher ground during an emergency. Cassie should also see Scorch Trials because this movie is really good at teaching you all the techniques of how to hold a gun, shoot it and even disarm someone. Since she did not know any of this, it took her two long days to learn herself, which was risky because she was barely able to save her brother before he went into war. It gives great insight and knowledge of what she would have been fighting and up against. Most important movie is Moses. Cassie is a Christian so I think this would help her to become a more spiritual person of God. If you watched the movie, she prayed one time before she went to bed and she always wore the cross around her neck. This would be the perfect movie for Cassie to see because it never hurts to learn more about the Lord and to always look to Him for guidance and support.
Jasmine Raya #13
Raina Telgemeier
Pages 100
Blog #5 Quarter #2
Prompt 6
Me: What was your first impression of Amara when you first saw her?
Raina: I think my first impression was wondering if she was a girl or not because she had no hair.
Me: Did you like sharing a room with Amara or not really?
Raina: I think it really didn’t matter to me at this age because I was so young, but I never liked it when Amara was crying throughout the night because I could never sleep!
Me: Did you ever feel left out whenever your parents were taking care of Amara?
Raina: I think I did when until my parents sat down at talked with me about it and told me they loved me the same as they love Amara.
Me: What was the accident? Why do you refuse to sit in the front?
Raina: I can’t answer this question. Can we go to the next one please?
Me: What was your reaction when Will came along?
Raina: my reaction was that I was happy to have another sibling, but I didn’t want to deal with the same thing I dealt with Amara.
Me: Did you like being the oldest sibling?
Raina: I liked being the older sibling, but I don’t because if Amara and Will got in trouble they would always blame it on me because I’m the oldest.
Me: What was your reaction when you saw the dead animals when you first stepped out of the cabin?
Raina: I personally thought it was so disgusting.
Me: This is my last and final question, if you had one wish what would you wish never happened in your family?
Raina: If I had one more wish to change something about my family, I would change nothing. I like my family just the way they are, even if sometimes they can get annoying
Joshua Quintana
ReplyDeleteThe Walking Dead Book #2
Robert Kirkman
Page 179
Prompt #4
Blog #5
If I were the author of the book I think that after Rick and the group would rebuild and have completely cleared the Meriwether County Correctional Facility of all it’s walkers and would have started a society. They would have plenty of supplies to defend against the walkers and also could burn their bodies as fuel for fires. Another reason this would work is that fact that they could grow food for the group and anyone who joins the prison. This would be possible as Hershel and his children could grow fresh fruit and vegetables to go along with the prison’s canned food storage which would last long as it’s well stocked. They would have gone back to Hershel’s farm and gotten the livestock for meat and milk/eggs. From Hershel’s farm they could also get seeds and things around his farm for the group. Also since Rick has even talked about this they would’ve most likely gotten more trustworthy people to live in the cells with them so more people could be safe. This would lead to a good escape from the apocalypse for many people and save many lives. While there they can wait out the apocalypse because walkers always eventually do starve and then die once and for all if they don’t get food. The undead also are not very great against the cold, winter weather, as shown in the game series that occurs in the same universe. Because of this it would be a happy ending.
Kylie Gorospe #8
ReplyDeleteLittle Women
Louisa May Alcott
Page 410
Blog #5 Quarter #2
Prompt #4
One of the themes for Little Women is devotion. Devotion is one of the themes because all four girls are devoted to something in their life. Meg is devoted to making John happy. Now that Meg is married she lives with John. She is devoted to them having a normal life even if they are poor. Jo is devoted to writing. Ever since her printed copies of her book came out she has been devoted to writing to make her family more money from her books. Beth’s devotion is toward her animals and music. She loves her animals. She cares for them very much. Beth loves music and is devoted to it because she loves playing music for Mr. Laurence because she reminds him of his granddaughter. Amy’s attention is focused on art. She loves art because she thinks it is beautiful. The girls are not the only ones with devotion. Hannah is focused on serving and helping the March family. The March family is kind to Hannah and that is one of the reasons she serves them. The parents are devoted to their daughters living a good life even if they are not rich. John is devoted to Meg. He works all day to get little bits of money for him and Meg. He loves his wife and will always be devoted to her. All of the characters have a devotion to something or someone. The girls are all devoted to different things , but one of the things they are all devoted to is each other.
Brandon Salgado #10
Patrick Carman
Pages 200
Blog #5 Quarter #2
Prompt 10
If there were some awards to give to the main characters, Leo and Remi, these are some of those awards that they would like to earn. An award I would give to Leo is bravery. I would give him this award because he has no fear going into any of the rooms that he finds in Whippet Hotel. For example, in the book, there was a room called the haunted room. Leo didn’t show any fear going into that room even though it was dark and spooky. There was another room called the flying farm room, and again, Leo didn’t show that he was scared one little bit. Leo wasn’t scared of the flying animals coming to attack him. Instead, he was calm, and was so fascinated at the flying animals instead of being fearful of the animals. The other main character I would give an award to is Remi. The award I would like to give him is the best partner or sidekick. He is Leo’s best partner because he helps him from getting spotted from sneaking into the rooms on the many floors of Whippet Hotel. For example, he helped Leo avoid getting spotted by Mrs. Sparks, who is one of the people there at the hotel. He told Leo on the walkie talkie that she was coming down the hall where Leo was exploring. Another reason that Remi is a good partner is because he is a really funny friend and is a really helpful person to Leo.
Joe McElroy #7
ReplyDeleteDiary of a wimpy kid cabin fever
Jeff Kinney
Pages 159
Blog#5 quarter #2
Prompt #14
There are five songs that I would recommend to Greg hefly. I would recommend the song "baby it's cold out side" from the movie elf. I would recommend this song because he is trapped in a house in the middle of a snow storm this is referencing to it is cold out side. The second song I would recommend would be would be the song "everywhere I go" by mike lee. Although the song talks about how God is with him everywhere he goes the Coris of the song could be used to resemble the santa scout which resembles the elf on the shelf in real life. In the story the elf goes everywhere and watches him and that is why I think this song could go with the book. The third song I would pick would be " Mi Gente " because the song has an up beat rithem and could get his mind off of the blizzard and more in his own realm. The fourth song I would recommend would be would be "location" by Khalid. This song just reminds me of his additive he is not really the kind of person to be lisoning to pop kinda music but to chill music because he not alway happy it seems like he just has a dormit look on his face so he could just relate with this music. The fifth and last song I would recommend is "all I want for Christmas" because in this book it is chrstmas time so he would be listening to this moment. It is also one of my favorite Christmas songs so I think he would also enjoy it. These are the song I would recommend Greg hefly.
Ileanna Holiday #4
ReplyDeleteMy First Love
Callie West
Pages 178
Blog 5 quarter 2
Prompt 9
In the book My First Love Amy is a very smart high school girl who just happens to have some major drama happening. The first movie I would recommend would be clueless. This movie represents her life perfectly. In this movie the main character has a crush on her best friends boyfriend. She has to put on some pretend act to make it seem like she has no feelings for him. Amy has a crush on her best friends boyfriend just like in the movie. And she is drowning herself in school so that she doesn't have to think about any of it. The second movie that I would recommend would be any high school musical movie. Every single one of those movies can get you through anything in life. The movie consists of singing, dancing, and relationships. High school musical two would relate to her problem more than any other one though. In this movie Troy Bolten and Gabriella Montes and dating. But Sharpay Evans is getting between them. She leaves there summer job and Troy is devastated. In the book Amy is devastated that she can't date her crush so she blocks herself off from all her friends. The Last movie I would recommend would be Benchwarmers. Not that it has to do with any of her problems, but if she ever needs a good laugh than she could watch that.
Lauren Q #7
ReplyDeleteVienna Prelude
Brodie and Brock Threonine
Pages 420
Prompt 6
“Hello today were going to interview Elisa L.”
Hello how are you guys doing? I am glad to be here.
“So Elisa how was your first opinion of Rudy changed by his murder?”
“Well at first I thought that Rudy was an irresponsible drunken gambler. He was always skipping out on us when we had our band practices. Every one thought that Rudy was lazy, yet talented at his so called ‘arts’. My opinion drastically changed by his death . When Rudy died I was really sad and mad. He used to always borrow ridiculous loans for his gambling, only to find out he was buying some passports for small Jewish kids. I was stunned! He loaned me his violin because of the money he owed me. It was a beautiful priceless treasure. Inside were four passports an diamonds to pay for more passports or lives. He was very responsible and his death..”
“How do you feel about Otto?”
“The name in itself makes me shudder. He abandoned his family. When a mob of German loving mad men attacked me he only saved me because he thought I was Aryan not Jewish as I am.”
“Ok. How do you feel about john Murphy the reporter.?”
“It’s very complicated. We only Married because I need an American passport. I used to love him, but when Thomas wrote to me things got shaky and I am confused and scared. I am angry because it seems as he hates me one and loves me the next!”
“Last question! Do you believe these is still a hope for you. Do you believe god has a plan?”
“Yes, I must say so. My mother has given up, yet I believe He has a plan fo me and all of this even though it does not really ever seem that way.”
“Thanks and good night!”
Miguel Alvarez #1
ReplyDeletePercy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
Rick Riordon
Page 150
Blog #5 quarter #2
Prompt #2
Dear Percy Jackson,
You are going on a quest to save Grover, and you are going to fight a cyclops in the sea of monsters. Do you have a plan? A have a great plan for you. Right know you are riding a Hippocampi which is a water horse to the sea of monsters. You can use the Hercules Busts Heads to make you go faster and maybe avoid any monsters along the way. Annabeth is not like Tyson's presence, give her time to adjust to him. You are probably going to need his strength. The sea of monsters is filled with monsters if he can smell monsters like a satyr, he should be in the front of the hippocampi. You should be in the middle, so at the first site of danger call out to your father to protect you and your friends. Last but not least Annabeth with her intense warrior skills she can sense if there is something following or chasing them. She will be in the rear. When you get to the island, mask your scent, so the cyclopes can’t smell you. The cyclopes is hiding.With Tyson nose and Annabeth tracking skills it should not be that herd to find a cyclopes. The quest you are on is not going to be an easy one, you have to complete the quest, or you will be expelled, and the camp will die. And the half bloods will no longing exist. No, preasure and good luck.
Lily kuhlman #11
ReplyDeleteDiary of a whimpy kid
One of the characters in my book was Greg Heffly one person I think he should meet is Albert Einstein. I think he should meet him because Greg is pretty much slightly less average. He isn’t very smart but Albert Einstein is very smart so he should meet him so he can be a great role model to Greg .he should meet Martin Luther King Jr. Martin is a great man and he should still be alive today except James Earl Rey assassinated him. Greg needs to meet someone important in his life. Greg should also meat Amelia earheart beacause she was the woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. He is a big fan of planes and aircraft so he would probably like to meet her if she were alive today. Another person in my book is Roderick Heffly. Roderick is a very slack jaw kind of kids. One person that he should meet with is president Trump. He should meet him so that he can take some sense into him and tell him he needs to care more in life and not treat life like it will all get taken care of. He should also visit Jesus Christ in the biblical times. He should meet him so Jesus can tell him about his father, God. Next he should meet Milton Hershey so he can tell him how to make his own chocolate and he would have an endless supply of chocolate.
ReplyDeleteEllen Miles
pages 80
Blog #5 Quarter #2
Prompt 10
I would like to give an award to Lizzie for thoughtful. I am giving her this award because she was thinking of a boy named Jimmy. Jimmy wanted a dog really bad, so bad that he was crying inside his cubby during reading time. He lived with his mom and she did not care for a dog, but his dad does not mind at all. Since he can not have a dog he is really upset. Lizzie volunteers at a store called Caring Paws and they need a little more help. Lizzie decided that he could come and volunteer. I also would like took give an award to Jimmy because he is the Dog Whisperer. His grand father named him that because his dog is very stubborn and Jimmy could practically tell her what to do and she will do it. When Jimmy came to help, Lizzie gave him a tour. When they entered the cat room the big tomcat wrapped around his legs and purring very loudly. the kittens were climbing on his shoulders and started to lick his ears while the mothers were watching their kittens to make sure they were safe. The final award I would like too give too is Muttley for bravery. He deserves this reward because he woke Lizzie and her family up when he smelt something burning and was herding everyone out of the house. Muttley eventually got adopted by Jimmy's dad and is now known for his bravery.
Araylia Holiday#9
ReplyDeleteAuggie and Me Three Wonder Stories
R.J Palacio
Page 96
Blog #5 2quarter
Prompt #6
Interviewer "Hi Julian"
Julian "Hi"
Interviewer "So let's get to it"
Interviewer "Why are you mean to August?"
Julian "My Grandmere told me that I was scared of Auggie"
Julian "I get nightmares of my face looking like his or everyone else is looking like him"
Julian "I just get freaked out when I see someone like Auggie"
Interviewer " is it true that you got expelled for bullying August?"
Julian" Yes"
Interviewer "What did you do to get yourself expelled?"
Julian"I was calling him names, I made up a game that if you touch him and you don't wash your hands in two seconds you lose, and I wrote notes and put it in his locker"
Interviewer "What did you do during the time you were expelled?"
Julian" I played video games and did school work"
Interviewer "Once you got back did you tell anyone you were expelled?"
Julian "No,we made an excuses and said I had strep throat"
Interviewer "Are you going back to Breached Prep.?"
Julian "No, my mom was so mad she doesn't want to bring me back next year"
Interviewer" what did you do over the summer?"
Julian" I went to my Grandmere's house"
Interviewer "what did you do at your Grandmere's house?"
Julian " I watched movies and she told me a great story"
Interviewer" thank you very much Julian but that's all we have for the day"
#3 Chris Grothues
Mike Lupica
Blog 5
Prompt 8
There are many people who could be superheroes in the book underdogs. The people I will chose as a superhero are Will and his friend Tim. I would chose these two people because they show great examples of a superhero. They show great examples of a superhero because they always help people when they need to be helped out. Will could be a super hero because he puts in all of his work in practice and in the games. He never slacks off. That is a way you could be a superhero. Tim is a superhero because he proves himself he is a great player. Football is Will and Tim’s passion. They play it and practice it everyday. They want to get to the championships. They can also be superheroes by at school they always stop the bullying that’s going on their in their High School. They can also be a good superhero is they show effort on and off the field. Playing football is hard to be a motivating person. People are always yelling at you and always bringing you down. Tim and Will are the captains in every sport they play and they always show they can be a super hero. All the coaches appreciate what Tim and Will do. I am kind of the same way I am always motivating the people around me and on my team. I like motivating the people that are around me and in my team in whatever sport I’m playing. Bringing people down is not a good thing. Try to be like Tim and Will.
#5 Italia Holiday
ReplyDeleteMake your Mind up
Bethany Mota
Page 203
Blog #5 Quarter #2
Prompt 3
Before Bethany Mota had started her YouTube channel she was not as energetic as she is now. Bethany had one older sister and they were both went to normal school, but then was homeschooled for a little while. By the time junior high rolled around Bethany and her sister decided to go to normal school. Bethany was scared, but excited. Bethany ended up being very shy and bullied in school. In the sixth grade Bethany was walking down the hallway at her school and a random eighth grader wanted to start a fight. Bethany said no and moved on, but the eighth grader did not. For the rest of Bethany's junior high she was cyber bullied and bullied at school. Bethany could barely survived junior high. She was always pushed around and told what to do. In the middle of her seventh grade year Bethany's grandpa had died. She decided to return to homeschooling until high school. In the eighth grade Bethany started her YouTube channel and went viral. Over the years Bethany made two perfumes, her own clothing design, and wrote a book. Bethany got married at age twenty five and had a child at age twenty seven. Bethany ended up becoming a mother of six children and continued YouTube for most of her life. Four of her children created YouTube channel and were very successful like their mom. Bethany Mota is like a flower. At first she was shy and scared, but bloomed into a big success.
Kylie Gorospe 38
ReplyDeleteLittle Women
Louisa May Alcott
Pages 600
Blog #6 Quarter #2
Prompt #10
All of the characters deserve an award. I would give Meg the award of “Most Devoted”
because before she was married to John she was very devoted to her family. Even after she married John she was still devoted to her sisters and parents, but she also devotes her time to her own family. She spent most of her time on her children, Demi and Daisy, but she realizes that she wasn’t spending as much time with John so she puts the twins to bed earlier so she can focus on everyone. Jo deserves the “Most Caring Award”. Jo cared about Teddy, her family, Mr. Bhaer, and all her friends. She especially cared for Beth because she knew that she was having hard times. She cared for Teddy as a brother. Mr. Bhaer was a great friend to her and taught her lessons and felt she should give something in return. Jo cleaned his room and gave him a vase. Jo cared deeply for her family because they supported her throughout her journey. I think Beth deserves the “Kindness Award”. Beth was very kind to everyone. Beth stayed with her mom and dad even though she was sick. Beth was kind to the Teddy and Mr. Laurence. She watched over Demi and Daisy while Meg and John had to work. I would give Amy the “Creativity Award” because she was a very talented artist. She wanted to go adventure to get inspired for art. She went to London and painted beautiful pictures there. All the girls earned their awards.