Blog #6

I hope you all had a lovely vacation. The blog is due this week and it is the last one of the quarter. Make sure we have a booktalk this week.


  1. Alex Bankey #1
    Munchem Academy, The Boy Who Knew Too Much
    Commander S.T. Bolivar III
    Pages 160
    Blog #6 Quarter #2
    Prompt 4

    I think one of the themes in this book is family caring. Two boys, Mattie and Carter, both have to go to Munchem Academy as punishment for their bad actions. Mattie cares for his older brother and wants to protect him from the evil headmaster. Even though Carter doesn’t believe he is in danger, Mattie never gives up on his brother no matter how mean he is to him. In the end, both boys develop a respect for each other and help each other find out who they really are. In real life, family caring can be shown in many ways. For example, my parents are always there to help me with my homework and make sure that I have what I need every day. We care for one another when we are sick. We celebrate together in good times. The main thing is that we are always there for each other no matter what. Family caring can also be shown with understanding one another. Sometimes we may not agree on something like what movie to watch, but family members can be flexible and not stubborn and understand if someone wants to watch a different movie than all of the others and not get mad. Family caring can be shown with forgiveness when someone makes a mistake or hurts someone else’s feelings. Family caring can be passionate in helping you to achieve your dreams no matter how silly they may seem to others. Just like Mattie and Carter discover the importance of family caring, we all need family caring in our lives.

    1. Nico Marchello#12
      Diary of a Wimpy Kid
      Jeff Kinny
      blog 6 quarter 2
      The pig from the last book I read from Diary of the wimpy kid is back. The pig has to sleep in Greg’s room and Greg hates the pig. The pig takes over the bathroom when Greg has to go to school and Greg has to go in there to brush his teeth. The only person who likes the pig is his little brother. In the story Greg’s mom does an electronic free day, so nobody in the town is on their devices. Everyone is supposed to go outside. But the problem is, it is blazing hot and nobody wants to go outside. Greg’s mom wanted to repair the park since the kids can’t play there, the park is run down and the teenagers congregate and spray painted the walls. The weather is so hot that Greg and Rowley decide to put up a lemonade stand in front of their house to sell lemonade. They needed lemons so their dad gave them twenty dollars to buy the lemons. They rode their bikes to the store, bought their lemons and came back. They both made the lemonade by just throwing the lemons into a blender and blending them but luckily their dad caught them and stopped them. Greg’s dad told them not to do it that way but it was too late, they had already made some. By the time the lemonade was made, they tasted it and it was too sour, so they decided to sell water. They filled up everything they had with a hose but as soon as they arrived at the park, someone had stolen all the water from their basket. And they used it for plants. To come and help was community service, so they had a lot of people working there. But on the bus was Roderick’s friend who was caught stealing a candy bar because when he was little his older brother never gave him a bite so he took one for himself.

  2. Alyssa Bankey #2
    The Penderwicks, A Summer Tale Of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, And A Very Interesting Boy
    Jeanne Birdsall
    Pages 262
    Blog #6 Quarter #2
    Prompt 4

    A main theme of this story is a family’s love and support of one another. I feel it is important to have family support when growing up. Family members can give you encouragement to succeed in school or help you make good decisions. For example, in this story, Rosalind and her sisters convinced their friend Jeffrey to speak with his mother one more time about his feelings instead of running away from home. All four girls had a very good relationship with their father and were not afraid to tell him anything or seek his advice. I think this made them self-confident and allowed them to help their friend Jeffrey, who does not have the same love and support from his mother. Another reason why family love and support is so important is because no one can understand your dreams and wishes better than your own parents or siblings. For example, Jane wrote her novel and was so proud of it and wanted to see if she could get it published by an actual publisher. She was heartbroken when Dexter, the publisher, said the book was really bad and criticized her writing. Jane’s father caught her in her room tearing up the book and stopped her. Her father’s encouraging words were all she needed to realize that her book was not as bad as she thought, and she decided to keep on writing adventurous books and continue her dream of being a writer. Family love and support can also make you feel at home wherever you are. Even if you live as an adult in separate homes, knowing you have a mother or father or sister or brother to reach out to can make a difference in your life.

  3. Avery Avichouser
    The Black Stallion
    Walter Farley
    Page 151
    Prompt 10
    Blog 6

    The first award goes to Henry for his act of kindness towards Alec and The Black. Henry is such a generous and kind person for everything he has done for Alec. He is so helpful towards Alec and his dreams. Henry deserves this award more than anyone. He is such a great example of how people should be acting every day. Henry helps Alec with anything he can do for him. For many people it is hard to be kind but for Henry it is not. Second award goes to Alec for how brave he has been through this journey. Alec is just a child but is braver than most people in the world. He is not scared of anything he just wants to follow his dreams. The Black stallion is such a wild animal for a child to be handling. Alec has no fear of him. Alec didn’t even know how to handle horses before he met The Black but from the second he met him he didn’t have any fear. All Alec wanted to do was help him. Alec is definitely a role model for people to live by. The final award goes to The Black stallion showing love towards Alec. He taught Alec all he knows. They have a special bond that can never be broken. Alec loves The Black more than anything in the world. Alec is the only one The Black can really trust. Their relationship is one of a kind. The Black loves Alec more than anyone in the world.

  4. Aiden Avichouser
    Abner and Me
    Dan Gutman
    Page 98
    Blog 6
    Prompt 3
    Joe Stoshack plays on a baseball team in Louisville. He loves the game so much and is pretty good at it. His team is coached by an old man named Flip Valentine. Flip played professionally for the Dodgers when he was younger. Flip and Stosh have a very special relationship. Before going back in time and meeting General Abner Doubleday he went back in time to meet other famous people. The first time he traveled back in time he met Honus Wagner. Joe goes to school with a boy named Bobby Fuller, Bobby has heard about his ability to travel through time. He is a bad kid and constantly makes fun of Joe, calling him a freak. Joe’s parents are divorced and his dad is paralyzed. His dad was in a car crash when he was younger right before he met Mickey Mantle. Joe and his dad went back in time to meet Babe Ruth together. That was a great trip for Joe, his goal was to find out if Babe Ruth called his home run shot. They never found out if he did or not, but Joe still had a great trip going back in time to see Babe Ruth. Joe has almost been killed in his past. On one of his missions he almost got shot, he was able to disappear just in time though. Joe is a very brave person, and he gets braver over all of the trips he takes. Joe has had a really interesting past and has a special ability that could affect his future.

  5. #8 Ethan Powell
    Seconds Away
    Harlan Coben
    Page 99
    Blog 6
    Prompt 9
    Spirited Away is my first recommendation to the main character of the book, Mickey Bolitar. Spirited Away is a movie about a girl who moves to a new town. when getting to her house her dad takes a short cut and they end up going through a building into an abandoned theme park. The main character, Chihiro, and her parents explore the theme park and find a restaurant. Chihiro’s parents eat while she explores. Chihiro finds someone named Haku who tells her that she shouldn’t be there and should go. She goes to find her parents, but finds pigs instead. Her parents turned into pigs, but Chihiro doesn’t believe it. She runs to the exit only to find a river separating her from her home. So here she is a mysterious new world without her parents. Through the help of a few friends she makes along the way she ends up “surviving” the whole experience and gets home safely with her parents. This movie is my recommendation to Mickey since it seems like he is in a similar situation and would really feel for Chihiro. Mickey’s dad is dead, his mom is in rehab and he is living with his uncle. Sounds like he’s in a “new world”. He then must use the help of some friends to find out who is hunting him, who is the Nazi Butcherer and why he looks like his dad’s paramedic. He is in a similar situation as Chihiro and he needs all the help he can get to solve this mystery. This is why I would recommend Spirited Away to Mickey Bolitar.

  6. Miguel Alvarez #1
    Zack Stentz
    Pages 48
    Blog #4 Quarter #2
    Prompt #10
    Tonight, at the Award Show, Thor, Odin, Loki will each receive their own award. Hello, I am your host Miguel Angel Alvarez. Our celebrities came across the dimensions to get here. Let’s give a warm earthly welcome to our guests. First up, he’s the prince of Asgard, next in line for the throne of Asgard, son of Odin, He’s Thor. He wields the mighty hammer Mjolnir, that he alone can wield. To another who is not worthy it is impossible to lift it. Thor will receive the Great Warrior Award for protecting Asgard with his life. He battled and defeated monsters for Asgard. Second is the king himself, the defender of worlds, the Peace Bringer, Odin. Odin Battle to stop the frost giants from invading Midgard (also known as earth). He lost an eye in the war. He rulers over Asgard and makes sure that there are no problems. He will receive the Protector Award. For Protecting Asgard and Midgard. Last but not certainly least, he is the master of magic, a prince of Asgard, Son of Odin, he’s Loki. Loki will receive the Greatest Magician Award. For perfecting the most difficult type of magic. Loki uses his magic for Asgard and for myself. He has a reputation of being a trickster. I have an award that is extremely important. It is the Strength Award. This includes physical and mental strength. This award goes to…. And that’s all the time we have tonight. Good night and see you later. Find out who won the Strength Award next time on the Award Show.

  7. Timmy Burgess #4
    I survived the Japanese Tsunami
    Lauren Tarshis
    Page 83
    Blog #6
    Prompt #12

    There are a few people that I think my characters would like to meet. The first person I would like Ben to meet is Michael Jordan. I think Ben would like to meet Michael Jordan because Ben likes basketball and Michael Jordan is a great basketball. Michael Jordan can teach Ben all different skills and moves. The next person I would like Ben to meet is Ingemar Stenmark. He is Swedish skier that survived a tsunami. I think that the could talk about each others stories about how the both had to fight for there lives. He could give Ben tips on how to live and over come after that tragic event. The next character that I think Ben’s little brother Harry to meet is Mark Hamill the voice and actor of Luke Skywalker in the original star wars movie. I think Bens little brother Harry would like to meet Mark Hamill because Harry loves star wars so much he dresses his cat up as Han Solo and pretend to fight the dark side. I think Mark Hamill will give Harry secrets about the movie along with about the cast and behind the scenes. One last person I think Harry would like to meet is Steve Sansweet is the world’s largest star wars private collector. I think Harry would like to meet him because he can let Harry look around and play with the toys. Steve Sansweet can also tell Harry about star wars and the price of his collection also he can tell Harry how long he has been collecting.

  8. Katelynn Burgess #1.5
    Turtles All the Way Down
    John Green
    Page 107
    Blog #6
    Prompt #4

    One important theme in the book Turtles all the way down is identity. The main character Aza is trying to find her identity throughout the story. One reason I know this is because she goes to a therapist to help figure out what her mental illness is. She has a lot of questions about her existence and controlling her thoughts and actions. Aza starts to learn that she has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD causes people to over think things, to be very afraid of germs, and it makes their daily life harder. In this book so far Aza is learning that she has different and separate identities. Her mom and boyfriend call her Aza, her best friend calls her Holmsey, and other people call her ms. Holmes’ daughter. She is a different person for each of these different names and to each of these people. She often feels like she has a demon living inside her that controls her thoughts and actions. She is constantly over thinking and obsessing over bacteria and germs and many other things. Even without the demon in her head she is unable to think of herself as a single person. She doesn’t like the fact that other people have the ability to add to or even change her identity. She is trying to work through this with her therapist. I am looking forward to reading the rest of this book and finding out how Aza deals with her mental illness and finding out who she is as a person.

  9. #2 Ethan Crenshaw
    I Survived the San Francisco Earthquake, 1906
    Lauren Tarshis
    Pages 88
    Blog #6 Quarter 2
    Prompt 8

    There are a few superheroes Leo would think of as a superhero. The first superhero Leo would think of is Batman. Leo is brave when he scares the bullies and does not give up when something important to him was taken. Leo’s Grandpa gave him a golden nugget when he passed away. Leo would want to possess being strong and beating up bullies that pick on. Another superhero Leo would want to possess is Captain Falcon. Captain Falcon is strong and fights the mean people. Leo would possess his strength, bravery, and superpowers. Leo shows bravery when the San Francisco earthquake begins. He also helps his friends and enemies when almost dying. The last superhero Leo would possess is Superman. Leo is smart and strong when facing deadly encounters by buildings collapsing, glass shattering, homes and apartment buildings on fire. Leo is very courageous and helps his friend out. The super powers Leo would possess strength, invisibility, jump high, fly, and super speed. Leo worked as a newspaper boy and he used that money to pay for food. Leo is a very smart kid when it comes to disasters and finding ways out to survive. When disasters come we need to be smart and brave like Leo. When bad things happen to us we need to go to God and have trust that He can help us when terrible things happen.

  10. Claire Hung #10
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    Jeff Kinney
    Pages 217
    Blog #6 Quarter #2
    Prompt #10
    In the book, Greg help and stand up for people, he created a magazine cartoon, that helped Rowley to be a class clown in the school. Greg messes up all the times, like when he chose to play tricks on the kindergarteners. I felt bad for Greg because he lost his best friend for a little while, he got his friend back when he stand up for his friend and solved the cheese touch problem. Some high schoolers got mad at Rowley and Greg for playing tricks on them, so they came and told Rowley to eat the cheese. It was nice for Greg to solve the problem for his friend Rowley, but it also led him into big trouble, now Greg got the cheese touch. I think Greg should get the “most courageous” award, because I think he knew that he was going to get in trouble for playing tricks on the little kids, but he still did it. He thought that what he said to his schoolmates about the cheese would make things better, but it ended up worst for him. At least now he has his friend back for removing his trouble, and he also gets what he deserves for making a bad decision. Greg sometimes be very mean to other people, but sometimes very kind and courageous to others. Sometimes he could be smart, but other times very stupid. His diaries is the book that makes all of us very delightful.

  11. Jenna Cardeno #5
    Auggie and Me
    R.J. Palacio
    Page 145
    Blog #6 Quarter #2
    Prompt 12

    In the book Auggie and Me I chose the two characters Julian and Christopher. I think Julian should meet God. I think he should meet God so God can tell him how to fix his mistakes.
    I also think Julian should meet Ed Sheeran because Julian might need to listen to some good music when he feels bad about something he might have done. Lastly I think Julian should meet
    Liza Koshy because she is a very funny Youtuber. I think that some times Julian might also just need a laugh so he can feel happy even when he did something wrong. The second person I chose is Christopher. I think Christopher should meet Neil Armstrong the man who walked on the moon because Christopher and Auggie were obsessed with outer space. I think Christopher should also meet Me because he was being very impatient and not waiting for his mom. I am also very impatient when it comes to situations like that. I also think Christopher should meet Taylor Swift. I think he should meet Taylor Swift because she plays the guitar some times and she could teach Christopher how to play the guitar because he is in the school rock band. Another person Christopher should meet is God so every time Christopher is mad or sad he can go to God and ask for help through the tough times he has. These are some of the people who I think the characters in the book Auggie and Me should meet.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Jessica Ramirez #9
    Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry
    Mildred D. Taylor
    Pages 276
    Blog #6 Quarter #2
    Prompt #8

    Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry is about African American people. In this book there are a few characters that would like to be like there superheroes. One of the characters in this book is called little man. His hero would be Martin Luther King Jr. because Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for what he believed and Martin Luther King Jr. acted upon it. Martin Luther King Jr. is bold, courageous, faithful and fearless. One day at school Little man’s class had to check out books but, the books had a page in it where it stated the conditions of the book. The book stated that the white people treated the books excellent and the African Americans treated the books poorly. It had many blank lines left for African Americans stating poor condition. He got so mad that he did not take the book home. Little man would probably want Martin Luther King Jr.’s boldness. The next character is Mr. Morrison. Mr. Morrison’s hero would probably be Jackie Robinson. The reason why I chose Jackie Robinson was because he was judged for the color of his skin. He had to take sacrifices and also got kicked off of some baseball teams but, he still went and kept trying. Jackie Robinson did not give up. Mr. Morrison is a friend of little man’s dad who works on building roads. He got in a huge fight with a white person and was fired for that reason but, the white person was not fired for getting in a fight. The white person got to keep his job. Mr. Morrison would like to have Jackie Robinson’s additude. African Americans are not different than others. We need to understand that being a different color does not mean we are different at heart.

  14. #6 Michael Montoya
    Fifth Wave
    Rick Yancey
    Blog#6 Quarter 2
    Prompt 14

    Cassie would like these five songs because each one reflects her character in many ways. The songs include Chillin on a Dirt Road, Confession, Logic, The Way Life Goes and Fight Song. She would definitely listen to Dirt Road because she likes country music. This song represents Cassie because before the aliens came flooding in she was very chill, but throughout the book she becomes much more uneasy. Confession is a song that represents her character the most out of this list. The song is about looking back at your childhood and noticing the difference from then and now. It says to never lie. Cassie is a Christian and this is one of the Christian commandments. It also says we need to always confess to everything and do not lie which is also Cassie’s belief. The Way Life Goes tells her that even when something goes wrong it is part of life and whatever happens is just the way life is meant to go. No matter what comes your way you have to keep going and try not to worry about it. Another song, Logic, shows how she can sometimes be out of her mind. In the book there was a part where her plan was very foolish. If Cassie will just take her time with everything she does, she will get through all of the hardships. Fight Song is definitely the most inspiring song to listen to. This song expresses that when her brother was taken it does not mean to give up. It means to get back up and fight. Always remain strong when you are feeling too weak, but whatever you do, do not give up the fight.

  15. Lily kuhlman #11
    Harry Potter goblet of Fire
    Jk Rowling
    Prompt #13

    The character I have selected is Harry Potter. Harry is a very smart, talented, adventurous, and isn’t afraid to take a chance. One of the books I have selected is gullivers travels. I have picked this book beacause it is a very adventurous book. Another book I have selected is the secret garden. I think he should read it beacause it has a lot of mystery to it and harry loves mysteries. Since Harry loves to hear triumphant stories Robbin hood would be a good book for him. The reason it would be a good book for him is he will always be chased or hunted down by something or someone. And in Robin Hood robin is always on the run. Another book I have chosen is 20,000 leagues under the sea. It is a very good book with many plot lines. He should read it beacause it is a very interesting story in my opinion. There are many books in this series, but I think harry should read the Harry Potter series. He should read about it beacause he would enjoy to a certain extent kind of bragging or humbly bringing it up in a conversation with one of his friends at hogwarts and with his horrible aunt petunia and uncle Vernon.

  16. Kaitlyn Brown #3
    From the Notebooks of a Middle school Princess
    Meg Cabot
    Page 32
    Blog #6 Quarter #2
    Prompt #3

    A girl named Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison is a completely average 12-year-old. The only thing not average about her is her name. She is very good a drawing animals because she has won so many drawing competitions. She is also half orphan because she never really met her father. Then one day everything goes wrong this girl named Annabelle threatened to beat Olivia up. Then one day Annabelle lied to the princeable about Olivia beating Annabelle up which she didn’t Olivia got a demerit. Suddenly, Princess Mia Thermopolis of Genovia pulls up in a limo and invites Olivia to meet her father! Once she got to the castle she met her father who invited her to come and live with him for the rest of her life because her father is a king. Olivia also has two pet poodle who are so fluffy and adorable! Olivia was having doubts about living with her father because she should miss her friend at school. So she went back to school the next day wearing a shiny gold crown! She was the most popular girl at school the next few days so she told her friend everything that happened her friend was so happy for her but would miss her so Olivia decided to stay at school. But Olivia was still going to think about living with her father because she could hav fame royalty and fortune!


  17. Blog #6
    Jaclyn Yost #14
    Escaping the Giant Wave
    Peg Kehret
    Pages 500
    Blog #6 Quarter #2
    Prompt 3

    It's hard being a writer of a book. Let's think of sme ways to describe the characters. we have Kyle almost died in his mothers stomach when his mom was in labor. Kyle came out head first so he was a breach and all the doctors thought he was going to die. Next we have Kyle's sister BeeBee. BeeBee ended up being a accountant like she always wanted to be. She went to school so she could get the job that she wanted and that job was a accountant. Now we have Daren. Daren ended up being a doctor and got crazy rich. Then he got married and had a kid that was mean to Kyle's son just like he was mean to Kyle. Last but not least we have BeeBee and Kyle's parents unfortunately they both die but before that they went to Chapman University and met there. Then they got married and had Kyle and BeeBee. After that they got a job together and lived happily ever after until they died. So they all had a happy ending except for Kyle and BeeBees parents. To that end they all were fine and lived there's lives happily and peacefully.

  18. Leo Sellarole #10
    The Perfectionist
    Sara Shepard
    Pages 205
    Blog #6 Quarter #2
    Prompt #4
    A theme I find striking and a huge impact in the book left on me is murder, the death of someone. In the book five girls exact revenge on a cruel and unforgiving teenage boy. The next morning the teenage boy Nolan Hotchkiss ends up dead. Somehow this death impacted everyone and every facet of Beacon Heights. From Nolan's state senator mother, to the kids who walk the halls of the school that Nolan once walked, all lives were affected. Five girls lives greatly impacted with other students who knew Nolan all treated as suspects. The parents of Nolan obviously affected by emptiness where their son once was and other parents concerned for the safety of their own children and habits they may keep. Beacon Heights itself shrouded in mourning, concern, fear, and anxiety. In every day life someone is affected by a memory whether it be good or bad of Nolan. In the news papers and on tv reminders of this horrible tragedy is made. School assemblies serve as grim reminders of the accident and other reminders such as gossip, pictures and handouts in memory of Nolan, as well as propaganda affect the day to day life or residents in Beacon Heights. Police questioning kids, and assembling tests looking for evidence. A death or murder effects a whole community much more a single person changing the life at the time like news, tv, the actions of people and there thoughts and fears, school, kids and the productivity which more than likely goes down as a result of stress and grief. The same could apply to even the adults of Beacon Heights. As I've learned in depth from this book along with some others is that death has a great negative affect on people and life itself, even someone who may have been horrible in life.

  19. Jasmine Raya #13
    R.J. Palacio
    Pages Read 51
    Blog #6 Quarter #2
    Prompt 15
    The characters that I have chosen from this novel is Jack, and Julian. Jacks name means God is gracious, and he who supplants. Julian’s name means youthful, and downy. The way the meaning of Jack’s name is suitable for him is because Jack’s actions are gracious and he looks out for Auggie just how God looks out for us. His name is also not suitable for him in away because he makes mistakes and he is not God he is human. Julian’s name is suitable for him because he is a kid. His name is also not suitable for him because he is a bully, he is not caring, he says whatever he wants even though it can hurt the other persons feeling. As you can, these characters names can be suitable for them in some way and not suitable for them in other ways.

  20. Brandon Salgado #10
    The Magnificent 12: The Call
    Michael Grant
    Page 107
    Blog 6 Quarter 2
    Prompt 9

    There are three movies that the main character Mack should see. The first one is the movie Thor Ragnarok. I think he would enjoy this movie because there is a lot of action scenes. Thor and his brother unwillingly arrive to a waste land. Thor gets held as a prisoner, but his brother makes friends with king. Thor meets Hulk and goes back to his home world and eventually fights his sister to kill her and prevent her from taking over. This movie would be good for Mack to see because he could learn how to fight against the enemies he might face. Another movie Mack should see is Captain America Civil War. This movie is about friends that divide into two groups because they are arguing over how the superheroes are able to help the city. He should see this movie too because there are great scenes showing the two groups fighting against each other. Mack will need to do the same and could learn how to stay as a group and work together. The third movie I think Mack should see and will enjoy is Guardians of the Galaxy 2. This movie is about the Guardians being hired by the aliens to protect their batteries from invaders. Mack would like this movie because there is a lot of humor and good characters. He could also see the team working together to fight the enemy in this movie too. All three of these movies have superheroes that are fighting against evil and will help Mack in his future as a hero.

  21. Joshua Quintana
    Diary of A Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth
    Jeff Kinney
    Page 217
    Prompt #9
    Blog #6
    Greg Heffley would like many of the movies i’ve seen. Greg Heffley would really like to see the Diary of A Wimpy Kid movie trilogy and reboot, as he could compare and contrast them with his life and see what they got right from his life and wrong. I think Greg would like the Jumanji reboot, because he’s a very comedic person and he would find the humor somewhat relatable to his life and journals. In Ugly Truth Greg ended up being stuck at school with some classmates during their school lock in event which led to a complex sequence of comedic events. In Jumanji the four protagonists get locked in their school for detention which leads to a complex sequence of comedic events. As seen the two share some similarities, but that’s not all folks, Jumanji talks about friendships just like in Ugly Truth. In Ugly Truth, Greg Heffley, and his friend Rowley quit being friends and in the end make up and become best buddies again. The same happens in Jumanji with Dwayne ‘Rock’ Johnson’s character getting into a fight with Kevin Hart’s character. In the end they also make up and become best buddies again. That’s why Greg would really like this movie, Greg would also like the movie Wonder. Greg and August are both famous characters from popular novels that were drawn in cartoon art styles that had on screen adaptations with live action characters that look nothing like them. Both Wonder and Wimpy Kid both had somewhat butchered movie adaptations that were good, but not too true to the original story.

  22. Ileanna Holiday #4
    My First Love
    Callie West
    Page 307
    Blog 6
    Prompt 11
    Amy Wyse has everything except love. She doesn’t want a boyfriend to get in the way of her dreams of college and a swimming scholarship, goals toward which she’s worked hard. If she were to go anywhere she would probably go to the Bahamas. It is very peaceful and she could focus on herself and not have to worry about any drama that is happening at home. She might stay there for about a week so she could have time to clear her mind. On her first day she would just relax and spend some time enjoying the fresh ocean breeze and at night enjoy the sunset. Her second day there she will go to the beach and swim in the clear, beautiful blue ocean. At night she would probably go to a nice luau and watch people dance and sing and have a lot of fun. The third day she would have breakfast in bed and maybe catch up on some homework so she doesn’t have to stress out as much when she gets home. On her fourth day in the Bahamas she would probably go to the hotel pool and and get some swim practice in so that she not out of shape when she comes back home. That night she will have another luau and have really good food and also a really good time. Her fifth day there she would go scuba diving and see a lot of cool and amazing animals. The rest of the day she would just relax and order room service and watch some riverdale. On her sixth day there she would spend a day exploring the Bahamas. She would go to shops and maybe even go on a hike. That night she would go to one last luau where she would sing and dance and eat food and spend her last night there having an amazing time. The seventh day she would spend packing and saying her goodbyes to the Bahamas. Overall she would have an amazing time.

  23. Lauren Quintana #7
    Prague Counterpoint
    Brodie and Brock Theonine
    Page #392
    Blog #6 Quarter #3
    Prompt #10
    Prague Counterpoint is a fascinating book that will captivate the mind of any mature reader. Each character feels real and is actually relatable at times. They each have a personality of their own ranging from the kind hearted spirit of Eliza or the evil coldness of Otto, a Nazi general. Even though many of these characters are evil or full of themselves, such as Herr Hugal, they all deserve an award. The Kindest Soul Award goes to Leah Feildstine. Leah was kind to the Nazis, considering what they did to her. She even risked her life for two poor boys whose father, Walter , was shot by the Nazis. One boy, Charles, who was deformed was wanted for an abortion from the Nazis. Leah saved Charles, and his brother Luis, and nearly died in the process. The next award is the Risk-taker Award. This goes to Eliza Murphy for going back to Vienna to save the lives of many children and helping Leah with the boys. She wasn’t able to save any more children, but she risked her life trying. She said so many things to Nazis that many would be very reluctant to say. As said earlier the Pride Award goes to Herr Hugal. This absolute fool hearty slob thought since he was a Nazi he was important. This ugly giddy man was very vein and bragged about himself numerous times in a conversation. The next award is the Stand Out award. This will be awarded to John Murphy. John Murphy was able to say what his business partners were able to say to his corrupted boss, whom enjoyed Hitler. John Murphy was also strong enough to wright how he felt about Eliza who did not (at the time) seem so fond of him. The final award, the Award Of Bravery goes to an unexpected pier. Otto was the bravest out of every one in the book. Otto who was a full on Nazi completely did whatever he could to help Leah with the two boys. Otto knew the risk and still went through with the actions even the murder, of a rather fat, Nazi Herr Hugal. He returned home in the end to his family who had forced him out of their house for his Nazi beliefs. These numerous characters deserve the given award and have rightfully fulfilled this colorful amazing tale.

  24. Cole LaBrado #6
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    Jeff Kinney
    pages 462
    blog #6 quarter #2
    prompt #3

    Gregory was not always such an ugly and stupid kid. Believe it or not he used to be small, cute, and innocent. His brother was not always so mean to him as well. Before Manny came into his families life Gregory used to be the star child or the "focus of the family". Besides all of that Gregory has problems of his own to deal with. He needs to find a new best friend because him and Rowley were not working out and on top of that he is trying to get big and trying to find a girl who has interest. His brother has not had to deal with all of the problems that Gregory had until he got there, then he just took out all of his anger and pain on Gregory and Gregory could not do it on Manny because his parents will not let Gregory touch him. I think Gregory's parents kind of have it out for him because they never really ask about him or see if he is okay and whenever Rodrick bullies him they never seem to help him out. And when he gets bullied he always goes to his friends and never his parents so I do not think that his parents put him in the greatest situation. I do think that his past affected him a lot just because he had no one to help him with his situation. To answer the question "does he live a happy ever after"? I would say no for the reason being that you need someone to be there for you when you are going through tough times and not fight it on your own you need your friends and family by your side to help you through thick and thin and through hard and difficult times because life and school and mean kids will eventually get to your head no matter how strong you think you are. So hopefully he can get his best friend back and get his brothers to be nice and try to talk to his parents and just open up.

  25. Joe McElroy #7
    Diary of a wimpy kid
    Jeff Kinney
    Page #213
    Blog#6 quarter#2
    Prompt #6

    (Me) Today I am interviewing Greg hefley. (Me) Greg how are you doing today? (Greg) I am doing well. (Me) so I can tell Jr high is not going as planed? (Greg) not really no. (Me) That's too bad. (Me) the first question I have today is how did fell almost having to touch the cheese? (Greg) terrifying! (Me) are you relived that rowly ate it for you? (Greg) in some way yes but no. (Greg) I feel bad for him but I'm still happy it wasn't me eating the cheese. (Me) What was it like on Halloween when you had to walk down snake road to get home you must've been terrified?(Greg) yes, I was very scared at the situation. (Greg) I for shur didn't want to get ambushed by the teenagers that we made upset at us earlier. (Me) I have a important question. (Greg) ok. (Me) how did it feel to get beaten up by a girl in P.E. . (Greg) ok, well, um, I let her win of course I could take her down if I wanted to I just didn't want to hurt her feelings you know. (Me) ummm ok I see so you let her embarrass you in front of the school? (Greg) yes, exactly I let her beet me in restling to prove a point. (Me) what point is this exactly? (Greg) that's not the point here. (Greg) the point is that I'm stronger. (Me) ok last question. (Me) do you think you will have a better year next year or do you think it will be worse? (Greg) every year brings its own challenges I always hope the next year would be better but we will have to see. (Me) thank you for having this interview with me. (Greg) it was my pleasure. (Me) I hope we can have a nother interview again some time. (Greg) that sounds good, thank you. (Me) thank you. (Me) have a good day. (Greg) you too.

  26. Kylie Gorospe 38
    Little Women
    Louisa May Alcott
    Pages 600
    Blog #6 Quarter #2
    Promt #10
    All of the characters deserve an award. I would give Meg the award of “Most Devoted”
    because before she was married to John she was very devoted to her family. Even after she married
    John she was still devoted to her sisters and parents, but she also devotes her time to her own family.
    She spent most of her time on her children, Demi and Daisy, but she realizes that she wasn’t spending
    as much time with John so she puts the twins to bed earlier so she can focus on everyone. Jo deserves
    the “Most Caring Award”. Jo cared about Teddy, her family, Mr. Bhaer, and all her friends. She
    especially cared for Beth because she knew that she was having hard times. She cared for Teddy as
    a brother. Mr. Bhaer was a great friend to her and taught her lessons and felt she should give something
    in return. Jo cleaned his room and gave him a vase. Jo cared deeply for her family because they
    supported her throughout her journey. I think Beth deserves the “Kindness Award”. Beth was very
    kind to everyone. Beth stayed with her mom and dad even though she was sick. Beth was kind to the
    Teddy and Mr. Laurence. She watched over Demi and Daisy whil Meg and John had to work. I would
    give Amy the “Creativity Award” because she was a very talented artist. She wanted to go adventure to
    get inspired for art. She went to London and painted beautiful pictures there. All the girls earned their

  27. Sydnee Geater #7
    Dork Diaries, Tales from a not-so-Secret Crush Catastrophe
    Rachel Renee Russell
    pages 256
    Blog#4 Quarter #2
    Prompt 7

    True or False
    1. Daisy makes a mess all over the house because she wanted a sausage.
    2. Brandon doesn't train Daisy because he has so much things to do.
    3. Nikki doesn't get qualified to go to Paris.
    4. Andre is from Paris.
    5. Brandon is very jealous of Andre because Brandon thinks that Nikki likes Andre.
    6. Andre doesn't attract girls.
    7. Mackenzie photo-shops pictures of Andre and Nikki to make them look like they are a couple.
    8. Mackenzie doesn't try to get Brandon to like her.
    9. Mackenzie and Nikki say incredibly nice things to each other.
    10. Their is not a happy ending.

    1. T
    2. F
    3. F
    4. T
    5. T
    6. F
    7. T
    8. F
    9. F
    10. F

    Multiple choice
    11. When Brianna's teddy bear fell in the toilet, what did Nikki swallow?
    A.a bug B. toilet water C. some stuffing
    12. When Nikki was invited to go on a tour to Paris, what did she do?
    A. told her friends right away B. never told them C. a few weeks had past before she had told her friends
    13.When Andre brought Nikki breakfast, where did they eat?
    A. in the gym B. the cafeteria C. the library
    14. When Nikki was daydreaming, what was she dreaming about?
    A. two guys fighting over her B. two guys fighting her C. nobody was fighting
    15. When Nikki and her family were playing their game, who made it up?
    A. Brianna B. Dad C. Nikki
    16. When Nikki's family went on an airplane, who were they sitting with?
    A. a lazy man B. a business man C. an old cat lady
    17. When Mackenzie showed Brandon her phone, what did she show him?
    A. pictures B. videos C. yesterdays homework
    18. When Nikki saw Brandon, what was his emotion?
    A. happiness B. anger C. gloominess
    19. After Nikki came out of the bathroom, what did she forget?
    A. her pencil B. her backpack C. her phone
    20. When Brandon was in the library, what did Nikki give him?
    A. a secret message B. a present C. drawings

    11. B.
    12. C.
    13. C.
    14. A.
    15. A.
    16. B.
    17. A.
    18. C.
    19. B.
    20. C.

  28. Araylia Holiday #9
    Auggie and Me
    R.J. Palacio
    Page 303
    Blog #6 Quarter #2
    Prompt 10

    Charlotte you get the award kindness. You get this award for being supportive to others and also for being kind. Summer you get the award passionate. This award shows how you are so passionate for everyone even if you don't really know them. Maya you get the award for bravery. This represents you bravery. You don't care about what people think. When you want to do something you do it. Ximena you get the award for knowing what is right. You could have been rude to Charlotte and Summer but you weren't you choose to be kind and not just stay with the popular group. Ellie you get the award for never giving up. You were losing friend ships and yet you still try hard to keep them. Now the last award I am going to give out is very special. It is for people who have been kind, passionate for others, loving, and most of all always helping one another. This award is called the golden rule award. There are several of you that will get this award. They are Jack Will, Charlotte, Summer Dawson, Ximena, Maya, and most of all August Pullman. Thank you for showing a good example.

  29. #3 Chris Grothues


    Clayton Kershaw

    Blog 6

    Log 2

    Pages 107

    Dear Clayton Kershaw

    There is a couple pieces of advice I want to give you. My first piece of advice I am going to give you is I love how you go to different countries to share the gospel. My advice to you is you is don’t let anyone look down on you because you’re young but set example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, and in faith and in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12). What that means is to just because your are young don’t let anyone look down on you. We all need to set an example because we are Christians. If someone sees us not setting an example they will think we are not Christians. My second advice to you is in Psalm 23. It says The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I shall will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. What that means is the Lord will always be with you and he will always guide you the best way possible.

  30. #5 Italia Holiday
    The Dirt Diary
    Anna Staniszewski
    Page 203
    Blog #6 Quarter #2
    Prompt 2
    Dear Rachel,
    I would like to give you some advice on what you did when you took money from your college bank account. Personally I would not steel money from my college account to see my dad, but maybe I would try to save my own money to buy a plane ticket. Telling the truth to your mom will always make the situation ten times better and I struggle with it to. It is so hard because you think if you lie they will believe you, but most the time our parents catch us. If I was you Rachel I would ask my mom for money and afterwards to a fundraiser. Also, if my crush asked me to spy on his girlfriend I would say no thanks because I would not like to be the girl who is getting spied on. I would tell him to just ask his own girlfriend if something was wrong, she might get mad at him but better then her getting mad at you. Another piece of advice would be try not to keep everything in your diary because someone might find it and spill everyone's secrets including yours. I know it's hard to always do the right thing because everyone wants to be in the loop, but in the end result we need to follow God instead of the world. When we follow the world we might get to know all the gossip and drama, but later on in life following God will always be better.

  31. Claire Hung
    The Capture
    Kathryn Lasky
    Pages 219
    Blog #7 Quarter #3
    Prompt 15
    From the novel The Capture, I choose Soren, Gylfie, and Hortense. Soren’s name is a Scandinavian baby name and is also a saint’s name, also a strict name. I wouldn’t think this name would be a good fit for Soren, because he is not strict. He tries to give up many time, it took a lot of times for Gylfie to cheer Soren up to fly again to escape. For Gylfie’s name, it means positive, self-assertive, and independent. This name would be a good fit for Gylfie because she is very positive. She cheers up Soren when he is feeling down, and she is also very smart because she thinks of many plans to escape. For Hortense’s name, it is a French feminime name that comes from Latin meaning gardener. It wouldn’t be a good name for her because she isn’t a gardener. This novel was still a interesting book because it explained how they think of many ways to escape since they are taken to St. Aggie’s to be like workers.


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