Blog #7

Welcome to the third quarter. You are more than half way through the year and I have greatly enjoyed reading about your literary pursuits. Remember to spell check, edit for grammatical errors, and check that the word count is at a minimum of 250 words(does not include the header).


  1. Brandon Salgado #10
    The Magnificent 12: The Call
    Michael Grant
    Pages 203
    Blog #7 Quarter #3
    Prompt 1
    Dear Diary,
    I don’t know about anybody else, but in my opinion, I think it is pretty cool being in The Magnificent Twelve. The Magnificent Twelve is basically a group of super heroes that fight all the enemies and the bad things in the world. I would have never guessed that I had the power to fight giant, creepy grasshopper guys trying to KILL me, until this old guy named Grimluk, started to appear next to me when no one was around. Every day, when Grimluk appeared next to me, he told me that I had special powers, and that I was a part of this group named the Magnificent Twelve. I thought it was kind of weird that he would appear next to me every day, but I got used to it. A few weeks later, when Grimluk appeared to me, he told me that I need to come to Sydney, Australia to meet the other members of the Magnificent Twelve. When Grimluk told me this, I was excited, but scared because that meant that I had to fly in a plane there and I have a fear of heights. My friend Stefan went with me because he wanted to go too. When we were on the plane, something weird happened. The plane started to tilt sideways and we eventually fell out of the plane. It was a good thing that we were still above the water because if we were above the land, we would have died. There was a boat that came to save us and took us to land. Once we reached the land, Stefan and I met the other members of the Magnificent Twelve. This was all a great experience and a lot of fun being a super hero and being in a group of other super heroes. I hope to have an adventure like this again.

  2. Avery Avichouser
    Patrick Carmen
    Page 70
    Prompt 15
    Blog 7
    Leo is a very sophisticated name. It means a name to be loved and admired. Leo Fillmore is a very smart, adventurous, mysterious, sophisticated, and helpful boy. This definition of his name really does match his character. His name sounds very royal and to be respected. In the story of Floors Leo is on a crazy mystery to find out everything about the hotel. To do this he has to have a very different personality. Having to go on a mystery includes having to be very smart and Leo was the perfect boy to do the job. Leo‘s name fits him absolutely perfectly there are no ways that it doesn’t. The name Betty is meaning beautiful. Betty the duck is sassy, sweet , smart, and adventurous. Definition of her name matches her in the way that Betty has a beautiful soul. A way that Betty does not match the definition is that she has a very sassy personality. In the story she is a partner for Leo in their mystery of the hotel. Even though she is a duck she is great company and makes a great partner in crime for Leo. That is very special that their friends because he is a human and she is a duck. Definition of the name Clarence means bright. Clarence Fillmore who was Leo Fillmore‘s father worked as the janitor of the hotel. He was a very manly man, and he was strong. This definition of Clarence does not really match his character in the story. He was a janitor and didn’t really seem to be bright he seemed more manly.

  3. Katelynn Burgess #1.5
    Turtles All The Way Down
    John Green
    Prompt #1
    Blog #7

    Dear Diary,
    My demon in my head is really talking to me today. Today, I rode in a train to go visit Davis while he’s on vacation. I thought I would be ok because I was just sitting there but then I started thinking about the many germs infesting my seat, the table in front of me, the windowsill, and the people sitting next to me. I know that I should not worry about stuff like this but I can’t help but think about all the bacteria getting in my skin and in my mouth. The gentlemen next to me shook my hand and I wanted to pour a whole bottle of hand sanitizer on it. I have severe OCD and I sometimes feel trapped in my own body. When I finally got to my destination, Davis was there to meet me he could tell I was panicked and I explained to him why so he comforted me. I really like Davis and he likes me but I am afraid to kiss him because of all the bacteria he could transfer to me and I hate this because I just want to be a normal teenager. Sometimes, when he tries to hold my hand I flinch a little because I think of all the germs. I felt panicked the rest of the day and the Demon in my head kept telling me not to do things because of all the germs. I figured out later that I wasn’t myself because I forgot to take my medication that helps calm me and stops me from worrying.

    1. Nico Marchello
      Diary of a wimpy kid
      Jeff Kinney
      page 51
      propt 4

      Greg Hefley is the story real, what you go through every day with your family? Greg: yes there a mess but sometimes they can be nice and not so frustrating. Me: is Roderick that lazy? Greg: He is very lazy all day and every day but he is also really dumb. Me: Do you play video games all the time and do you play outside at all? Greg: I would say I play video games 10 to 12 hours a day and go outside for at least 20 minutes. Me: Do you work out for at least an hour a day or shorter at least at school. Greg: sometimes it depends were I’m at, or what mood I’m in but I have pe in school. Me: what does your family do every day? Greg: they go to work but my mom does groceries and other things like a normal mom does. Me: Do you have any other any pets at home? Greg: um yea we have a pig that we got from vacation but lets just say the vacation was not vary fun. Me: What is your favorite sport at this moment to watch or to play? Greg: I’m not really a sports person but I like to watch football and basketball sometimes.

  4. Joshua Quintana
    Diary of A Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules
    Jeff Kinney
    Page 117
    Prompt #4
    Blog #7

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules has many great themes throughout the entire book. One of these many great themes in this book is the theme of brotherly love. Greg Heffley and his older brother Rodrick Heffley clearly have somewhat of a sort of a sibling rivalry in the book more than the other books. This theme is quite clearly shown throughout the entire book. Greg Heffley has to ride home from his swimming lessons in his brother Rodrick Heffley’s van and he doesn't like riding with his brother because he can't ride in a comfortable seat and has to ride in the back with Rodrick’s stuff. Greg Heffley also doesn't like his older brother Rodrick because he doesn't like to hang out with his younger brother Greg Heffley. Rodrick Heffley doesn't like Greg Heffley because Greg Heffley messes with him and got him in trouble. Rodrick Heffley also doesn't like Greg Heffley because he has to drive him home from school and swim practice in the book. The reason the theme is brotherly love is because they eventually get on better terms. Even though Greg Heffley put up the video of the mom dancing online they still kinda seemed to be on better terms at the end of the story. The good part about this is how it’s more of a playful thing versus the i’m going to ruin your life attitude they had against each other. In conclusion Greg Heffley and Rodrick Heffley show the brotherly love theme in this story.

  5. #8 Ethan Powell
    The Body
    Stephen King
    Page 349
    Prompt 6
    Blog #7
    Welcome back to the show I’m your host, Ethan Powell and today we have a very special guest. Give it up for, Gordie Lachance. “How are you doing Gordie?”. “Fine, thanks for having me.” “thanks for coming.”. “Now Gordie you told us about your friends, years later after the events of your book, how did you get that information?” “Well I saw some of them talked about in newspapers like Chris and I heard about the others from people talking about them.”. “interesting, do you know anything about the others in your book such as Eyeball, Ace or anyone else.”. “No, I haven’t seen them in any news and I haven’t heard anyone talk about them.”. “What were your initial thoughts on seeing this body?”. “I just froze, I had wanted to see this body, but when we finally saw it, it reminded me of my brother. It was a scary experience.”. “Did you keep in touch with anyone after these events?”. “I did for awhile until high school rolled around and that’s when we started to drift apart and eventually we didn’t even talk to each other over that phone.”. “I have a question about Ace, did his gang even send like a threat because in your book he said that he’d get you and clearly he didn’t.”. “Well, I think that Ace never messed with any of us because of fear of us going to the cops before he got his hands on us.” “Interesting, well that’s all the time we have for today, thank you for coming out Gordie.”. “Tune in next week where we interview Will Wheaton.”.

  6. Timmy Burgess #4
    I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944
    Lauren Tarshis
    Pg. 21
    Blog #7
    Prompt #1

    Dear diary,
    Today was a hard day. Zena and I have been starving for a couple of days now. So when we were walking around the gated area the Nazi soldiers are keeping us in, Zena spotted a berry bush so we saw a little hole that I could stick my arm out to grab a hand full of berries so were could eat them or trade them for potatoes later. I tried to grab them and it was an inch away out of my reach. I could maybe slide under quickly the punishment would be so harsh but I was hungry so I did it. One of the Nazi shoulders caught me and knocked me out when I woke up I was getting separated from Zena. I also had a weird flashback to when papa was getting taken away from us and we never so him again. Also when Aunt Hannah was talking to papa about going to America she left without use. When I stopped day dreaming I realized Zena was taken away from me and I tried worming out of the Nazi’s hands but then he tried to aim the gun at me and I threw me body at him with force, knocking the gun at him and it miss fired and shot him in the leg. Zena and I ran for like four miles until my legs gave out and we fell asleep in the middle of a farm field in till it was morning.

  7. Ethan Crenshaw
    Diary of a Wimpey Kid
    Jeff Kinney
    Pages 217
    Blog 7
    Quarter 3
    Prompt 6

    Today we have an exciting day my name is Ethan Crenshaw and you are on the interviewing channel. Today we have Greg Heffley himself. “So Greg how do you feel about your book?” “I was pretty excited about finishing the book.” Did you feel annoyed about your friend Rowley?” “ Maybe just a little bit because he always asked me to come over to his house and play. I felt embarrassed about the big kids making fun of that.” “How is it like having an older brother?” “I really don’t like having him around because he is mean and pranks me.” “How was Halloween with Rowley, did you get a lot of candy?” “We did not get much candy but, it was funny when we made a haunted maze and scared a little kid but then we got in trouble.” “Did you feel bad after scaring the little kid?” “I felt a little bit bad but after that night it was probably the best Halloween ever.” “How was Christmas did you get good presents?” “All and got was clothes and socks. But when I went to Rowley’s his parents gave me a toy car.” “What did you do with the toy car?” “I broke the toy car and I broke Rowley’s arm by throwing a football under the wheel.” “How did you feel about breaking your best friends arm?” “I felt really bad but when he got to school a bunch of girls were asking to sign it. He became very popular just because I broke his arm.” “I am afraid but it is time to wrap it up. Thank you Greg for being here.” “Thank you for inviting me.” “Next week we will be back, this is Ethan Crenshaw reporting from the interviewing channel.”

  8. Aiden Avichouser
    100 Deadly Skills
    Clint Emerson
    Page 16
    Prompt 10
    Blog 7
    Clint Emerson is the author of the book 100 Deadly Skills. He was a member of seal team six, which is an elite navy seal team. He also was a member of a few other parts of the navy seals. Clint Emerson also makes YouTube videos on how to protect yourself. He deserves the award of most brave. He has gone through a lot of training which was probably very dangerous and intense. It shows a lot in the book and in his YouTube of what he had to go through to become a navy seal. He probably had to fight and do missions like killing Osama Bin Laden. It’s a really tough thing to be a navy seal and is probably very scary at times. To be a seal you have to work hard. Some of the work outs he does are very tough and looks like it would be a struggle. It would be interesting to find out if he was there when the United States killed Osama Bin Laden. Clint Emerson has probably gone through many missions just as crazy as getting Osama Bin Laden. It is good to have people like Clint Emerson in our United States military. The book shows a lot of hat to do in tough situations. God gas given Clint Emerson a gift and he used it. God gives everybody gifts, and they need to be used to his glory. Clint has served at a very high level in the military and has learned a lot of skills throughout his career.

  9. Alex Bankey #1
    Munchem Academy, The Boy Who Knew Too Much
    Commander S.T. Bolivar III
    Pages 311
    Blog #7 Quarter #3
    Prompt 7

    True or False Questions
    1. The main character of this book is Carter Larimore.
    2. Mattie’s real name is Mathias.
    3. In the family, Mattie is the bad son.
    4. Munchem Academy is a private school.
    5. Headmaster Rooney is the principal.
    6. Mattie was sent to Munchem Academy because he stole a bus.
    7. Mattie became the world’s greatest thief.
    8. Carter was a wonderful big brother to Mattie.
    9. Carolyn hated Mattie.
    10. Mattie discovered the principal’s secret in the basement.

    1. F
    2. T
    3. F
    4. F
    5. T
    6. F
    7. T
    8. F
    9. F
    10. T
    Multiple Choice
    1. Munchem Academy was (a) a caring school; (b) prison; (c) reform school.
    2. Carter was (a) a role model; (b) generous; (c) a bad son.
    3. Mattie thought he could get out of Munchem by (a) being extra good; (b) tattling on his friends; (c) working in the cafeteria.
    4. Master Rooney took bad kids and (a) cloned them; (b) killed them; (c) expelled them.
    5. After Doyle was cloned, he was (a) meaner than before; (b) extra nice; (c) smart.
    6. Mr. Larimore had (a) his own company; (b) a computer business; (c) an ice cream truck.
    7. Beezus was (a) a hamster; (b) a hedgehog; (c) a rat.
    8. The basement was used for (a) a bakery; (b) cloning; (c) a gymnasium.
    9. Carter liked to call Mattie (a) his best friend; (b) girls’ names; (c) stupid.
    10. Mrs. Hitchcock taught (a) science; (b) reading and floor washing; (c) cooking.

    1. C
    2. C
    3. A
    4. A
    5. B
    6. A
    7. C
    8. B
    9. B
    10. B

    Short Answers
    1. What was the purpose for Munchem Academy? Reform school.
    2. Did Mattie ever find out that Headmaster Rooney was cloning the worst kids? Yes.
    3. After cloning a student, what did they do with their body? Put them in a pod.
    4. Were the parents aware of the cloning? No.
    5. Did Mattie’s dad believe him when he told him about the cloning? No.

    Short Essay
    Explain the purpose of Munchem Academy.
    The purpose of Munchem Academy was to turn bad kids to good kids.

  10. Araylia Holiday #9
    Alexander Hamilton
    Page 384 Ipad version
    Blog#7 Quarter #3
    Hamilton is never not focused on war or law, and all around work. Which is why I think the song Alexander Hamilton is a great song that he should have heard. He could have just the right amount of knowledge to realize that he had so many people who loved him,died for him, trusted him, and was so jealous he was shot by his friend not in war but by out smarting Bur. In war they probably had men sing, but was thinking the should play ACDC. They could play t.n.t and have cannons or they can play thunder so that when they have the spies thunder always comes before lighting. The last song they should play before they win the war is the final countdown. It would be so awesome. They would win and they would walk out with awesome music. Then the war would be over every one could go home and see there family. Hamilton although never stopped so you know what song Elisa should have sang work from home. Elisa and Hamilton had many kids she could not do it all her self.Once Hamilton died it was crazy how she took care of eight children and started the first private orphanage in New York. If they were all Christian I would tell them to her the song Glory to God. Every time I her this song I tear up and thank God for an other day and praise Him for all He has done.

  11. Jaclyn Yost
    Escaping the Giant Wave
    Peg Kehret
    Pages 600
    Blog #7 Quarter #3
    Prompt 8

    Tonight we have Kyle from the book Escaping the Giant Wave. Tonight I'm going share a few people that I think Kyle would think of as a superhero. Lets get started I think Kyle would think of Mrs. Martie as a hero because in seventh grade math is hard but Mrs. Martie makes it a lot easier. Mrs. Martie is the best math teacher I know. The second person I think Kyle would think of as a superhero is Kaitlyn Blough because she was bullied just like Kyle was bullied and Kaitlyn could help Kyle achieve that goal. The third person I think Kyle would think of as a superhero is Perrie Edwards because You just forget about what sad thing or bad thing your thinking about just like Kyle needed to forget about what was happening with the fire, earthquake, bullying,his parents, and the tsunami. Last but not least is Libby my daycare provider because she is very generous, kind and outgoing. These are all the people that I think Kyle would think of as superheros. I think all these people are amazing superheros because they inspirational in all they say and do. I love these people so much

  12. #6 Michael Montoya
    Infinite Sea
    Rick Yancey
    Blog#7 Quarter 3
    Prompt 10

    Cassie would be awarded “bravest and most protective” in the novel. She’ll do whatever she has to in order to safeguard the people she loves. She’s always been especially protective of her little brother Sam who was eventually taken by The Others (aliens). Cassie, determined to find him, fights her way through the novel until they are finally reunited in the end. Cassie’s dad, Oliver, would be given the “intelligence award”. He had many intelligent theories about The Others and always tried to be a voice of reason. He always seemed to know what was going on and was able to save his kids from death because of this knowledge. Right before Oliver died he knew something was wrong and warned Cassie to run before it got her as well. Cassie’s brother, Sammy, could also be given an award for “bravery”. He was so young, but never fell under peer pressure and he made sure never to cry. Ben Parish, aka Zombie, would deserve the award of “dead shot” because he never misses a shot. I would also give him “the protector” award. He saved Cassie’s brothers life three times throughout the novel. Cassie’s boyfriend, Evan, would get “the trickery” award because he was able to fool the aliens. He studied their weaknesses which allowed him to know exactly what their plans were to get rid of the humans and used this knowledge to help Cassie defeat them. Evan could also be awarded with “the healer” award because he found Cassie injured on the road and helped nurse her back to 100% so she could stay alive long enough to find her brother.

  13. Jenna Cardeno #5
    Auggie and Me
    R.J. Palacio
    Pages 235
    Blog #7 Quarter #3
    Prompt 8

    In Auggie and Me Charlotte is a girl who is very good at the things she does, and she works very hard to achieve things in life. I think Charlotte should think of Wonder Woman as a superhero. Wonder Woman is a very brave and an independent woman. She is a very smart and strong person. I think that Charlotte is like Wonder Woman because she is independent and very smart.I think Charlotte would want to also just be a little bit more brave. Next I think that Charlotte should think of Batman as a hero. Batman is just very calm, cool, and collected. Charlotte should think of batman as a hero because no matter what he does he always seems super calm. I also think that Charlotte would sometimes just need to be more calm wether she is just to excited or to nervous. Lastly I think that Charlotte should think of God as a hero. Because God is always there for us when we need Him most. I also think that if Charlotte messes up she can always look up to God to take her sins away when she asks for forgiveness. I also think that she would want to be more like God. She can try to be the best person she can even though we know that nobody in this world is perfect except for God. These are some of the people that I think Charlotte should think of as heroes in the whole entire world.

  14. Kylie #8
    Peter Pan
    J. M. Barrie
    Pages 100
    Blog #7 Quarter #3
    Promt #3

    Before Wendy, John, and Michael went to Neverland, they were living in England. Wendy is the oldest child, then John, after came Michael the last child. Mr. and Mrs. Darling hired a dog named Nana as a nurse. The kids loved Nana but, Mr. Darling thinks Nana ruins the family and messes up everything. Mrs. Darling has heard about Peter Pan in her childhood but when she became a mother she left it all behind her. The Darling kids always knew that Peter Pan was real because they thought they’ve seen his shadow. The kids usually spent time with their babysitter while the parents went to parties. They were good kids and listened to their babysitter. The kids knew off mermaids, pirates, and fairies but they didn’t know at the time that those creatures existed in Neverland. The Darling kids were well-educated. Their mother showed love to them and they knew that she loved them. In Wendy’s spare time she liked to ask her mother questions on parenting. John liked to play with Michael. The kids often felt bad for Nana because the parents would leash her to the pole if she was misbehaving. All three kids liked to play with toys. John had a flamingo with one leg. Wendy had a wolf. Michael has a cave. John also has a boat with the sides stove in. The Darling kids did many things in their childhood before Neverland.

  15. Sydnee #7
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    Jeff Kinney
    217 pages
    Prompt 11
    If Greg Heffly was to go on a vacation,I think he would like to go to Hawaii. The reason why I think Greg Heffley should go to Hawaii is because he will be alone without any family to tell him what to do all the time. Another reason he would want to go to Hawaii because of all the girls. His family will tell everybody that he’s going to Hawaii and all the girls would fall in love with him instead of Rowley. Greg wouldn’t have to deal with all of his problems in Hawaii. Especially his parents. He can figure out all of his problems without a worry in Hawaii. Greg will probably be there for a week if he had to figure out all of his problems and homework. On the first day Greg will be at Hawaii he will probably explore the place that he is staying at. Greg will eventually figure out that Rowley was with him the whole time. Greg got so mad that he wouldn’t talk to Rowley for the rest of the day. That night Greg had to share a bed with Rowley. Greg started to actually enjoy having Rowley around the next day. The second day Greg saw a bunch of girls at the pool and they started to crowd around Rowley. He didn’t know why the girls were crowding around him so he went over and he found out that Riley was holding a dead rat and the girls thought it was so sweet that he was saving it. Greg was so grossed out that he started to barf in the pool.On the third day Greg and Rowley went to the dancers and started dancing with them he found out that there was a traditional dance and that they got cursed because they didn’t do the dance right. They got bit by spiders and snakes and they drink the the water that Greg puked in to get the swelling to stop. The third day Rowley got food poisoning. Greg didn’t want to go home so he just stayed at Hawaii napping.Rowley got mad and decided to get another room.He didn’t know that the room already had people in it and it was all the girls that were at the pool so they had a slumber party. On the fifth day Greg was enjoying being alone and he started to play a lot of video games till it was dark and he didn’t get a bit of sleep. The sixth day Greg felt really bad so he will learn to apologize to Rowley. Greg couldn’t find a Rowley so he went to look at the pool he wasn’t there he found him in the woods using the bathroom in poison ivy he got really itchy and had to go to the nurse at the hotel. On the seventh day Greg felt really bad so he decided to leave early with Rowley in the morning.When they got home that day it was Greg’s birthday and everybody in the neighborhood and at school had thrown him a surprise party. At the end the day he was kinda glad that Rowley came to distract him.

  16. #3 Chris Grothues


    Clayton Kershaw

    Pages 217

    Blog 7: quarter 3

    prompt 7

    A) True and False

    1. Clayton Kershaw was a left handed pitcher.

    2. Clayton Kershaw was a fourth round draft pick.

    3. Clayton Kershaw went with Ellen Kershaw to Africa in 2011.

    4. Clayton put God in his life before anything else in the world.

    5. Clayton says “It is good to know the Lord gives us a lifetime to work out our identities and sort out who we are in Christ.

    6. He’s the first guy ever to lead the Majors in ERA for four straight years.

    7. He threw the most dominant no-hitter of all time.

    8. He somehow got better.

    9. He had a higher on-base percentage than opposing batters did.

    10. In June and July, he went 10-0 with a 0.94 ERA.

    B) Multiple choices

    1) Clayton didn’t pitch with the bases loaded since when?

    A] August 5

    B] July 6

    C] August 27

    2] He has the best era of any pitcher since when?

    A] 1969

    B] 1970

    C] 1971

    3] Kershaw is how tall?

    A] six-foot one

    B] six- foot three

    C] six- foot seven

    4] Clayton Kershaw has the nastiest what?

    A] Curveball

    B] Fastball

    C] Slider

    5] Clayton Kershaw went to what country?

    A] Africa

    B] China

    C] Japan

    6] Ellen is Clayton Kershaw’s what?

    A] Wife

    B] Sister

    C] Daughter

    7] Clayton Kershaw plays for what team?

    A] Dodgers

    B] Angels

    C] Cowgirls

    8] When was Clayton Kershaw born?

    A] March 19

    B] May 24

    C] August 5

    9] Clayton Kershaw plays what in Africa?

    A] Baseball

    B] Football

    C] None of the above

    10] Clayton Kershaw was a what?

    A] pitcher

    B] Fielder

    C] Hitter

    C) Short answer

    1] Where did Clayton Kershaw go for his mission trip?

    2] Clayton Kershaw was what kind of pitcher?

    3] Clayton Kershaw is in what league?

    4] Clayton Kershaw had a good rookie season.

    5] Claytons favorite sport was what?

    D] Essay

    Discuss Kershaw’s role in Africa.

    Answer key

    A] True or false

    1] T

    2] F

    3] T

    4] T

    5] T

    6] T

    7] T

    8] T

    9] T

    10] T

    B] Multiple choices

    1. C

    2. A

    3. B

    4. A

    5. A

    6. A

    7. A

    8. A

    9. A

    10. A

    C] Short answer

    1. Africa

    2. Lefty

    3. National league

    4. Yes

    5. Baseball

    D] Essay

    Clayton Kershaw’s role in Africa was to preach the Gospel and to teach them how to play baseball. He has a foundation called the Kershaw foundation. The Kershaw foundation is every time he strikes someone out they give 100 dollars to their mission in Africa. They are trying to build a school house in Africa and that’s why they have the foundation called “The Kershaw foundation.”

  17. Jessica Ramirez #9
    Brandon Sanderson
    Pages 100
    Blog #7 Quarter #3
    Prompt 3

    A long time ago before there were any epics there was a big comet called Calamity. Calamity was the biggest change that hit planet earth. Calamity made a big change in the people. He would go around and hit people which would turn them into epics. Epics are people who have powers. Most epics use their power to be the ultimate ruler. There was a epic that was called Rogue. Rogue was a powerful epic who killed every one he saw until Night Wilder. He was a good guy. Night Wilder had no powers but, made a difference in the world. He went up against Rogue and got beat up many times but, he got a grip on him and stabbed Rogue one hundred times. Everyone hated Calamity because of what he did to the world. Calamity was the worst thing that happened to the world. Everyone feared Calamity and they were afraid of what he would do to them. After he saw Night Wilder go up against one of the epics he got mad, really mad. He started tearing up the world by sending more and more epics. He ruined the earth and made it difficult for people to live. People started to take cover and many people lost their homes. Calamity was getting really happy. He got so happy that he started to fall apart and let people get their way. Many people started to rebel on Calamity. Calamity got torn apart and he was madder than he ever has been before. Hats when the war started

  18. Claire Hung #10
    The Capture
    Kathryn Lasky
    Pages 219
    Blog #7 Quarter #3
    Prompt 15
    Soren, Gylfie, Hortense, Skench, and Eglantine have interesting names. Soren’s name comes from Scandinavian and it means strict, severe and serious. This name wouldn’t be a good name for Soren because he is kind and thoughtful, he is also very smart because he and Gylfie came up with many plans to escape. Gylfie’s name means positive, self-assertive, independent, dynamic, and restless. This name would be a good fit for Gylfie because she is very positive and also very smart, she thinks of many plans for escaping and she also cheers up Soren when he is feeling down or sad. Hortense’ s name is a French feminine given name that comes from Latin meaning gardener. This name is nonrelated from the actual Hortense because Hortense was a spy to see where the bad owls take little babies to. Skench’s name means quick, active mind. This name would be a good name for Skench because he is pretty smart for trapping all of these baby owls. Eglantine’s name is a baby name from French, it means wild rose. This name could be a good name because she is a very sweet little new born owl who is Soren’s little sister. Even know this book had very interesting names, this book was still a good adventure book


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