Blog #9

Last blog of the quarter! Don't forget that your last day to have a booktalk is April 13th and you need to have at least 900 pages read for the year.


  1. Avery Avichouser
    The Saddle Club-Horse Crazy
    Bonnie Bryant
    Page 26
    Prompt 13
    Blog 9
    Quarter 3
    Lisa is just a girl who is timid around horses but her mother wants her to become an equestrian. Maybe if Lisa had more inspiration she would want to be around horses more. It can be a little scary at first but once you get used to it and have more inspiration about it is fun. The first book I would recommend to Lisa is The Black Stallion. This book shows a lot of braveness of a boy and a big horse. I think it could give her more confidence being around horses. It is very touching story. Another book she might like is The Black Stallion Returns. It is a book that is also about the boy and his horse and it shows what a companion the black stallion is to him. A book called Horse Gone Silent is a great story about a horse. It shows what the horse thinking and he goes through a very emotional time in his life. It may give Lisa a bigger heart for horses. The next book I recommend is Son of the Black Stallion. The Black Stallion series is a very good one. This book is very interesting and it teaches a lot about horses and it can give her a lot of experience. The last but not least is the book The Black Stallion’s Ghost. It is one of the books in the series. It will show her to be brave. I selected these books for Lisa to help her to not be afraid around horses. I hope that Lisa will like these books I picked for her and I hope that they show her to be very brave.

  2. Ethan Crenshaw #2
    Diary of a Wimpey Kid Dog Days
    Jeff Kinney
    Pages 214
    Blog 9 Quarter 3
    Prompt 12

    Greg Heffley should meet a few people, I think are important. Greg Heffley should meet Bill Gates because he can get smarter and do better in school. He can meet Zack Efron because Zack can teach Greg to get a six pack and Greg can do better in P.E. Greg can also meet Stephen Hawkins because Stephen is very smart. Greg can make a business just from Stephen Hawkins giving him tips. Greg can also meet Donald Trump because Greg can learn to be the president. Greg can be the best president from learning from Donald Trump. Greg can become very successful by meeting these people. Rowley Jefferson should meet a few people. Rowley should meet Dwayne Johnson because Rowley can lose all the fat and he can get fit. Dwayne Johnson can also teach Rowley to be an actor and can tell him how to get there. Rowley can meet a person that works for Activison. Rowley likes to play video games and by meeting a worker, Rowley can get better and when he grows up he can apply video games into his life. Rowley can meet Stephen King because Rowley can learn to make scary books and it can help with grammar in school. Rowley can also meet Tom Brady because Rowley can learn to be a good football player. Playing football and doing good it can get Rowley a nice house or a nice car. Praying to God can help us in our life and by following God we can tell people about God and influence them to live a similar life of Jesus.

  3. Aiden Avichouser
    100 Deadly Skills
    Clint Emerson
    Page 99
    Blog 9
    Prompt 6
    Quarter 3
    I am going to be interviewing ex-navy seal Clint Emerson today.
    Clint: Hi, my name is Clint Emerson and I have a few things to share today.
    Me: What is a good everyday tool to use to defend yourself?
    Clint: A good weapon is a pen. A steel barreled pen can act as a knife in a situation where you don’t have time to get a weapon.
    Me: What is the best way to watch somebody without being seen?
    Clint: A room hide or a vehicle hide is a good way to watch people. It can not be visible and in a vehicle hide you can not leave the car. Make sure to get food, water, and things to be ready to be in there for a while.
    Me: What can you use to make an improvised shield?
    Clint: An improvised shield can be two or three hard cover books together. That can block a 9 millimeter bullet. In a time where somebody with a gun is trying to get you an improvised shield can be used to defend yourself.
    Me: What are some good techniques while being chased on foot?
    Clint: Good techniques while being chased on foot are getting mixed up in large crowds or running and if you do get caught up to use the run fight run technique. The run fight run technique is running and then when you have to fight make it quick and run again. Do not use that unless you have to.
    Me: What are good techniques while being chased in a car?
    Clint- Good techniques while being chased in a car are driving to areas where there are a lot of stop signs and lights. Do not let the person know that you know that they are following you. Another technique is to drive and write before a train leaves get onto to it. That is tough to accomplish while being chased.
    Me: What are good things to carry with you?
    Clint: Good things to carry are a weatherproof compass, a gun, a razor blade, a pocket knife, a map, cash, a credit card, a watch, and handcuff keys.

  4. Alex Bankey #1
    The Lemonade Crime
    Jacqueline Davies
    Pages 109
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt 11

    Evan Treski would most likely go on vacation on a cruise ship headed for Hawaii for seven days. Evan loves the summertime and swimming in the ocean. Hawaii is the perfect spot to just hang out on the beach all day and enjoy the warm water. On the first day, Evan will spend his entire day exploring the cruise ship and enjoying the pool. On day two, Evan will be spending the day at sea enjoying climbing the rock wall, parasailing, surfing on the wave pool, and enjoying free internet. On day three, Evan will go to the movies, eat at the buffet, and watch the nightly fireworks show. On day four, the boat will dock in Hawaii. Evan will get off the ship, take his luggage and check in to the five-star hotel, and start exploring the island. On day five, Evan will take a break to lay on the beach and go swimming all day long, and then in the evening, he will go to his very first luau to enjoy a Hawaiian feast and watch the hula dancers. On day six, Evan will hike up to the top of a volcano with the rest of the tour group and then enjoy a bicycle ride down the hill, and then he will get on a tour bus and see the rest of the island. On day seven, Evan will take his first-class seat on an airplane and arrive home that night. This will be the best vacation of Evan’s life.

    1. Nico12
      Diary of a wimpy kid
      Jeff kinney
      pages 183
      blog#9 Quarter #3
      prompt 11

      Greg is a nice person as we have learned in the books. Greg have you ever been in a life threatening position. Greg I have not at all. Is your family really that stressful? Greg yes especially many because he cries so much. Do you like reading books if not what do you like doing on your spare time? Greg I don’t really like reading books but on my spare time l likes to hang out with my friends and do other things. What is your favorite place to eat at? My favorite place to eat at is…… actually I don’t know. Ok who is your favorite sibling? My favorite sibling would be rod rick because he can be mean but sometimes he is not that bad. What is your favorite animal? My favorite animal is a monkey because there cool and swing around places. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Mine is chocolate chip and manys is chocolate and Roderick’s is rocky road. What is your favorite food. My favorite food is spaget. That is pretty interesting. And that concludes to our asking questions with Greg ill see you next time on talking with Nico.

  5. Joseph Dervartanian #5
    Holiday in Hell
    Chico Holiday and Bob Owen
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt #9
    In "Holiday in Hell", the main character, Chico Holiday (Vergolino), is a young singer who is looking to hit it big in the nation. His wife, Sally, keeps persisting and persisting for Chico to accept Jesus. He had many questions about God, and people who he knew were Christian weren't answering them. So he thought since some of God's people weren't answering him, God didn't have a place for him; he ignored his wife and God. But with some experiences with children and adults filled with a spirit he wanted, and his wife almost committing suicide, Chico saw what God could do to anyone. So he gave his life for Jesus. A movie I would recommend to Chico would be "I can Only Imagine." 'I can Only Imagine" (Sort of Spoiler Alert if you want to see this movie) is a movie about a person named Bart Miller, who is, like Chico, a young, talented singer. His father used to beat him, always tell him he'll never accomplish anything; Bart viewed him as a monster. Well, at least for a while. Then Bart took advice from Scott Brickwell, a famous singer, and Brickwell told him he was a natural when he sang songs for the Lord. Throughout the movie, Bart sees God's effect on his own life and his father's. Bart's father went from being the man he hated to the man he wanted to become. I think Chico should see this movie because he relates to Bart so much. He was not beaten, but Chico and Bart both see God's effect on everybody, and it has a huge effect on their lives and their singing. Chico is wanting a heart that only God could give him. The second movie I would recommend to Chico is "Case for Christ". This movie is about a man who was a strong atheist, and was constantly being persisted by his wife to turn to Jesus, and eventually through hard work he did. This man and Chico are extremely similar; both people who did not feel a need for God in their lives, both people whose wives are trying to turn them to Jesus. If Chico saw this movie, I think it would give him the ability to keep singing for Christ, even if no one is listening, there is always that one person who takes your words to heart, so Chico would always sing for that one person. The third final movie i would recommend to Chico is “I'm Not Ashamed." This movie is about a high school girl whose name is Rachel Joy Scott who's always had a passion for Christ, but wasn't always ready to receive God's love. At times her faith would be strong but at other times it would be weak. She stood out in the school and had a huge impact of God. Two boys there who had been pushed around decided to plan a shooting at the school, killing Rachel and 12 others. I would recommend this to Chico so it would teach him that though there may be times in his career that he may stand out from the other because of what he believes in, he will always make an impact on others. Evidently, these movies could make Chico's life and his relationship with God improve greatly.

  6. Timmy Burgess #4
    I Survived the Hidenburg Disaster, 1937
    Lauren Tarshis
    Page 91
    Prompt #7
    Blog #9
    Quarter 3

    True or False
    1. Did any of Hugo’s family members get killed from the crash? Answer false
    2. Does Gertie, Hugo’s little sister, get seriously sick on the trip? Answer True
    3. Does the spy on the Hindenburg get caught? Answer True
    4. Does Hugo have a dog on the trip? Answer true
    5. True or false does Hugo’s dog survive? Answer true.
    6. Does Hugo have a cat? Answer False.
    7. Did Hugo get injured jumping off the Hindenburg? Answer True.
    8. Was the spy stealing stuff from the Hindenburg? Answer True
    9. Did Hugo make a friend on the Hindenburg? Answer True
    10. Are there soldiers on the Hindenburg? Answer True

    Multiple Choice
    11. What illness did Hugos sister have? 1.cold 2.flu 3.fever Answer 3
    12. What was Hugo’s sister’s Name? 1. Birdy 2. Gertie 3. Marty Answer 2
    13. Was Hugo’s new friend? 1. a boy 2. a girl. Answer 1
    14. What was Hugo’s friend’s name? 1. Marty 2. Ben 3. Lincoln. Answer 1
    15. What gas did the Hindenburg run on 1. Helium 2. Hydrogen 3. Oxygen
    Answer 2
    16. What Army owned the Hindenburg? 1. French 2. America 3. Nazi Answer 3
    17. How old was Hugo’s sister 1. 3 years 2. 5 years 3. 7 years Answer 2
    18. How many people died from the crash. 1. 15 people 2. 23people 3.
    34 people. Answer 3
    19. What was the Hindenburg 1. a blimp 2. a ship 3. an airplane. Answer 1
    20. How many officers were on the Hindenburg 1. 3 2. 10 3. 12 Answer 1

    Short Answer
    21. How old was the Hidenburg and what year did it crash?
    ~The Hidenburg was running for five years and it crashed in 1937.
    22. Who was the spy?
    ~ The spy was Hugo’s friend Marty’s dad.
    23. Why was Marty on the Hidenburg eight times?
    ~ Marty’s dad was a spy and he was pretending to work on it.
    24. Did Marty’s dad get shot and if so by who?
    ~ Marty’s dad didn’t get shot but was held at gun point by Captain Kohl but
    he jumped out before he got shot.
    25. Why was it Hugo’s dream to ride on the Hidenburg?
    ~ Hugo wanted to go to America and Hugo and his dad wre very intetresed in

    26. Why couldn’t the Hidenburg run on Helium and why was hydrogen such a dangerous gas?

    ~The Hidenburg couldn’t use Helium because they were at war with America. America had abundance in most of the world’s Helium. Hydrogen was a dangerous gas because it was easily flammable. The Hidenburg caught on fire and exploded because it was using Hydrogen.

  7. Alyssa Bankey #2
    The Penderwicks On Gardam Street
    Jeanne Birdsall
    Pages 308
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt 7

    True or False
    1. Aunt Claire came to visit the Penderwicks multiple times in this story.
    2. Aunt Claire told Mr. Penderwick he had to date again.
    3. Mr. Penderwick’s first date was Mary.
    4. The Penderwick children were all very happy their father was dating again.
    5. Skye went to Boston to visit Jeffrey.
    6. The Penderwick family dog’s name is Hound.
    7. Melissa is Skye’s friend.
    8. Batty likes going next-door and playing with Ben.
    9. Jane loves to play soccer.
    10. The Penderwick sisters created the Save-Daddy Plan to keep their father from dating.

    Multiple Choice
    1. What Penderwick sister could not control her temper?
    a) Jane b) Skye c) Batty
    2. What was Jane’s favorite place called?
    a) Quigley Woods b) Park Place c) The Rock
    3. What city was Gardam Street located in?
    a) Cameron b) Boise c) Philadelphia
    4. How many Penderwick sisters are there?
    a) five b) three c) four
    5. What Penderwick sister played with Hound the most?
    a) Rosalind b) Batty c) Jane
    6. What is the name of Rosalind’s best friend?
    a) Alyssa b) Michelle c) Anna
    7. Who thought Mr. Penderwick should date?
    a) Mr. Penderwick b) Aunt Claire c) Rosalind
    8. Who was the oldest Penderwick sister?
    a) Jane b) Skye c) Rosalind
    9. Who played Rainbow in the play “Sisters and Sacrifice”?
    a) Skye b) Jane c) Anna
    10. Who came with the Penderwicks to see Jane in a play?
    a) Iantha and Ben b) Tommy and Nick c) Jeffrey and Melissa

    Short Answers
    1. Why did the Penderwick sisters choose bad dates for their father?
    2. What did Rosalind think of her father dating?
    3. Did Mr. Penderwick ever re-marry?
    4. Why did Jane and Skye swap their homework?
    5. How was Aunt Claire related to the Penderwick family?

    Short Essay Question

    How did Mr. Penderwick come to know Iantha?

    True or False: 1 T, 2 T, 3 F, 4 F, 5 T, 6 T, 7 F, 8 T, 9 T, 10 T
    Multiple Choice: 1 b, 2 a, 3 a, 4 c, 5 b, 6 c, 7 b, 8 c, 9 b, 10 a
    Short Answers: 1. The Penderwick sisters chose bad dates for their father because they did not want him to re-marry. 2. Rosalind thought that her father dating was a horrible idea because no one could replace her mother. 3. Mr. Penderwick did re-marry to a woman named Iantha. 4. Jane and Skye swapped homework because Jane is good at writing and Skye is good at science. 5. Aunt Claire was related to the Penderwick family because she is Mr. Penderwick’s sister.
    Short Essay Question: Mr. Penderwick came to know Iantha when she moved in next-door to them on Gardam Street. Mr. Penderwick discovered that they worked together in the same company as scientists and they had a lot in common. After getting to know each other as neighbors, they started dating and eventually married.

  8. Katelynn Burgess #1.5
    Beautiful Lost
    Luanne Rice
    Page 107
    Blog #9
    Prompt #11
    Quarter 3

    I think Maia, from this book, would like to vacation in Hawaii. I think the best island would be Maui because it has a lot of beaches and beautiful scenery. Maia would want to go there because she loves the beach, she loves whales and because she has depression and it would make her happy and feel at peace. In this story her missing mom, who she is looking for, loves the beach as well and has taught her many things about whales. Whenever Maia goes to the beach it gives her a sense of comfort because when she was little, her mom would always take her there. She could go to Hawaii for seven days. On the first day she could go snorkeling, she would enjoy this because she can see a lot of fish and really get to explore the ocean. On the second day she will go on a helicopter tour around the island so she can see the beautiful sights from above. On the third day there she could go whale watching because she loves whales and her mom would always take her to see whales. On the fourth day she can swim with dolphins, she will enjoy this because they are similar to whales and very friendly. On Maia’s fifth day on the island she could go on a glass bottom boat because it’s a nice boat ride to see under the ocean while relaxing. On her sixth day she can explore the lava fields because it will be a peaceful and serene thing she could do by herself to distress. And lastly, she could just go to a beach near her hotel because she can enjoy the beautiful beaches of Maui before she leaves.

  9. Jessica Ramirez #9
    Complete Athlete
    Walid Khoury, Ziad Khoury & Don Yaeger
    Page 31
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt 13

    The character I chose was Ziad. He is one who loves people who work hard, have a good additude and ect. A book I chose that would be great for him to read is When Nobody was Watching by Carly Lloyd. This book is a great book to read becuase Carly shows that she really cares for the sport of soccer. She shows it by practicing on her own. Ziad loves people who work on their own. It shows they care about the sport. The next book I chose was Neymar the Wizard by Michael Part. I chose this book because it talks about Neymar and how he was poor but that did not stop him from becoming what he is today. Ziad would love this book because he always talks about the love and joy for the game. He also says that hardwork can beat talent. Neymar shows that it is possible to come from nothing and to become something. Another book I chose was Messi by Leonardo Faccio. I chose this book because it shows how much Messi cares about soccer. He was on a vacation and only wanted to train. Training and soccer was his life. He said that going on a vacation is boring to him. Ziad whould like this book because he believes that if you work hard and train you would go somewhere. The next book I chose was The Road To Character. Ziad would love this book because it talks about character and how we act as a person. Ziad believes that having a good addditude in soccer is not just good in soccer. It is a life lesson we all need to learn. The last book I chose was How Soccer Explains the World. This book talks about how soccer is more than just a game it’s like the way of life. It has its ups or it downs just like life. We might have a great day one day and a horrible day the next. Ziad knows that the game of soccer is more than just a game it is life.

  10. Miguel Alvarez #1
    Scott Westerfeld
    Page 84
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt 14
    The book I am reading is about survival. One of the main characters is name Javi. He was in a plane that crash landed in a mysterious jungle. He and several other survived the plane crash. He found a machine at can turn off gravity. Then was attacked by a flock of bird with becks like knives. The songs that I have chosen each have to do with give encouragement, building confidence, or over coming problems. The first song I have chosen is called Believer by Imagine Dragon. The song talks about admitting your problem and over coming them. To “Seeing the Beauty Through the PAIN. My second song is called Reckless Love. This song is from a Christian’s point of view of have God’s love protect you and fight for you. “Oh, it chases me down fights ‘til I’m found.” This third song is call Rockabye by clean Bandit. The song is about a mom’s love that will do what she must do to protect her baby. She tells him “… no one’s ever gonna hurt you, Love…” My forth song is called Count on me by Bruno Mars. It talks about their will be someone to court when there is a problem. “I can count on me like one, two, three… I’ll be there. My fifth and final song is called A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. The talks about loving someone for a thousand and to wait until they met again. I want to keep read this book because it is interesting.

  11. Sydnee Geater #7
    Sunny Side Up
    Jennifer L. Holm & Matthew Holm
    216 pages
    Blog#9 Prompt 6

    I'm going to interview Sunny and ask questions about her life style.
    me: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
    Sunny: Yes, I have a big brother and a baby brother that cries a lot.
    me: Where did you go on vacation?
    Sunny: I went to see my grandfather in Florida.
    me: Why did you chose to go to Florida and did your family come?
    Sunny: I did not choose to come, my parents thought it was better for me not be around my brother right now because he has been making bad choices and none of my family came with me.
    me: Is your grandfather retired?
    Sunny: Yes, so i had to stay in the retirement home where their were no kids at.
    me: Who did you meet?
    Sunny: I met Teezy and Ethel, two retired women that are really nice and a boy that lived in a house nearby named Buzz.
    me: What do you and Buzz like to do?
    Sunny: We like to read comics and have fun adventures.
    me: What adventures do u like to have?
    Sunny: Well one time me and Buzz were picking up golf balls to earn money, and one golf ball kinda fell into the lake, so I went to go get it out o the lake, but i had no idea who Big Al was and I grabbed the ball but Big Al was watching me and then attacked.I almost made out alive.But Buzz had the nerve to ask if I had the ball instead of asking me if I was okay.
    me: Have you done anything to help the elderly?
    Sunny: One day an elderly lady asked us to find her cat. So we put tuna on the sidewalk and caught them and we kept earning money for it even though there are no pets allowed.

  12. #8 Ethan Powell
    Shawshank Redemption
    Stephen King
    Pages 101
    Blog 9
    Prompt 4
    Freedom. Freedom is frequently talked about in the book Shawshank Redemption. This book is about man named Andy Dufresne who is wrongly accused of killing his wife and so is sent to jail. There Andy meets another who is only known as the man who can get you things, Red. They become friends and have many conversations with each other. Some of their conversations are about freedom and what they would do if they ever got out of Shawshank prison. When the book talks about freedom it talks about it as a privilege, and it is. God gave us the privilege of free will and that privilege led to The Fall. Today in society we have the privilege of free will though if we step too far across the line, then we lose that privilege and we are sent to jail/prison. When in prison you are confined in tiny cells and you are on a set schedule, almost all your days in prison are the same. Some prisoners long for free will again and don’t want to be confined, while others get so use to it that when they are released they don’t know how to function and end up returning. At the end of the book, Red is released from prison and is happy though a lot has changed. The world was a lot different since he had been in that prison for around thirty years or more. He finds it hard to a just at first and on multiple occasions he almost does something to land himself back in prison, but he remembers the words of an old friend and decides that it is better to have his freedom and a just to the new lifestyle, rather than losing his freedom and being confined once more.

  13. #5 Jenna Cardeno
    The Swap
    Page #85
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt #7

    True or False
    1. Jack plays football. T/F
    2. Ellie does dance. T/F
    3. Jack and Ellie swap bodies. T/F
    4. Ellie has no siblings. T/F
    5. Jack has 3 brothers. T/F
    6. Jack is not the popular child in school. T/F
    7. Ellie wants to be friends with Sassy again. T/F
    8. Jack’s dad is very strict with him. T/F
    9. Ellie is only in 8th grade. T/F
    10. Jack is in 8th grade. T/F

    Multiple Choice
    1.What is the name of two of the girls who is mean to Ellie?
    a. Brittany b. Sassy c. Aspen
    2.Who is one of Jack’s brothers?
    a. Tommy b. Stryker c. Trent
    3.What sport does Ellie play?
    a. Soccer b. Baseball c. Lacrosse
    4. What sport does Jack play?
    a. Football b. Hockey c. Baseball
    5. What did Jack first call Ellie?
    a. Little Red b. Dude c. Freckles
    6. What color was Ellie’s hair?
    a. Red b.Blonde c.Brown
    7. What was Jack’s nickname that his teammates called him?
    a. Malls b.Jack Jack c.Mallsy
    8. Who was one of Ellie’s friends name?
    a. Patricia b.Mackenzie c.Sally
    9. Who is one of Jack’s friends?
    a.Owen b.Ty c.Brent
    10. Who did Jack get in a fight with?
    a.Porter b.Owen c.Jacob

    Essay Question
    What do you think Jack and Ellie learned when they switched bodies?

    Answers: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.T 9.F 10.T

    1. b,c
    2. b
    3. a
    4. b
    5. c
    6. a
    7. a,c
    8. b
    9. a
    10. a

    I think that they learned that sometimes being a boy or girl is harder than they thought. For example Jack has a life with a dad who is very hard on him, and Ellie is being bullied by her former friend.then they had both realized its a lot harder than they thought.I think that they learned that sometimes being a boy or girl is harder than they thought. For example Jack has a life with a dad who is very hard on him, and Ellie is being bullied by her former friend.then they had both realized its a lot harder than they thought.

  14. Jaclyn Yost#14
    The Darkest hour
    Caroline Tung Richmond
    Pages 639
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt #13

    For our next book we are going to do something on it will be The Darkest Hour. For the darkest hour we will be choosing a Character and picking five books that we think that character would like. The character we will be choosing is Lucie Blaise. The first book I would pick would be Diary of a Wimpy kid because that book is very silly and funny and Lucie is very serious and I feel like she needs to have fun and laugh a little. The second book is Smile not only because lucie needs to smile but she also doesn't have a lot of time to sit down and enjoy a book.The third book that I would pick out for Lucie is Blowing my Cover my life as a C.I.A spy. I would choose that book for Lucie because she is a spy just like that person is and they could work together.The fourth book I would choose for Lucie is The resistance the french fight against the Nazis. I would pick this book for Lucie because she was a secret agent/ spy trying to take down the Nazis just like the french were in this book. Now for the last and final book I am going to choose My brother Sam is dead because her brother was killed by the Nazis just like Sam was killed.Those are all the books I have chosen for Lucie Blaise.

  15. #6 Michael Montoya
    Infinite Sea
    Blog#9 Quarter 3
    Prompt 15

    Cassie’s name means “helper of men.” This relates to the book a lot because Cassie is constantly helping her squad, also known as her friends. She is always guiding and aiding her brother and boyfriend throughout the book because they were wounded from the cold weather. Cassie is the girl you can always call when you need help. Evan’s name means “young warrior” or “God is gracious.” Young warrior fits Evan extremely well because he is an alien with the most unbelievable fighting moves. He also has an unlimited amount of strength, speed and endurance that is greater than any human. Ben is a star football player turned army sniper. His name means “son of strength.” This meaning relates to Ben because he used to be in the military. It is where he became strong and was able to find his inner strength to help fight the aliens. Alex’s, aka Razor, name means “defender of men” or “protector of mankind.” Alex is a soldier and soldiers are trained to protect. This can relate to him because whenever Cassie is trying to save someone, Alex is right there defending her while she gets away. Alex is always there ready to fight for his squad whenever they need it. Sammy’s name means “sun child.” This relates to him because Sammy is always there to comfort someone in need. When someone is feeling down or lost and needs a hug, Sammy will always be the one to be there for them.

  16. Jasmine Raya #13
    Knights Castle
    Edward Eager
    Blog #9 Quarter#3
    Prompt #10
    In “Knight’s Castle” I think Roger and his little sister Ann should get an adward. Roger should get an award for bravery. I think Roger should get this particular award because he did something he didn't want to do. He moved to Baltimore, Maryland for his father to be healed from his sickness. He left all his friends and his school. I think Ann should get the award for being considerate. Although, Ann did not want to move she said “yes”. She packed without a long face on and moved because she knew thats what was the best for her. I think these were the best awards for Roger and Ann. they did not have to be brave and considerate, but they chose to.

  17. Kaitlyn Brown #3
    Queen of Likes
    Hillary Homzie
    Pages 81
    Blog #9 quarter #3
    Prompt #6

    I’m going to interview Karma and ask her questions about her life.
    Me:what grade are you in?
    Karma:I’m in seventh grade.
    Me:who is your best friend?
    Karma:My bff for the rest of my life is Ella
    Me:what is your phones name?
    Karma:My phones name is Floyd is that weird i have a name for my phone?,nah.
    Me:what sport do you play?
    Karma: I play soccer the worlds best sport
    Me: how many followers do you have on snappypic?
    Karma: not to be exact but 12,032 followers not gonna brag but i am
    Me: do you like. Ellas drawings???
    Karma: sure she is good at drawing but not what she draws not trying to bye rude but being honest.
    Me:When did you get Floyd taken away?
    Karma:Right after my friends barmitspah.
    Me:What school did you go to?
    Karma: I went to Merton middle school.
    Me::What case did you have on your phone?
    Karma:a pink bedazzled case
    Me: is it hard to live without a phone?
    Karma: Yes, so hard its not fair instead i have to get a pay as you go phone.
    Me: do you think you will win spirit week
    Karma: yes because we have a seventh grade snappy pic and the have me t get all the followers on and Ella lets me use her phone so it feels s good but i also hate haveing to ask Ella all the time for her phone she sometimes always get mad or worried.Thank you Karma for letting me interview you.

  18. Joshua Quintana
    The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
    C. S. Lewis
    Page 197
    Prompt #3
    Blog #9
    In the future the four kids, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy would be all grown up but still impacted by Narnia. I feel like Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy; the main characters would eventually visit Narnia again in their older age in life to experience being younger and being kings and queens again. They would visit Mr. Tumnus, the Beavers, and Aslan. Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy would also tell their children and grandchildren of their time in Narnia. The four would tell them of Edmund being deceived by the witch, and Santa Claus giving them their gifts. They would tell of Aslan being killed on the stone table and how he came back. They would also tell of Aslan killing the evil ice witch, Peter helping to fight off the witch’s army, and being kings and queens of the land of Narnia. They would eventually bring their children to Narnia to become the princes and princesses of Narnia and experience a similar experience to what they had in Narnia. I feel like they would get jobs that correspond with their skills in Narnia. Narnia would influence them into choosing a job later on in life. Lucy had the fire flower healing potion thing so she would be a nurse or a successful surgeon. Edmund wasn’t really given any weapons but still fought in the battle anyways. I feel he could be an entrepreneur because he can be creative and adapt. Susan would be an athlete because of her good aim. She would also make a good cop because of this. Peter would probably work at a big company since he is brave and a natural leader. He would also fight in the military because fighting in Narnia would give him a desire to fight again in the real world. In conclusion, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy would all live happily ever after.

  19. Claire Hung #10
    Smart Cookie
    Elly Swartz
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt 9
    Frankie goes on an adventure with Elliot to see if their house is haunted, but in reality, Reggie just wanted their customers to go away and buy the land. Reggie was doing this because he was jealous that Frankie’s mom did not work the B&B with him and also wanted to get the land back because Mickey solded it to Frankie’s dad. I think the movie Treasure Hounds would be a good movie that Frankie would like to watch because this movie is just like their story. In the movie, the children went on an adventure to find the treasure and to keep the bad people from stealing it. Frankie and Elliot was trying to protect the B&B from Reggie. The movie also talked about the two girls’ friendship was broken just like Frankie and Jessica’s friendship was before.
    I think this movie would be a good example of the book Smart Cookie. This book is a good book because it showed that Frankie was really brave to save the B&B and also finding her dad another wife since her mom died. It was really surprising to know that now her dad is dating her mom’s best friend and also her kindergarten teacher. This book also showed Frankie and Jessica’s friendship and was later fixed and now they are good friends again. This book is a good book.

  20. Leo Sellarole #10
    The Good Girls
    Sara Shepard
    Pages 188
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt #3
    Six months before the night of Nolan’s “Back to School Party”
    Ashley Ferguson’s Perspective:
    Ashley woke up still in a daze from lack of sleep from her long night of writing her essay on a movie of her choice, choosing the 1992 psychological thriller Single White Female. Ashley focused her essay on the psyche of Hedy Carlson, a deranged woman trying to steal the life of her roommate by becoming her. Ashley sleepily sauntered over to her bathroom. “Oh God, I look awful! I wonder what everyone else thinks of me…‘Oh look here comes Ashley, look at what she is wearing!’ ‘She looks god awful, stay away freak!’ ‘Oh, poor thing, it must be tough to have to wake up every day with that face.’ I just wish I were popular and well liked. Without popularity high school can be so cruel.” Ashley looked at her wrists then caressing them feeling the horizontal scars, still puffy from being freshly healed. Ashley quickly walked over to her hamper and pulled out the freshest smelling jeans and her favorite sweatshirt worn out in areas with holes from years of use, she then threw her hair in a messy bun and drove to Beacon Heights High School. Ashley as she walked in noticed the body language of her peers as she walked by feeling their oozing disgust and judging eyes. Ashley then made notice of a girl who had just recently moved to Beacon Heights and had risen to a level of popularity many students who had lived here all their lives couldn’t even achieve. Ashley believed they key to her rise in popularity would be in becoming this captivating girl named Julie. Ashley then made an appointment to get her hair done just like Julie’s and then began to note every detail about her, such as her mannerisms. Ashley then built up a wardrobe fit for Julie, one step closer to becoming more Julie like. Ashley became fixated and followed Julie to secure her new persona.

  21. Brandon Salgado #10
    The Magnificent 12: The Trap
    Michael Grant
    Pages 117
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt 4
    The theme I chose for The Magnificent Twelve is about bravery. People have many fears in life and we eventually need to overcome those fears by having and showing bravery. The main character, Mack, has many fears. For example, one of Mack’s many fears is Acrophobia, which is a fear of heights. Mack overcame this fear because when he found out that he was a part of a group called the Magnificent Twelve, he had to meet up with the other members in Australia. Since he lived in California, he had to take a plane to Australia. He also has a fear of having fears, which he calls, Phobophobia. This fear does not help him at all. Another example of one of Mack’s fears is Arachnophobia, which is the fear of spiders. He had to face his fear by killing a big spider in the corner of his room. He was still scared to do it, but he killed it instead of running away and screaming like a little girl. A their example of Mack’s many fears is Hydrophobia, which is a fear of water. He had to forcefully overcome that fear because on the way to Australia, the plane that he was on crashed and Mack had to dive into the water until a boat came and got him. But even though he has many fears, he eventually overcomes them throughout the book. Everybody has a fear of something, but they shouldn’t let that hold them back from trying new things. Instead, they can conquer their fear or fears and show bravery.

  22. Lauren Quintana#7
    Laura Hillenbrand
    Blog#9 Quarter#3
    Prompt 14
    Louie Zamperini, an amazing runner and very brave character would like many songs. When he was young he was mischievous and terribly behaved, but late in his life he became a good disciple of Christ. When Louie was in the prison camps or later in his life, a stage of depression and drinking the song You Only Get What You Give would be good for him. The song is trying to say you can’t just give up and there is more to life than just giving up. This is a good song for him because his wife and child couldn’t even inspire him to stop drinking, Louie had given up. The next song that I’d recommend to Louie is Oceans (Where Feet May Fail). When Louie is in captivity or fighting in the military this song can give him hope when others have doubt or little faith. Throughout his life Louie struggled and had so many trials, but this song is an answer he had been needing to hear almost his whole life. The next song I would show to Louie is I’m Not Alone. Sometimes Louie felt lonely and this song talks about how God is in the calamity and trials with you because he is compassionate. I would also show Louie the song With All I Am when he is on the raft adrift at the merciless sea. When he is on the raft, stranded, Louie promises that he will dedicate his life to God and this song can help him remember. The last song I would recommend to him is Good Good Father because throughout his life God shows how merciful and good he his. These are some songs for such a interesting character like Louie.

  23. Ileanna Holiday #4
    What Light
    Jay Asher
    Page #56
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt 3
    We started off as strangers
    then soon became friends
    you told me you loved me
    though I didn't feel the same
    soon after you said it started as a game
    but soon became the truth
    but I don't know what made me love you too

    you're the first one I think of when I wake up
    and last one I think of before I go to sleep
    I love you so much I wish you never had to leave

    everything, our late night talks, dumb jokes
    awkward moments and all the laughter
    just makes me fall in love with you more
    you give me butterflies when you say the sweetest things.
    but when you act like the one I didn't fall in love with
    it makes me wonder if we were really meant to be

  24. Kylie Gorospe #8
    Robert Hoge
    Page 200
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt #9
    There are good and inspiring movies out there. One movie that I would recommend to Robert is The Greatest Showman. I would recommend this movie to him because P.T. Barnem recruits the different and unique people for his show. They learn that it’s not bad to be different. They learn not to be ashamed or embarrassed of themselves. The unique people refuse to let others define them by how they look. Robert could learn from this by not listening to what people define him by. God made him that way for a reason. Another movie is Wonder. In Wonder a kid named Auggie is different like Robert. Auggie has his friends and family by his side to support him. Auggie always thought of himself as ugly like Robert did but, they both learn to overcome that. Auggie feels bad about himself and lets his feelings be cut until his friends and family help him. Robert like Auggie may have disabilities but they are both strong. The last movie I would recommend is The Blind Side. Michael Oher had faced some bad experiences in his life. He was a homeless teenager, his mother was a drug addict, he didn’t know who his father was, and he had poor education. Then a Leigh Anne Tuohy and Sean Tuohy took him in. They paid for a tutor to help Michael and during high school he played football. Even though all these bad things happened to him he was grateful that he now had a family who cared. Robert was not ungrateful, even though he was born unique. He was grateful that his mother took him home. He had a pretty large amount of operations but he was happy about what the doctors did. Robert went through tough times but he always had someone their to help.

  25. #3 Chris Grothues

    Not a Fan

    Chris Idleman

    Blog 9

    Pages 103

    Log 4

    The main theme in this book Not A Fan shows you how not just to be a fan of Jesus but to follow him. What the author Chris Idleman explains is we have to have a deep relationship with him. It is like our best friends. Do we have a relationship with them? We need to have the same relationship we have with Jesus as we do with our friends. Chris idleman teaches at the fifth biggest church in the United States. Another major theme in this book is do we really know Jesus? He used an example by saying who is your favorite athelete? Do you really know personally your favorite athlete? Do we really personally know who Jesus is? Chris Idleman was telling us we need to have a personal relationship with Jesus and not just to know him. God wants us to have contact with him, and to have a personal relationship with him. The book Not a Fan is a really good book to help you with your struggles in life and tells you how to overcome them too. There is a difference with being a fan of Jesus and to be a follower of Jesus. To be a fan of Jesus is to know about him and not know him personally. To be a follower of Jesus means to have a personal relationship with him just like your friends. Chris Idleman explains this very well in depth. Jesus came down from heaven so we can be saved.

  26. #5 Italia Holiday
    Dirt Diary
    Anna Staniszewski
    Page 236
    Blog #9 Quarter #3
    Prompt #14
    There are many books to choose for Rachel because she loves reading and writing. One book I would recommend is Anne Frank because Rachel loves to write diary entries just like Anne Frank. Both Anne Frank and Rachel like to observe what is happening around them and they both write secrets of what is happening in their life. Another book I would recommend is Wonder. I would recommend Wonder because both Rachel and Auggie were bullied but, Rachel was not bullied as bad as Rachel. If Rachel read the book she could realize how blessed she is compared to Auggie. Also, another book I would recommend to her is The Pioneer Woman book. The Pioneer Woman book has some of my favorite recipes and it could help her win the bake sale competition. Another book I would recommend is Christian Holiday's Goal Guide book. I would recommend this book to Rachel because she could write down all the baking achievements she wants to make in the future. I also would recommend this book because she can set a goal for how much money she needs to make to visit her dad and for her grades at school. The last book I would recommend to Rachel is Harry Potter. I would recommend Harry Potter because I think almost anyone can enjoy that book and because it has a great story. Even though Harry's parents did pass away, she can relate because her dad left her family and she has a hard time with that like Harry. I think Rachel would be able to publish her own book with everything she has journaled about.

  27. Araylia Holiday #9 Ugly Robert Honge page200
    blog #9Quarter 3, Prompt #5
    People say I crippled I say I am special, they say Im ugly I say I am something, you mite call me weird but did you hear, I am not going to give up just because I don’t look
    the best here, I can do plenty of things you can do so why don’t you hear, I can swim ,ride a bike ,and sell grapefruit , oh and did you know I am smarter than you ,well then let’s move to the next subject, I love my family even though my family didn’t want me, but now they love me even when I am hungry ,I can get angry but that doesn’t mean they hate me ,they don’t care what I look like they only thing they care about is what’s on the inside, it’s not just my family it’s my friends to, my best friend is name David ,we have been friends since like the third week of school ,I always give him apples even if we’re in a hassle, my other friend is Cassandra she is my neighbor and trust me I don’t hate her, we do almost everything together her family is poor so we bring food to her house together, we also sell grapefruits with my other friends to even though there all girls I don’t care but every once in a while the there hair, in conclusion no one is perfect on the outside but one the inside is a hole different story, I don’t care if you call me ugly because all I need is my family.


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