Blog #10

Welcome to the 4th quarter! you are so close to the finish line. Keep reading, keep working hard, and continue to blog.


  1. Lily

    This blog I read the book sisters in the book there was one character that really got me thinking why do they do that. The character I chose is a amara she is the younger sibling in the family. When the story starts she is the annoying one and asks too many questions. The one line that got me thinking was “let’s get a snake”. Now she knew her sister was wildly afraid of snakes so the part that got me thinking was did she do it because she knew her sister was afraid of snakes or did she do it because she actually wanted the snake. I think she wanted the snake mainly because she knew her sister was scared of them, especially because she had a smug grin on her face which tells you something. Amara is a very outgoing. She enjoys exploring and all kinds of stuff. When you are reading sisters keep in mind that amara is one of the best characters.

    1. Nico #12
      diary of a wimpy kid
      Jeff Kinny
      Blog10 Quarter4
      prompt 2

      Before Greg was in the books he was a little boy and playing with his toys but one day a car came crashing through the house and hit his older brother and it was not Roderick it was his older brother Billy he was 36 and they were having a family reunion. And on that day he lost that brother so they did not put that in the books. And after one of the books Greg went on a giant trip to the Bahamas and it was not as bad as the other trips like normal because he only went by himself it was like a home alone movie when they went to the airport but Greg left to the Bahamas because he thought he was following his family but he wasn’t and he took his dads wallet and spent a lot of money on ice cream and candy. The only reason his trip ended early was because he tracked the dads wallet down and found him. He was a little sad that happened but he was happy he got away from his family. But after the book he became an astronaut and flew to space but while he was up there with his friends it blew up but an alien saved him and he lived happily ever after with the alien. As you can see anything is possible.

  2. Alyssa Bankey #2
    The Penderwicks At Point Mouette
    Jeanne Birdsall
    Pages 108
    Blog #10 Quarter #4
    Prompt 2

    Dear Skye,
    I’ve heard about your Aunt Claire falling off the sea wall and spraining her ankle. It must be very stressful for you right now since you are the OAP (Oldest Available Penderwick). It is going to be hard to take care of your two sisters without your Aunt Claire’s help for a while, but I’m sure you will be able to handle the responsibility. If you really need more help, your friend Jeffrey can always take over if you need a break. I also know you lost the list in the ocean that Rosalind gave to you that explained exactly how to take care of Batty. So if Batty ends up getting hurt or in trouble while you are watching her, you should definitely call Rosalind immediately on the phone. She will understand and not get mad about the list getting destroyed and will guide you with taking care of Batty with whatever she needs. You should also ask Jane to help you with chores around the house. She won’t mind taking a break from her writing to help out. Jeffrey will be a big help with Batty because Batty looks up to him as her hero and listens to whatever he says. Make sure you let Jeffrey entertain Batty and keep her busy as much as possible to give you the time to take care of the rest of the household chores. And lastly, promise me you will take care of yourself and won’t get too overwhelmed with the pressure of being in charge. I’m sure Aunt Claire will be discharged from the hospital very soon and return to the house and help you.

    Your friend always,

  3. #8 Ethan Powell
    The Hardy Boys the Wailing Siren Mystery
    Franklin W. Dixion
    Pages 177
    Blog 10
    Prompt 12
    Quarter 4
    When I comes to the Hardy boys, there are quite a few people that I would like them to meet. The first person I would have them meet is Scooby Doo and his friends. Now Scooby and the gang could give the Hardys some advice when it comes to catching people, looking for clues, and even how to make a very health lunch. Scooby and Shaggy could help with a healthy life style and how to escape a bad guy when captured, Fred could talk about trap making with any near by materials and some creativity. And Daphne and Velma could teach the Hardy boys how to quickly and accurately find clues. Overall, both parties could benefit from an encounter with each other and they could even solve a mystery together. The next person in the line up is Batman. Batman could teach the Hardy boys more self defense skills. Like, if the boys got caught Batman could teach them how to escape and fight whoever they were captured by. Batman is a great detective and could even build upon the knowledge the Hardys already have when it comes to solving mysteries. In this encounter it would be the Hardy boys being taught more than batman being taught. That was my line up for the people I think that the Hardy boys should meet. Tune in next time where we get to see the Hardys react to one of their own books, it’ll be insane.

  4. Avery Avichouser
    The Saddle Club-Horse Crazy
    Bonnie Bryant
    Page 135
    Prompt 9
    Blog 10
    The first movie I think Lisa Atwood would enjoy is Phar Lap. Phar Lap is a great movie about a racehorse who became a great champion with the help of a stable boy. This was a amazing story which showed a lot of accomplishment between the boy and the horse. I think Lisa would enjoy it because she starting to like horses the better she gets at riding. This story can show her that she could do the same in the future. The next movie I think Lisa would like is the black stallion. The black stallion is a movie about a crazy horse and a boy who go on a ship and get stuck on an island because of a ocean storm. It shows the story of the companionship that the boy and the horse have. It also shows how brave the boy gets with the crazy stallion which could help Lisa to be more brave with the horses. The last movie I think Lisa would like a lot is Sylvester. Sylvester is a movie about a 16-year-old girl who is trying to raise her two younger brothers while she is trying to train a crazy horse name Sylvester. This is a amazing story because she turns him into a eventing champion. Sylvester was a crazy horse before she came and trained him to boy. It was a lot of work for 16-year-old. I think this could show Lisa that she can do anything she puts her mind to.

  5. Aiden Avichouser
    Jack Reacher The Enemy
    Lee Child
    Page 250
    Prompt 13
    Blog 10
    Jack Reacher is a major in the military with a very special set of skills. Not only can he protect himself, he is very smart and thinks outside of the lines. There a a few books Jack Reacher would be interested in. He would probably like to read “100 Deadly Skills”. It is written by an ex-navy seal and gives examples of what to do in dangerous situations. It also gives good techniques on how to find out information about someone without being noticed. That is what Jack Reacher is trying to do. He is trying to find out who killed a General. Clint Emerson has learned the same stuff Jack Reacher has. They are both very high up in government defense. A book he would also read is “Lord of the Flies”. That book is about kids who get stuck on an island and have to live by themselves. Rules are being broke and nobody knows what to do. With Jacks knowledge he could have helped if he were on the island. He might have even been in a similar situation. Jack would like to read “Satchel and Me”. Joe Stoshack has had many adventures that would have been helpful if he had Jack with him. Jack could have fought off the bad guys in all of those books. Jack would have enjoyed all of the adventures as well. A good book would be “Hunger Games”. Jack could be a good competitor in the “Hunger Games” because of his tequila inquest and abilities. He probably could have won. One more book is “Revenge of the Whale”. Jack would have been helpful to the crew. He could have helped them get home and survive out at sea while the whale was hunting them. Those are a few books Jack Reacher would like to read.

  6. Katelynn Burgess #1.5
    The Beautiful Lost
    Luanne Rice
    Pages 234
    Blog #10 Quarter #4
    Prompt #9

    I think the character Maia in “The Beautiful lost” should see the movie 50 First Dates because it is about a girl who got into a car accident and as a result, has short-term memory. So when an aquarium worker comes across her at a restaurant not knowing she has short memory, he schedules a date but the next day she doesn’t remember and he comes to realize the reason why. It is difficult but he overcomes the problem and despite her problem they still find a way to make it all work out and end up getting married. I think Maia should see it because she has a mental illness and Billy has lived in an orphanage because his dad killed his mom and was in jail. They both have problems but they overcome them and form a relationship. Another movie Maia should see is Pretty In Pink. It is about a teenage girl who grows up with no mother and pretty much has to grow up fast on her own with no mother helping her. Maia should see it because she herself has no mother around and has to do things on her own. And lastly, Maia should see The Last Sun, which is about a rebellious teenage girl who goes to live with her dad on the beach for the summer and grows to love and appreciate her dad a lot more. She should see the movie because she loves the ocean, whales and being at the beach. She also lives with her dad and learns to appreciate him more when her mom is gone.

  7. Joshua Quintana #9
    Wounded Tiger
    T Martin Bennett
    Quarter #4
    Blog #10
    Prompt #10

    Fuchida and Jimmy would both really like to meet a great variety of interesting people. Fuchida would like to meet George Washington because George Washington is a great general who also had to lead battles. Fuchida and George would both want to talk about fighting for their countries and the honor and respect that comes from that. Great George Washington would also tell Fuchida some strategies. Fuchida would also like to meet Paul from the bible. Paul was someone who was bad and turned to Jesus Christ in his later life. Fuchida and Paul from the bible could talk about slaughtering people which they both did in different forms. Paul and Fuchida would both like to hang out and enjoy some Japanese and Greek foods. Jimmy would like to meet Jim Elliot because they were both missionaries. Jimmy and Jim would like to talk about the bible and about Jesus. Jimmy and Jim would also like to talk about when Jim died as a missionary. Jimmy would also like to meet the maccabees because they were brave Jewish warriors who would likely like to talk with Jimmy about the torah. Finally missionary Jimmy and warrior Fuchida would like to meet the one and only Jesus Christ. They both believe in Jesus and would love to talk with him. They would talk of their devotion to Jesus and Jesus would teach them valuable lessons. In conclusion Fuchida and Jimmy would both really like to meet a great variety of wonderful, wise, and interesting people that would better their futures, and help them out.

  8. Alex Bankey #1
    I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005
    Lauren Tarshis
    Pages 95
    Blog #10 Quarter #4
    Prompt 10

    The main characters in this book that I would give an award to are Barry Tucker, Mom, Dad, and Cleo Tucker. My first award will go to Barry Tucker for being brave and courageous during Hurricane Katrina. At one point in the story, Barry’s sister, Cleo, gets pulled out of their house by a gust of wind, but Barry saves her by grabbing her hand and pulling her back in. Barry then gets pulled into the water by the wind and gets separated from his family. He eventually climbs onto his friend’s house that was floating by and rescues his friend’s dog, Cruz. Mom gets the organization award for preparing the family for the hurricane. She prepared the family to evacuate their home by filling coolers with drinks and food so they would not be hungry. She told everyone what they needed to bring with them and what to do. Dad gets the quick-decision award for deciding whether to stay at home and wear the storm out or evacuate to the Superdome. He had to think quickly because the storm was getting bigger and bigger and his family’s lives depended on him. Cleo gets the good patience award because she was sick with a temperature and throwing up and had to wait patiently to get home because they were stuck in traffic on the highway. Then once Cleo got home, she had to wait a few days for the sickness to be gone. These are the awards that the main characters get.

  9. Miguel Alvarez #1
    Scott Westerfeld
    Page 241
    Blog #10 Quarter #4
    Prompt 9
    For this blog I will be recommending movies for three of my characters. My first character is named Yoshi. He plays the role of a modern ninja. During the plan crash he found a samurai sword in the rubble. The movie I have selected is called Naruto: Blood Prison. The movie is about a ninja named Naruto in a prison with a dark secret. But in this movie there are also ways to create fire by using hand sign. By the way he acts and talks it is clear to me that this is a great movie for him to watch. My second character is named Caleb. He has a rather big ego and attitude. Sadly he dies in the end of book. He was dreaming of becoming an astronomer. Before he dead, he use an antigravity machine to identify the stars he jumped thousands of feet in the air, but he didn’t stick the landing. The movie I have chosen is called Guardians of the Galaxy volume 2. In the movie it is about a group of people, called the Guardians of the Galaxy that protect the universe. They travel thought space, see new planets, and fight bad guys. My third character is named Anna. She is an invention. She was going to Tokyo for a robot soccer tournament. The movie I have selected is named Big 6. It is about 6 inventors how friend dead because of an evil man and then build armor to fight him. I also recommend that you should watch these movies.

  10. Joseph Dervartanian #5
    All the Wrong Questions
    Daniel Handler
    Pages 258
    Blog #10 Quarter #4
    Prompt #11
    Lemony Snicket is a young man who lives a peculiar life full of ambiguity. He is at first is presented with a case of a stolen "priceless" item, but then unfortunate events happen, and this case becomes a whole lot more than just a stolen item. There is betrayal, there is assassination attempts, theft, stalking, a whole new enemy, and all in the secret city of Stain'd by the Sea. With all the things going on in Lemony's case, I think he could be stressed out and might need a well- deserved one week vacation. I would send Lemony to Chesapeake Beach in Maryland. Chesapeake Beach has a resort with many historical sites along with highly loved fishing activities and a large golf resort nearby. Being a noir detective, just an hour drive Northwest is Washington DC and its infamous National Spy Museum, where Lemony could learn about the most famous spies and some of their methods that they used to crack cases. On the first day Lemony got there, he should unpack, relax for a little bit, and eat his dinner at Rod 'N' Reel all you can eat restaurant by the pier. Upon finishing his dinner, there is a large pier he can walk across to enjoy the spectacular view. On day two, being thirteen, Lemony would absolutely love the water park. There is a lazy river and two ginormous slides that are a blast! When Day three comes around, Lemony has to get up early in order to drive to Washington DC! At the National Spy Museum, he can explore through the floors and go on the whole level dedicated to James Bond! He can eat at Chipotle for lunch and at Nocello's for dinner, having a nice Italian cuisine. For day four, he can rent out a boat and go out on the sea for Chesapeake Beach's famous Sport fishing, where Lemony can catch a wide variety of small and large fish, starting with and 18 inch Rock fish to a 40 inch one, and there are mackerels (A general name for pelagic fish) and some Blues (Another type of fish). He could maybe eat some of the fish he caught for dinner! On the fifth day, Lemony can take a nice, long walk on the railway trail. It is a popular tourist road that takes you on a walk through nature, seeing fishing creeks and an old train bed that traveled all the way to Washington DC over one hundred years ago! You can also see the remains of an old creek crossing trestle underwater. This scenic trail will make all of Lemony's stress go away. For day six, the railway museum back in Chesapeake Beach will be a relaxing, interesting way to end Lemony's trip. There are activities there and many interesting and thought provoking facts about the history of the area and how big of an impact the trains made. It's the final day, and Lemony has a huge breakfast at Chesapeake Market and Deli, getting ready for his trip back. Lemony thinks about this amazing experience he just had, and after I spent like two hours doing this and looking on twenty three websites for information, I kind of want to go here for summer vacation! That would be awesome!

  11. Ethan Crenshaw #2
    I Survived the Attacks of September 11, 2001
    Lauren Tarshis
    Pages 82
    Blog10 Quarter 4
    Prompt 8
    There are a few superheroes that Lucas would want to possess and be important for the character. Lucas would probably think of superman because he is the strongest person in all the superheroes. Lucas could stop the plane before it would hit the building. If it did hit the building Lucas could make the fire go out. He can also grab all the people in the building and fly them down to the ground. Lucas would possess invisibility, being able to fly, heat vision, carry heavy objects, super breath, and super hearing. By Lucas possessing these powers he can save people and stop attacks. Lucas would be Batman because he can save people and stop murdering’s. Lucas can be a billionaire and have nice cars. Lucas possesses being brave and being rich. Lucas can save a lot of people if he protects them from accidents and terrorist attacks. Another superhero Lucas can be is Spiderman. Spiderman has spider sense, strength, reflexes, healing, and agility. This would benefit Lucas because he plays football and these abilities would make Lucas a better player. In the book Lucas got too many concussions and the ability of healing would help because he would not get a lot of concussions. This can also help when he gets a bad injurie. When Lucas has spider sense, he can get warned a player is running at him. These abilities can make him a college or NFL player. All of these abilities would help people, dangers, and yourself.

  12. #5 Jenna Cardeno
    The Swap
    Megan Shull
    Page #182
    Blog #10 Quarter #4
    Prompt #3

    In my book The Swap I chose Jack as my character. Jack, as an eighth grader he work very hard to accomplish his life goals. Jack writes down “1. Play for Boston College 2.Get drafted in the first round of NHL 3.Sign an NHL contract” in his journal seven times every night. Jack is a hard worker and later in life he will accomplish his dreams. First he will get into Boston College and get straight A’s in all his classes. Second he will get drafted in the first round of NHL. Third he will finally sign an NHL contract and play for a professional team and he will be the best player on his team. Later on in life he will be a famous hockey player and be really rich. Later ones he gets older he will retire from his hockey lifestyle. After he retires from hockey he will get married to Ellie the other character in this book. They will both live a happy life together. Later both of them will have two dogs and two children. After all this when they grow older both of their kids will go off to Boston College. Then they will both do their own thing. One will study to be a doctor and later got a doctorate degree and became a doctor. The other child followed Jacks footsteps and he had signed his own NHL contract and became a part of another famous hockey team. Jack and his family lived happily ever after.

  13. Timmy Burgess #4
    I Survived The Children’s Blizzard, 1888
    Lauren Tarshis
    Pages 35
    Blog #10 Quarter #4
    Prompt #15

    In “I survived the Children’s blizzard of 1888” there are a group of friends, Rex, peter, John, John’s sister Frannie. Each of their names has a different meaning. Rex means king or leader of the group. Most rexes are amazing, popular and good at most things. In the book, Rex is the leader and most popular of all the friends so his name is very fitting. The name peter means stone. Most Peters are sweet and kind but never believe they are and believe they have no feelings but they really do. In the book, Peter has feelings for everyone and never believes he does. The Next friend from the book is John. John is a biblical name that means gracious. The name also means level headed or understanding. In the group of friends John is the most kind, loving, person in the whole group. He is also very understanding and compassionate with everyone and has sympathy for everybody. When somebody was down or sad John would always be the one that helps him or her like when his little sister was sad he lifted her back up. John would help out everyone not just his own sister. The last person is John’s little sister Frannie. She is not in their friends group. Frannie is a French name. T he name also means kind caring and beautiful. In the book her name is fitted for her because she is French. Also she is kind to every one and loving to everyone.

  14. Jaclyn Yost # 14
    The Darkest Hour
    Caroline Tung Richmond
    Pages # 709
    Blog # 10 Quarter # 4
    Prompt # 2

    Dear, Lucie Blaise
    I know what you have to do is difficult in Covert Ops. It is hard to put people out but don't think of them as good think of them as bad people. Don't think that u are killing someone just don't think about it at all. Also don't put all your anger on other people. They will get more angry. Also do not try and lie to the Nazis a lot because if they find out what you are doing or who you are working for they will kill you and everyone at Covert Ops. Try to become friends with Sabine you guys will be doing more missions together and you will both need one another for help along the way so don't just hate her. I know the fate of the whole world is depending on you but try not to think about it think of it as a game that you need to win. Last but not least if you need back up call for back up and dont wait until you get got because most likely no one will know that you are in trouble and you need help. Now use this advice to get through tough situations and be safe.

    Sincerely, Jaclyn Yost

  15. Kaitlyn Brown #3
    Queen of Likes
    Hillary Homzie
    Pages #106
    Blog #10 Quarter #4
    Prompt #15

    These are some meaning for some characters in the book. Karma means effect of ones life actions. I think this meaning is suitable for her name because in the book she is taking a different course in her life. She used to be always going on her phone. She only cared about the likes the followers and the comments. She only cared about what other people thought about her.Now she got her phone tooken away by her parents because she was on it twenty four seven. Now she is joining the historical society and doing something else that’s not her phone. Ella Karmas best friend, her name means beautiful fairy. I think this name suites her because she loves drawing beautiful things. Currently she is the designer for the snappypic account. Her favorite thing to draw is actually fairy’s. So I think this name fits her perfectly with the story. Next is Milton p. His name stands for mill farm. I don’t think this name goes with his name because he loves building things like rockets. So I don’t think this meaning goes good with his name in the story. Finally the worst of them all at least that’s what Karma would of said Auggie. His name means great,magneficent. He is good at taking random pictures and putting them on his snappypic account. He is really funny and really cute but he is not nice he is more like a enemy to Karma. So those are some of the characters names and meanings.

  16. Claire Hung #10
    Ever After High: The Unfairest of Them All
    Shannon Hales
    Pages 320
    Blog #10 Quarter #4
    Prompt 8
    In this book, Apple White and Raven Queen was trying very hard to control and get everybody together to work together to help get their friend Madeline Hatter to not get expelled. I think that Apple White would think that Martin Luther King Jr. is a hero because of his leadership and what big thing he accomplished. Raven is a rebel that wants to choose her own destiny so she does not need to be evil to everyone like what her mother the Evil Queen did. Raven would maybe think that Mal from descendants would be a hero, because she choose to be good and did not choose to be evil like her mother, same as Raven did not want to be evil like her mother. together , Apple and Raven both tried very hard in one day to save their friend Madeline from getting expelled from Ever After High for releasing a Wonderland beast, which she did not do. At the end, Raven and Apple performed a evident spell to see that almost everyone in the treasure room broke the beast’s glass cage. Madeline Hatter then didn’t need to get expelled, but everyone should have gotten expelled, but then everyone’s destinies would be gone with them. So their principal, Headmaster Grimm, did not expelled them all so that their story would go on. Madeline was then saved from getting expelled and the whole Ever After High did not lose their big party starter.

  17. Brandon Salgado #10
    The Magnificent 12: the trap
    Micheal Grant
    Pages 27
    Blog #10 Quarter #4
    Prompt 13
    The main character in this book is Mack. Five books I would recommend to him are The Hobbit, Harry Potter, Hatchet, The Bible, and the Amazing Spiderman comic book. I would recommend the Hobbit because in the book, Bilbo goes on an unexpected adventure and travels a great distance from his comfortable, little hobbit hole with a group of dwarves. Mack can relate to this because in the book, he has to travel super far away from his home with a group of superheroes called The Magnificent Twelve. The second book I would recommend to Mack is The Harry Potter books. I think Mack would really enjoy reading these books because both him and Harry Potter have to learn how to use and control their magical powers. They also have to learn what their powers do. The next book I would recommend to Mack is the book called Hatchet. This book would be beneficial to read because the main character Brian and Mack both survived a plane crash. Mack can learn how to be brave like Brian. He could see how Brian survived in the woods all by himself. The most important book that Mack should read is the Bible. Mack needs to read the Bible to learn that God is with him at all times. He could read many verses that tell him to trust in the Lord and to not be afraid. The last book I think he would like to read is the Amazing Spiderman comic book. Mack has a fear of spiders which is called Arachnophobia. He should read these comic books because he can learn not to be afraid of spiders. Spiderman was bitten by a spider and became a superhero!

  18. #6 Michael Montoya
    Infinite Sea
    Blog#10 Quarter 4
    Prompt 4

    One of the themes of the book is “survival.” Every time the humans go outdoors they run into aliens, also known as “the Others,” and there is nothing they can do about it. They are constantly finding injured survivors, but when they try to help they end up getting ambushed themselves. In order to survive, the humans have to continuously roam and search for food, but it is extremely difficult because there is never ending snowfall which makes it near impossible for anything to grow. They must always be on the move because if they don’t they will eventually be tracked down and killed. If they run, they will most likely die trying, but if they stay they risk dying also. Either way is dangerous. The humans were finally able to find shelter for two days until an avalanche hit and the aliens tried to trap them, but were fortunately unsuccessful. This caused them once again to abandon their shelter and leave everything behind. Cassie said in the book that they strive for survival and she compared it to being in the Arctic Ocean for ten minutes. They had to keep moving to avoid patrols that would come by and that would put them in constant danger of dying from frostbite. It was also very difficult to move because they were carrying wounded survivors which greatly slowed any progress they could make. Needless to say, the humans faced many impossible situations created by the aliens, but their biggest problems are figuring out how to survive the Others.

  19. Joanna Cochrane #6
    Number the Stars
    Lois Lowry

    Me:Hello Anne Marie i will be asking you some questions today

    Me:Did you have hope that you would be safe during the war?

    Anne Marie:Yes, and I think I did a good job at it

    Me:Did you think Nazi soldiers would come and knock on the door looking for Ellen?

    Anne Marie:Yes I did

    Me:Did you think the Nazi soldier still thought Ellen was somewhere in the house even you're father said she was other sister Lise

    Anne Marie:Yes I think so but he just didn't bother looking around the house more

    Me:Because Ellen is Jewish did you think something bad was going to happen

    Anne Marie:I tried not to think negatively during the war, but yes just a little bit

    Me:Because of Kristy's talkative nature did you think it would get you're family and Ellen and her family into trouble along the way

    Anne Marie:Yes, and at point it almost did but she said something different then I thought she was going to say

    Me:When you and Kristy,Ellen, and your mother went to Uncle Henrik's house did you think you were going to be safer there

    Anne Marie:Yes

    Me:Did it feel safer

    Anne Marie:Yes

  20. Jasmine Raya #13
    Robert Hoge
    Pages 54
    Blog #10 Quarter #4
    Prompt #12

    There are a few characters in the book Ugly that I think should meet other people. The first character I chose from the book is young Robert. I think Robert should meet Auggie Pullman, from the book Wonder. The reason why I think Robert and Auggie should meet each is because they are both going through the same thing. For instance, Robert and Auggie both have deformation in their faces which is caused by a disease that they were born with. Another reason why I think Robert and Auggie should meet each other is because they both have to deal with the people talking behind their backs, asking them questions, and getting stared at. Another person I think Robert should meet is his future self. I think he should meet his future self because his future self would probably tell him that he is doing amazing and not to let anyone's words tear him down. Another thing, I think Roberts future self would tell him is that the book he has made in the later future has changed people's lives across the world. The last character in the book Ugly, that I think should meet someone that would give them advice is Mary, Hooge or Roberts mom. I think she should meet Auggie Pullman's mom because she is going through the same thing Mary is, which is deciding if she wants to keep her baby. What i think Auggie’s mom should tell Mary is that children are the most beautiful and amazing gift a mother can have no matter what shape, size, or form they come in. The advice Auggie’s mom probably will give to Mary is to keep Robert, take care of him, and love him as much as possible. As you can see, these characters are familiar with each other, and have to make tough decisions along the way together too.

  21. Lauren Quintana
    Hansi the girl who loved the swastika
    Maria Anne Hirschmann
    Page 205
    Prompt 10
    Quarter 4
    Hansi or Maria was a poor girl who lived in a small barn. She was chosen to be a part of the Hitler Youth and as a result believed Hitler’s ideas, teachings, and thoughts. She felt betrayed and manipulated when Hitler did suicide. The Russians eventually took her into a labor camp and labeled her as a German. She escaped and eventually crossed into a safe sector with American troops. She eventually got married and found herself in her renewed faith in Christ. Hansi would like to meet Corrie Ten Boom (after her opinion of the Nazi party changed). Corrie saved many Jews in Poland during the Holocaust. She was eventually caught and put in a concentration camp only to be mistakenly released. Hansi would like to meet her because of her powerful story and relatable hardships. Hansi would like to meet Beethoven because of her love of well composed music. Hansi would also like to meet Eli Wessel. Eli was a Jew who was enslaved by the Nazis and was put in a labor camp. The unbelievable trials and hardships made him strong and Hansi could learn from him. She would also like to meet Irena Sendler. Irena was like Corrie Ten Boom, but less recognized. She saved over 25,000 children from the Holocaust. Irena was brave and faithful. She could talk about how God cares and how he is loving and faithful, always. These people would be a big inspiration and help towards her worldview. They can strengthen her faith ultimately making her a better person and more knowledgeable and aware.

  22. Kylie Gorospe #8
    Auggie & Me
    R.J. Palacio
    Page 105
    Blog #10 Quarter #3
    Promt #7
    True or False
    1.Julian was named after Tourteau. T/F
    2.Julian’s parents did not sue Beecher Prep. T/F
    3.Tourteau was not crippled. T/F
    4.Mr. and Mrs. Beaumier hid Julian’s grandma in a barn. T/F
    5.The germans got Tourteau and sent him off Auschwitz. T/F
    6.Julian had not written Auggie an apology letter. T/F
    7.Mr. Browne hated the precept Julian had sent him. T/F
    8.Auggie and Christopher’s mom were both in a mother group. T/F
    9.Julian’s grandma lived in Spain. T/F
    10.Julian had felt remorse. T/F
    Multiple Choice
    11.The germans took Julian’s grandma’s _________.
    12.Christopher and Auggie knew each other since they were _____.
    a.5 years old
    b.2 days old.
    c.7 months old
    13.Christopher and Auggie’s mom met at a _________.
    14. Christopher and Auggie were at ______ when Christopher realized Auggie was different.
    a.Auggie’s house
    b. Beecher Prep
    c. a playground
    15.Nate,Auggie’s dad brought a ______ home.
    a. a dog
    b. Star Wars lightsabers
    16.Auggie’s sister’s name is ______.
    17.Christopher and Auggie loved ______.
    a.Star Wars
    b.Harry Potter
    18.The other two moms in the Mom group were __________ moms.
    a.Carl and Steve’s
    b.Jeff and Julian’s
    c.Zachary and Alex’s
    19.Christopher and Auggie were not as close anymore because __________.
    a.Christopher moved away
    b.They did not talk anymore
    c.The got into a fight
    20.Daisy was living in a _______ before Auggie’s family found her.
    a.The street
    b.The park
    c. A nice house
    Short Answer
    21.Why did Auggie cry at the playground?
    22.Why was Christopher’s mom on the phone with Isabel?
    23.How did Christopher and Auggie end up calling Daisy, Darth Daisy?
    24.Why did the little girl at the playground start to cry?
    25.Why didn’t Auggie’s mom like Daisy at first?
    Essay Question
    26.How did Julian show remorse for making fun of Auggie?

    21.He cried because he knew the little girl was crying because of him.
    22.She was on the phone because Daisy had died.
    23.They ended up calling her that because Via wanted to call her Daisy, but Auggie wanted to call him Darth Maul.
    24.She started to cry because she saw Auggie and got frightened.
    25.She didn’t like her at first because she didn’t know what she could be carrying.
    26.Julian showed remorse by writing Auggie an apology letter.He felt bad for what he had done.He also learned he didn’t want to be remembered as that one bad kid.He wanted to start fresh.He now felt remorse for what he did.

  23. Ileanna Holiday #4
    What Light
    Jay Asher
    Page 171
    Blog 10 Quarter 4
    Prompt 6
    Interviewer: Hello Sierra, it is very nice to meet you.
    Sierra: Hi, its is very nice to meet you too.
    Interviewer: So, you have been going up to california to sell trees since you were little. Did you always like going up there or did you prefer Oregon?
    Sierra: Well the first time i went up i was just a baby so I didn’t really understand what was happening. The only years that I didn’t enjoy were the years I didn’t have anyone to hang out with because i didn’t really know anyone. The first year I had to go to school was terrifying because i didn't know anyone. Eventually i made friends so now I can’t ever wait to go up to California.
    Interviewer: Did you have any previous relationships in california before Caleb?
    Sierra: Not in California. No one had really caught my eye and I knew I was only there for a short period of time before I had to go. Although I did have one boyfriend in Oregon but it didn’t end well.
    Interviewer: So you said you didn’t have any relationships in California because you were only there for a short period of time before you left, what made you fall for Celeb?
    Sierra: Well first i fell for his dimples then as I got to know him more and more we just clicked and I knew that there was something there.
    Interviewer: So what did you think when your friend told you about Caleb’s past?
    Sierra: Well there were a lot of emotions. I was shocked, confused, scared, worried, and also wondered how such a sweet guy could have such a bad past.
    Interviewer: Well that’s all the time we have for today but thank you for coming out.
    Sierra: Of course, thank you for having me,

  24. Leo Sellarole #10
    A Walk to Remeber
    Nicholas Sparks
    Pages 1,109
    Blog #10 Quarter #4
    Prompt #8
    "I didn't excel in the classroom---hell, I didn't excel at much of anything,"(Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remeber). Landon Carter wasn't a nobody but he certainly wasn't popular and believed he had nothing going for him. Heroes for Landon Carter are three people who have character traits that he lacks himself and hopes to one day adapt himself. Firstly there is Winston Churchill who had inspired and helped Britain prevail not wavering or succumbing to an alliance with Nazi Germany. Churchill was outspoken and stood his ground firm on his beliefs in fighting on. Landon Carter could use Churchill's outspoken courage to take stands against the cruel actions and behaviors of his peers; leading the way to be better students, kinder to eachother, and seeing past exterior appearances. Another hero of Carter's is Hellen Kellar who was impaired in two ways being deaf and blind. Even with these two impairments Helen overcame them not letting them stop her from succeeding. Land Carter needs Helen's perseverance. If Helen could overcome being blind and deaf, there is no way carter could not overcome his own fears, pride, and how people saw him for who he is, was, and would be. Lastly is Martin Luther King Jr. who had stood against and fought against segregation of white and black folk. Never once did King falter in his calling. Landon needs King's strength and the firm belief of equality and that we are all the same when stripped of everything to help end the segregation of the "cool kids" from the "noncool kids."
    Landon could reach out to those unpopular students showing them kindness and including them, and at the same time showing other popular students to do the same. Carter doesn't just need one of these qualities, he need each one to help him be a trail blazer working for Christ.

  25. Sydnee Geater#7
    The Truth About Stacey
    Ann M. Martin
    141 Pages
    Blog#10 Quarter#4

    Hi, this is the author of the book. Today I'm going to talk how Stacey lived a normal life again a few years later. So, Stacey has diabetes and can't have anything but food that is good for your body. Years later her diabetes got worse than ever. She was in the hospital for days with all her friends supporting her as she went. Her parents were worried and begged the doctor to help her more and more. As the days went by, Stacy was tired of the doctors, parents, and friends worrying about her. She knew that she needed help, but that was too much. A week went by and Stacy was feeling better. She was allowed to go out of the hospital and she really wanted to see her friend, Liane, in New York City. Her parents didn’t want her to go out of the state, but since there was a doctor that they knew there, they said it was okay. When she at NYC she was so exited to see her best friend. After a week of partying, Stacy came home to a surprise party! Since she spent so much time in the hospital, she didn’t realize her birthday was soon. She had so much fun and eve Kristy’s brothers wee there. The next day she went to go get a checkup and the doctors found out that he diabetes were gone. Stacey could start eating sweets again. This time she will remember not to eat to much.


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