Blog #11 - Due Thursday, May 24th

You can probably see the finish line from where you are. This is the second to last blog. You have completed 11 out of 12 once this is posted. Finish strong and congratulate yourself on a job well done. Don't forget your reading log should have a total of 1,000 pages. Only 100 more to go!


  1. Miguel Alvarez #1
    Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian
    Rick Riordan
    Page 141
    Blog #11 Quarter #4
    Prompt 8
    The four characters I have chosen are named Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Nico. In my story each are already a hero, but they aren’t superheroes. First is Percy, son of Posidon. He is a brave and loyal friend and hero. He already has some control of water. His superhero named Whirlpool. He has full control over water, with a wave of his hand water comes shooting out, and turn water to ice. The second is Annabeth, daughter of Athena. She is very smart and wants to be an architect when she is older. Her superhero name will be Captiosus (which is Latin for smart). Her superpower is her intelligence and telekinesis. She can read minds and can think of any solution for any problem. The third is Grover, He is an exiled satyr. He is a kind satyr that protects the forces of nature. He has a special scream called Panic. His superhero name is Wild Ram. He can charge really fast, and when he does he can break through anything. He can run 40mi/h, he commands the plant, and can make them start growing anywhere. Last but certainly no least is Nico, son of Hades. He is a young kind heart person, but sometime deadly. He already can travel through shadows, raise the dead, and talk to ghosts. His superhero name will be Shadows. He has the power to travel through shadows, control the earth, and can put you under a spell that can cause you to sleep instantly. Each of them are great superheroes, but together they are unstoppable.

    1. Nico Marchello #12
      Diary of a wimpy kid
      Jeff Kinny
      page 200
      blog#11 Quarter 4
      propt 8

      Greg Hefley is a cool person sometimes so this is his thoughts. My diary I had a really cool sleepover with Rowley and we ate so much candy and watched a bunch of scary movies. After the movies we were super scared so we played video games all night but then we got tired so we went to bed at six in the morning. We didn’t wake up until seven o’clock at night then we ate dinner and went back to sleep. That night was really fun. The last day of summer was like torture and that means school I did not want to go. Ok so I finished half of the year and my home work is so hard I really want it to be summer and go swimming but it is winter and it is so cold. I never had to where a jacket in summer but it’s just too bad. Ok yes the last day of school I am so happy and I am going to do so much stuff you don’t even know and I will eat so much stuff I will gain ten pounds. And I will eat until my heart stops, maybe a little to far but still. But when I go swimming I will burn it all off.

  2. Alyssa Bankey #2
    The Penderwicks At Point Mouette
    Jeanne Birdsall
    Pages 201
    Blog #11 Quarter #4
    Prompt 14

    Playlist for Jane Penderwick
    1. Dream Weaver – Gary Wright (song)
    I chose Dream Weaver as a song for Jane because she wants to be a great writer one day and many of her stories she writes begin with a dream she had. A writer is very much a dream weaver in that, through their stories, the reader can be taken into the writer’s dream.

    2. Tomorrow – Annie (song from movie)
    This song Tomorrow is perfect for Jane’s character since she is always trying to look on the bright side of situations when problems arise with her family and friends. Jane has a sunny outlook on life and always thinks the future will be better.

    3. This Is Me – Camp Rock (song from movie)
    Jane wants to be noticed as a published writer with her own unique writing style. So this song would be encouraging to her to stay true to her own dreams and be her own person no matter what criticism anyone gives her.

    4. A Million Dreams – The Greatest Showman (song from movie)
    A Million Dreams is a song that is the perfect description of Jane’s personality and her dream of being a writer. She carries this dream with her day and night as she looks at everyday situations and is constantly thinking of how she can include them in her writing.

    5. Try Everything – Zootopia (song from movie)
    Jane almost gave up her dream of writing because someone she looked up to told her she would never get published. This song is about falling down and getting back up again and not giving up until you finish what you started out to do. Throughout her life, Jane will get bad and good reviews on books that she writes, but she will have to learn to never give up.

  3. Jenna Cardeno #5
    The Swap
    Megan Shull
    Page #200
    Blog #11 Quarter #4
    Prompt #14

    In my book the Swap the character I chose was Ellie. Here are some songs I think Ellie should listen to. One song thatI think Ellie should listen to is Survivor by Destiny’s Child, I think she should listen to this song because no matter how mean the girls are to Ellie she still stays strong.The next song I think Ellie should listen to is Shake It Off by Taylor Swift because that song is showing that you can show people what they said you can and can’t do. Next Ellie should listen to The Middle by Zedd, Maren Morris, and Grey because its a very up-beat and catchy song and fun to listen to. All these songs should always make someone feel better no matter how hard the times they are going through can be. Another song is Unsteady by X Ambassadors because sometimes we don't feel like we are good enough and we can be a little unsteady but we should know that we will always have Jesus Christ with us. The last song that Ellie should listen to is Rather Be by Clean Bandit featuring Jess Glynne because no matter who we are we will always be special and no one can change us so we should never want to change and we should never want to be someone who we are not.These songs anyone can listen to and it can just make them happy to feel like they can just always do whatever they put their mind to.

  4. #2 Ethan Crenshaw
    Diary of a Wimpey Kid Dog Days
    Jeff Kinney
    Pages 217
    Blog 11 Quarter 4
    Prompt 12

    Greg would meet many people that he can learn from. The first person he would meet is Bill Gates. The reason why he can meet him is give Greg advice about being successful in life. He can teach him about business and how to run one. The second person Greg can meet is Tom Brady. Tom Brady can teach Greg how to become a football player. By teaching Greg to do this, he can be strong and be famous if he makes it to NFL. The third person Greg would meet is Desmond Doss. Desmond Doss can teach Greg about the Bible and can help Greg to be a medic in the war. Greg can save life’s in the war just like Desmond Doss. The fourth person he would meet is Leonardo DiCaprio. Leonardo can teach Greg to be a famous actor. Greg can be acting I many movies and can meet some people he was wishing to meet. The fifth person Greg would meet is Jesus. Greg can learn many things. Jesus can teach him to be kind, be a good person, follow Him, and praise Him. The second person is Rodrick. The first person Rodrick would meet the AC/DC band. They can teach Rodrick to be a great drummer and the guitar. The second person Rodrick would meet is Donald Trump. Trump can teach Rodrick to have a business and about how to be president. The third person Rodrick can meet is LeBron James. LeBron can teach him to be a good basketball player. He can meet friends and can be successful.

  5. Lauren Quintana#7
    Danzig Passage
    Bodie and Brock Theonine
    Page 428
    Blog#11 Quarter#4
    Prompt 8
    Danzig Passage takes place on November 9, 1938 also known as the Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass). The main characters are Lucy, Peter, Otto, Moshe, Capitan Orde, Pastor Ibenson, Alphie, Lorie, Jamie, Jacob and Mark. Lucy is an Aryan woman who doesn’t completely understand the goals of the Nazi party. She is pregnant with a “baby of the Reich”. Her baby will be taken from her if she stays with Wolf. Wolfgang is a cruel Nazi solider who Lucy used to love; until he threatened to take her baby to Prussia. She had to run away from him secretly. When Wolf was going to arrest a family of Jews, she decides to help that family escape, the family of Peter Wallich. Peter and his family were staying at a Nazi’s apartment when Kristallnacht took place which kept them safe. Otto was the Nazi who secretly helped Jews. When he tried to help Peters family, he was caught, but Peter and his family escaped. They had fake passports and split up to take different trains to meet up if they were able. Peter and Lucy took the train together, praying the Nazis wouldn’t search them so they could arrive at their only hope, Danzig. Alphie is a fifteen year old mentally disabled child who is not Jewish, but never really understands what is going on. Alphie is in a hospital which was overrun by the Nazis who planned to kill everyone who was unable to recover or was “Undesirable”. Alphie escaped before the Nazis could get him. He ran to the New Church. At the church he made a hiding place under a shed with food and water for playing hide and seek with his friend Jamie. Little did Alphie know the Church had been a restricted premises after the arrest of Pastor Karl Ibenson. Only Lori, Mark and Jacob hid there from the Nazis in some organ bellows. They only hid when any guards came by. Jamie eventually joined the trio after escaping the Hitler Youth program. Jacob and Mark came into the church at the time of the arrest and were able to hide before they were captured. Karl Ibenson was arrested for hiding Jews in his church on Kristallnacht. Lori was Karl’s daughter and was not Jewish, but was afraid of being forced into the Nazi breeding program for her Aryan looks. The foursome was almost caught by a night watch, but were saved by Alphie whom had found a Cat and her kittens. Alphie took one ‘special care’ kitten when they all escaped. He named it after his friend Weirner. The five made it to the train station with hopes of not being caught by the Nazi’s blood thirsty hounds and they tried to sneak on the trains to the only safe place that was possible to get to, Danzig. Moshe joins the team of the brave English man, Capitan Orde. In Palestine the Muslim leader believes that Hitler is correct and he wants to destroy the Jews completely too. Orde’s men are there to stop this. Some of his men are other British troops and others trained Jews. Capitan Orde is a profound Christian man whom is unwilling to let soldiers who don’t know God fight. His team and he have had many victories, but when the Muslims see him as a threat he becomes a target. Will he be able to survive to fight on or will the wily tricks of the Muslims prevail to take his life? For Lori, Mark, Jacob, Alphie, Peter and Lucy all hope rests in the Danzig Passage and For Capitan Orde, Moshe and his crew all hope rests in the hands of God.

  6. Alex Bankey #1
    I Survived The Hindenburg Disaster, 1937
    Lauren Tarshis
    Pages 91
    Blog #11 Quarter #4
    Prompt 13

    The five books that I would like the character Hugo to read are Hatchet, City of Ember, I Survived The Great Chicago Fire, 1871, I Survived The Sinking Of The Titanic, 1912, and The Circus Fire. I selected these titles since Hugo survived the Hindenburg Disaster. All of these titles are books of surviving too. In Hatchet, a teenage boy named Brian is on his way flying to see his father, but then the plane engine dies, and the plane crashes in the Canadian wilderness. Then Brian has no choice but to survive by himself. Hugo could learn from Brian about being brave when facing a disaster. In City of Ember, Doon Harrow and Lena Mayfleet had to not lose hope of finding a way out of the underground town they were living in. Hugo had to find a way out of the Hindenburg flames before it blew up. In I Survived The Great Chicago Fire, 1871, Oscar never wanted to come to Chicago, but after he arrives there, a huge fire breaks out, and he must find his way out of the fire. Hugo also must escape flames on the Hindenburg before it’s too late. In I Survived The Sinking Of The Titanic, 1912, George needs to find his family and a way to escape off the ship before it disappears in the ocean. Hugo must escape from the Hindenburg, but only after he finds his little sister Phoebe and their aunt. And, lastly, in The Circus Fire, thousands of people are trapped in a circus tent that has caught fire, and the people inside are trapped and frightened that they will not escape. Hugo is fearful he too will not escape the fire on the Hindenburg. All of these stories relate to survival and bravery, which could help Hugo deal with his disaster.

  7. Sydnee Geater #7
    Be Prepared
    Vera Brosgol
    244 pages
    Blog#10 Quarter#4

    My book talks about a girl named Vera, and she is not liked that much because of where she is from.
    Vera- is a female first name of Russian origin, from verus meaning verity and coincides with the Russian meaning of faith.
    This meaning fits her because she has faith that she is going to make friends at summer camp and she did. Even though her friend was younger than her, Vera didn't care what people thought of her, she cared about having fun and making her friend feel better after everyone made fun of her.
    The next name is Sasha. There are two Sasha's at camp and they had been at that camp together since they were six.
    Sasha- a borrowing of the pet form of Alexandra
    Both Sasha and Sasha are fourteen. The only thing they care about are boys and are rude. They only became friends with Vera was because she drew their crush and gave them candy.
    Alexei is the boy that every girl s in love with.
    Alexei- is a Russian and Bulgarian male first name deriving from the Greek Alexius, meaning "Defender", and thus of the same origin as the Latin Alexius.
    This meaning defiantly fits him because he is strong and likes to bully other people.
    Kira is Vera's friend that she meets after finding her guinea pig.
    Kira- is one of several Anglicized forms of the Irish name Ciara, which in Irish means "dark haired".
    Kira is shy, but really nice. She brought her guinea pig to camp when there were no pets allowed.

  8. Avery Avichouser
    The Saddle Club-Horse Shy
    Bonnie Bryant
    Page 82
    Prompt 12
    Blog 11
    The First person I would want Lisa to meet is Alec from The Black Stallion. Alec was a very brave and young boy who was very passionate about his horse. I think that Lisa would learn a lot from him and they are quite similar in many ways. Alec could show Lisa how to be brave and show her that the horses will not harm her. I would want Lisa to use what Alec shows her in her riding skills. Another person I would want Lisa to meet is Rosa parks. Rosa Parks had a big act of braveness that changed the world. Lisa and Rosa Parks have two completely different situations going on but in a way they are very similar. I think that Rosa could show Lisa that she can do anything her mind puts her to. The next character is Carole. Carole is going through a very hard time right now with the loss of her favorite horse named Colbalt. Carole and Cobalt had a very special connection and with the loss of him she does not want to continue riding horses. I think that Harry Telford could help her through this situation. Harry Telford was a very poor horse trainer and he found a very poor and sad horse and turned it into a very famous racehorse, Phar Lap. He never gave up on Phar Lap and I think he could show Carole never give up with her riding because she is very gifted. I hope that Carole would have faith in him and trust him in what he says because he was a very brave and kind person.

  9. Katelynn Burgess #1.5
    The Beautiful Lost
    Luanne Rice
    Page 286
    Prompt 6
    Blog 12

    Interview with Maia

    Me: What made you want to leave your house on a road trip so suddenly?

    Maia: I just was not happy and felt if I found my mom my life would be complete.

    Me: How did you feel when Billy decided to come with you last minute?

    Maia: I felt so happy it was like a dream for me because I always just saw him from afar and it seemed so unreal.

    Me: How did you feel when Billy took you to the house his mom was murdered in? Did Billy's past make you think of him differently?

    Maia: Yes I was scared to think something so terrible happened there, it gave me the chills…. When I found out Billy's past it did shock me that he helped his dad but I then realized it doesn't define him and he had to because he thought his dad would kill him if he didn't, he was scared.

    Me: I am aware that you have anxiety and even need medication for it. Does this affect your daily life? Has it gotten better?

    Maia: It sometimes does affect my life, it just depends on the day and what it going on around me or what thoughts I have. But for the most part I keep it under control. My condition has gotten a lot better since me and Billy found each other and I have developed better relationships with my family and my questions about my mom were answered.

    Me: Were you scared or nervous at any point of your road trip with Billy? How did you feel the whole time?

    Maia: I wasn't really scared, more like nervous about being found and the amazing trip coming to an end. I pretty much felt nothing but happiness the entire trip and I almost forgot about my anxiety and depression, I even didn't have to take my medicine anymore. It was the best thing to ever happen to me.

    Me: How did you feel when you and Billy were discovered?

    Maia: I was very sad I couldn't even believe it happened, but it was also a good thing cause Billy only called my dad because he cared about me and I was not doing well…. My life is much better now that me Billy are together and I went to the mental hospital for awhile. Me, my dad, and stepmom are bonding better now because of it all. I'm thankful for this learning experience.

  10. Timmy Burgess #4
    I survived the American Revolution, 1776
    Lauren Tarshis
    Page 118
    Prompt #6
    Blog #11 Quarter #4

    Interview with Nathaniel Fox

    Me: What did it feel like to be a British slave?

    Nate: I did not like it because on a daily basis my owner would beat me

    Me: How many times would you be beaten a day?

    Nate: it would be like twice a day most of the time it was once.

    Me: What made you run away?

    Nate: one day my owners other slave threw a stick and it cut the back of my owners head open he was filled with anger and about to kill the other slave so I took the blame for it so when I knew he was about to kill me I ran with all my might and ran for miles until I saw something in the distance it was a British army transport ship taking them to the war against America and I got on ship and found a spot to hide.

    Me: What told you to get on the ship?

    Nate: I don’t know I just thought it might bring me to a new life and to get away from my owner.

    Me: Where did you hide for that whole time?

    Nate: Well I hide in the lower part of the ship.

    Me: What happened when you got there?

    Nate: When I got there I found my old friend’s brother that told me that they needed more soldiers so I joined the army we were fighting Washington and when we were fighting there was an explosion that almost took me out but when I woke up a week later I found out that Washington and his army won the war.

  11. #8 Ethan Powell
    Goosebumps Heads, You Lose
    R. L. Stine
    Page 16
    Prompt 8
    Our main characters are into magic, so I have chosen some magic people to meet them. Jessica and Ryan, I would have them meet Magic Man from Adventure Time and have him turn them inside out so that this book will end. I think that kind of magic trick could really teach these kids what real magic is. Then I would introduce them to Gandalf, he’s a wizard and I think he would teach Jessica and Ryan very important tricks. If Jessica needed to guard a bridge from a demon then Gandalf can teach her how to not let them pass, or if Ryan was battle a dragon, then Gandalf could show him how to enchant his weapon with the most powerful of magic to aid in his quest to slay the great beast. I think that Gandalf would be a great teacher and Jessica and Ryan could learn some very useful things from an encounter with Gandalf. Then they would meet The Goblin King. The Goblin King (David Bowie from the labyrinth) could teach Jessica and Ryan how to banish people to other places. He could also teach them how to mess with people’s heads. Labyrinth messed with me, good movie though. The Goblin King could teach Jessica and Ryan how to get into other people’s heads and trick them and mess with them. Goblin King would be an excellent teacher. That’s all the time we have for tonight folks, hoped you enjoyed and we will see you next time where Magic Man comes in and eats a raw chicken and gets sick.

  12. Jessica Ramirez #9
    Everyday Angel
    Victoria Schwab
    Pages 101
    Quarter 4 Blog 11
    Prompt 15

    Three main characters in Everyday Angel are Aria, Gabrielle (Gabby), and Marco.
    Aria can mean “ Is always there to give you a hug if you need one. She is always a good friend, and still thinks you look good even when you doubt it.” (, a hipster, and draws boys attention. Gabrielle can mean she is popular, smart, beautiful, and is always very energetic. Marco can mean he is one of the best guys you will ever meet, a nice person, and is a gentleman.

    In Everyday Angel Aria is a good person. The Urban Dictionary said that Aria is a name that means someone will be there for you no matter what the situation is. She will comfort you and is always a true friend. This truly relates to Everyday Angel because in this story Aria is an angel that comforts and relieves Gabby’s hardship. Aria can also mean a girl that draws boys attention and is a hipster. This does not describe the Aria in this story. Actually, the Aria in this story weary nice, beautiful clothing.

    Gabby is the one who has a tough life. Gabby is a name that means she is smart and beautiful. This is true about Gabby in Everyday Angel. Although, she is pretty and smart Gabby did not think she was. Gabby thinks she is invisible. Gabby can also mean someone who is always energetic. This can be true but, also not true. This can be true because before Marco (her brother) got sick she was very energetic but, after he got sick she just fell apart.

    In Everyday Angel Marco is Aria’s sick brother. Everything in the Urban Dictionary can relate to Marco. Marco in the book is a gentleman, is a nice person, and is one of the best guys you will ever meet. He is such a good brother to his sister. Even though he is sick he acts like a real gentleman and a young, respectful man.

  13. Aiden Avichouser
    Wilder Boys
    Brandon Wallace
    Page 102
    Prompt 15
    Blog 11

    Jake- all right, satisfactory
    Bull- strong, aggressive, bull-like man
    Taylor- to cut
    Jake is a good boy. Satisfactory is not a good way to describe him. He is a good leader and takes care of his brother Taylor. He is a good example to his brother and thinks about his decisions before he makes them. They had to get onto a train while running away from a guard and a guard dog and Jake helped his brother onto the train. He was not going to leave without him. Jake has a gift of intelligence and is very advanced in maturity for his age. He is tough and determined to find his father who he has never met before. Jake will look through all of Wyoming to find him if he has to.

    Bull is a very aggressive man. The definition of Bull applies perfectly to the Bull in the story. Bull hits Jake and Taylor and doesn’t allow them to do anything. Their mom is sick and Bull is her boyfriend. The boys came home from school one day and saw ambulances in front of their house. Bull told the boys that she fell, but he had really beaten her up. She was in a coma and was beaten up very badly. Before that the boys heard their dog, Cody, run out of the house. He led them right to Bull. He was with a man. They could hear Bull talking. It was about not getting a job done. Bull was mixed up with bad people. The boys saw the man and Bull start to fight, Bull grabbed a gun and shot him! Bull saw the boys. They ran home and pretended like nothing happened. They decided that they needed run away and find their dad in Wyoming.

    Taylor doesn’t relate to the word cut. Taylor is a very mentally strong. He is intelligent like his brother. He is very determined to find his father. He is confident that he and his brother could take Bull in a fight. He loves his dog Cody and does what his brother says. Jake and Taylor make a good team and really want to find their dad.

  14. Leo Sellarole #10
    A Walk to Remember
    Nicholas Sparks
    Pages 116
    Blog #11 Quarter #4
    Prompt #13
    Jamie Sullivan is an innocent girl in her senior year of high school. She has a deep relationship with Christ that has developed from an event still not revealed in the book thus far. Jamie is also a very caring person as well as an intellectual. One book I definitely recommend Jamie read is The Last Lecture. Jamie could learn some of the lessons taught in the book itself as well as could probably relate to the author Randy Pausch. Jamie is very attached to her mother’s bible and uses it everywhere she goes. I would recommend to her that she read The One Year Bible which will present the whole bible in a way that can be more easily read and understood in one year. Going along with the last recommendation I would recommend that Jamie read Jesus Calling which I think Jamie would thoroughly enjoy as it is a daily devotional written from the perspective of God speaking to us and then includes daily scriptures. I also think Jamie would enjoy reading Unbroken a story about perseverance and how to take your personal failures and obstacles and use them to your own advantage or in a way that could better yourself. For this Jamie could apply much of the lessons that can be pulled out of the book. I would lastly recommend a book that looks good to me and I would read myself, The Power of Serving Others: You Can Start Where You Are. This book would encourage Jamie to continue her unconditional service always willing to do good and the work of the Lord. This book could also be one Jamie could lend to others to have others feel convicted to have a servant’s heart, specifically in honor of God.

  15. Joanna Cochrane #6
    P. Craig Russell
    Pages 186
    Prompt 15
    Blog 11

    Dear Diary,
    My parents moved to a different location. So now I live in flat. It is a really good place to explore. There is this well that is super deep. The people who live in the flat too are a little strange. There is Miss. Spink and Miss. Forcible, and a man named Mr. Bobo. after we settled in the flat I decided to explore outside, but it was raining. So when I went to ask my parents if I could go outside they said no. So father told me to explore the flat. While I was exploring the flat I noticed a door that didn't open. So mom got the key to the door opened it, but it was all bricked up. But at night when i was going to sleep I heard a noise. I got up, and it was a rat. I followed it and then it went though what was supposed be a bricked up wall! So I went inside hoping it would led me to the flat, but instead I was still in the flat in lived in, or so I thought. Because when I saw my mother she had buttons for eyes! So did my father and everyone else who lived in the flat! So I decided to stick around to see what it was like. What I noticed was that it was like paradise there compared to the real world where my real mom and dad were. After a while of being there, my other mother and other father wanted me to sew buttons in my eyes! Because I thought that was insane I said no. Then I left. It was nice there, but to sew buttons in my eyes! That did not make me want to stay or go back there again.

  16. Jaclyn Yost #14
    Raina Telgemeier
    Pages #394
    Blog #11 Quarter #4
    Prompt #11

    Have you ever wondered what the characters names really mean in your favorite book? I have. I will be seeing what some of the characters from the book sisters means. The first character I chose was Raina. Rainas name means paradise.I think paradise is a good name for her because she is not kind sometimes but not mean either she is just right like paradise. The next person is Amara. Amara ia Raina's little sister. Amaras name means Bitter and peaceful. I think Amara goes perfectly with her because she is not always respectful or kind to her family but she is gentle. The next name that I am going to see what means is Will. Will is Raina and Amaras little brother. The name Will means Will-helmet. I think this doesn't really go with how will is. In the book there Mother said that they decided to call him Will because it was the will of God that they had him. The last name that I will be finding the meaning of is Lindsay. Lindsay is Raina,Amara,and Wills cousin. The name Lindsay means from the island lime tree. I guess this means they could be kind of sour like limes. That is all of the names I will be finding the meaning of. I thought almost all there names went with them well.

  17. #6 Michael Montoya
    Infinite Sea
    Blog#11 Quarter 4
    Prompt 11

    Cassie would most like to go to Hawaii for vacation. Since she is always in the cold snow, being on a warm, luxurious beach would be a great change and experience for her. Cassie would like the island, Maui, because the water there is not too cold or too hot. On her first day there she would hangout on the beach with friends and soak up the hot sun. After sunbathing, she would head back to her hotel for a good night’s rest. The next day she would go on a helicopter tour. She is a daring woman and flying over the volcanos would be a great thrill for her. After Cassie is done with that she would take an overnight yacht ride out on the ocean with her friends. Once they get to their destination on the water they will all go swimming and snorkeling together. After their long day of water activities, they will want to head to bed for some much needed rest. In the morning, the boat driver will take them back to shore and from there they will go their separate ways for the day. Cassie is on her way back to the hotel to bathe and clean off all the sticky salt water from her trip. After a nice, long shower she will watch some television and then head back down to the pool to enjoy some more fun in the sun. At sunset, Cassie will get in the spa to relax and reminisce over the incredible past few days she has had. On the way back to the hotel room, she will think to herself that was the best trip of her life.

  18. Jasmine Raya #13
    Robert Hoge
    Pages 103
    Blog #11 Quarter #4
    Prompt #2

    Dear Robert,

    I know that it is difficult being physically different. Your disability is the reason you are stronger than most people I know. I know that you look at the male figures in your family and see physical strength and wonder how you can be like them. The thing is, you are your own person and you will never be like anyone else. Besides, the world would be boring if you were like everyone else.

    Your disability caused you to lose both of your legs and now you have artificial legs which you are still getting used to. It is not easy to lose something you’ve depended on so much and replace it with something new. You practically have to learn how to walk again. Little by little , you will learn how to use you new legs. You will swim, jump, play, and maybe ever run track! Remember it will not happen overnight. Continue to be patient and soon you will see how it pays off.

    Know that God has given you a new opportunity so use this opportunity to be an inspiration to those who may be struggling with their own problems. Believe it or not when people pass by and look at you walking on your artificial legs, they don't feel sorry for you but instead admire your strength and ability to continue your incredible journey. Continue to be strong Robert. Don't worry about what others think or say and most of all remember God loves you just the way you are.

    Your friend,


  19. Kaitlyn Brown #3
    Queen of Likes
    Hillary Homzie
    Pages #128
    Prompt #9
    Blog #11 Quarter #4

    I have three movies some characters in my book should see. The first movie is for Karma. I think Karma should see this movie called zapped I think that she should see this movie because when Karma got her phone something bad happened like her parents caught her so she got her phone token away and got traded for a flip phone. In zapped Zoe drops her phone and it becomes magical her phone is basically changing like Karmas phone got traded for a flip phone and Zoe’s phone got changed into controlling boys. The second movie that Karma should see is Cinderella I think she should see this movie because Cinderella loses her glass slipper at the ball and Karma loses her phone at her friends barmitsfa. The third movie that I think Karma should see is Beaty and the Beast because bell finds the beast and he is completely different than every other person out. Karma loses her phone and she has to take a flip phone which is comepletly different to her. Those are my three movies Karma should see.

  20. Kylie Gorospe #8
    Auggie & Me
    R.J. Palacio
    180 Pages
    Prompt #15
    Christopher is one of Auggie’s oldest friends. Christopher means carrier of Christ. I think Chris is suitable for his name because even though he was angry at his mom when she didn’t come with his school items, he felt remorse when he thought it was his fault that his mom had gotten into a car crash. Chris makes mistakes at times, but he will always learn after that he did something wrong. Christopher does not relate to carrier of Christ in some ways like he is not always proud of who is friends are. He can be loving and hurtful at times.
    Auggie means great and magnificent. Auggie is great and magnificent because he has gone through tough times, but he has gotten through it with the help of his family and friends. Auggie is a smart and magnificent kid. He had helped Christopher with his math homework. He works hard and never gives up. Auggie also doesn’t relate to magnificent and great because he didn’t look very great. He didn’t look like much. He wasn’t always thought of in a good way.
    Julian is one of the bullies that made fun of Auggie. His name means youthful. I think this relates to him because he is young. He made mistakes while he was younger but fixed them. This may not relate to him because he is not very happy at times. He could be very mean.
    Overall their names are suitable for each of them. Their names also don’t relate to them in some ways. Nevertheless they all are unique in their own way.

  21. Claire Hung #10
    Almost home
    Joan Bauer
    Pages 264
    Blog #11 Quarter #4
    Prompt 7
    1. Shush was a strong dog and wanted to protect Sugar? (True)
    2. Sugar wanted her mom to think that her father is coming to help them? (False)
    3. Reba took care of Sugar for a long time? (False)
    4. Lexie took very good care of Sugar? (True)
    5. Sugar had many talents? (True)
    6. Sugar didn’t work hard to earn money? (False)
    7. Sugar’s father was a good man? (False)
    8. Sugar made many friends even know she left her house and her school? (True)
    9. Sugar helped Lexie out in many ways? (True)
    10. Sugar’s poems were very bad? (False)
    Multiple Choice
    1. Shush was a very _A_ dog
    A.nice B.mean
    2. Reba _B_Sugar’s father
    A.Hate B.Love
    3. Mr.B is Sugar’s _B_
    A.Family B.Teacher
    4. Sugar is good at _A_
    A.Helping B.Destroying
    5. Shush wants to _B_Sugar
    A.Hurt B.Protect
    Short Answer
    1. Why did shush growl at Sugar’s father?
    Shush was protecting Sugar from her father.
    2. How did Shush become Sugar’s dog?
    Shush’s owner could take care of him anymore so she gave him to Sugar.
    3. Why didn’t Reba get a job in Chicago?
    She lost contact with her friend who was supposed to give her a job.
    4. Why was Sugar homeless?
    Sugar lost her house and was kicked out of the house by force.
    5. Why didn’t Reba take care of Sugar?
    Reba was at the hospital.
    Essay Question: explain what happened to Sugar after Reba got into the hospital.
    After Sugar’s mother, Reba, got into the hospital, a really nice couple, Mac and Lexie, took care of Sugar for a long time. Sugar learned many things when living their. They make sure that Sugar had a good life while living with them. Sugar made many friends that were her neighbors. Sugar earned money by painting people’s doors and walking many dogs. After, her father came and interrupted her good life. Her father kept lying about starting over. At the end, Sugar overcomed all of these problems.

  22. Ileanna Holiday #4
    The Beautiful Lost
    Luanne Rice
    Page 15
    Blog 11 Quarter 4
    Prompt 15
    In the book The Beautiful Lost the two main characters are Maia and Billy. Maia also has friends that have the names of Clarissa and Gen who are also important. Both names have very special meanings to them weather it came from Greek mythology or it is just an ordinary English name. The name maia came from in Greek mythology by the eldest and most beautiful of the Pleiades, a daughter of Atlas and mother of Hermes by Zeus. Maia was created in Roman mythology by an earth-goddess who is sometimes equated with the Greek Maia. The month of May is named in her honor. The name Billy in its English and American region is a nickname for William 'resolute protector' often used as an independent name. In German the meaning of the name Billy is Will-helmet, a famous bearers poet and playwright. Clarissa is a name derived from the Germanic name Clarice, which is derived from the Latin word clarus, which means bright, clear or famous. Clarissa is an English, Italian, and Portuguese name. Clarisa is the Spanish form of the name. Gen comes from Japan and means spring. Jen is commonly Commonly used in Japan, and so much more distinguished than Jen. Maia definitely has a more interesting meaning to it then Billy but, each name has a backstory to it that people may not know about. Each name is different and unique and God gave everyone a specific name for a specific reason.

  23. Cole LaBrado #6
    Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Old School
    Jeff Kinney
    pages 829
    blog #11 Quarter #4
    prompt 11
    Gregory Heffley would love to go to either Hawaii or Cancun, Mexico. I will pick Mexico, Cancun. This place is beachy and has the perfect weather and just all around has a good feeling in the air. Gregory would go here mainly because there are many different activities he could do. And he also loves going to the beach and going to try and pick up girls. The main reason he would want to go here is beacause Cancun is such a big place that he could try and stay away from his family. On Monday, Greg has to wake up and head to the airport, get on the plane, and arrive in Cancun around 1:00 P.M. once he gets settled into his room he will go to sleep and try to rest for the day planned ahead. On Tuesday, Greg will go to the beach for pretty much the whole day. Tuesday Greg will go sight seeing around Cancun and see all of the beautiful sights. On Wednesday, Greg will go snorkling across the shore of the ocean with his family. Thursday Greg will go to see Chichen Itza, which is an ancient temple that was made by the mayans. On Friday Gregory will go to the underwater museum where he can see statues that were put under water so people could snorkle and see all the statues. On Saturday he will have to pack up his stuff and go to the airport to fly back home with his family.

  24. Josh Quintana #9
    All the Wrong Questions book one
    Lemony Snicket
    Page 35
    Prompt 15
    Blog 11

    The name Lemony means to be defective, imperfect, or unsatisfactory. At the beginning of the All the Wrong Questions, Young Lemony Snicket was riding on a train with people who are assumed to be his parents, when Young Lemony finds a note. The note tells him to meet a lady who would later become his chaperone in her roadster. During lunch with his supposed parents, Young Lemony Snicket goes to the washroom and the proceeds to climb his way out of the train window and goes to meet the lady in the roadster. Her name is S.Theodora Markson, and she states that she is to become Lemony’s chaperone. Lemony and ]S.Theodora Markson end up driving far away in the roadster for what seems like a long time. Theodora and Lemony Snicket drive very far to a town called Stain’d-by-the-Sea that used to be like an ocean but is now drained and has a community of very few people living there. During the ride in the roadster Lemony asks Theodora questions multiple times about where they are going and such. She tells Lemony Snicket to stop asking the wrong questions as if Lemony Snicket’s questions were insufficient and unsatisfactory for Theodora. Because she viewed him this way, this name is quite ironic for Lemony Snicket. Theodora on the other hand means god and gift in it’s greek derivatives. In some ways she may end up be giving a gift to Lemony so her name could mean something in line with All the Wrong Questions.

  25. #5 Italia Holiday
    It's not me, it's you
    Stephanie Jate Strohm
    Page 202
    Blog #11 Quarter #4
    Prompt 2
    Dear Avery Dennis,
    Today I am going to be giving you advice. First, I do not think you should have had so many boyfriends the past few years so you would not go through this situation. Also, you should have not had all these boyfriends because instead of having twenty boyfriends and constantly breaking up you could have had maybe three boyfriends and had really good relationships with them. Second, you should be a little bit more humble. Even if someone does not know who are does not mean you need to get mad at them or anything, but you could intoduce yourself. Third, I think if you want everyone to know who you are then you should interact with different types of clubs and the other grades. I do not think everyone in the school will like you but they will know who you are. Next, I would like to give advice to Luke Murphy. Luke, I do not think you should have broken up with Avery right before prom and you should have definitely not have done it in front of everybody to see. This was a brave choice and maybe she deserved it but I would never do it right before prom. Next, I would like to give advice to Coco. Coco, as Avery's best friend I think you should support all her choices even if you do not like it. For example, when Avery decided she wanted to go to prom alone you should have OK with that instead of getting mad that she does not have a date. Thank you for your time reading this.

  26. Araylia Holiday #9
    Champion ( a legend novel )
    Marie Lu
    Page 50
    Blog #11, Quarter #4
    Prompt 2

    Dear Day,
    You are going through some tough times. You have Eden to take care of and you have an illness. You moved to San Fransisco and told June that you had to move there because Eden was sick when it was really because of your sickness. You haven't talked to June for eight months. You love June and you know it. Now you are being asked to go to a banquet that June will be attending at. You should go to the banquet because it is you chance to finally talk to her. You haven't talked to her in eight months! Even though you don't know why they need you to go to the banquet, June will be the one to tell you why. While you are gone you can have some one take care of Eden. When you get to the banquet you can look for June. When you find June you should talk to her. Don't chicken out. You can do it. You are brave and strong. You are not weak. You are physically strong and mentally strong. Once you say a sentence or to you won't be scared. Don't hesitate or stop for any reason. Just do it. You guys will remember how much fun you had together. You will see her and she might have changed a little, but she will look even prettier than you remember, and maybe think the same of you to. So just go to the banquet. You know it yourself that you should go.


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