Blog # 12

You did it! This is it; the final blog of the year. Give yourself a pat on the back for all your hard work!


  1. #8 Ethan Powell
    R. L. Stine
    Pages 135
    Blog 12
    Prompt 8
    Hey kids today we will be discussing who I think would be super heroes for the two main characters of our book Ryan and Jessica. The first person I think these two kids would think of as a hero is Houdini. You see these two children have a very magician life style, they like magic tricks. I think Houdini is a man they would look up two for his work as an escape artist. I’m sure that both have tried t do some of his tricks. Next, I think that they would look up to Michael Carbonaro. Carbonaro has a show on a TV channel and I think that Ryan and Jessica would watch that show every time its on to try to figure out how to do some of his tricks. (His show is called the CARBONARO EFFECT its pretty good). Carbonaro has do some amazing magic tricks that I’m sure took many hours of practice to get down right. I don’t think Ryan and Jessica would ever find out how he pulls off the tricks he performs. Now, this next person is a bit of an odd one. I think that Ryan and Jessica would look up to Magic Man from ADVENTURE TIME. You see Magic Man is no ordinary man, he is a man of magic, and he is powerful. From turning birds inside out, to turning hair into water, I think that Magic Man would hold a special place in Ryan and Jessica’s heart. Well that ‘s all the time I have for today, tune in next time where we um… discuss… Time… Travel??

    1. Nico Marchello #12
      Diary of a wimpy kid
      Jeff Kinny
      pages 210
      blog 12
      prompt 9

      Diary of a wimpy kid is an odd character and so is Rowley so let’s see what their name means. Greg’s name means to watch and a lot of saints used that name because of the meaning. Greg’s name also means alert which is kind of weird and creepy. And the name Rowley means, roughly cleared meadow that is also very creepy to. So over all these names are pretty weird and creepy I would not want to have a name that’s Greg or Rowley. First Greg does not fit the description of watching but he does watch TV and he does play video game and watch them but I don’t think that he is a stalker. And Rowley was weird to a cleared meadow but not one book or movie that he goes in a meadow so they picked a really weird name for the books and in the movies. I wonder what made them pick those names and if they did for the meanings or if they even knew what the names meant. I think that they picked those names just for the names not the definitions. Over all those names are weird and they picked the names for a reason but those names are creepy.

  2. Ethan Crenshaw #2
    Diary of a Wimpey Kid Long Haul
    Jeff Kinney
    Pages 217
    Blog 13 Quarter 4
    Prompt 13

    Greg is the main character in the book and there are five books that Greg will like. The first book Greg will like is I Survived The Attacks of September 11, 2001. The reason why he would like is how the beginning influences you to read the whole book. This book can teach him how serious being a fire fighter and what they have to do. This book can also teach how people are dangerous and how not to play with fire. The second book Greg would like is No Talking. Greg would like to know how to not talk in class. This book can teach him not to talk when the teacher talks. Listen instead of talking can help have a skill of listening to directions. The third book Greg would like is Lunch Money. The reason why he would like it is because he probably wants to know how to gain money. Greg can know more math by buying, and selling. Math skills will be an important part in life. Greg can get out of this book of how money is valuable and not to waste it. The fourth book Greg would like is Goosebumps Night of the Living Dummy. The reason why Greg would like it because it is creepy and interesting. Greg can learn how to pray every night before he goes to bed. In these scary times of life he should go to God and ask for help. The last book Greg would like to read is I Survived The Shark Attacks of 1916. The reason why he would like this book is he wants to learn how deadly sharks are. Greg can learn when he goes in the water always look out for sharks because they can be a pain killer. He can also warn people when shark is near.

  3. Timmy Burgess #4
    I survived the Children's Blizzard, 1888
    Lauren Tarshis
    pages 108
    Blog 12 Quarter 4
    Prompt 9

    The character John would like the movie Back to the Future because in the movie he could use his imagination and put himself in Marty McFly’s shoes and think he could go back into time to shelter and help everyone to safety. In the 1880’s they had no way to see if there was a huge storm coming so nobody had time to find safety until it actually hit them. So if he went back in time he could have saved hundreds of peoples lives that were lost in that deadly storm. I think that John would also like the movie Cast Away because he could compare and contrast this story to the Cast Away. In Cast Away a FedEx delivery Guy was in a huge FedEx plane crash that killed everybody but him and he had to take risks to survive in that movie. Kind of like John’s story when he was stuck in a small, unsteady schoolhouse in a huge blizzard John also had to take risks. For example, when he went outside to find his little sister and he found her! The third and final movie I think John would like is Home Ward Bound where there were three animals trying to find their way home. During the story John’s friend’s horse that was carrying them back to town after the storm went wild and dropped all of them and they were a few miles away from the school house and it was freezing and snowing harshly so they could not go home so they had to find their way to survive in a little snow shelter for a day. After that all of Johns friends and him were badly frost bitten. Those are the three movies that I think John would like to watch.

  4. #6 Michael Montoya
    Infinite Sea
    Blog#12 Quarter 4
    Prompt 8

    If Cassie, Zombie and Sammy were superheroes, Cassie would be Batman, Zombie would be Mr. Incredible and Sammy would be Dash, the super-fast kid from The Incredibles. Batman best suits Cassie’s character because when Cassie strikes, she strikes in the dark and at the perfect moment so there isn’t any casualties. She always thinks through every possibility that could go wrong, but still sees the potential for good in people. She also uses explosions for distractions which allows her time to fight the battles that matter most. Like Batman, Cassie symbolizes a hero's most important role, and that is the ability to believe in others even when they have stopped believing in themselves. Zombie best relates his superpower to Mr. Incredible. With his incredible strength, he is always carrying bodies out of battles on both sides of his arms. Zombie fights his battles with great strength and durability as well as with dignity. He is always the one you can ask for a helping hand whether it be on or off the battlefield. He is also a Great War hero and without him they would have been killed in the military base fight. Sammy is great fit with Dash, the kid from The Incredibles. He typically does not handle the difficult stuff. Sammy is quick to get to cover when in danger and making sure others do as well. Like Dash, Sammy’s sometimes reckless nature and one-track mind can get him into trouble, but his swift response is almost always sure to bail him out.

  5. Katelynn Burgess #1.5
    The Beautiful Lost
    Luanne Rice
    Pages 286
    Blog 12 Quarter 4
    Prompt 12

    I think Maia from The Beautiful Lost would like to meet Paul McCartney because Maia is being raised by her dad and step mom and she has a hard time with it. Paul McCartney grew up without a mom and he had a hard time. Writing songs helped him get through it and he became very famous and part of one of the most well known bands in the 60s. This shows you can overcome struggles and be successful and I think Maia would get hope from this. I think she would also like to meet Jennifer Lawrence because she is a great actor that had anxiety has a child and still followed her dreams of acting. Maia's anxiety sometimes holds her back and gets the best of her. Maia should also meet Anne Frank because she went through many struggles as a young Jewish girl while in hiding. She kept a good attitude during it and just lived her life. Another character in this book is Billy, he should meet Bruce Lee because is a very strong karate expert and Billy would look up to him. Billy should also meet Jack from the Titanic because no matter what he did all he could to be with Rose and Billy and Maia find it hard to be together and continue the road trip without being caught. One more person he should meet is Pablo Picasso because he had struggles growing up and still became an artist. Billy has many battles of his own to fight and this might inspire him to do so.

  6. Miguel Alvarez #1
    Greg Weisman
    Pages 63
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt 11
    A good vacation for Aram, One-God, and Captain Greydon is a five day at a five-star hotel, next to the beaches of Maui. They would most likely go to the beaches of Maui, it would nice to relax and see the ocean that they love so much. Aram, One-God, and Greydon are always out at sea. Greydon is the captain of the Wavestrider and a merchant. One-God is the first mate of the Wavestrider. Aram is the Captain’s son and he is being taught to be the next captain of the Wavestrider. On their first day, they will go to the casino and start to gamble. As merchants this would be the best activity for them. On the second day, Aram will go to an art activity. He draws people in a Journal and he is pretty good at it. Captain Greydon will plan out which activities to do for the rest of the three days. And One-God well go to the tavern and start a fight. That’s what he usually does in a tavern. Day third, all of them will go to the boat races. They will be the better sailor. On day four, everyone will head to the beach to get one last day of relaxation before they go back to work. On the last day, they ‘ll go to the all you can eat buffet. To get one last good meal. Before they had to eat the expired jerky that they could not sell. This is the end of my last blog.

  7. Leo Sellarole #10
    A Walk to Remember
    Nicholas Sparks
    Pages 207
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt #11
    Jamie Sullivan is a modest girl after God’s own heart and she has leukemia. Jamie only has several months to live and she spent those months graduating from high school and helping others less fortunate than her. If Jamie had instead used her time left to go on a dream vacation of hers before she dies, this is what I believe Jamie’s dream vacation would have been. Rural Zion, Utah where the skies are clear as crystal glass, where the lakes are deep placid pools of blue, and the mountains are intricately carved and painted in an array of colors. Jamie I believe would want to find a nice cabin on the Cliffside of one of the painted mountains of Zion, Utah. Nearby the cabin would be a lake that runs of the cliff crashing into a larger lake at the bottom of the cliff. Around the cabin would be tall conifer and desert pine trees. Around the lake grows grass and outstretches from the lake in strands before dwindling to just a ground of clay and dirt. Jamie would want to hike and explore the beauty that glorifies the power of God in Zion, Utah. Near the cabin the creatures such as mule deer in the grass fields atop the cliff and rock squirrels running amongst the rocks and boulders. At Night Jamie would want to sit on the porch of the cabin, light radiating through the windows from inside giving off a feeling of warmth reading her bible. Jamie would then want to watch the starts in the sky marveling in the power of God. The skies there are so clear when you look up to the sky at night, it’s a sea of stars; as numerous as the grains of sand on the shores of the beaches back in Beaufort, South Carolina. Before leaving Jamie would want to see the famous arches of Zion, Utah and swim in the placid lake near the cabin and lastly see a ring-tailed cat.

  8. Josh Quintana #9
    All the Wrong Questions Book #1
    Lemony Snicket
    Page 40
    Prompt 8
    Blog 12

    If Lemony Snicket had some people that he thought of as like super heros or hero figures in All the Wrong Questions, one of them would probably be the myth, the man, and the legend, Colonel Sanders. Colonel Sanders failed many times in his lifer but later in life got back up and created a product that people enjoy today, and became a billionaire because of it. Even though the Colonel is seen as a gimmick or not taken seriously, he really had a rough life and must have felt useless and defective at times. Lemony while less so later in the story is made to feel like a defect by Theodora. Another superhero for Lemony relating to this would be Gerard Way. Gerard Way is the singer of a very successful band called My Chemical Romance. Gerard Way played in many different bands and did art until one of his bands finally became successful. He was even kicked out of one band due to being not very good at the guitar. Gerard instead gave up music for art, but after 9/11 was woken up and decided he was sick of hiding. Gerard Way I think Lemony could somewhat relate to both these characters as heros. After arriving at the town of Stain’d by the Sea, Lemony and Theodora go to the Sallis Mansion to investigate a stolen statue. I feel like this made Lemony feel like he is worthy again being a part of something and made him feel happy again.

  9. Alyssa Bankey #2
    The Penderwicks At Point Mouette
    Jeanne Birdsall
    Pages 295
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt 13

    I have chosen to find five books for the character in my book named Jane Penderwick because of her desire to become a famous published writer. The first book I would recommend for Jane to read is The Nancy Drew Sleuth Book, Clues To Good Sleuthing by Carolyn Keene. Jane has created a character in her writings named Sabrina Starr, who is the hero in her stories. Jane could learn from reading this Nancy Drew book different ways to write about mysteries and having Sabrina solve them in the story line. The second book I’ve chosen for Jane to read is Writing Magic by Gail Carson Levine. This book can help Jane learn how to develop new and exciting ideas to introduce new characters in her writings. Writing Magic is filled with exercises to develop a writer’s ability to their full potential. The third book for Jane to read is Adventure Stories by Ruth Thomson. Jane loves adventures herself, and she is always including what happens to her and her sisters in everyday life into her stories. Adventure Stories is perfect for her to read because it will teach her the correct way to write an adventure story, including grammar tips, writing ideas, and sample stories. The fourth book for Jane to read should just be for fun, and that is why I have chosen A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’Engle. In this book, the main character Meg goes on an out-of-this-world adventure, and Jane would truly enjoy reading the author’s writing describing different scenery and characters in this book. Jane may even learn to improve her own writing by seeing how other authors can turn language into a picture in your mind. The fifth and final book I would suggest to Jane is The Essential Guide To Getting Your Book Published by Arielle Eckstut. Jane’s ultimate dream is to be a published author, and this book is a guide on all aspects of getting published, which can help lead her in the right direction to further her career.

  10. Alex Bankey #1
    I Survived The Children’s Blizzard, 1888
    Lauren Tarshis
    Pages 108
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt 8

    The character I have chosen from this book is John Hale because, when a giant blizzard comes in, John’s little sister Franny gets lost in the storm, and John goes back out to save her. John put his fear aside when he realized his sister was in the storm, and he did not care that he put himself in danger of possibly freezing to death to rescue her. I would like John to meet some real-life superheroes such as a firefighter on a search and rescue team and a police officer on patrol. Firefighters put themselves in dangerous situations every day when they respond to a call, and they do this for the main reason of helping someone they do not know to be safe. Many times they have to enter a burning building to rescue someone who may be trapped inside. In order to do the job of a firefighter, you have to be brave, smart, and diligent. These are all qualities that I think John has shown in his own actions. Police officers also risk their lives every day in order to protect the people in their community. They must be accurate, brave, and fast thinking in their actions and know how to manage a situation in a short amount of time. John had to make a quick decision about finding his sister in the blizzard before she might freeze to death. He also had to be smart about how he would rescue her and save himself. I think John could learn from both a firefighter and a police officer valuable information on rescuing someone, which would better prepare him in the future if he ever faced a rescue situation again in a blizzard.

  11. Jenna Cardeno #5
    The Swap
    Megan Shull
    Page #315
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt #6

    Jenna: So Ellie what was it like to switch lives with Jack Malloy?
    Ellie: It was really crazy, he was always busy doing something hockey related, and it was just so hard to be him.
    Jenna: Jack what was it like switching lives with Ellie?
    Jack: It was kind of hard, but what was the most hard was worrying about how we would get back to normal and how my dad would treat her.
    Jenna: Jack and Ellie what was the most fun part about switching lives?
    Jack: I thought the most fun part about switching was seeing how Sassy Gaines reacted when I beat her in a one v one in our soccer tryouts.
    Ellie: I actually thought the most fun part was actually hanging out with Jack’s brothers. They were always really nice and supportive.
    Jenna: Okay so Jack and Ellie what was your least favorite part about switching lives?
    Ellie: My least favorite part about switching lives was when I had to get up at 5:00 a.m on a Saturday just to workout for at least an hour and a half.
    Jack: My least favorite part about switching lives was when I found out that Sassy Gaines was a really mean and she bullied Ellie a lot.
    Jenna: Okay lastly I just wanna ask did you guys ever think that you guys would have ever wanted to just stay in each others different lives?
    Jack: Actually yes at some points I did want to stay in Ellie’s life because her mom was just so awesome and it was nice having someone around to comfort you.
    Ellie: Well at some points I had thought about actually wanting to stay in Jack’s body because when I got home his brothers were always so nice and just awesome.
    Jenna: Well thank you so much for answering all my questions.
    Both: No problem!

  12. Avery Avichouser
    The Saddle Club-Horse Shy
    Bonnie Bryant
    Page 133
    Blog 12
    Prompt 7
    Carole, Stevie, and Lisa are best friends in the book.= True
    The trainer at Pine Hollow the ranch is Max.=True
    Lisa is the mean girl at the barn.=False
    Carole’s mom died when she was a little girl.=True
    Stevie is the owner of Comanche.=True
    Carole was the owner of Colbalt .=False
    Veronica was the rich girl who owned the horse Colbalt.=True
    Max was a sweet trainer.=False
    Lisa is the beginner rider at the Pine Hollow ranch.=True
    Stevie and Carole helped Lisa become a good rider.=True
    Carole rode a.)hunter jumpers, b.)barrel horses, or c.)reining horses?= a.)hunter jumpers
    Who killed Colbalt? a.)Lisa b.)Max c.) Carole d.)Veronica = d.Veronica
    Max was a a.)serious b.)mean c.)nice teacher.=a.) serious
    Lisa was a a.)brave b.)mean c.)smart girl.=a.)brave
    The horse Carole loved the most was a.)Comanche b.)Colbalt c.)Delilah=b.)Colbalt
    The pregnant horse was a.)Grace b.)Katy c.)Delilah=c.)Delilah
    The girls had a a.)fun b.)drama c.)boring time at the MTO trip.=a.)fun
    The Pine Hollow is meant for a.)barrel horses b.)cow horses c.)hunter jumpers=c.)hunter jumpers
    Everyone at Pine Hollow a.)hates b.)likes c.)is jealous of Veronica.=a.)hates
    The students a.)respect Max b.) hate Max c.) are scared I’d Max.=a.)respect Max
    How did Veronica kill Colbalt? Veronica killed him by going fast over a jump that Max told her not to and he tripped and broke his leg.
    Why did Lisa fall off of Pepper? Lisa fell off because he spooked at something on the trail that the girls went on which made him take off.
    Why did Carole stop riding horses? Carole stopped riding because Colbalt was killed.
    What happened when Colbalt was killed? When Colbalt was killed Carole became depressed which made her not ride anymore.
    Why was Veronica so spoiled? Veronica was spoiled because her parents were rich and gave her everything she wanted.
    Why did Carole go Back to riding horses? Carole went back to riding horses because she saw that Veronica had learned her lesson. Also she realized Colbalt was not hers and that there are other horses out there for her.She realized that it was worse for her to loose the thing she cared about the most which was riding.

  13. Aiden Avichouser
    The Wilder Boys
    Brandon Wallace
    Prompt 7/Quarter 4
    Page 97
    Blog 12
    True or False:
    1. The boys were given permission to go find their dad. T or F
    2. The boys know their dad. T or F
    3. The boys are eleven and thirteen years old. T or F
    4. The boys have saved up their money for this trip. T or F
    5. Their dog is named Cody. T or F
    6. They take a train to get away from Bull. T or F
    7. Jake is older than Taylor. T or F
    8. Taylor is doubting that they will find their dad. T or F
    9. Jake and Taylor are very smart. T or F
    10. They almost get attacked by a guard and his guard dog. T or F

    Multiple choice:
    1. Who is the boys step dad?
    2. How old is Jake?
    3. How old is Taylor
    4. Where did the boys sneak out of their house?
    Front door
    5. Who are the boys looking for?
    Their dad
    Their mom
    Their dog
    6. Who is older of the two boys
    Same age
    7. The boys meet a girl, what car did she drive?
    8. The boys mom is
    9. Bull is
    10. The boys like to
    Play video games
    Play sports

    Short answer:
    1. Where are the boys from?
    2. Where are the boys going?
    3. Do the boys have any money?
    4. Where do the boys get food and clean up?
    5. Are the boys confident that they will find their dad?

    Do u think the boys will find their dad, if so how will he act?

    True or False
    1. False
    2. False
    3. True
    4. False
    5. True
    6. True
    7. True
    8. False
    9. True
    10. True

    1. A
    2. C
    3. B
    4. A
    5. A
    6. B
    7. B
    8. C
    9. B
    10. A

    Short answer
    1. Pittsburgh
    2. Wyoming
    3. Yes
    4. Chicago
    5. Yes

    I do think the boys will find their dad. They are determined enough to wear I think they find him. They wouldn’t have gone this far if they did not think they would find him. Their dad won’t know it is them I don’t think. He won’t believe them I don’t think. The boys will spend a few days with him I think until he realizes that they are his kids. I think that this story will have a good ending to it.

  14. Jaclyn Yost #14
    Raina Telgemeier
    Pages 1375
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt 9

    Raina has a lot of siblings. They drive her crazy. A movie that Raina would like is the Maze Runner. The Maze Runner is about these group of kids that go into the maze and every kid in the maze has a disease. Maze Runner is a good movie choice because Raina has a lot of siblings and she needs to learn how to deal with them just like they learned how to deal with people in the Maze Runner. The next movie that Raina would like is Moana. Raina would like Moana because it's all about family and saving their family and that's how it is like in the book it's all about family. The last movie that Raina would like is Inside out because in the movie there is joy,anger,fear,and disgust and I feel that Raina has all of these mood swings during the whole book. So overall I thought sisters was a great book. I like all of these movies that I picked out I think Raina would like these books.

  15. Cole LaBrado #6
    Old School
    Jeff Kinney
    Pages 829
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt 6
    “Hello my name is Gregory Hefley and I am here to interview for the life guard position at the community pool”. “So Gregory why do you think you are fit for the job?”. “I think I would be good for this job because I love swimming,”. “ So do you have a background of swimming or going through training?”. “ I have not gone through training but over the summer I was on the swim team and went to practice every morning.” (even though I would just hide in the bathroom the whole entire practice until it got out, but I won’t mention that to him). “And are you attending high school or college?”. “Yes I am attending high school every Monday through Friday and I do not have sports on the weekends”. “ Well you know for this job that it will require you to come straight after school to help out around the pool even if you have home work or a report you have to do”. “Yes I am aware of that and I have no issues with that at all whenever you guys need me to cover a shift if it is not during school hours I will be able to be there” . “ And what time does your school start and end?”. “ My school starts at 8:30 and ends at 2:15”. “Okay and last question for you Gregory, how are your grades doing in school”. “ I keep above a 3.5 GPA” . “ Okay well thank you for stopping by and we will call you when we know what we are going to do” . “Okay thank you”.

  16. Brandon Salgado #10
    Harry Potter: The Sorcerer’s Stone
    J.K. Rowling
    Pages 100
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt 8
    There are many superheroes to choose from, but there are specifically two that I think Harry Potter would think of as a superhero. One of the superheroes is named Doctor Strange. Harry Potter would think of Doctor Strange because they both have ability to do magic. Their magic is very similar because Doctor Strange can make portals to different places in the world, and Harry Potter can teleport too, which is called aporating. Harry Potter also has the ability to fly on a broomstick. I think that Harry Potter would want to have Doctor Strange’s cape instead of a broomstick because then that would give him the ability to fly freely instead of having to control his broomstick and having to be careful of where he is going. Another reason he would want Doctor Strange’s cape is because it looks super cool. Another person that he would think of as a superhero is Ironman. Harry Potter would think of as Ironman as a superhero because he has a super high tech suit made of vibranium metal. if Harry Potter had his suit, the vibranium metal would be able to deflect any bad spells that were cast on him. Also, Ironman’s suit can fly much faster than a wooden broomstick. Ironman is also very brave and fearless and could teach Harry Potter many things on how to fight the bad guys.

  17. Lauren Quintana#7
    Eli Wessel
    Page 122
    Blog#12 Quarter#4
    Prompt 8
    Eli Wessel is a strong holocaust survivor whom dealt with the unforgiving treatment of the Nazis. Like many other Jews, he was rounded up and taken to a Jewish Ghetto. After he was deported to Auschwitz to work under cruel conditions. Later Eli was later deported to Buna Werke and Buchenwald to work in inhumane conditions. He and his two older sisters survived the terrible conditions in the camps, but the rest of his family died in these awful camps. After his liberation, Eli had wrote Night which was a book about his struggles. Eli Wessel would think of Albert Goering as a hero. Albert was the opposite of his brother, Herman Goering. Herman hated the Jews and was a Nazi, yet his brother Albert helped to save Jews. He owned a weapon making business in which he would supply Jews with proper arms to help fight the Nazis with. Albert helped Jews escape the grasp of the Reich and supplied them with Swiss bank accounts to start them off. Albert died poor because of his infamous last name, Goering. Eli would see Albert as a hero because of the Great things did to help Jews and how he loved on others even when times were tough. Janusz Korczak would also be a hero to Eli. Janusz had two orphanages, one dedicated to Jewish children. Janusz and over 200 Jewish children were forced into the Ghettos. Many rich people admired him and wanted to help him escape. Janusz refused for the sake of the children. He would not leave their side. Eventually they were all deported to Treblinka. While boarding the train he led the children and still refused to leave their side, he was like a father figure to them. Eventually they were all gassed and their stories ended in tragedy. Eli would see Janusz Korczak as a hero because of this brave man’s dedication to keeping all of the children safe and never leaving their side. Eli would see this brave man’s perseverance as a very desirable trait. Eli would see these great and brave men as heroes whom did good for the sake of others.

  18. Kaitlyn Brown #3
    Queen of Likes
    Hillary Homzie
    page #170
    Quarter #4 blog #12
    prompt #14

    Karma was very controlive. These are a few songs that could help karma figure out that life isnt just on your phone. My number one song that i would suggest for Andi is never be the same by Camilla Cabello it is about her never be the same that she was before. Karma was never the same because she got her phone tooken away by her parents and now she is taking a photography class because she loves to take photos. The second song that i would chose for karma would be Real Friends by camilla cabello because The bees that she is hanging with they are not the nicest people and they are always taking behind her back, and the song real friends is saying that she needs better friends because she is in the same situation because her friends arnt being very nice to her. The third song i would recomend would be Thumbs by Sabrina Carpenter it is about her going everywhere and everyone is always on there phones instad of focasing on life around them. The fourth song i would chose would be Perfect by Ed Sheeren its basically him singing a song on how perfect the girl is. Karma is perfect on not freaking out on her phone being taken away. The last song i would suggest for Karma would be Happier by Ed Sheeren its basically you are happier doing one thing than the other. Karma seems happier without her phone and without it its giving her time to do stuff and now she is taking a photography class and she seems fine withut her phone so those are five songs i would suggest for Karma

  19. Claire Hung #10
    Reign of the Fallen
    Sarah Glenn Marsh
    Pages 236
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt 6
    Today I will be interviewing Odessa (Sparrow) the master necromancer.
    Me: Sparrow, how is your life of a necromancer?
    Sparrow: hard but to me it is the job I love.
    Me: How did you feel when you killed your first Shade?
    Sparrow: I thought i was going to lose the only life I have and leave my love ones.
    Me: Were you surprised when Evander’s mother, Lyda, didn’t let you marry Evander because she wanted to protect you and let you keep the job you love?
    Sparrow: Yes. I realised that she loves me as her own daughter and did not want me to lose my job.
    Me: How did the calming potion work for you?
    Sparrow: It worked by letting me see and recognize Evander and that he is there for me.
    Me: When you killed the first Shade, you got burned, correct?
    Sparrow: Yes, then Evander shouted for my name and came to help me through the flame that was burning me.
    Me: What is a Shade afraid of?
    Sparrow: Blades and Fire. Blades can slow them down and fire kills them.
    Me: Can necromancers get raised again?
    Sparrow: No, we get one chance in life and we can’t be raised for a second life.
    Me: when Evander’s father become a Shade? What did his family do?
    Sparrow: The Shade first tried to attack Meredy, Evander’s little sister, and then broke his foot. Then Lyda, Evander’s mother, killed the Shade with fire.
    Me: Can a Shade turn back to normal?
    Sparrow: No, once the dead becomes a Shade, it can’t turn back, it can only be destroyed.
    That is all for the interview with the Sparrow today.

  20. Jessica Ramirez #9
    Everyday Angel
    Victoria Schwab
    Pages 195
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt 12

    From Everyday Angel I picked Gabby and Aria. I chose these two characters because other people can relate to them. Aria is a sweet angel. I would like her to meet my dad. The reason I would like her to meet my dad is because they relate. They relate in a way that makes them special. They both have a talent and the joy for helping people. My dad loves to help people no matter what the situation is. He will always help you in kindest way possible, just like Aria. Aria was sent to help three girls and Gabby was her first mission. Aria helped Gabby through her difficult time. She made Gabby feel whole again. She had truly impacted Gabby’s life forever. The next person I picked was Gabby. I would love Gabby to meet the Lord. I want Gabby to meet the Lord because through her hard time she could have gone to God and pray. She would have then found comfort in the sight of the Lord. Instead she let her life eat her up. God is a great comfort tool. He will always be there for you. I would also want Gabby to meet Mia Hamn because Mia Hamn lost someone really special to her just like Gabby did. Mia Hamn lost her brother. Even though she lost her brother that did not stop her from putting herself out there. Gabby could really learn from Mia Hamn and God. These two characters can teach many people today.

  21. Ileanna Holiday #4
    Beautiful Loss
    Luanne Rice
    Page 30
    Blog 12, Quarter 4
    Prompt 10
    In the book the Beautiful Loss, the main character Maia struggled with depression. If Maia were to receive an award it would be called the Brave award. Maia has been through so much but she has been so brave. She has gone through things like her mom leaving her and her dad, and even going to mental hospitals to try and get over her depression. Her dad also got remarried which was really hard for Maia considering she loved her mom and she didn’t want anyone else taking that place in her family. The only other thing that can help Maia forget about her depression and her mom is Billy. Maia has a really big crush on Billy and she has a hunch that he likes her too. Billy goes to Maia’s school and she has that biggest crush on him. Billy is a mysterious boy that Maia want’s to figure out. Billy would be awarded the Most Unknown Award. He would get this award because people don’t really know much about Billy’s past. Some people know that he lives in a group home but some don’t because he doesn’t talk to many people at school. Billy is hiding a secret that no one known about. Maia wants to find out what Billy is hiding. He is someone who doesn’t talk about himself much to other people because he doesn’t want people to figure out his secret. That is why he is so unknown.

  22. Kylie Gorospe #8
    R. J. Palacio
    Page 303
    Quarter #4 Blog #12
    Promt #13

    Ximena Chin can learn more from reading the book recommendations. The first book I think she should read is Ugly which is written about Robert Hoge from his perspective. I think she should read this book because she could imagine from her perspective how it would feel to be different or thought of as an outsider. If she read this book she may not have fallen into the wrong crowd that makes fun of Auggie. The second book is Freedom Walker. The African Americans were treated differently because of their skin color. All human beings are equal and Ximena should know that. Ximena’s friend Savanna thinks her group is better than everyone else, but everyone is equal no matter what color you are, how you look, or any differences. Another book she should read is Little Women. Meg ,Jo, Beth, and Amy had spent a good chunk of time without their father. At the sleepover Ximena, Charlotte, and Summer had Ximena and Charlotte had said they could not imagine life without their father. By reading Little Women Ximena could imagine how life had been for Summer when her dad died. The next book suggestion is Charlotte’s Web. The pig was not always with his owner, he was separated from her. Ximena learned Savanna, Ellie, and Gretchen will not always be there for her. She extended beyond her group and became good friends with Charlotte and Summer. No matter where you go in life you will always have to meet someone new. The last book suggestion is a Wrinkle in Time. In a Wrinkle in Time Meg is thought to be stupid and dumb. In Charlotte’s friend’s opinion Ximena is though as evil , terrible, and a bad influence. Meg turns out to be different in her own way. Ximena will not always be like by everyone but she is special and unique in her own way.

  23. Jasmine Raya #13
    Robert Hoge
    Page 200
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt #7
    True or False:
    1. Robert was the youngest out all of his siblings. True or False
    2. Mrs. Hoge loved Robert ever since the first time she saw him. True or False
    3. Roberts siblings wanted him no matter what. True or False
    4. Robert went to Guardians Angels School for elementary school. True or False
    5. Everyone was nice to Robert at school. True or False
    6. Robert had a girlfriend in fourth grade. True or False
    7. Roberts first friend ever in elementary school was Cassandra. True or False
    8. Robert was allowed to play an instrument. True or False
    9. Robert went to a catholic school. True or False
    10. Robert had his first big operation at the age of four and a half. True or False

    Multiple Choice:
    1. Who was Roberts best friend?
    a. David
    b. Evelyn
    c. Cassandra
    2. What leg was shorter?
    a. right
    b. left
    C. both were the same height
    3. What age did Robert have his last big surgery?
    a. 23
    b. 14
    c. didn't have it at all
    4. Who did his mom pack an extra fruit for?
    a. David
    b. Ben
    c. Robert W.
    5. What did they sell for fifty cents each summer?
    a. toys
    b. grapefruits
    c. lemons
    6. What year was Robert born?
    a. 1973
    b. 1978
    c. 1972
    7. What was Roberts least favorite nickname?
    a. Toe Nose
    b. Ugly Face
    c. Transformer
    8. What was the only sport he could play?
    a. softball
    b. lawn bowls
    c. dodgeball
    9. How many siblings did Robert have?
    a. 2
    b. 4
    c. 1
    10. What was the extra fruit that Roberts mom packed for David?
    a. apple
    b. watermelon
    c. banana

    Short Answers:
    1. Why couldn't Robert play sports except for lawn bowls?
    2. Who coached Catherines tennis team?
    3. Who was Roberts most loyal friend?
    4. How did Robert decide he didn't need his last surgery?
    5. Why did they have to switch Robert to be the seventh grade helper instead of the second grade helper?

    Essay Question:
    What was one of the themes of the book and why did you chose it? Explain your answer.

    True or False:
    1. True
    2. False
    3. True
    4. True
    5. False
    6. False
    7. False
    8. False
    9. True
    10. True

    Multiple Choice:
    1. A. David
    2. B. left
    3. C. didn’t have it at all
    4. A. David
    5. B. grapefruits
    6. C. 1972
    7. A. Toe Nose
    8. B. lawn bowls
    9. B. 4
    10. A. apple

    Short Answer:
    1. Robert could not play sports except for lawn bowls because of his artificial legs.
    2. Mrs. Hoge coached Catherines tennis team.
    3. Cassandra was Roberts most loyal friend.
    4. Robert decided he didn’t need his last surgery because his brother wa the one who helped him make the decision. Which told Robert thats he is perfect just the way he is.
    5. Robert had to switch classrooms because he scared the second graders by the way he looked.

    Essay Question:
    One of the themes of the book is to never give up. I choose this theme specifically because it stood out to me how Robert got up every single time rather if it was him falling when he was learning how to walk with his artificial legs on or the names people would call him.

  24. Lily kuhlman
    Prompt 6
    1Hello Callie
    1so the first question I have for you today is why do you like Jessie but then you switch to Andrew.
    2Well I found out that he only liked guys and that made me realize I need to move on
    1ok next question I have for you is how do you handle all of this drama in high school
    2oh I just try my best and stay positive
    1ok next question is did you like Greg
    2yes I did but I started to hate him as soon as he pretended not to know me
    1well that’s helpful just move on I like that
    1When you are presented with a problem what is the best thing you can do to fix the problem
    2When that happens I usually relax and think about it for a while then I fix it
    1good strategy
    2thank you
    1ok next question is do you like your friends
    2umm yes I think they are nice to have around the school it’s nice to be able to talk to you them
    1yes I know what you mean
    1ok next question is how old is your crush
    2umm I think he is my age or somewhere around my age
    1well that is very good
    1well this is our final question how many times have you texted your friends
    2oh my well at least 58 times a day
    1wow well that’s all the time that we have goodbye Callie

  25. Araylia Holiday #9
    Ask my mood ring how I feel
    Diana Lopez
    Page 200
    Blog #12, Prompt 7
    True or False
    Chia is a only child.
    Chia has no crushes
    Chia has a little brother who's name is Jimmy
    Chia's has only girl friends
    Chia has a sister that is smart
    Chia's mom has skin cancer
    Chia's dad is thoughtful
    Chia's mom has breast cancer
    Chai's best friend is Iliana
    Chia's didn't get her mood ring

    Multiple choice
    1. Chai is part of the club

    2. Chia is the child

    3. Chia's dad has to wear every day
    A. black shirt
    B. Suit

    4. Chia's real name is

    5. Is what chia had when she was little

    6 . When Chia's mom was a kid she had a
    Mood ring
    Tea cups

    7. Chia's sister is

    8. Chia a room
    Has her own room

    9. Chia's watches them

    10. Chia's has siblings

    Short answer
    Why does chia want a mood ring
    What was Chia's siblings names
    Does chia love her siblings
    How did the children find out that there mom had cancer
    Who gave chia a get well not for her mom

    Essay Question
    Why is chia upset?

    Answer Key


    Instead of telling her friends she can just show them
    Jimmy and Carmen
    At the dinner table

    Chia is upset because her mom is getting surgery and she can't get it out of her head. Everyone is trying to be nice but it is just hard even when she prays it is hard for her to cons intrastate. She is just nervous for her mom. She even threw her ice cream on the ground she was so scared.

  26. #5 Italia Holiday
    It's not me, it's you
    Stephanie Strohm
    Page 305
    Blog #12 Quarter #4
    Prompt #7
    True and False
    1. Avery has had over 20 boyfriends
    2. Avery's best friend is Coco.
    3. Avery dumped Luke Murphy.
    4. James Hutch has been in school with Avery since kindergarten.
    5. Avery is a Junior in high school.
    6. Luke Murphy plays soccer.
    7. Avery is not going to Prom.
    8. Avery has never been dumped.
    9. Avery likes James Hutch.
    10. Everybody knows Avery Dennis.
    Multiple Choice
    1. Avery Dennis has dated all these people except:
    A. James Hutch
    B. Luke Murphy
    C. Tripp Gomez.
    2. Avery is going to prom with:
    A. Luke Murphy
    B. No one
    C. Liam Padalecki
    3. Avery does all these hobbies except:
    A. Play sports
    B. Shopping
    C. Always hanging out with friends.
    4. Avery has had a boyfriend in every grade except:
    A. 6th grade
    B. 2nd grade
    C. Junior year
    5. James Hutch has dated only one girl. Who?
    A. Avery Dennis
    B. Coco Kim
    C. Buzzing Stanhope
    D. Nobody
    6. Avery always had a boyfriend since 6th grade except what year?
    A. Summer of 8th grade year
    B. Freshman year
    C. Senior year
    7. Avery's rival is:
    A. Bizzy Stanhope
    B. Natalie Wagner
    C. Cressida Clonan
    8. Coco has had how many boyfriends?
    A. Zero
    B. Four
    C. More than Avery
    9. What is Hutch's favorite movie?
    A. Pacific Rim
    B. Hook
    C. Princess Bride
    D. All the above
    10. What is one of Avery's favorite thing to do?
    A. Watch movies Outdoor
    B. Watch sports
    C. Hang out with friends
    Short Answer
    1. What happened to Avery Dennis at the beginning of the book?
    2. Who is Avery's best friend?
    3. Who is Avery's rival and why?
    4. Who does Avery hang out with a lot?
    5. How many boyfriends did Avery have?
    1. Should Avery had all those boyfriends? Why?
    True or False
    1. True
    2. True
    3. False
    4. False
    5. False
    6. True
    7. False
    8. True
    9. False
    10. False
    Multiple Choice
    1. A
    2. B
    3. A
    4. B
    5. D
    6. C
    7. A
    8. A
    9. D
    10. A
    Short Answer
    1. At the beginning of the book Avery Dennis was dumped by Luke Murphy.
    2. Avery's best friend is Coco.
    3. Avery's rival is Bizzy because Bizzy is always making things a competition for Avery.
    4. Avery mainly hangs out with James Hutch the most.
    5. Avery had over twenty boyfriends.
    Short Essay
    No I do not think Avery should have had all those boyfriends because that will not build a healthy relationship for when she is older.

  27. #3 Chris Grothues


    Blog 12

    Log 10


    Mike Lupica

    Pages 220

    In the book QB1 there are many main characters that are important and that have done a lot. Each character had their own thing that they were known for especially Jack. There are many awards for many different people. The award I want to give Jack is the effort award. I want to give this award to Jack because he did his best effort no matter what circumstance he was in for football. Jack is my favorite character in the book because he always gave his best effort. That is why I wasn’t to give him the effort award too. The other award I am going to give out is the hustle award. This award is going to the person who always hustled to matter what circumstance he was in. I am going to give this award to James. James was a good player and he also hustled a lot. There will be two more awards I will be giving out which are the showing kindness award, and always working hard award. The showing kindness award is the person who was showing kindness and love always on the football field no matter what happened to the other person. This award is going to a player named Chris. Chris was always being kind to his other teammates and to his friends. The final award I am going to give out is the working hard award. This award belongs to the person who was always working hard at practice and the games. I am going to give this award to Caden. Caden was always working hard.


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