
Showing posts from 2017

Blog #5

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am thankful for you and your blogs that you will post. I look forward to reading your entries. Have a wonderful evening. Mrs. H

Blog #4

Welcome to the second quarter! Time is flying by. I hope your reading is going well and you are enjoying your literary adventures. Just a reminder, by the time you post this blog you should have read at least 400 pages.

Blog #3

Congratulations! This is the last blog of the quarter. Make sure you check for spelling and grammatical errors. Be ready for a booktalk on Friday.

Blog #2

Welcome to blog #2. You all did so well posting your blogs the first time around. I am excited to read your second blogs.

First Blog of the Year!

Welcome to the language arts blog page. You have successfully navigated the internet and found the right place. Now it is time to go to work. Remember to follow the formatting of the blog(Name, Title, Author, Pages read, Blog #, Quarter #, Prompt #). If you miss any of those components you will lose points on your blog. Spelling and grammar are very important so make sure you check your blog in Word before you post it. I am looking forward to reading about your reading adventures.

Last Blog of the Year!

You have made it to the finish line. Congratulations! I am so proud of all of your hard work and effort. Don't forget we need to have a booktalk too. I will see you all on Friday.

Blog #11 - Fourth Quarter

It is almost the end; you have one more blog to go. I have greatly enjoyed reading about your adventures, what super powers your characters would like to have, what songs your characters would listen to and where they would go on vacation. Remember to check your spelling, grammar, and capitalization to get full points.

4th Quarter - Blog #10

You made it!We are in the fourth quarter and you only have two more blogs to go. Remember to use a prompt that you have not used before. I look forward to reading your blogs.

Quarter 3 - Blog #9

Blogging is good for you!

Blog #8 - Third Quarter

I have enjoyed reading your blogs. I have also appreciated the time we spend on booktalks. Your literary choices are vast and interesting. You have read the classics, newer biographies, mysteries, and a multitude of other genres. I look forward to continuing our discussions and learning about the characters from your books.

Third Quarter - Blog #7

Welcome to the third quarter! Your next blog is due on February 17th. I gave you an extra day because of Open House so make sure you get it done. I look forward to reading your blogs. Keep up the great work!

Second Quarter - Blog #6

Here we go! This is the last blog of the quarter. Check your spelling, grammar, and syntax. I will be checking all components. I can't wait to read about your adventures.